Fats to Avoid / Fats to Include
Most important is to avoid fried foods, fatty foods and particular types of fats like trans fats, hydrogenated fats, partially-hydrogenated fats (read your labels) and saturated fats.
Include essential fatty acids such as flax oil and fish oil. Depending on how severe or acute your gallbladder problem is at the moment, even this may not be possible for you. Experiment slowly. You may have to be on The 30 Day Gallbladder Solution kit before you can add these. Most people, however, are able to eat small amounts. It shouldn't take more than a week on the products before you feel relief enough to try this. If you have used The Beet Recipe, you have found that those three ingredients in combination do not cause problems but help to move the stagnation in the gallbladder. I generally advise adding a teaspoon of flax oil with vinegar or lemon juice to salads as a dressing. If you are in pain, you may be able to eat only the green soup recipe for a few days.
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Gallbladder Diet | Diet After Gallbladder Removal | Diet ...