Personal trainer helping a mature woman at the gym [Courtesy]
Its December, time to and eat and make merry.
For sure its the most challenging times to watch your weight and eat healthily.
Dont wait for Christmas to be over so that you join the Weight loss bandwagon in January - You can start early.
Its easy to lose weight. But its quite hard to give up on food addiction, stress, and lack of sleep, Factors that contribute heavily to weight gain.
Sometimes you might too occupied to even notice that youve gained a little weight. And when you do, reality hits you that you need to go back to your former self. Sweating while walking up and down the stairs, increase in body mass index, irregular waistline, your clothes dont fit anymore, your blood pressure is always high, you carry excess body fat all these will prompt you to start losing weight.
Losing weight this festive season is achievable. With so many distractions and disruptions in our eating schedules and habits, one can still lose weight if they adopt certain gym exercises. Avoiding sugary beverages, alcohol, junk food, pastries and bread also help hasten the process.
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How to burn fat?
Burning fat is a tedious process which might take forever. But going to work out in the gym will fasten the process of melting fats in your body like butter.
Start by reducing your calorie intake gradually to avoid slow metabolism. This starves the body of fat. You can also reduce your carbohydrate intake as you improve on your proteins diet.
Here are tips to lose weight in the gym
Do high-intensity interval exercises
For better results in less time, do alternate high-intensity exercises with brief rest periods in between. You should always warm-up before any exercise.People on high-intensity exercises in the gym [Courtesy]
Skipping rope also helps massively. Always make sure you take a breather after every session. High-intensity cardio or in moderation is also a method you can adopt to cut weight in the gym.
Train with weights
Training with weights helps in burning calories. Unlike aerobic exercises, weight training helps you pump more energy into your muscles, thus reducing calorie levels in different areas of the body. The more muscle you have, the easy it is to burn calories every day.Man trains with weights in the gym [Courtesy]
All you need is a pair of rubber shoes or sneakers to head outdoor and run. You can jog or sprint in intervals. The best way is to run or sprint uphill or use the stairs to help you work your glutes and legs. The more energy you use the more calories you burn. The treadmill can also be used for this exercise.
Jumping rope
Do you remember those old school days when you used to skip rope for fun? Now you will be doing it for a cause; losing weight. You can warm up then try and skip to 100.
Cardio workouts
Doing cardio at list four times a week will help you to improve on your cardiovascular health.
Exercise your abs
Exercising your core helps you to strengthen the muscles that run up the back and stretch down to the front part of your thighs. There are different exercises that you can use to lose belly fat and strengthen your core which includes crunches, planks, squats and leg raises.
Yoga has recently gained popularity as a way people use to relieve stress. However, it also helps to burn calories. Most gyms never miss Yoga sessions.Beautiful woman in a yoga session [Courtesy]
It has a lot of benefits like developing consciousness of whats healthy to eat, overeating and understanding your body hunger habits.
Though cycling is known to be done outdoors, many gyms and fitness centers have bikes that are stationery. Cycling is not only good for losing weight but it also lowers the risk of heart diseases.
BurpeesBurpees are full-body exercises [Courtesy]
Burpees is a full-body exercise that stresses on every major muscle of your body. Its a brutal exercise that will leave you sweating but will help you work on your abs, arms, chest, legs and shoulders all at once.
Battle ropesWork on your chest and arms using battle ropes [Courtesy]
Battling ropes gives you a chance to do a full-body workout. Its helps you work on your chest and arms as you alternate your left and right while whipping the ropes as fast as you can.
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Gym routines you should adopt during the festive season - The Standard