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I tried eating like Tom Brady for a week, and it required a lot of extra hot sauce – Insider – Insider

Posted: February 6, 2021 at 6:50 pm

My trainer said the meals would be good for someone like me who exercises four to five times a week. The Good Kitchen

Molloy told me that it was good the meals all contained at least 30 grams of protein, which research has shown is "critical for lean muscle mass growth."

"As you can imagine, lean muscle is very important for most sports, and also is one of the best predictors of longevity as well," he added.

Molloy was also pleasantly surprised to see "complete protein sources" in the meals, rather than an emphasis on plant-based proteins.

"I do like the minimalist ingredients used in the meals," he added. "In general, unprocessed foods provide better satiety cues and control appetite substantially better than refined and processed foods. This is great for people who are looking to drop weight, but for athletes, it's a double-edged sword. Some processed foods such as rice, oats and other whole grains can provide added easy energy for training and competition."

Molloy did find that while the meals are a great option for the average person, an athlete would need to "eat substantially more food overall to support their athletic endeavors."

My trainer, Mike Michalski of Variant Fitness, agreed that the meals would be good for someone like me who exercises four to five times a week but isn't doing rigorous training.

"Quick meals, with great ingredients, and with a proper macronutrient profile are not easy for everyone to prepare and fit into their diets on a regular basis," Michalski said. "These meals certainly help to make that process that much easier."

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I tried eating like Tom Brady for a week, and it required a lot of extra hot sauce - Insider - Insider

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