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Guest column: Now’s a good time to focus on health – Index-Journal

Posted: April 11, 2020 at 12:43 am

In the midst of all the worry and chaos associated with the COVID-19 pandemic we all are restricted as to daily activities and social interaction and contacts. I would suggest this might be a good time to try and improve our personal health. We definitely have time to consider this and contemplate on ourselves and our families, and it may help in so many ways no matter what challenges we have in the future.

I would start by remembering the 10 steps I mentioned in my last article headlined A 10-step approach to better health.

1. Eat Right Choose more vegetables, fruits and whole grain

2. Be Physically Active Exercise daily for 30 minutes, like

3. Control Your Weight Work toward normal waist size and

4. Rest for your Health seven to eight hours of sleep daily for your

5. Exam by your Doctor Yearly physical exam by your doctor:

6. Reject the Big Killer Smoking is the leading preventable

cause of death in the United States.

7. Practice Safety Wear seat belts and drive safely, and dont

8. Enjoy Relationships Relationships and Love is a key to

9. Improve your Mental and Spiritual Health Take time to pray, meditate, slow down, attend church of your choice.

1.0 Promote Peace in your Life Express gratitude, laughing and serving others.

Let us all consider these steps and decide to make this part of our daily routine.

In America today, 70% of people are overweight and 40% of people are obese. Healthy weight is a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, overweight is a BMI between 25 and 29.9 and obese is between 30 and 39.9. A BMI over 40 is classified as morbidly obese. Being overweight can contribute to so many health problems such as sleep apnea, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, allergies, and cancer. The medical costs of obesity in the United States per year are $147 billon and average medical costs for a person who is obese is $1,429 dollars higher than for those of normal weight.

Lets consider losing weight if we are overweight and maintaining a normal weight to improve our health. Dr. Ann Kulze, who puts out a weekly message on the internet on improving health, mentioned a new innovative painless way to lose weight. This new method is called Time Restricted Eating and the scientific data behind this is very strong. A recent study has shown that simply restricting daily eating times to an eight- to 10-hour window, regardless of the amount and no requirement for dieting or exercise caused significant weight loss. This can simply be done by restricting your eating to a 10-hour window each day. For most people this would be eating daily meals and food as they normally would, but eating breakfast later and dinner earlier: so you only eat during a 10-hour period daily. The study showed during a three-month period of time those who stuck to this would lose 3-4% body weight. For instance, if you weighed 250 pounds, your weight loss would be up to 10 pounds in three months and possibly 40 pounds in a year.

The other good news was that those in this study that stuck with the time-restricted eating had not only a decrease in body weight, but also a decrease in belly fat, waist size, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and improvement in sleep, insulin and blood sugar levels. Scientists say the reason it works is because it leverages and optimizes our bodies natural 24-hour circadian rhythms, which are foundations for health. Restricting our eating gives our bodies a predictable 14 hours to rest and restore each night.

Dr. Ann, even though she has normal weight, has done this herself and believes it significantly improves overall health and longevity, plus helps weight control.

A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings! Hippocrates.

Eichelberger practices part-time office gynecology at Greenwood Obstetrics and Gynecology and teaches on the Montgomery Family Practice Residency Program. He is also co-chairman of the Ethics Committee at Self Regional Healthcare and serves as the Associate Medical Director of HospiceCare of the Piedmont. Send comments to: The Doctors Prescription, PO Box 36, Ninety Six, SC 29666.

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Guest column: Now's a good time to focus on health - Index-Journal

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