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Two Methods:Plan your water fastBegin Your Water Fast
There's no more grueling type of fast or cleansing diet than a pure water fast. Unless of course you're on a fast where you consume absolutely nothing, including water. But I digress, on this fast, you can only have water. According to many alternative health experts, the health benefits can be extraordinary. Fasting allows the body time to heal from all of the toxins and pollutants in our food and environment. It also costs nothing to do. Follow these steps to learn more.
Select a length of time to do your water fast. While many regular fasters can do a water fast from 3 to 30 days, beginners should experiment by trying several shorter fasts first to see how their bodies react. Try a 2 day water fast, just to see how things go, and if things go well, continue.
Plan your water fast for a period during which you will not be under a lot of stress or during which fasting might interfere with your daily routine.
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How to Perform a Water Fast: 10 Steps (with Pictures ...