If your goal is to lose weight and exercise more, forget the deprivation diet and marathon workouts. Research shows that taking baby stepsnot giant leapsis the best way to get lasting results. (Lose up to 25 pounds in 2 monthsand look more radiant than everwith Prevention's new Younger In 8 Weeks plan!)
A study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that participants who made one small, potentially permanent change in their food choices and/or physical activity each week (such as drinking one fewer can of soda or walking 5 more minutes each day) lost more than twice as much belly fat, 2 more inches off their waistlines, and about 4 times more weight during a 4-month program, compared with those who followed traditional calorie-restriction and physical-activity guidelines.
"When you focus on just a couple of small changes at a time, you begin to ingrain some healthy habits that last for a lifetime, rather than trying an all-or-nothing approach that more often than not fails because it's too hard to follow," says Lesley Lutes, PhD, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at East Carolina University.
We've uncovered 15 simple steps (with proven results) that will show you exactly how to lose weight by helping you move more, eat less, and look and feel better than ever. Add just one or two a week to your regular routine and you can lose nearly 3 inches off your waistline and be about 10 pounds lighter in a few months. Even better: Once these healthy habits become second nature, they'll benefit you for a lifetime.
MORE: The 25 Best Diet Tips Of All Time
Read the rest here:
How To Lose Weight With Just 15 Teeny Tiny Changes