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List of Weight Loss "Compliments" to Avoid Highlights the Complexities of Weight Loss, Says Dr. Feiz & Associates – Benzinga

Posted: June 14, 2017 at 9:48 pm

The Southern California weight loss surgery clinic notes that defeating obesity is always healthful, but rarely simple.

Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) June 14, 2017

A June 8th article on Madame Noire offers a list of alleged compliments that can actually be taken as insults by people who have successfully managed to lose a significant amount of weight. While many of these observations can be made with the most benign intentions, the article notes that the complexities of weight loss make saying something like "Look how much weight she lost! Doesn't she look great?" can place undue attention on people who, generally speaking, just want to be left alone and accepted for who they are. Weight loss surgery specialists Dr. Feiz & Associates notes the article points up the reality that weight loss, with or without a surgical procedure, is more than just a physical change. It's a very personal matter that involves a complex interplay between physiological and psychological factors.

Dr. Feiz & Associates notes that many people assume weight loss surgery is an almost semi-magical procedure which actually causes fat to disappear on its own. In reality, such procedures as a sleeve gastrectomy work by creating physical changes that have psychological impacts. Specifically, the procedure removes approximately 75-85% of the stomach. The impact is twofold because the small stomach makes overeating physically uncomfortable but, perhaps more importantly, it also reduces the production of a hormone called ghrelin, which "tells" the brain that it's time to eat. The substance is believed to be largely responsible for creating the nagging hungry feelings that drives overweight people to continue eating, even when they know for a fact that they have consumed more than enough food; worse, ghrelin production tends to increase as individuals lose weight. Dr. Feiz & Associates says that, while sleeve gastrectomies do make weight loss a great deal easier, patients still have to muster the psychological energy to permanently change their approach to food and eating.

Dr. Feiz & Associates notes that the challenges involved with obesity and weight loss can lead to sensitivities that may well linger even after the additional weight has gone. They add that, for patients, this means realizing that they will have to address these matters, perhaps with the help of a coach or therapist, and develop a new relationship not only with food, but with their body. For friends and family of people who appear to be successfully dealing with their obesity, it means that a certain amount of sensitivity will be required, says the weight loss clinic.

Readers who would like to learn more about Dr. Feiz & Associates and if weight loss surgery might be right for them are invited to call (800) 868-5946. They can also the visit the clinic via the web at

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List of Weight Loss "Compliments" to Avoid Highlights the Complexities of Weight Loss, Says Dr. Feiz & Associates - Benzinga

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