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From ‘Ketosis’ to ‘quota’

Posted: February 7, 2012 at 11:38 am

Let’s run through the rest of the alphabet to save as our daily reminder.

K—Ketosis is a condition in the body when carbohydrates are severely restricted from the diet. When the body uses more fats for energy than carbohydrates, the liver produces substances called ketone bodies. In extreme cases, this normal state of ketosis can deteriorate into ketoacidosis.

This happens when the body becomes too acidic due to a loss of alkaline reserve. Dieticians do not propagate a zero-carbohydrate diet for weight loss simply because there are risks involved. What seems to work effectively and safely is calorie restriction.

L—Love yourself a little more each day. This can translate into small or big adjustments to your lifestyle, like giving yourself more time for exercise, eating more nutritious food, not being too hard on yourself, and giving in to some pampering. Learning how to say no to others who rob you of your self-esteem, time or energy is also one significant way to demonstrate big love for yourself.

In the final analysis, you need to love yourself first. For how can you give love to others if there’s not enough of it inside you? Save up on love today.

M—Muscle burns fat. That’s as simple as it can be said. It’s a universal law. The more you move, the leaner you become. There isn’t any urgent need to join a gym, unless you are avidly and seriously pursuing a redefined body within weeks. But as far as heart attack and weight loss is concerned, just simply moving your body through regular, daily exercise like brisk walking or jogging/running can make you slimmer and stronger.

N—Never say never. Once you close your mind to possibilities, you also close the doors to opportunities. In short, your mind will act like a magnet attracting the good and the bad, depending on how you think. When it comes to achieving your health and beauty goals, the word “never” becomes a deterrent to your success.

Psychotherapists believe that a “never-oriented” mindset produces a negative backlash such as depression, unexplained fatigue, irritable temperament, etc. The more negative one’s outlook in life, the more acidic one’s body becomes. And you know the natural consequence—disease.

There is only one way this word is well used in that timeless piece of advice: never give up on life, and especially on yourself.

Positive effects on the brain

O—Oil is good for you, especially when it is the good oils like olive, coconut, rice bran, flaxseed, walnut, and fish oil. An excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, researchers have identified the positive effects of these on the brain. Also established was a link between an imbalance of fatty acids and depression.

Oils, also called fats, coat the brain cell membrane while serving as a protective shield when brain signals are transmitted. Omega 3 oils reduce degenerative brain disorders leading to dementia and memory loss.

The much-debated benefits of virgin coconut oil have also been extolled. If the VCO is organic and cold-pressed, the saturated fat that belongs to the medium chained fatty acid allows the liver to store it as energy and not as fat. In short, it will not make you gain weight; if at all, it speeds up your metabolism.

P—Prevention is the operative word. One should not wait to get sick. And one way to avoid it is to boost one’s immune system. A “preventive” regimen neutralizes inflammation. The inflammatory response of the body has been identified as a basis for illness.

One way to control this condition is to eat anti-inflammatory foods like fluids and vegetables. In short, the fresher the food, the more organic it is, the greater the health benefits. The result: a more guarded and fortified immune system.

Q—Give yourself a quota, much like a target or goal. Put a check on this to do list. Count 10 points for every check. If you reach a quota of 50, then you are passing, not flunking.

Wellness daily checklist

Exercise 30-45 minutes

Sleep 6-8 hours nightly.

Drink 8-10 glasses of water.

Eat as least five servings of fruits and vegetables.

Laugh at least once in 24 hours.

Pray and meditate for 10-20 minutes.


Limit alcohol intake—one glass for women, two glasses for men

No first-hand and second-hand smoking.

Feel-good scrub

½ c brown sugar

¼ c raw oatmeal

½ c fresh virgin coconut oil

¼ c fresh or canned coconut milk

Gently scrub the entire body from face to feet. Take a brisk cool shower. Feel your smooth skin immediately after.

Today’s affirmation: “I am fearless!”

Love and Light!

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From ‘Ketosis’ to ‘quota’

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