WHERE you buy your food could make all the difference to your weight loss.
As a rule of thumb, weight loss combines 75% diet and 25% exercise.
This number was found after an analysis of more than 700 weight loss studies which found the best results came when people cut their calorie intake rather than attempted to just burn off calories.
Where you buy your food can make all the difference to your weight loss journey.
The supermarket is a dieter's holy grail.
Its where they can stock up on filling food and make sure they have enough in their cupboards to stop them succumbing to temptation.
With this in mind, here are four tips for what to do at the supermarket to help aid your weight loss.
20 fat-burning foods that help you lose weight
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Avacodo - includes monosaturated fatty acids that are more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as body fat
1. Shop around the perimeter of the supermarket
Many nutritionists swear by the perimeter method which means sticking to the foods along the wall of the supermarket.
This is where you find things like fruit and vegetables, meats, seafood, dairy and eggs. Its in the aisles where youll face vices like chocolate, chips and ice cream.
2. Make a list
Making a list not only helps you stay focussed, it can also save you money.
By sitting down and writing a list before you go better yet a list from a meal plan youve made for that week you will go into the supermarket with a clear knowledge of exactly what you want.
By planning your meals for the week, you will be able to evaluate what ingredients you already have and design your list based on what you need for the week.
3. Never shop on an empty stomach
If theres one thing your mother was right about (besides everything) its this. Yet, you still go shopping straight after a workout or first thing on a Saturday morning before breakfast.
By doing this your hunger can begin to dictate your brain and you end up buying things you dont need and things that can sabotage your diet.
4. Get the right staple foods
There are certain foods you should always keep in your cupboards if you are trying to lose weight.
With these staples in your pantry, make sure you stock up on them as you need. They should be things like natural popcorn for a snack, whole grains, fruit and nuts.
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Four things you need to do at the supermarket if you're trying to lose ... - Daily Star