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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Announces the Addition to the Diet Doc hCG Diet Plan Addressing the Direct Relationship …

Posted: June 15, 2012 at 3:12 pm

Houston, TX (PRWEB) June 15, 2012

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc announces an addition to the Diet Doc hCG Diet Plan addressing the direct relationship between weight loss and detox. This addition will help facilitate rapid weight loss.

Every day, whether we like it or not, we take in a large number of chemicals to our bodies, not only through diet, but simply by breathing, drinking, or even touching. As a result, all of these chemicals accumulate in the body , especially in the fat tissue, often causing any diet plan to be an up hill battle. "Often people who are over weight have a great deal of these toxins in their systems, making weight loss all the more difficult," states Julie Wright, CEO of Diet Doc Weight Loss.

"The cumulative load, called the "body burden", is thought to lead to illness and has been linked to hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency, and an inefficient metabolism. Signs are thought to include indigestion, poor concentration and sluggishness, headaches, bad breath, fatigue, poor skin, and muscle pain." - Cathy Wong, ND, CNS, an American College of Nutrition-certified nutrition specialist and Author.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone which has been linked to weight loss when produced naturally in the body by pregnant women. Understandably, this caught the eye of many researchers and quite soon it was determined that controlled quantities of HCG contribute to the body washing away stored fats through the kidneys. When coupled with a low calorie diet plan, the effects can be quite amazing in terms of weight loss. However, losing weight is about more than just fats and calories, which led the Doctors at Diet Doc to develop various supplements that help with different weight loss hurdles. The new and widely-acclaimed supplement that can break this weight loss barrier is Diet Doc Detox Formula.

Because the Diet Doc HCG diet plan aims to eliminate large amounts of stored fat at once, your liver is going to have to deal with a very large amount of blood which needs to be detoxified. This is where the Detox Formula comes in as it provides the body with two natural, extremely powerful detoxifying agents: Silybum marianum and Gluthaione. These two ingredients work together in order to help the liver by amplifying its detoxifying abilities, allowing it to process more blood with less strain while eliminating more waste than before. Apart from that, it can also help with headaches and a lack of energy.

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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Announces the Addition to the Diet Doc hCG Diet Plan Addressing the Direct Relationship ...

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