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Fat: Why it isn’t an ‘f’ word – DailyO

Posted: August 22, 2017 at 6:46 am

I recently got asked the question: Can diet help me lose fat? Those of you who follow my work would know how this question made me silently scream in agony. But then I paused, and felt relieved about two things pertaining to this question:

1. This gentleman has read enough to not see all weight as fat. He chose to focus on losing fat, not all of his excess weight, however "excess" may be defined by him.

2. He is wise enough to wonder whether diets can really pull this off.

As for why questions about fat agonise me, it is because they reek of an unchallenged fear of fat. Also, it shows we have accepted the beauty industrys evil claim that fat equals ugly.

Healthy doesn't have a size.

In decades of work, Ive realized that fat is not the bad guy.

Why fat isnt an f-word: Fat has many things going for it.

Next we must understand when fat is problematic. No, not when your slim-fit shirt stops looking flattering. It is problematic when there is so much of it inside cells, especially muscle cells, that the cells can no longer hear the message of the insulin. In brief, insulin moves food (glucose) from blood to muscle cells. If the cells do not "hear" this message the food remains in the blood. This is toxic for us. Also the muscle cell starves due to lack of food. This keeps us tired. Double trouble!


When does this helpful fat tissue become a problematic component, making muscles hungry and blood sugar high? When we do nothing to bring down our stress or pollutant levels for an extended time. To prevent ill-effects of excess fat, have a short relaxation routine. It can be anything from spa to hobbies, from sports to meditation. It can be short revitalising breaks woven into your work months.

The other part of managing body fat is to move towards natural foods, grown and cooked locally using traditional recipes. The word "organic" has not only become clichd but also controversial. So suffice to say, live closer to nature on a day-to-day basis, as best you can.

At the end of it, celebrate all that you do! Bobby McFerrin got it so right: Don't worry, be happy.

Also read: Leptin diet may actually help you lose fat

Fat: Why it isn't an 'f' word - DailyO

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