You are simply glowing!
Pregnancy agrees with you!
Youre all belly!
Any of these comments sound familiar? Thats because pregnant women get told all the time how amazing they look while they are pregnant. How often were you told how good you looked post-baby?
Women give up countless things when they become pregnant. They give up alcohol, caffeine, seafood, the list goes on and on. But above all women give up their figure. There is nothing wrong with saying you are proud of your figure. Many women work their entire lives to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. Yet whenwe become pregnantour body is no longer ours. A womans body is now simply the home of a growing baby. It is a wonderful miraculous thing dont get me wrong, but for a woman who is proud of her figure, this can be a difficult time.
Women take on a different role when they become pregnant they are no longer seen as women, just "pregnant". Their identity shifts from who they once were to again the fact that they are "pregnant". Once the baby arrives yet again their identity shifts from who they once were to "mother". This is not a bad thing, but it can be very jarring especially for a new mom. All your young adult life youve worked to build up and discover the person you are. What kind of career youre going to have, what kind of relationship you want, all the identifying pieces about you fall into place. Then suddenly everything is blown apart when you become a mom.
Many women love the title mom and are happy to be one, but this does not mean that they should give up every other aspect of who they are. When women forget who they are aside from the role "mother" the result is often bouts of depression. Believe it or not, you can love the title of mother and also want more out of life. You should not be judged for this or made to feel bad about wanting more. You are a person, a human being with needs, and the worst thing you can do as a new mom is neglect those needs. There is nothing like getting yourself back on track after having a baby to make your mood turn around and start feeling normal again. One way to do this is to work on getting your body back.
Anyone else sick and tired of seeing women constantly judgeone another about their desire to get back in shape only to be secretly envious that some mothers are able to bounce back quickly? This does not mean that you dont honor the scares or stretched skin that is now a part of you. You are not saying that you want to attain the 18-year-old version of yourself. Your body has forever changed, has forever been altered because you've given birth. Wanting to get back in shapedoes not mean that you are dishonouring any of your experiences. You can be a wonderful mom who still honours the pregnancy process, yet still works to get herself back in shape.
Unfortunately, we live in a society where women are never 100% satisfied with their bodies. New hashtags promotingbody acceptance (which I fully support and commend) have popped up all over social media. But just because you except your body doesnt mean you cant work to make it its strongest and best version. For me working out after I gave myself a period of time to heal from having my son was extremely beneficial. I am someone who benefits from the endorphins that get released during exercise, (many people do). Taking the time to work out whether it be hitting the gym and lifting weights, attending a yoga class, or simply taking the dog for a walk, whatever you choose... taking the time for yourself to strengthen your body is extremely important.
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I am all for excepting and loving every piece of you, and absolutely think that we women in America do not do this nearly enough. However, I see nothing wrong with a new mom working to lose the poundsshe gained during pregnancy ifshe wants to. If you like the way you looked in a bikini pre-pregnancy why not work to get that body back? No one saying you have to achieve this in the three weeks after giving birth. Give your body time to heal and gently ease it back into a work out routine.
In the long run, youll be much happier having accomplished the weight loss/body strengthening/toning that you wanted to because you put in the time and effort. You are doing this for yourself! This is one thing in your wild crazy upside-down world that at times seems completely out of control (especially as a new mother) that you have control over. For many women having this one sliver of time that they can controlwhat they are doing, and how they are doing it is immensely precious.
The misconception is that to be a good mom you must be 100% focused onyourchild at all times. Well believe it or not a new mother will go crazy if she is not able to do something for herself. If you want to lose your pregnancy weight then go for it, do whatever you need to do to feel better about yourself and regain a sense of normalcy. No one should shame you for wanting to work out and strengthenyour body. You are not ignoring the miracle your body has just performed by growing a child, you are simply doing what is best for you by re-energizing and revitalizing yourself, and working to create the best, happiest, and healthiest version of you.
This will help you to be a great mom!
SOURCE:What To Expect
10 Ways To Help an Aquarius Mom
Tags:moms,Baby Weight
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Dont Judge A Mother For Wanting To Lose The Baby Weight - BabyGaga