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Three Parts:Planning Your Fasting DietFollowing a Fasting ScheduleLosing Weight Through an IF DietCommunity Q&A
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a form of diet and lifestyle change which, rather than reducing your caloric intake very much or cutting out certain food group, restricts the hours during a day in which you will eat and when you will fast. Fasting typically includes your sleeping hours plus not eating until your fasting period ends. There are various regimens for implementing an IF diet for you to choose among. IF can be paired with exercise and/or calorie reduction to lead to a reduction of body-tissue inflammation, and can also result in weight loss -- or muscle gain.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Can I get a flat stomach quickly?
wikiHow Contributor
Try cardio training, cutting down on carbohydrates, drinking 8 cups of water daily,along with intermediate fasting.
How much water per day is really necessary?
wikiHow Contributor
Normally 2.39 liters, but it depends on your activity. There are lots of apps for hydration, try downloading one. They are very helpful.
Can I workout after my fasting window?
wikiHow Contributor
Working out during or after your eating window is recommended as your body will pull the nutrients from the food immediately and store energy from your body during your fasting period.
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See the original post:
How to Adopt an Intermittent Fasting Diet: 12 Steps