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Maggie Must-Haves: Don’t diet, download! Check out this app and how you can win a Nutribullet Blender – CW39

Posted: June 12, 2017 at 8:46 am

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HOUSTON -- With summer upon us everyone wants to look beach ready. But what if I told you, you could obtain that perfect bod without having to ever diet again?!

This summer, don't diet. goEvo! Download the goEvo App.

Get in touch with your personal mood cycles and emotional cues. Bring the joy back to eating! Re-learn how to play for fitness. Playing isn`t just for kids. Gain access to 100s of tasty, balanced recipes & fun workouts. Interact with goEvo`s experts & resources in real time, as you need it. The app learns and tracks your personal triggers and moods.

Sign up for the goEvo mailing list to be notified about the goEvo app launch. You will automatically be entered to win: a Nutribullet Blender and the books, Eating Well Made Easy and Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic WorldThe winner will be announced on the day of the goEvo app launch!

The NO DIET revolution starts now!

Maggie Must-Haves: Don't diet, download! Check out this app and how you can win a Nutribullet Blender - CW39

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