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How to Lose Weight Fast, Easily, Naturally, Healthy 2017

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:40 am

Below you will learn how to lose weight quickly in six easy steps!

There is an old saying You are what you eat. In practical terms, that means 80% of your weight gain is contributed to your nutrition habits.

Other contributors are a sedentary lifestyle, an absence of activity, lack of sleep, anxiety, depression and sometimes a hormonal imbalance. Surprisingly, this bunch of important factors covers only 20% of the problem.

Just think:

What you put into your mouth is significantly more important in terms of weight loss, health and longevity than working out. Four times more, actually. Not the contrary.

This rule is universal. It does not matter if you are a male or a female. This does apply to you.

Yes, there are certain cases (in fact, less than 7%) when it is hormone disruptions that lead to fat deposits.

The truth is:

Those problems, as well as most other health problems, are rooted in bad nutrition.

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Unbelievable, but approximately 92% of people who start losing fat, hopelessly throw up their hands in the first two weeks.

Why? They have the wrong and destructive opinion that losing weight is a difficult, scary and disgusting thing and is not for them.

But its absolute trash.

You dont have to exhaust yourself to dizziness on a treadmill or do 700 push-ups a week.


Your first step is to walk to a local Burger King or McDonalds and stuff yourself with the biggest hamburger ever. With the biggest French fries and an ice-cold cup of Coca-Cola (Im not joking).

Then come back home and feel the fluids of happiness running through your whole body. Great job!

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Lets go deep into the process of how your body turns food and liquids, which keep coming from your mouth into the stomach, into energy. Thisis called metabolism.

Metabolismis converting proteins, carbs and fats intoenergy so that your body works properly. To put it even more simple: metabolism is an ability of your body to produce energy.

This brings us to the point:

The main reason why we CONSUME FOODis to have energy for LIVING.

We eat to live, not the contrary.

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According to a recent 2015 study of Phoenix Epidemiology and Clinical Research Branch, the thrifty metabolism may really prevent you from losing fat.

The speedierthe metabolic rate, the less timeis needed to transformcalories into energy, and the more, consequently,you lose weight.


80% of fatgain is not caused by your metabolism. It is due to your eating habits. The other 20% is left for lack of movement, sleep, stress, hormonal disturbances and, yes, slow metabolism.

When you overeat, your metabolism slows down to be able to handle the insane calorie supply burst. If it didnt, you would be burnt down by the huge amount ofheatreleased after eating.

Therefore, calories which cannot be utilizedfor vital activity are consequently stored in your belly, butt andthighs.


You can help your body convert calories into energy and lose weight much faster. You just need to introduce certain weight loss techniques into your diet pill regimen. They are really simple to memorize.

Knowing and exercising them, you can lose as much weightas you want.

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Calorie counting is the worst weight loss method that is available to you when you try to lose your stubborn fat.

It is almost impossible to estimate how many calories each individual needs for daily activity.

For example, I need 2,500 calories a day while you may need only 1,800.

It depends on a variety of factors. Metabolic rate is the most important of them.

Just think of it:

Is your nutritionist able to tell you exactly how many calories are used for each separate process? Absolutely not.

Calorie-counting prevents people from working out at all.

Imagine spending 60 dreadful minutes on a treadmill to burn 400 ridiculous calories (one Big Mac is around 2,000 calories). Finally, you will quit.


Its much better to switch to healthy meals that do not need any calorie counting.

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Now you need to stop weighing yourself on a scale and looking at the mirror.

No scale will give you an objective view of yourself.

Why? 1 pound of fat versus 1 pound of muscle looks insanely different (see the picture). It is even more essential for those who target losing fat and gaining muscles simultaneously.

When you see yourself in the mirror on a daily basis, you start to think that there is no progress in weight loss at all. However, this is because your brain adjusts to your current image and does not remember how you looked even 5 days ago.

What can never lie to you is your camera.


To keep you motivated, you should take 1 photo of yourself 2 times per week. At first, it might look stupid or useless to you, but only until you see the first real progress captured in each photo.

This technique is extremely important.

Lets go back to metabolism.

As we said, 10% of energy you consume daily is used for digesting food itself. Its called thermic effect of food.

During each meal intake, the amount of energy that is used for digesting is approximately the same.

Its unbelievable but:

It does not matter if you eat a piece of cheesecake (500 calories) or a Big Mac (2,000 calories), the thermic effect (amount of energy you need to burn them) is absolutely the same.

When you break your daily intake into 5-6 small (9-10 oz. or 250 g each) portions instead of 2-3 big ones, you kill three birds with one stone:

Are you confused about where to get those 5-6 daily portions?

You can simply cook once for 2-3 days and fill your refrigerator with food for each intake (in plastic boxes).

Again, you will obviously want to cheat yourself and eat something like chips or a muffin. Its OK.

But what if you are already used to eating small portions? A small cake or a muffin will definitely do less harm to your shape than 2-3 ones.

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As we already said: You are what you eat.

Do you want to be a stinking box full of waste and toxins? Definitely NO!


You cannot allow yourself to eat monotonous food poor in healthy nutrients.

Let your diet be as diversely colorful and rich as possible full of proteins, slow carbs, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.

Stop eating outside, specifically oil-fried food. If you dont know how to cook (or dont like to), you have to learn. Google is full of healthy and tasty recipes. If you are consistent, your cooking skills can reach a level of art.

We could talk for hours about what you should eat or not to lose weight and keep the results.


There are some simple rules you must follow to get the best results.

Examples: A whole orange is better and healthier than boxed orange juice. Mashed potato is healthier than French fries (but is worse than a baked one). Home-cooked chicken breast is better than McNuggets.

They nourish your body with healthy acids that are extremely important for your vital functions. These are fast carbs, such as sugar, white wheat, agave syrup, and a specific type of processed fats called trans fats (campaign for banning trans fats) that accumulate in your tissues in the form of fat cells.

Therefore: We strongly insist that you eat more products with natural poly- and monounsaturated fat.

And again: Focus on what you eat.

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For many trying to lose weight, this technique is the most important one.

It is for those men and women who eat emotionally, not physically.

They treat food mostly as a drug or a temporary solution to their emotional problems (depression, anxiety and fear) caused by financial situations or relationships, for example.

Indeed, specific types of food can act like highly addictive drugs, causing release of serotonin (hormone of happiness) and easing emotional pain.

Scientists know that. This is why obese people dont stop overeating, gain more weight and crave more food. All they do is increase the dosage.

If it is you:

What can really help you is beyond any nutritionists advice or a weight loss plan.

The solution to the problem lies inside of you.

All you need to do is to address emotionally the root of your craving.

Do I want to eat that cake because I am really hungry or is it just an emotional trigger caused by the job I lost or my divorce?

Keep asking yourself such questions before you eat. Train your willpower and the problem will consequently go away by itself.

If it doesnt help, find a therapist or consider getting an efficient appetite suppressant (see below).

80% of your weight loss problem is purely caused by overeating and poor food and drink intake management, not lack of activity or having a sedentary life.

Therefore, changing your diet is a great way to start losing weight. And if you follow the techniques above, make no mistake, you WILL certainly lose a great deal of weight over time.

The question is, is it enough for people who really need to lose a lot of weight (60+ pounds) quickly? In most cases, the answer is no.

Originally posted here:
How to Lose Weight Fast, Easily, Naturally, Healthy 2017

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