Study: Wage Gap Persists For Women Physician-Researchers
Women physicians are paid less than their male counterparts. That's according to a new study by researchers from the University of Michigan Health System and Duke University, who found that among 800 top researcher-physicians, women earned an average of $12,194 less than men each yeareven after factors like work hours and area of specialty were taken into account. Over a 30-year career, women earn about $360,000 less than men working the same hours, with the same qualifications. Findings were published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers can't yet explain what's driving the wage gap. One possibility? Women may be less aggressive when negotiating for pay, or may accept lower salaries in return for, say, less time being on call. "I was both surprised and disturbed," study author Reshma Jagsi, an associate professor at the University of Michigan Health System's Department of Radiation Oncology, told The Detroit Free Press. "Many expect academic institutions to be relatively progressive employers, so if anyone were to have the opportunity of equal pay, you might expect it to be cream-of-the-crop academic researchers."
Keep Dad Around With a Healthy Gift for Father's Day
Put down the SkyMall magazine. Your dad does not need elastic lounge pants camouflaged as jeans or a full-body sleeping cocoon to shield him from bed bugs when he's traveling. These things will only amp up his nerd factor. And let's face it, most of our dads are already really successful in that department. Here's an idea: How about a gift to help your dad not need a little more give in his pants or live in fear of the world? How about somethingwait for ithealthy!
Among the keys to a good life are relaxation, eating enough fruits and vegetables, and staying physically active. With that in mind, we suggest you strengthen that heart of his you love so much with some tips to help him have the life he deserves.
1. Make him breathe. It's hard to overstate the toll that stress takes on a human being. Among the health hazards linked to stress are sleep problems, drug or alcohol abuse, overeating, undereating, depression, lack of motivation or focus, high blood pressure, and even heart attacks. Sounds like a party, huh? Furthermore, when compared with women, men make stress management a lower priority, according to the latest American Psychological Association's survey "Stress in America." While men tend to downplay the role of stress in their lives, they suffer higher rates of those conditions made worse by stress like high blood pressure and heart disease.
Stress comes with life, and there's no way around that. But there are proven techniques to quiet the clamor. Exercise eases tension by triggering the release of endorphinsyour brain's happy chemicals. Certain Eastern practices, like yoga and tai chi, are especially calming. Their mind-body approach to wellness offers physical benefits plus the goal of equanimity. Consider enrolling your dad in yoga or tai chi classes to help him enjoy and sustain a more relaxed state of being. Or go straight for "serenity now" with a course in meditation or recordings on relaxation techniques. [Read more: Keep Dad Around With a Healthy Gift for Father's Day]
Safe Weight-Loss Tips for Wedding Season
Over the years, brides-to-be have taken drastic measures to lose weight ahead of the Big Day: drinking a concoction of lemon juice, water, syrup, and cayenne pepper, wiring their mouths shut, and taking a pregnancy hormone while following the 500-calorie hCG diet.
But a feeding tube?
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Health Buzz: Female Doctors Paid Less