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Natural Health: ‘My scalp has got itchy and flaky since I’ve started working from home’ – Irish Examiner

Posted: May 14, 2020 at 9:46 pm

You are quite right in looking to your diet along with external factors. All too often people tend to focus on topical products and forget the importance of considering what goes in the body.

Still, it is worth checking as to whether or not there have been any changes to the water - such as an increase in chlorination measures for additional disinfecting in response to COVID-19. There are shower and bath filter systems which are very effective in reducing chlorine exposure.

It is well worth the money to invest in a shower filter if you are sensitive to the chemicals in treated tap water.

We actually absorb more toxins from our bathing water than our drinking water, with around two thirds of chlorine exposure occurring via skin absorption and vapour inhalation during a shower.

Women, children and the elderly are the most likely to react to changes in the water or chemicals in topical preparations.

This happens more frequently with women because of their higher body fat ratio (toxins accumulate in fatty tissue); in children, it is because of their sensitive and young skin; and the elderly because of their more delicate and thin skin tissue.

The chlorine in tap water also destroys hair and skin proteins, which is why a shower filter can help to eliminate itching scalp conditions and dry or frizzy hair.

Now to look at dietary measures that may help. Essential fatty acids are crucial whenever dry skin or hair is an issue.

You can increase these in your diet by consuming more oily fish, increasing your intake of nuts, seeds, and fatty fruits (such as avocado), or simply taking a supplement.

If you know that you are sensitive, intolerant, or reactive to a certain food or food group, then you must cut it out completely to allow your scalp to settle down.

Sugar is often the culprit when it comes to flaking and itching scalp, as it overfeeds the unhealthy yeast and bacteria naturally found on our skin and in our bodies causing it to multiply out of control.

Many cases of flaking and itching scalp are a result of the overgrowth of the yeast Pityrosporum oval.

This imbalance in scalp flora then triggers an overproduction of oil from the sebaceous glands, which in turn means that you feel the need to wash your hair more frequently, which makes the flaking and itching even worse.

You may benefit from taking a probiotic supplement to help balance out the beneficial bacteria found in your gut and on your skin. Intestinal issues are closely linked with skin health, as is our immune health.

Finally, stress can certainly play a role in changes in hair and skin, so go gently on yourself this is a most challenging time.

Some people simply produce wax more frequently than others. Earwax, or cerumen, is produced to help protect your ear canals from dust, dirt, and infection.

It also helps to maintain the pH balance within the ear canals.

The glands responsible for wax production are located in the outer area of the ear canal, with the amount of wax in our ears typically being kept in check by the tiny hairs within the canals moving the build-up to the outer ear where it is easily removed.

This is our natural self-cleaning process.

One of the best natural products out there for cleaning ears safely is Audiclean.

It is a spray which can be used in the bath or shower, utilising the gentle action of bicarbonates to remove excess wax build up without removing the protective layer of wax from the ear canal. The company also makes a natural wax softening product, should you need it.

Audiclean is available from most pharmacies.

Original post:
Natural Health: 'My scalp has got itchy and flaky since I've started working from home' - Irish Examiner

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