So what exactly is the Hcg Diet Plan, and why are so many millions of people raving about the rapid and long term weight loss effects? Chances are, youve come across someone that has used the Hcg Diet Plan successfully, and has lost a significant amount of weight in a very short period of time. Perhaps a relative, a coworker, or maybe even that friend of a friend you met over the holidays. Well, we are not surprised!Hcg Diet Info has seen millions of success stories over the years, and many of thesewalking Hcg Diet Success Storiescontinue to keep us posted on how easy it has been to keep the weight off over the years. Thats because the Hcg Diet is more than just a weight loss diet. It is medical hormone therapy, designed to reprogram your metabolism as well as your eating habits. It is a medical weight loss diet that uses Hcg to change the way you lose weight, and set you on the path of longterm health and fitness.
The HCG Diet Plan involves the use of acarefully planneddiet of healthy, quality foods for nutrition and tinyamount of the pro-hormone, HCG(human chorionic gonadotropin)administered through injections, drops, orpellets. Originally published by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in hisManuscript, Pounds and Inches,the diet initially called for a rigid protocol with little flexibility, lack of exercise recommendations, and a specific list of allowed foods. Times have changed however, and the HCG Diet has evolved into a number of modern protocols. Todays HCG Diet involves a low calorie diet with an expanded food list, exercise and a strong focus on learning healthy habits for lifelong weight maintenance. Read a quick overview of the OriginalHCG Diethere.
Read more: What is the Hcg Diet?
There has been much confusion about how the HCG Diet works but there is a simpleexplanation: HCG does NOT cause you to lose weight. The carefully planned diet and menu are what results intheweight loss. So what is the point of using HCG on the protocol? Simple: HCGchangesHOWyour body loses weight.Where most diets result in muscle loss and a stalled metabolismfrom the bodys diet-induced starvation mode, a small amount of the pro-hormone, HCG, keeps this from happening. This allows the dieter to continue losing weight at an impressive rate.
HCG is the pro-hormone that is produced by all individuals, men and women alike. It is produced in large amounts by women during pregnancy and is known for being the catalyst hormone that stimulates the production of other hormones throughout the body. These in turn, effect the bodys metabolism, muscle tissue, digestion, liver functions and much more. It is no secret that hormone function and balance is known to be one of the most common causes of weight challenges, especially severe obesity. HCGs role in the diet plan, helps the body to balance out these issues, which in turn enables the body to function at an optimal rate of performance. Read more abouthow HCG works for weight loss.
Weve created a thorough guide to explain how the NEW HCG Diet Plan works, including everything youneed to get started. This includes the NEW HCG Diet Plan Protocol, Tips for buying HCG Diet Drops and Injections, HCG Diet Food Lists and Menus, HCG Diet Recipes, Phase Overviews, Maintenance, and so much more. Get a sneak peek at the new HCG Diet Guide: How to do the Hcg Diet Plan.
Recommended HCG Diet programs (injections or real HCG drops) can be found on ourBuy HCGpage. For questions about buying HCG drops and injections, we have put together a thorough HCG Buying Guide, with tips for selecting the right provider, Tips for saving money when Buying HCG, why NOT to buy HCG from overseas, and so much more. Learn,buy, save! HCG Diet Buying Guide.
Have questions? Join HDIs HCG Diet Forums, the largest HCG Diet community on the web with over 100 thousand registered members. Share your experience and get answers fast, the forums are the best place to mingle with your fellow HCG Dieters going through the same weight loss journey. HCG Diet Forums.
HCG Diet recipes and foods are the backbone of the HCG Diet. While the pro-hormone, HCG,changes HOW your body loses weight, it is actually the food diet that is responsible for your weight loss. This is good news! This means the HCG Diet can work with any number of diet menus, foods and recipes.
While the actual foods eaten on the HCG diet can vary according to which protocol the individual is following, the suggested higher calorie plans are recommended by the New HCG Diet Plan. These average around 1395calories but areultimately based on the individuals own BMR. Focus is placed on portion control, increased vegetables and proteins, and a food list that is much broader and less restrictive than the original diet.
The original Simeons HCG protocolprescribed a strict VLCD (very low calorie diet) of 500 calories. This approach allowed only a select number of foods per day, limited vegetables and fruits as well asan extremely short and strict food list. While many dieters continue to follow this plan, there are few doctors that have not switched to suggesting the more modern, expanded HCG Diet Food List.
Already worried youll miss your favorite hamburger on the menu? Have no fear- the NEW HCG Diet can still work with your favorite foods and there are hundreds of HCG Diet Recipes available for you to choose from on HDI or in our recommended HCG Diet Cookbooks. From sauce recipes for Phase 1, to dinner recipes for Phase 2 and healthy dessert recipes for Phase 3. Take your pick- bon apetit!
Dr. Simeons book, Pounds and Inches is the very detailed, original manuscript of the HCG diet Plan. It includes everything from body chemistry, to the very specific 500 calorie diet known as VLCD or Very Low Calorie Diet. Even if you are following a different protocol, it is still suggested that you read the original manuscript to understand how the diet works and the important aspects of the protocol that will ensure your weight loss. The original manuscript can be found here: Pounds and Inches by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons.
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HCG Diet Info - The HCG Diet Plan Authority