Expert Reviewed
Four Parts:Changing Your DietMaintaining BalanceExercisingSleeping WellCommunity Q&A
Most teens feel self-conscious about their bodies, especially if you can afford to shed a few pounds. The secret to losing weight quickly and safely is not really a secret: eat fewer calories than you burn each day and do consistent exercise, even if it's just a brisk walk. These aren't hard things to do on their own, but they are hard to do consistently. Whenever you get discouraged, remember that millions of people just like you have been in this position. Stay in it for the long haul and you'll eventually lose the weight you want to.
Part 1
Part 2
Eat plenty of plant-based foods. This might include fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, and grains. Base your diet around staples like rice, oatmeal, couscous, quinoa, yellow potatoes, and sweet potatoes. It may sound bizarre to be consuming white rice and potatoes, but these foods do not make you fat. Look at the traditional Chinese diet, where they regularly consume these starches yet remain one of the slimmest cultures in the world. Eat until you are satisfied, but not until you are stuffed. Do not restrict or starve yourself.
Part 3
Part 4
Keep a glass of water beside your bed. It is common to wake up due to thirst. The body needs the water's energy to burn even more fat!
Sleep straight and take deep breaths. Sleeping on either sides of the body makes it hard for blood to run around which also helps in weight loss. When you are lying straight on the bed before sleeping, take deep, long breaths and hold them for as long as you can. Breathe slow and easy. This should act as a command for the body to help you fall asleep and start flushing down fats.
Categories: Youth Diets and Nutrition | Losing Weight
In other languages:
Espaol:bajar de peso siendo adolescente,Deutsch:Als Teenager abnehmen,Portugus:Perder Peso com Rapidez e Segurana (para Garotas Adolescentes),Italiano:Perdere Peso in Modo Rapido e Sicuro (per Ragazze Adolescenti),Franais:perdre du poids sainement (pour les adolescentes),: ( ),:(),Bahasa Indonesia:Menurunkan Berat Badan dengan Cepat dan Aman (Untuk Gadis Remaja),etina:Jak rychle zhubnout (pro dvky 13 18 let),Nederlands:Veilig en snel gewicht verliezen (voor tienermeiden),:,: , ( ),: ( ),: (),Ting Vit:Bn gi Gim cn Nhanh chng v An ton,:()
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How to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely (for Teen Girls)