CHARLOTTE BURGESS was shamed into losing weight after posting a mortifying holiday snap on Facebook.
After being tagged in a less-than-flattering photo, Charlotte Burgess lost an impressive 7st in just 10 months.
The photo, taken of her wearing a swimming costume, reduced Charlotte to tears and she demanded her boyfriend Danny delete it from Facebook.
This prompted the mother-of-one to go from 18st and a UK size 22 to 11st and a UK size 10.
The 25-year-old said: Ive never looked or felt better, and in building my self-esteem I have saved my relationship.
Charlottes weight gain began when she became pregnant in 2015 and in just four months she had piled on 3st.
This meant Charlotte had to be induced and have her son early as she was too obese to carry him full-term.
I was anxious because we have a history of miscarriage in the family. I told myself it was good to eat for two, but I was eating for four at least, Charlotte admitted.
I was too tired to cook after work so I always got a takeaway and Danny would come home with a large bar of chocolate to make me smile.
My midwife told me I was now clinically obese. I was ashamed but I just ate more to feel better.
My blood pressure and blood sugar was through the roof.
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are all the rage right now and for good reason. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein and your body uses protein to build and repair tissues.
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Because of her high sugar intake, this led to gestational diabetes and at her five month scan the sonographer raised concerts about the size of her baby.
By 37 weeks, Charlotte was 18st 5st heavier than she was at the start of her pregnancy.
The baby, Harley, was a healthy 8lb when born, and even after birth Charlotte fell into a vicious cycle of takeaways and convenience food from being too tired to cook while looking after a newborn.
This caused Charlotte to shy away from mothers groups because of her weight, and her and Danny didnt have sex for five months after the baby was born.
After Charlotte saw the photo on Facebook, this was the motivation she needed to change and she signed up to the Cambridge Weight Plan.
Within five weeks, she was down 2st: I knew it was so important to get Harley on healthy foods from the start so while I was steaming broccoli for me I was pureeing it for Harley.
Finally I felt like a good mum leading by example.
Here is the original post:
Obese woman SHAMED into losing weight you won't believe what ... - Daily Star