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Morning sickness: What it is, and what to do – TODAY

Posted: November 1, 2019 at 12:43 am

Morning sickness is common, occurring in about 70% of pregnancies, according to the Cleveland Clinic. So if you are feeling nauseated early in your pregnancy, you arent alone.

TODAY Parents talked to healthcare professionals to understand exactly what morning sickness is all about, and how to cope with it.

Morning sickness is typically characterized as a pregnant woman feeling nauseated each day, and possibly vomiting once or twice. The common condition can happen at any time throughout the day, despite being commonly known as morning sickness. It typically begins in the morning, though, due to having an empty stomach.

Cases involving daily nausea and vomiting once or twice are considered normal. It is usually not harmful to the fetus, although obviously vomiting daily has a serious impact on a womans life.

These significant disturbances are not something women have to deal with on their own, says Alison G. Cahill, vice chair of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists committee on Obstetric Practice. "We don't want our patients to suffer. We want them to tell us that they aren't feeling well so we have the chance to try and help them feel better," she tells TODAY.

Mild morning sickness cannot be cured, but it can be managed with behavioral modifications to ones diet and lifestyle. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggests trying one or more of the following:

Morning sickness usually begins before nine weeks of pregnancy. Nausea is one of the first signs of pregnancy for many women, so the symptoms may start before confirming the pregnancy.

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While morning sickness can last several weeks or months, for most it ends or improves by the second trimester. In a few cases, nausea and vomiting lasts throughout the entire pregnancy.

Dr. Higgins says no one knows why some women have morning sickness worse than others. The following factors may increase risk of severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:

Unrelated medical conditions also cause nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, including an ulcer, food-related illness, thyroid disease or gallbladder disease. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says the following symptoms are a sign it may be something else:

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, battled severe morning sickness, known as hyperemesis gravidarum, with all three of her pregnancies. Comedian Amy Schumer cancelled part of her tour due to it. It can happen to anyone, famous or not.

Treatment is required for those diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum, the most severe form of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, occurring in about 3% of pregnancies, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. It is diagnosed when a woman has lost 5-10% of her weight during pregnancy and has other problems related to dehydration. Treatment is required to stop the vomiting and to restore body fluids, and sometimes a hospital stay is needed.

Noticing weight loss is one of the ways for women to know they might have hyperemesis gravidarum, according to Dr. Erin Higgins, MD, OB/OGN at Cleveland Clinic. She says blood work will show more signs.

If behavioral modifications do not relieve the symptoms, tell your healthcare professional, as there are medications that are safe to take during pregnancy to help control the nausea and vomiting, according to Dr. Higgins. Consult your doctor before taking any, as your healthcare team will be able to determine the best treatment plan for your personal situation.

In some severe cases and for those with hyperemesis gravidarum, it may be necessary to stay in the hospital until symptoms are under control. In some cases, this may include lab tests, an IV to receive fluids and vitamins, medication, or tube feeding.

Nausea and vomiting are not the only early signs of pregnancy. Other signs include missing a regular period, tender or swollen breasts, increased urination, and fatigue. Less obvious signs may include moodiness, bloating, mild cramping, constipation, food aversions, and nasal congestion.

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Morning sickness: What it is, and what to do - TODAY

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