by: Nancy Dell, Registered Dietitian
CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) When you see diet advice on social media, research the source of the information to be sure that it has scientific backing. Here are 3 of the worst diet tips you will see.
In reality, eating too many calories leads to weight gain and most people dont binge on bananas.
Lemons are high in Vitamin C, which in high doses has been studied as an anti-cancer treatment. But certainly do not drop your chemotherapy and eat lemons.
While processed meat like hot dogs, bacon and sausage have been associated with heart disease and some cancers, lean unprocessed meats are OK in moderation. Experts recommend up to 3 to 4 ounces three times a week.
One other claim I see all the time is about the health benefits of coconut oil. Not true. It is a saturated fat and can raise your bad cholesterol. Use coconut oil on your skin but limit how much you put into your mouth.
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Food for Thought: Whats the best nutritional diet? -