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‘Fat’ Family Blasted for Nasty Comment Over Student’s Incredible Weight Loss – Newsweek

Posted: August 9, 2022 at 2:09 am

A student who managed to lose an incredible amount of weight had their efforts slammed by their "fat" family, who said they're going to pile the pounds back on.

They shared the dysfunctional situation to Reddit, under username u/ShiftDry9280, where their post, which can be read here, has amassed more than 8,000 upvotes, while the top comment was liked more than 12,000 times.

In the post the student claimed both they and their family were overweight growing up, after never being taught "good nutrition, portion sizes," amid a lack of exercise.

After going to college, they soon realized their plates were piled high in comparison to their peers, while they also started doing exercise.

Over the next 2 years they went from a size 22 to a 12, but their family poured scorn on their achievement when they visited home.

While it's not clear where the family is based, obesity is a serious problem among American adults.

Obesity is measured via a person's BMI (Body Mass Index), with adults who have a calculation of between 25 and 30 classed as overweight, and over 30 is obese.

Statistics from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed nearly half of adults, 41.9 percent, were obese, using data from 2017 to 2020.

That number is up from 30.5 percent between 1999-2000, while the cases of severe obesity rose 4.7 percent to 9.2 percent in the 3 years to 2020.

"Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. These are among the leading causes of preventable, premature death," they said.

And it seems the Redditor's college education is among the factors associated with healthier habits, as the CDC added: "Overall, men and women with college degrees had lower obesity prevalence compared with those with less education."

They explained after starting college: "I learned quickly that my family's habits weren't healthy. For years they always said the weight was genetic...

"Naturally I ended up losing some weight. Like size 22 to tight size 12. I really like the way I look, you can see my collarbones!"

After returning home for summer, the difference in their eating habits compared to their family was evident.

They admitted: "When we would order pizzas 2 years ago we'd basically each get our own and it would be gone that night. We had pizza night when I got home and I ate 2 slices and that was it.

"Last week my mom made her special lasagna. I made a size salad to go with it. She always plates the meals and then sets the big dish in the middle so we can have more. Well the piece she gave me was way too big. So I cut it in half and served myself more salad."

But that annoyed their siblings, who claimed she was disrespecting their mom with the portion.

"My sister immediately got on my case about how rude that was to Mom because she worked hard on the lasagna. I said that I couldn't eat that much food in one sitting and she scoffed and said that didn't used to be a problem. I said yes but if you can't tell, things have changed a little.

The chart below, provided by Statista, shows American diets.

"She got in my face and said that I brought my college bulls**t home with me and I should have left it at the door and ate like a normal person. I told her that I was eating like a normal person, that everyone I knew at school eats like this and that we're the abnormality. That's it's not normal to be so stuffed at the table you're in pain.

"My brother chimed in saying that I'd just gain the weight back so stop pretending I'm better than they are. But I don't think I am at all. I'm no better than anyone. But I also don't think I'm wrong for sticking to smaller portions instead of being stuffed all the time."

After asking for advice, their family's habits, and viewpoint, was slammed by Redditors.

AnonRandThrowaway said: "NTA. You do you. You can tell your mom that the food is delicious without eating 3 servings. And you can tell your brother and sister to pound sand."

Mzpljc wrote: "NTA. They're pissy because they've been directly confronted with evidence that their size is their own fault."

RandomNick42 commented: "They see she is better than them, at healthy eating, and they want her to get back to being fat so they can feel better about themselves."

Newsweek contacted u/ShiftDry9280 for comment.

If you have a similar family dilemma, let us know via We can ask experts for advice, and your story could be featured on Newsweek.

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'Fat' Family Blasted for Nasty Comment Over Student's Incredible Weight Loss - Newsweek

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