OnePlus wasn't entirely accurate when it said it wouldn't offer the OnePlus 7T Pro in the US. T-Mobile has announced that it'll carry the OnePlus 7T Pro 5G McLaren sometime later in 2019. As the name suggests, it's a version of the supercar-inspired special edition phone with 5G data on T-Mo's 600MHz network. There's no pricing at this point, although you can safely presume this will cost much more than the $669 starting price for the earlier 7 Pro.
The standard 7T Pro is a mildly souped-up 7 Pro with a Snapdragon 855+ chip, a minimum 8GB of RAM, faster charging, an ever-so-slightly larger battery and photography extras like 960FPS slow motion video and a macro mode. The McLaren model bumps the RAM to 12GB and, of course, adds that signature black and orange color scheme with an ethereal pattern on the back. There's not much rush to get this model if you already have a 7 Pro (or most other recent phones, really). It's likely your best chance at getting a 7T Pro in the US, however, and the futureproofing for 5G might sweeten the deal.
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OnePlus 7T Pro with 5G is coming to T-Mobile later this year - Yahoo Lifestyle