Expert Reviewed
Three Parts:Understanding Diet Pill LabelsManaging Weight with Diet PillsSupporting Weight Loss with LifestyleCommunity Q&A
There are a variety of dieting products and programs advertised to consumers, including juice diets, cleanses, or diet pills to help induce weight loss. Although most weight-loss pills are considered over-the-counter drugs, there are some concerns to keep in mind when you are taking them. Many of these programs are not evaluated by the FDA for effectiveness or for safety.[1] Being as well informed as possible and also taking the road of caution can help you manage your weight while taking diet pills.
Part 1
Research the supplement online. Before purchasing any weight loss pill over the counter, spend some time researching that supplement online. Find reliable sources of information that can provide you with the benefits, disadvantages and any possible side effects or dangers of the supplement you're interested in.
Part 2
Part 3
I cannot stop eating, what I can do?
wikiHow Contributor
It depends. If you eat just for fun or are emotional eating, you might have an eating disorder. You should consider asking your doctor and they might be able to help.
I'm a 20-year-old woman. How many calories should I be eating per day to lose weight?
wikiHow Contributor
Normally, a 20-year-old woman should eat between 2,000 and 2,400. But to lose weight, it is between 1,500 and 1,800.
Is it dangerous or fatal to take 2 pills at once?
wikiHow Contributor
I've lost 10 pounds in 5-6 days with diet pills. I only take one a day and that's a lot to lose in that time. You shouldn't need to take two at one time.
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How to Use Diet Pills Safely: 12 Steps (with Pictures ...