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How to live longer – the cheap spice to protect against bowel cancer and early death – Express

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 8:48 pm

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a well-rounded diet is crucial to prolonging your lifespan.

You could also boost your lifespan by doing regular exercise. Its the miracle cure weve all been waiting for, according to the NHS.

Making some small diet or lifestyle changes could help to increase your life expectancy and avoid an early death.

One of the easiest ways to lower your chances of an early death, while also protecting against bowel cancer, is to add more ginger to your diet.

READ MORE: How to live longer - drink to boost life expectancy

Studies show ginger fights nausea, stimulates bile production, relieve stomach discomfort, and speeds transit through the digestive tract, they said in their book Eat Better Live Longer - Understand What Your Body Needs To Stay Healthy.

It also helps to break up and dispel intestinal gas, to counter bloating.

Gingers strong anti-inflammatory action may help to relieve pain associated with conditions such as arthritis, they added.

A review of five studies found taking ginger reduced pain by nearly a third and disability by 22 percent in people with osteoarthritis.

Meanwhile, you could also increase your life expectancy by eating more avocado, they added.

Avocado is a so-called super fruit that protects the heart against heart disease and even heart attacks.

That's because they reduce the amount of 'bad' cholesterol in the body, while also boosting the amount of 'good' cholesterol, according to dietitian Juliette Kellow and nutritionist Dr Sarah Brewer.

A build-up of cholesterol in the blood increases your chances of heart disease.

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How to live longer - the cheap spice to protect against bowel cancer and early death - Express

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