As the dog days of summer are fast approaching, and people are preparing for swimsuit season, anew weight-lossprocedure is focusing a good portion of its marketing toward men.
"Tried different diets and mixed things up a little bit and thought why not?" Jamal Ross said.
Ross couldn't help but notice new ads focused in on guys for "cool sculpting."
He said it seemed like a better option for him than liposuction.
"I wasn't quite at that point, so this just seemed like something that was pretty non-invasive and just a good entry point to see what the results would be like," Ross said.
A vacuum is placed over the fat that supplies a blast of cold to the area freezing the fat and eventually your body just gets rid of it. The procedure claims to be virtually pain-free.
"You feel a little bit of cool and other than that I've been kind of enjoying just hanging out," Ross said.
"The more the word gets out, the more that the patients come in and they realize there's more to the practice, more men are inquiring about it," Dr. Charles Evans said.
Evans, whoruns the Men's Vitality Center, said more and more men are coming in wanting to look better and feel better about their image.
See the original post:
More Valley men opting for weight-loss procedures