Gunnar Peterson: 3:45 a.m., which means I have to handle my sleep differently than other people. It's an ongoing thing, right? Some people have a problem getting their training up to speed, some people have a problem locking their nutrition in, and some people just can't drink enough water. My problem is my sleep and my other forms of recovery. Starting about three years ago, I got really diligent with recovery protocols. NormaTec massage, Headspace [a meditation app], all of those things.
I love that you just grouped Headspace into the recovery suite. Do you track your sleep?
Yeah, I use SleepScore. I try to think of it like this: I'm trying harder, and I'm not perfect at it, but I'm doing better. If I'm keeping tabs on myself and I'm holding myself accountable and I'm not doing it in a stressful way, then I'm already way better off than I was. Sometimes the knee-jerk reaction is to be angry at the app when it tells you that youre not sleeping well, but I can't be angry at it. It's like getting the test back when you know you didn't study. You can't be pissed that you got a D, you know? You earned that. You didn't do the work.
Do you eat before you leave your house at the crack of dawn?
I eat a Split, which is essentially nut butter and jam. That way, I don't train while fasting. I used to do that for years. I talked to my nutrition guy and told him, "I just feel like I come in flat all the time." So he told me to try this routine. The nut butter slows the absorption of sugar, so you don't spike and then fall off. I feel like I get more out of my workouts with this.
I also drink 25 ounces of water first thing when I wake up. We know so much about hydration, especially if you read some of the stuff that comes out of the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. Guys are making way better choices on that front nowadays. Some of the guys I work with are drinking, like, six liters a day.
Whoa. And after you drink all that water?
I get in workout clothes and get to the gym by 4:30. I answer any e-mails, then I'm on the bike or doing another form of cardio by 5:00. I do 30 to 45 minutes of cardio unless, God forbid, I have a cancellation, and then I'll knock out an hour. But cancellations are rare.
Are you a post-workout-protein-shake kind of guy?
Yeah. I use Transformation protein powder and water. It's egg and pea protein.
Do you have any feelings on the whole I only eat plant-based proteins trend?
I think you have to go with what works for you. I watched the movie The Game Changers [a film about the benefits of a plant-based diet], and of course you're swayed right out of the gate. But then youve got to pump the brakes and look at it for what it is. It's interesting, there's definitely some take-home information, but its not going to swing me all the way.
So what happens after the protein shake?
At 10:30 a.m. I have another Split, and then around 1:00 p.m. I have lunch, which is typically salmon and a carb. The carb is usually a yam or rice. Sometimes quinoa. I also like eating spinach and sliced tomatoes.
And for dinner?
I get home and I usually have something right out of the gate, maybe some chicken. And then Ill have dinner with the family, but I eat my own stuff. They'll do Taco Tuesday or get pizza. And of course, who doesn't like that stuff? I just don't like the way it makes me feel, so its not worth it for me.
The rest is here:
Gunnar Peterson: The Real-Life Diet of the Trainer for the Los Angeles Lakers and Other Assorted Stars - GQ