Most diets center on what and how much you eat. The current popular trend of intermittent fasting takes a different approach by creating cycles or patterns of when you eat and when you fast.
Most types of fasting involve abstaining from all or some food or drinks for 24 to 72 hours.
Rachel Trammell, a registered dietitian with Parkland Hospital System, says intermittent fasting simply means cycling periods of time during the day when you dont eat.
Sometimes that means you take two or three days a week where you dont eat, Trammell said. Some people do a time-based intermittent fasting hours of the day where youd eat and hours where you fast.
Trammell says intermittent fasting can help with weight loss for some people, but she strongly recommends consulting your physician before you try it.
The KERA Interview with Rachel Trammell
Examples Of Popular Intermittent Fasting Plans:
WhatYou Eat Still Counts:
Your body still needs those good macro nutrients like proteins, fats and carbs. Good high fiber carbs like brown rice or vegetables to help your body function best.
Who Should Avoid Intermittent Fasting:
On The Other Hand:
Someone who is having a problem with overeating and is really struggling with a lot of sugar cravings might do well with having that start and stop time to tell themselves its time to eat, its time to stop eating, and during the day have some structured meals.
Intermittent Fasting 101
10 Intermittent Fasting tips that actually help
Intermittent Fasting: Surprising update
Fasting (
Answers have been edited for claridt and brevity.
See the article here:
Intermittent Fasting: Weight Loss Based On When You Eat, Not What You Eat - KERA News