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Dietitians weigh in on popular alkaline diet craze – NBC Montana

Posted: May 16, 2017 at 12:42 pm

Dietitians weigh in on alkaline diet...

MISSOULA, Mont. - One of the hottest diets on the internet promises you'll lose weight if you cut down on acidic foods, including animal products and processed foods.

Two Missoula dietitians we talked to about alkaline diets say people may be losing weight on them, but not because of acidity.

Emily Smith is a registered dietitian at Providence St. Patrick Hospital.

"The problem with this diet is that our studies are showing that food rarely, or does not significantly, change the pH of our bodies," said Smith.

Smith, and registered dietitian Denise Zimmer, of Peak Health and Wellness, say the weight participants are losing likely has more to do with eating more whole foods and controlling portions.

They say a well-rounded diet is more successful for long-term weight loss.

"We like to see people make lifestyle changes in just eating healthy, whole foods, unprocessed foods from every food group," said Zimmer.

Dietitians say half your plate should be made up of fruits and vegetables, and you should get a balance of protein, which can include lean meat.

The meat and seafood manager at the Good Food Store in Missoula suggests looking for the terms "prairie-raised" and "grass-finished" on meat labels.

"I would look for what's raised here in Montana. It doesn't have to travel far to be processed and it gets nothing but grass its entire life. It's higher in omega threes, much lower in fats, much lower in saturated fats, and so it's a much healthier product," said Russ Kubisiak.

Dairy products also can offer protein. Zimmer suggests three to four servings a day.

"In the diets that are out there, dairy is one thing they eliminate, when really, studies show people who get adequate dairy are at better weights than those who don't," said Zimmer.

Dietitians do agree with cutting out processed foods, but say you should get a limited amount of whole grains every day.

An average person is recommended to have about six ounces of whole, unprocessed grains every day. This may be less than you think.

Zimmer explains that one half cup of whole grains is one ounce. One slice of bread also is considered to be about one ounce.

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Dietitians weigh in on popular alkaline diet craze - NBC Montana

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