In case you missed it: Lena Dunham is not interested in being the poster child for weight loss. The Girls star has shed some pounds, but she's been very open about the fact that it was anxiety and depressionnot some cult cycling classthat led to her new shape.
And what's more, Lena is dumfounded by the backlash she's received for losing weight. In a recent appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show, the actress shared: "It's just so ridiculous because I spent six years being called 'bag of milk' on the Internet." Then, when she lost weight, Lena saw comments such as: "I thought you were body positive!"
For the record, she is body positivebut telling others how to get fit just isn't in her wheelhouse. So when a magazine splashed an image of Lena on its cover with accompanying text that read: "How She Gets Motivated," the star used her signature wit to share how, indeed, she does.
Lena took to Instagram to counter the cover line with politically charged "slim-down tips" such as: "an election that reveals the true depts of American misogyny," along with "constant sweaty dreams of dystopian future," and "worrying ceaselessly about the health and safety of women you know and women you don't." And for her final statement, Lena doubled down.
"I have no tips I give no tips I don't want to be on this cover cuz it's diametrically opposed to everything I've fought my whole career for and it's not a compliment to me because it's not an achievement thanx," she said, in summary. Any questions?
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Read the original:
Lena Dunham Shared 20 Super Dark Weight Loss Tips - Bravo (blog)