Image Courtesy-crazy-nana-Unsplash
So the New Year is upon uswell almost, and as wemove into the beginning of a new decade its perhaps best to bid goodbye tothings that didnt work out for us.
Goodbyeto hunting for the perfect diet and Hi to our new bodyThe decade promised us the perfect body just by following The Atkins Diet, TheGrapefruit Diet, The Caveman Diet, The Ayurveda diet and so many more, yet allof them worked for some time, only to be replaced by the newer one .When welooked at the weighing scales and realized that the pounds came back faster than we dropped themand our perfect body was nowhere in sight, its perhaps time to drop thesediets forever and change our mindset about the perfect body and embrace ourselvesas we are-fat,thin,slim legs, chunky thighs, pear shaped bodies, tiny waists,big-boned and focus on just eating healthy and eating right. Eating healthypretty much is quite dependent on common sense dont eat French fries as a snackbut reach out for that apple-and just stop comparing yourself to anyone elsebecause you are perfect in your own way.
Goodbyeto others expectations and Hi to the actual youWhen was the last time you actually spoke your heart out to your near and dearones without sugar coating it? When was the last time you instagrammed apicture without photo shopping it?Isnt it high time we start living our lifeon our terms rather than according to what someone else wants us to be. As MarkTwain said, You wouldnt worry so much about what people think of you,if you knew how seldom they do. Its fine to be tired and not be a supermom/amazingcareer woman all the time and if you want to quit a boring 9 to 5 job and followa dream of being an entrepreneur go ahead and do it and while youre at it goahead and rewrite your life as you want it to be. Youll be amazed by so manypeople who will accept and love you for what you are the real you.
Goodbyeto Toxicity and Hi to Positivity-I keep reiterating theimportance of positivity because its something we tend to overlook. The toxicpeople in our life only corrode our happiness. Try spending some time with themand you feel deflated as though someone punctured the joy out of your life.Ive stopped buying their excuses for their grim worldview and have only onemantra for them.
Eliminatethem by the truckloads!
Goodbye to all Unhappiness and Hi to Happiness-Happiness is a state of mind and to achieve that there are so many tools like Meditation, Introspection and mindfulness. These help us to be on the path of long lasting happiness rather than a momentary joy. So use these powerful tools effectively to say hi to happiness and goodbye to unhappiness. That is exactly what the HAPPY in NEW YEAR stands for
Till next year-
HAPPY NEW YEAR and live life EmpressSize.