Monday, June 18, 2012 10:43 PM EDT
With the temperatures in the high 70s last week, most people had to hunt for their summer wardrobe. But, if you get organized now, youll never have to hunt for clothes again. Lets start with your bedroom closet. This closet should only have your current wardrobe, in style, in season and for us people on perpetual diets, two or even three sizes (at the most).
Your bedroom closet is just for your clothes, shoes, accessories, so take everything out that does not belong in your closet and put them in the right places. If you have a laundry basket that is empty, put all of the items that you removed from the closet into the basket. Then bring back the empty basket and put it on the bottom of your closet for your dirty laundry.
What about your scrapbooking materials baseball cards, old nighties from the 90s? Take out all unnecessary items and put them in a storage area such as your garage, basement or attic. Neatly box or bag the items before storing them as this will protect them from possible damage. Make sure you label what is inside and secure them with tape. Suitcases can be used to store athletic gear and other things that are not used on a weekly basis, and all memorabilia (that concert ticket from the 1980s) needs to be stored in acid-free boxes found in arts and crafts stores. Above all, your closet should be for your clothes, shoes, and accessories (like belts, ties and handbags) thats all.
Take out the first item of clothing and answer the following questions: Do you love it? Have you worn it in the past year? Does it fit? Is it in good condition?
If you answer yes to all the questions, keep it and move on to the next item. Next, decide what clothing you are keeping and what you are donating. Then you have one more chore to do: Buy good hangers. I recommend Huggable Hangers. They are available at Target or on the Home Shopping Network. Sturdy, colorfast, strong and work great, but buy only the suit ones; they are the best, in my opinion. (Im not a paid spokesperson for the company but wish I was!)
Use these hangers to put all of your clothes on and put all of the donated clothes in a garbage bag and put it in your trunk, as you do your weekly chores, you will drive by a Goodwill or Salvation Army or a clothing box and you can just drop them off.
When you have clutter around, it takes more time and energy to find something then if everything was in its right place. If every time you bring an item of clothing into your home, you take an item of clothing out, you will never have to do this closet exercise again.
Have an organized day!
Leslie Jacobs is an organizational consultant and motivational speaker in New Britain. You can reach her at
See original here:
Getting Your Life Together: Hunting for a summer wardrobe? Try these tips