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Dropping Acid (From Your Diet) – Jewish News of Greater Phoenix

Posted: June 2, 2017 at 5:44 am

We had a dinner guest who after confirming his arrival time advised us that he is on a low-acid/high-alkaline diet. This diet gained some popularity when Victoria Beckham tweeted about it a few years back. It has spread to help those suffering from reflux and associated stomach woes.

The diet requires the avoidance of foods like vinegar, citrus, tomatoes and things high in fat. It encourages the consumption of low-acid foods such as unsweetened yogurt and low-fat milk, most vegetables, certain carbohydrates, eggs and fats like olive oil, avocado and nuts. Technically, the dessert wasnt strictly adherent to the diet because sugar is a no-no, but it was pretty close. Chocolate is forbidden, as is anything high in fat, so I was fairly limited in my selections. But Im a believer in moderation and, fortunately for our guest, his condition is not too severe, and he is able to enjoy modest amounts of the discouraged foods.

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Dropping Acid (From Your Diet) - Jewish News of Greater Phoenix

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