Nutritional intake from diet plays a huge role on dental diseases and general oral health, as explained in manystudies.
Damaged teeth enamel is also caused by chemicals found in plastics and fungicides, such as: bysphenol A (BPA) and Vinclozolin.
BPA and Vinclozolin are endoctrine disruptors that stimulate the growth of dental enamel, according to a new study presented at the European Congress of Endocrinology. Poor hygiene and acidic foods also can promote staining of the teeth.
How to get rid of white spots on your teeth naturally
First you have to understand that for teeth to be healthy, the entire mouth needs to be cared for on a daily basis. In a recent research, published on the journal of American Dental association it was observed that The ability of the biofilm to sequester calcium, phosphate and fluoride from the saliva, as well as from sources outside the oral cavity allows enamel to undergo remineralisation after demineralization.
Diet plays a huge hole on overall health, and the reason why dental degradation is increasing, is because of the high consumption of acidic foods and drinks, coupled with poor diet.
Acidic foods to avoid
To Get rid of white spots on your teeth naturally, your daily diet needs to be rich in phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D.
1) Phosphorus: Approximately 85% of the body's phosphorus is found in bones and teeth. Phosphorus is an essential mineral, required by every cell in the body for normal function. Bound to oxygen in all biological systems, phosphorus is found as phosphate (PO43-) in the body.
2) Calcium and vitamin D supplementation slow the rate of bone loss from various skeletal sites, which have a beneficial effect on teeth retention and health.
The Linus Pauling Institute recommends the following daily intake of Phosphorus:
Adults (19 years and older): 700 mg; children (9 to 18 years): 1,250 mg; children (4 to 8 years): 500 mg; children (1 to 3 years): 460 mg; infants (7 to 12 months): 275 mg; infants (0 to 6 months): 100 mg
Foods to consume more frequently and in moderation that that are high in phosphorus:
Bread whole grain, 1 slice (25g) Bread, white, 1 slice (25g) Oat bran, 1 cup, 100g Lentils, 1 cup, 200g Peach, 100g Banana, 120g
The National Intitute of Health says that calciums daily intake should be as follows:
(Birth to 6 months) 200 mg; (Infants) 712 months 260 mg; ( 13 years) 700 mg; ( 48 years) 1,000 mg; ( 913 years)1,300 mg; (1418 years) 1,300 mg; (1950 years) 1,000 mg; ( 5170 years) 1,000 mg; ( 5170 years) 1,200 mg; ( 71 years and older) 1,200 mg; Pregnant and breastfeeding teens 1,300 mg; Pregnant and breastfeeding adults 1,000mg
Calcium rich foods:
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Get rid of white spots on your teeth with diet - eMaxHealth