Are you a woman over 40 and noticing its getting harder to lose weight? Got some extra stubborn fluff and puff around the middle? Maybe yourefinding that the diets you did in your 20s or 30s dont work as fast as they used to or donteven work at all! If youre already well past 40, chances are youve found its harder to lose weight. And, those inches around your waistline wont budge.
Yes ladies, Middle Age Spread is a real thing. Now before you click the little x on your browser to close this page and curse my name in disgust, sit tight. First, Im going to lay out the facts of why this happens to most women. Then, Im going to give you some action steps you can take tostart losing weight again!
Ok, no big surprise here. During perimenopause, our estrogen and testosterone levels start to drop. By menopause, they plummet. This is probably why approximately 30% of women between 50 and 59 are obese.
There appears to be a connection between estrogen and body weight regulation. With lowerestrogenlevels, lab animals tend to eat more and be less physically active. Levels that are too high or too low appear to lead to fat storage. And, lower estrogen levels may also slow down your metabolic rate (the speed at your body converts stored energy into working energy).
Many of us just slow down with age and exercise less. This is just bad all around. This is true for both men and women. Heres why:
Sarcopenia. Sar-who? Naturally as we get older, we gradually lose muscle mass a little bit every year. It actually starts happening as early as 30. The less muscle we have on our bodies, the slower our metabolism is and the easier it is to gain weight.
We also lose aerobic fitness as we age, further slowing down our ability to use up energy when we exercise. In other words, we burn less calories when we exercise.
If you were very active in your younger years, you may have had some injuries. Like a spicy pepperoni pizza does after dinner, those injuries from your carefree days can come back to haunt you. These ghosts of injuries past show up in the form of early arthritis, bone spurs, tighter muscles, pinched nerves, etc. After our 30s, new injuries also take longer heal. No wonder we slow down.
Not Getting Enough Quality zzzs.
Many women have troublesleeping during menopause due to hot flashes, night sweats, stress and the other fun stuff that goes along with low estrogen levels. Migraines anyone?? The bummer is poor sleep is linked to hunger and weight gain because of two more hormones: ghrelin (the feed me hormone) and leptin (the Im full hormone). Heres a short blog I wrote on that topic. If youre sleep deprived, these hormones get out of whack.
Increased insulin resistance.
As we age, we tend to become more insulin resistant which can put us at risk for type 2 diabetes. When you eat foods that break down into sugar, the pancreas pumps out insulin to escort the sugar out of your blood. People with Insulin resistance dont use insulin effectively so that cells have trouble absorbing sugar which causes a buildup of sugar and insulin in the blood. Researchers still arent 100% in agreement as to why, but at the end of the day, people with insulin resistance gain weight, particularly around the middle. And some research shows that lack of estrogen may cause insulin resistance.
1. Eat less added sugar, processed foods and refined grains (white bread, bagels, pasta, white rice, you know the drill). A lot less. According to the sugar science department at UCSF, added sugar is hiding in 74% of all packaged food. And, the majority of carbohydrates in the typical American diet is made of refined grains. This means reading labels folks and knowing how many different names there are for sugar. Just because its called agave nectar or cane juice crystals doesnt mean its any better for you than the white granulated stuff. Your body doesnt know the difference and once you eat it, its all the same to your pancreas (the organ that produces insulin in response to sugar). Click this link to see 61 different names of sugar then run to your pantry and read the ingredients on your packaged food.Prepare for a rude awakening!
2. Exercise more. Contrary to what your body may want to do, you must exercise more regularly as you age, not less! If youre finding yourself slowing down, gradually start ramping it back up. Its not a good idea to go from taking an occasional walk to running a 10K. Thats a fast track to getting an injury. But start finding ways to fit more physical activity to your life. The more you exercise, the more insulin sensitive you become (thats the opposite of insulin resistant!)
Although your diet is the primary factor in weight loss (or gain), there are some sure-fire ways to speed up that weight loss though through exercise.
Jill Brown
3. Keep a food journal (or use an app) to keep track of what you eat. As we get older, our metabolisms naturally slow down. That means you need less food. If youre still eating as much as you did in your 30s, youve probably had to buy a whole new wardrobe or 2 by now. Apps like My Fitness Pal or Lose It help making weight loss goals easier by keeping you on track. Or you can go old school and write everything down then look up the calories. Not all calories are created equal, but one is for sure, taking in more than you burn leads to more body fat.
Pay attention to how you feel after eating certain types of foods and notice what makes you good and what makes you feel crappy.
4. Take probiotics to help digestion.
5. Eat more anti-inflammatory foods high in omega-3s, along with garlic, turmeric, cocoa, tea and berries.
6. Eat more high-quality protein. Higher protein diets have been shown to help with weight loss.
7. Eat more soluble fiber. It fills you up so you feel less hungry, it can increase insulin sensitivity and you know the other reason.
8. Sleep more and stress less. Easy, right? This may be the hardest part. There are plenty of things you can try. Melatonin and or magnesium at night. Massages. Yoga. Meditation. Hot baths before bed. Black out windows and cooler temperature in your bedroom. A good shrink. Theres really no shortage of suggestions. It may be time to experiment if youre not getting enough good sleep.
9. Talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapies. HRTs have been shown to help control weight gain.
Think of this as a quick start guide for what you can do to promote weight loss starting around the perimenopausal years. In future articles, I will go deeper into each of the topics mentioned to help you lose weight and feel better so we can enjoy what should be the best years of our lives! Stay tuned!
How Women Can Lose Weight After 40 (especially around the middle) - Huffington Post