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Exercise and diet with the that Adele got her new figure – Play Crazy Game

Posted: March 29, 2020 at 2:46 am

The british singer stars in a amazing weight loss

Last week, Adele debuted a new look on the birthday party of Drake.

Always elegant, but above all much more thin. Already this year, we had noticed the singer more interested in the gym, and less voluptuous. Month-to-month, and despite being very private even to post pics, we saw how the british lost weight. First, the media pointed out that this was due to his divorce, but what is certain is that Adele did it for herself and for her son, according to

Today, with about 10 kilograms less than several months ago, the singer of Someone like you looks fantastic, and it is all thanks to a particular diet, and 3 types of exercises, training several times a day, have given a new figure that is displaying with pride.

Watch in the video above all the details of the scheme almost obsessive Adele.

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Raju has an exquisite taste. For him, video games are more than entertainment and he likes to discuss forms and art.

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Exercise and diet with the that Adele got her new figure - Play Crazy Game

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