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Letters and feedback: Feb. 26, 2020 – Florida Today

Posted: February 27, 2020 at 5:44 am

Florida Today Published 4:00 a.m. ET Feb. 26, 2020

What will it take to restore speed bumps?

County Commissioner Smith doesn't believe the residents of Tropical Trail show enough support for replacing the speed bumps that were removed when the road was resurfaced.

A survey of residents of only the south end of the trail showed two-thirdsof respondents wanted the speed bumps replaced. If this were a general election we would call this a clear majority and the people choosing not to participate would not have the right to have their voices heard. The decision to forego this result clearly denies the will of the people. Instead, based on some arbitrary calculation, this is not "enough" of a majority to be heard?

I have been a resident of Tropical Trail for 20 years. I had the opportunity to drive the trail at 11 a.m. Sunday.I counted 57 bicyclists, 23 runners, and threedog walkers. To say this is not a residential street denies reality. Vehicle speed and usage has definitely increased since the speed bumps were removed. We have had two significant accidents directly related to speeds well in excess of the limit since removal.

Unfortunately, it seems the cost of replacing the bumps will have to be paid with a tragic and senseless loss of a life.

Robert Underill, Merritt Island

Residents of South Tropical Trail want Commissioner Curt Smith to reverse his decision against reinstalling speed bumps on this scenic road.(Photo: ISADORA RANGEL)

Pedestrians should be following law, too

Florida State Statute 316.130 (8) states: "No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield."

Pedestrians in parking lots: As the vehicle driver, I'll take the weight of responsibility on this. Would it be too much to ask you to "Look left, look right" before blindly walking into the path of my car? I know you're preoccupied and in a hurry but assuming I see you in time to avoid hitting you is a preoccupation you ought to retire, safely, from.

Steven T. Smith, Indian Harbour Beach

'Affordable' is key word here

I am a registered Democrat and consider myself some what liberal (a dirty word in some sectors) but I do have to send a message to Bernie and Elizabeth. I feel that most Americans do not want a Medicare for All system or free education, etc. I feel what Americans want is affordable health care and affordable education be it vocational or college.

While your liberal ideals are commendable, making health care and education affordable is a whole lot easier to achieve than what would amount to a complete upheaval of the current system. Who can be against affordable health care and education?

To make health care affordable you must change the current fee for service systems that are in place. At one time we had Pell Grants for students and a significant number of other programs which reduced the need for student loans. These are difficult problems to solve but they can be solved if America wants to solve them.

Leonard Shaffer, Cocoa Beach

Bloomberg nod draws boos

If I had a child at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, I would be on my way there with a U-Haul truck just as fast as I-4 would allow.

After reading the ridiculous guest columnwritten by their R. Bruce Anderson, endorsing Michael Bloomberg for president, it is clear that the board of regents has their heads stuck somewhere dark to allow this sort of thinking to be presented to our future generation.

This fellow is so far away from reality that he wouldnt know it if it slammed him in the behind.

Robert Wilson, Melbourne

Immigration, deportation and tax dollars

Imagine you had a house for rent and a family that saw the sign broke in, Took over the house, and when you asked them to leave they called the government and the government told you that not only could you not make them leave, but you have to keep paying the mortgage, taxes and insurance, feed them, provide medical care and get their children to school at your expense.

My guess is most people in that situation would feel that was unfair, but essentially that is what open borders, and refusing to deport people illegally in the country, is all about.

I would like to propose a simple solution that I think could get politicians of both parties to support deporting those illegally in the country: Limit allocation of federally collected tax dollars, to be based only on the number of people legally in each state.

Want to bet when they had to pay for the needs of those illegally in the country with the help only of the state's own taxpayers, that they might not be so supportive of open borders and people coming into the country without federal authorization? And maybe return to policies of years past, to be sure those seeking to live in the U.S. can support themselves and werent bringing in diseases that could harm U.S. citizens?

Just wondering if others might agree.

Ilene Davis, Cocoa

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Letters and feedback: Feb. 26, 2020 - Florida Today

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