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FDA In Brief: FDA Requests Voluntary Withdrawal of Weight-Loss Medication After Clinical Trial Shows an Increased Occurrence of Cancer – PRNewswire

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am

SILVER SPRING, Md., Feb. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The following quote is attributed to Janet Woodcock, M.D., director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research:

"Public health and safety of drugs that Americans rely on is a top priority at the FDA both before and after approval. We're taking steps to notify the public about a particular weight-loss medication and have requested that the company voluntarily withdraw the product from the market because our review of the full clinical trial results shows that the potential risk of cancer associated with the drug outweighs the benefit of treatment. The company has submitted a request to voluntarily withdraw the drug.

"As noted in a new Drug Safety Communication issued today, patients should stop using the medication Belviq and Belviq XR (lorcaserin) and talk to their health care professionals about other treatment options for weight loss.Health care professionals should stop prescribing and dispensing Belviq and Belviq XR.

"The FDA is not recommending special screening for patients who have taken Belviq. Standard screening recommendationsfor cancer should be implemented for any patient, regardless of prior Belviq treatment.

"The agency's actions follow our alert to the public earlier this year about the possible risk of cancer associated this medication based on preliminary analysis of the clinical trial data.

"We will continue to track safety issues with medications on the market and use science and data as our guide to act quickly when we have determined that the risks associated with drugs are greater than the benefits of treatment."

Additional Resources:

Media Contact:Monique Richards, 240-402-3014Consumer Inquiries: Email, 888-INFO-FDA

The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation's food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.

SOURCE U.S. Food and Drug Administration

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FDA In Brief: FDA Requests Voluntary Withdrawal of Weight-Loss Medication After Clinical Trial Shows an Increased Occurrence of Cancer - PRNewswire

Man who struggled to walk has life back thanks to huge weight loss – Daily Record

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am

A inspirational Carluke man has an important piece of advice for people struggling to lose weight: Believe in yourself.

Gordon Davidson had been miserable after piling on the pounds and reaching his heaviest weight of 18 stone.

The 62-year-old could no longer enjoy his summer holidays and was struggling to walk around without getting breathless.

I never had the belief I could lose weight, said Gordon.

But Weight Watchers, attending workshops, walking and regular activity has now given me a belief in myself.

If I can do it, then others can do it. Believe in yourself.

It was after returning from a trip abroad that Gordon realised he needed to take some serious action to get back in shape.

While his holiday should have been a time to relax and enjoy himself, walking around sightseeing was difficult because he was so unfit and all the holiday food led to more weight gain.

Gordon said: I didnt enjoy my time abroad and when I came home and saw a picture of myself, I decided that it was finally time to do something about it.

I had been eating all the wrong things like lots of puddings, biscuits and cakes, so its no wonder my weight had gone up to 18st.

It was the heaviest I had ever been.

I was eating too much and portions were big, too big!

Gordon joined the Weight Watchers club that meets at Wishaw Volunteer Centre, and was warmly welcomed by slimming coach Barbara Graham.

She made me feel instantly at ease, said Gordon.

I settled into the my Weight Watchers plan quickly and easily and loved the choice of zero smartpoint foods, which really helped to fill me up without using too many points. I learned that I could eat lots of foods if I just changed what I was eating.

I was always satisfied and never hungry.

I was able to enjoy alcohol at the weekends and the occasional dessert, and I could mix and match different foods.

My weekly workshop was really beneficial and we all helped to motivate each other.

Now 70lbs lighter, I am fitter and healthier than ever before.

Gordon now walks regularly throughout the week and loves to play badminton to stay fit.

His trouser size has dropped from a 38-inch to 32-inch waist, and hes ditched XXL tops for a standard medium size.

Five stone lighter and in much-improved health, Gordon is looking forward to jetting off and enjoying his holidays again.

Man who struggled to walk has life back thanks to huge weight loss - Daily Record

Greene County 911 caller: They came up to our window and had a gun pointed at my wifes head&rsqu – Dayton Daily News

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am

The Greene County shooting that left two people dead Wednesday outside a million-dollar home near Yellow Springs involved a celebrity nutritionist who appeared on TV shows, his Hollywood stunt woman ex-wife and her current husband.

A man who identified himself as Robert Lindsey Duncan can be heard in a 911 call alerting law enforcement that he had shot two people who he says came onto his property and threatened to kill him and his wife.

I shot them, they came up to our window and had a gun pointed at my wifes head, Duncan told a dispatcher while asking for authorities to get to his 3443 Grinnell Road home as quickly as possible.

Duncan is the founder and CEO of Genesis Today who appeared on the Dr. Oz Show and The View nearly a decade ago to talk about weight loss.

A phone message to Duncan wasnt returned Thursday evening.

Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer declined to identify Duncan, who has not been charged with any crime.

FIRST REPORT:Shootout near Yellow Springs could have been ambush, sheriff says

Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer identified the dead woman as Cheryl Sanders, 59, who was a spokeswoman and stunt woman who appeared on the cover of Healthy Living Magazine. Her current husband, Robert Reed Sanders, 56, also was killed in the shooting.

Sanders wrote online that she moved from martial arts and kickboxingto a career as a stunt womanin the 1980s. She said was the stunt double for Brooke Shields, Kathleen Turner, Sharon Stone and other A-list actresses.

Court records show that Duncan and Cheryl Sanders signed a prenuptial agreement in 1999, were married, then divorced in 2009.

Since the divorce, the records indicate their relationship remained sour.

According to a court filing in 2016, Duncan sued Cheryl Sanders and Robert Sanders for defamation, slander, libel and other accusations.

Defendant Cheryl provided a written statement to both boards of Genesis Pure and Genesis Today, as well as non-board members, employees and various members of the plaintiffs family, the suit says. This statement accused the Plaintiff of false, malicious, defamatory and vicious accusations, which defamed both the plaintiff and Genesis Today and Genesis Pure.

Exactly what was said isnt spelled out in the lawsuit. The lawsuit claims Duncan was subjected to numerous attempts at extortion and harassment.

Motions in the lawsuit have been filed as recently as September of last year. The most recent action came in November, according to online court records, when a sub or withdraw of counsel took place. The case status is labeled pending.

The Dayton Daily News has requested the documents in the case. The online court records list David Gottfried as the Sanders attorney. A message left at his office wasnt returned.

Duncans wife, who is identified as Molly in the 911 call, tells dispatchers during that call that Cheryl Sanders has been trying to kill them for years.

Fischer said during a press conference Thursday that his office is still looking at whether the shooting was a planned ambush of Duncan and his wife. He said the Sanderses were driving a car with fictitious Ohio temporary plates. He also said the two had set up a camera to view the incident.

Fischer also said during the press conference that Duncan had alerted his office about five years ago that he feared Cheryl Sanders had hired someone to kill him. Fischer said extra patrols were dispatched around the home at that time.

He said he didnt know what the motive of the shooting was but did say money could have played a role.

Money can be the root of all evil, he said. But I cant say its money, Im not sure exactly why this happened. Thats whats the investigation is for.

Officials said the investigation will take a long time and will be presented to a grand jury for review.

According to a Federal Trade Commission press release from 2015, Duncan and his companies faced charges from the commission for, in part, deceptively touting the supposed weight-loss benefits of green coffee bean extract through a campaign that included appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, The View, and other television programs.

The commission accused Duncan of misleading consumers by saying that green coffee bean extract would help them lose as much as 17 pounds and 16 percent of body fat in 12 weeks, without diet or exercise.

RELATED:What we know today about the double-fatal shooting near Yellow Springs

The commission said that claim wasnt true.

a clinical study does not show that GCBE causes substantial weight loss and fat loss, or rapid and substantial weight loss and fat loss, including 17 pounds in 12 weeks and 16 percent of body fat in 12 weeks, without diet or exercise, the complaint says.

In a settlement, Genesis Today, Pure Health LLC and Duncan agreed to pay $9 million to the commission and were barred from making deceptive claims about the health benefits of any dietary supplement or drug product, the press release says.

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Greene County 911 caller: They came up to our window and had a gun pointed at my wifes head&rsqu - Dayton Daily News

Everything you need to know about carbs – 9Honey

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am

Thirty years ago, fat was the main diet demon and carbs fuelled the day with toast or cereal the standard breakfast, a simple sandwich at lunchtime. Back then, dinner wasn't dinner unless a potato or some rice or pasta graced the plate.

Now there are few food groups as tainted as the humble carbohydrate, especially when it comes to weight loss. So while many an extreme diet bans carbs completely, are they really that bad for us? Are some better than others? And how can you strike the right balance for you?

Carbohydrates are one of the three macro-nutrientsthat give the body energy (the other two are protein and fat). Carbs are primarily found in plant-based foods, including bread, rice, breakfast cereal, fruits, starchy vegetables and sugars and offer 17kJ (4 calories) of energy per gram.

The simplest form of carbohydrate is glucose, and carbohydrates range from mixes of simple sugars to hundreds of individual sugars that form more complex carbohydrates, such as breads and cereals.

Carbohydrates can also be grouped according to their glycaemic index. The glycaemic index refers to how quickly or how slowly a carbohydrate releases glucose into the bloodstream. Low GI foods such as wholegrains release the glucose relatively slowly, compared to higher GI foods such as white bread and rice.

Generally speaking, natural sources of carbohydrate, as found in whole, natural foods like fruit, starchy vegetables, and legumes, and wholegrains such as oats, barley and quinoa, are the best carbs to include in the diet on a daily basis.

When carbs are consumed as wholefoods, we get the added benefit other key nutrients, including fibre, vitamins and minerals. Wholegrain and low GI natural sources of carbohydrate are also far less likely to be overconsumed the way refined carbohydrates found in processed cereals, white breads, snack food, biscuits, juices and sugars are.

The amount of carb you need will depend largely on how active you are. If you spend all day on your feet and are already quite slim, you will need more than someone who sits all day does minimal exercise. And similarly, on days you train for an hour or more, you will need more than on a sedentary day when you barely leave the house.

Without shifting to a complete 'low carb' or keto approach, where carbs equate to less than 20 per cent of total calories or just 50-80g of total carbohydrates per day, the average adult will require 30-50 per cent of their daily calories from carbohydrates (you can see this is a wide range), equating to roughly 80-200g of carbohydrates each day, or 1-3 half cup serves at each meal.

As carbohydrate is the primary fuel for the muscles, it is a common belief that eating fewer carbs means that you automatically burn a greater amount of fat. While this is somewhat true, as the body prefers to burn carbs in the form of glucose as its primary energy source, if carbs are restricted to a great enough extent, even though the body will shift to burning fat it will also slow metabolic rate over time. This means that initially you will get good results from a strict low-carb approach, but over time metabolic rate will reduce and the body will begin burning fewer calories as a result. This effect can be observed in individuals who have great success initially using a low-carb diet but who find it difficult to maintain once they return to their usual carbohydrate intake.

The strongest sign that you're eating too much carbohydrate is if you're gaining weight, or not losing weight despite making a concerted effort to eat less and exercise. The easiest way to count your own carbs is to use an online monitoring app such as 'myfitnesspal'.

While extremely low-carb diets, or less than 50g of total carbs a day will support ketosis and rapid weight loss, for those not in keto, it is possible to eat too few carbs for the amount of activity you are doing.

Signs your carbs may be a little on the low side include constant sugar cravings and hunger and an inability to lose weight despite eating less and exercising more. This may suggest you need a little more carbs to successfully burn body fat. The minimum amount of carbs someone not in keto will require is roughly 80-100g plus another 20-30g for every hour of exercise.

Naturally every food that contains carbohydrates has a different amount and generally larger serves for example, larger slices of bread have more than smaller slices. As a general rule of thumb, cup of carbohydrate or one piece of fruit has about 20g of carbs per serve. For a more accurate analysis, simply check 'carbs per serve' on nutrition panels or use a monitoring program such as 'myfitnesspal'.

So carbs are not bad for us, rather it tends to be the types of carbs we commonly choose or are served. Large slices of sourdough or Turkish bread, the white rice in sushi and large serves of noodles and fries at night are when we get our carbs wrong.

On the other hand, fruit, vegetables and controlled portions of wholegrains have plenty to offer the key is to stick to natural, whole unprocessed carbs when you can. And if your goal is weight loss, keep a close eye on how much total carbohydrate you are consuming each day.

Susie Burrell is a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of Shape Me, and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

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Everything you need to know about carbs - 9Honey

Adele lost weight, but not in the hips or in the butt: Twitter calls her a & # 39; PAWG & # 39 ;! – Up News Info

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am

Pop singer Adele has been making news lately for her dramatic weight loss. The singer born in the United Kingdom lost 120 pounds, all in the last year.

And now new photos of Adele in yoga pants: that she goes viral again.

Fans have noticed that while Adele has lost a lot of weight, she still maintains an hourglass figure.

Here is the image that is making it viral

On Wednesday, the paparazzi saw Adele, 31, and she looked thinner than ever when she left Los Angeles in black sportswear.

Twitter burst quickly. Not because of the weight loss, but because of the weight he retained, in the area of the hips and buttocks. The singer is called PAWG, or "a white girl **".

Here are some comments from Twitter, taken shortly after the images appeared online:

Adele Trynna be a PAWG. OK


I Adele a pawg ok or am i stumbling?

Adele it's definitely good PAWG lmao

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Adele lost weight, but not in the hips or in the butt: Twitter calls her a & # 39; PAWG & # 39 ;! - Up News Info

I tried a $3,000 high-tech home gym, and loved its sleek design and emphasis on strength over weight loss – Business Insider

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am


Advertised as the worlds most intelligent home gym, Tonal is a digital touchscreen that mounts on your wall and promises a full-body workout and personal training from the comfort of your living room.

Though the tech debuted more than a year ago, in August 2018, its been expanding since and generated more buzz at this years Consumer Electronics Show.

Two arm-like appendages extend from the machine which, combined with a variety of attachable hands, allow you to push, pull, and hoist up to 200 pounds worth of digital weight, which is provided via electromagnetic resistance.

The price tag, at $2,995 and up, isnt cheap, but neither is a traditional home gym, since racks and barbells can easily run hundreds of dollars.

The result is like having a full gyms worth of equipment, in one sleek, efficient package. If it sounds too good to be true, I thought so too. But after trying Tonal out for myself at the companys Manhattan showroom, I came around to believe its one of the coolest fitness tech innovations Ive seen in a while.

Heres what I liked most about Tonals high-tech equipment and programming, and why its exciting even if the cost makes it out of reach for most everyday gym-goers.

For Tonals arms to provide so much digital weight, computer chips generate an electromagnetic field and magnets allow you to push or pull against that field, making it feel like actual weight.

The multi-directional movement of those arms, combined with attachments such as handles and a barbell, allow you to incorporate that resistance into the same strength-training movement you might do at the gym, such as bench presses, curls, squats, cable pulls, and more.

For fitness enthusiasts like me, the benefits of this are obvious, since it condenses bulky traditional gym equipment like a squat rack, cable machines, and heaps of dumbbells or kettlebells into one convenient package that fits on your wall. This is particularly exciting in New York, where tiny apartments and 5th floor walkups make it tricky to haul in heavy metal gym equipment.

Its designed to be sleek, not something thats going to end up collecting dust in your basement, Ashley Hennings, director of PR and influencer marketing at Tonal, told Insider at my live demonstration.

Unlike regular weights, the digital weights can adjust in real-time based on personalized workout goals.

For example, the program has something called burnout mode, which I found especially exciting. In a traditional burnout set (also known as a drop set), you select a challenging weight for a given exercise (like a bicep curl), lift that weight until you physically cant lift any more (known as muscle failure), slightly decrease the weight, and repeat until your muscles are totally tapped out. This helps build strength and mass.

Doing this at the gym requires some space and prior planning, since you have to estimate how much and what increments of weights youll need, and line them up in advance.

With Tonals burnout mode, though, you can program the digital weight to decrease automatically as you hit muscle failure, making for a much more streamlined burnout. This saves you the time of having to collect, and then wipe down and re-rack, multiple sets of weights.

The dynamic weight mode also offers some perks for advanced lifters. For instance, chains mode mimics the variable resistance of a chain attached to your barbell or weight, making it heavier on the way up (as the chains leave the ground) and lighter on the way down (as the chains return to the ground). Again, this is all digital, so you dont need chains carpeting your apartment.

The program also has some nifty safety features built in. The spotter mode feature recognizes when youre struggling (based on your range of motion) and gradually lowers the amount of weight to prevent injury, similar to a gym spotter making sure you dont drop a barbell on your face.

Plus, all the digital weight can be clicked off at the touch of a button, built into each of the handles, barbells, and grips that attach to the machine.

Every new Tonal user starts with a strength assessment, which is then used to create a customized profile from which you can track your workouts and see your progress. The system also uses this data to recommend the amount of weight and number of reps you should do in a given exercise, based on your previous workouts, making it accessible even to beginners.

You can also scroll through Tonals library of strength and aerobic fitness programs, many of which can be personalized. These also include video tutorials of various exercises to help less experienced athletes perfect their form.

Hennings said that Tonal is specifically designed to bring strength training to people who might otherwise be too intimidated to try lifting in a traditional gym.

This is all part of one of my favorite aspects of Tonal the system is designed to help people build strength, instead of focusing on weight-loss goals. Many other high-tech fitness systems (including Mirror and Peloton) are cardio-focused, and theres often an implicit or explicit suggestion that burning fat or shedding pounds is the goal.

Instead, Tonal tracks how much youre able to lift, which is a refreshing change, especially for women like me who go to the gym to get stronger, not smaller.

All in, Tonal costs about $4,000: $2,995 for the base price plus more for smart accessories and installation. So I dont expect it to replace most peoples monthly gym membership, mine included.

However, in a competitive market where everyone seems to be releasing a fitness app or trying to re-invent the wheel, it was exciting to see a tech company with a genuine gym innovation.

In my opinion, Tonal is an awesome home gym for folks who can afford it. Ill be looking forward to what the company comes up with next, especially if its something for the rest of us.

Read more:

We tracked over 1,000 peoples gym habits throughout 2019, and found they didnt ditch their resolutions by February

9 fitness trends that were all the rage in the 2010s, from CrossFit to exergaming

A $1,500 at-home fitness device beloved by Kate Hudson and Reese Witherspoon was the top trending exercise of 2019

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I tried a $3,000 high-tech home gym, and loved its sleek design and emphasis on strength over weight loss - Business Insider

Edible coating materials to improve shelf life of fruit crops – BusinessLine

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am

Globally, fruits are one of the most important horticulture commodities due to its organoleptic and nutritional properties. In India, the diversity of agro climatic zones ensures availability of all varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables. The country ranks second in fruits production in the world after China. As per National Horticulture Database published by National Horticulture Board, India produced about 300 million metric tonnes of fruits and vegetables during 2016-17.

However, fruits are a highly perishable commodity as they contain 80-90% water by weight. The water quickly begins to evaporate, if fruits are left without cuticle, resulting in poor product shelf life. Absence of post-harvest treatment, non-availability of modern systems for storage, infestation of microorganism and pests, and lack of processing methods are resulting in post-harvest losses of about 25-30 per cent in fruit and vegetables. In addition, there is limited availability of cold chain facilities for storage and transportation leading to lower shelf life.

Scientists at Department of Biotechnologys Mohali-based National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute have developed non-toxic and edible composite coatings based on wheat straw hemicellulosic polysaccharide (WP) and stearic acid derivatized oat bran polysaccharide (SAOP) that promise to overcome the problems.

They prepared emulsions of the composite and coated them on the surface of samples of apple, peach and banana. The coating helped to significantly reduce fruit weight loss and softening, and delay ripening. It also helped maintain sensory qualities compared to non-coated fruits. The formulation could extend the post-harvest quality of apple (Royal Delicious and Rich Red, Kinnaur) for up to or more than 30 days, peach up to 6-8 days and bananas up to 9 days without significant blackening under ambient storage. The coating technology is simple, and cost-effective. The edible coating material has potential as an alternative to commercially available animal based shellac coating in India, the scientists said.

An Indian patent has been filed on the formulation and a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) has been signed with R.G. Industries, New Delhi for commercialization of the technology.

(India Science Wire)

Twitter handle: @ndpsr

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Edible coating materials to improve shelf life of fruit crops - BusinessLine

Surviving Hereditary Stomach Cancer Involves an Effort by the Whole Family –

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am

In an effort to combat hereditary stomach cancer, it takes the entire family to help understand what it takes.

When I reached my 40s, a new issue trumped my concern about breast cancer: My oldest brother and cousin were diagnosed with stomach cancer six months apart.

My brother, Tom, started the genetic testing that found a mutation of the CDH1 gene. Everyone has this gene, but if its mutated, it means you have hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome. Some of the mutations that cause this syndrome are also linked with lobular breast, prostate and colorectal cancers. I had my answer about why there were so many breast cancer cases in my family.

I faced the question of whether to have genetic testing done. By this time, I had watched Tom begin his battle against stage 3 stomach cancer. Fourteen years my senior, my big brother had always seemed indestructible in my eyes, but chemotherapy and radiation had made him weak and tired. He had experienced heartburn and lost a lot of weight before receiving his diagnosis and continued to lose weight post-surgery.

I did not want to fear stomach cancer every time I burped or lost a few pounds, so I decided to be tested and meet with the genetic counselor the rest of my family was using. Because you get your genes from your parents, I had a 50/50 chance of having the mutation that was on my mothers side. While I waited, I got increasingly nervous. My other brother and two cousins got their results back, and all were positive for the mutation. Then my results came in: positive. I was told that meant I had up to an 83% risk of getting the stomach cancer that was stealing my brother from us. What was I to do with that information? I was 41 years old with two active school-age children.

I basically had two choices. The first involved lifelong endoscopies with biopsies. This cancer does not form masses, so it is hard to see by scope. Doctors need to take a biopsy and hope it targets an area that is affected. The second choice was a total gastrectomy surgery that removes the stomach and connects the esophagus to the lower intestine.

After surgery, my doctor told me, my chance of getting stomach cancer would drop to 1% or less. This life-changing decision would affect me and my family, but after a lot of discussions that included my children, then ages 14 and 11, we decided it was the best route to take.

While this decision made sense to our family, others do not understand it. My extended family and I have discovered that when we see new doctors, we need to educate them. One cousin brings a binder with the family history to all her appointments. Within our family, some cousins with the mutation are waiting for treatment and others dont want to be tested. At this time, 10 of us have had our stomachs removed.

Once I established my new normal after recovering from my surgery, which took about a year, I was glad to have made this choice. During that year, Tom died from complications of his cancer. His doctor, not aware that he was dealing with the CDH1 mutation, had removed only the parts of the stomach that looked bad. The cancer then spread through the remaining portions of my brothers stomach, as well as his intestines and abdominal wall.

I am now seven years post-surgery and doing well.

My husband and kids have adjusted to my need to eat smaller portions six to eight times a day, and they split meals with me whenever they can. Theyve also learned to recognize when I need food. Since my surgery also removed the vagus nerve, which tells your brain that you are hungry, I forget to eat when I am busy. I also need to stay away from certain foods because they move through my intestinal tract too quickly, a situation that can change from day to day.In the near future, I need to decide whether to get a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy.

The CDH1 mutation has increased my risk of lobular breast cancer to 52%. In the meantime, I undergo annual screenings via a mammogram and MRI with contrast. Now that my youngest is 18, he can be tested. My older child has been waiting so that the two of them can be tested together, as my brothers kids were.

Although they have a 50/50 chance of having this mutation, my immediate family (siblings, nieces and nephews) includes six who have been tested and just one negative result. This record makes me nervous, but my 21-year-old told me the other day: When I saw you live a normal life after surgery, I have not been too worried about having the mutation or not. Its something that has to be done. However, if the results come back positive, she may wait a few years to see if science comes up with less invasive methods for prevention.

We just participated in our eighth annual stomach cancer walk in Minnesota. It helped raise awareness and money for grants to be given out by the patient advocacy group No Stomach for Cancer ( Someday, I hope, my grandchildren will not need to know about the CDH1 mutation.

JEAN JONES is a wife and mother in Minnesota. She has been married to her high school sweetheart for 24 years. She has a daughter who is a senior at North Dakota State University and a son who is a freshman at St. Ambrose University in Iowa. Both are waiting for their genetic test results. When she is not at her full-time retail job, Jones volunteers as a high school bowling team coach and crochets hats to donate each winter.

Surviving Hereditary Stomach Cancer Involves an Effort by the Whole Family -

Potatoes and Diabetes: Safety, Risks, and Alternatives – Healthline

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am

Whether baked, mashed, fried, boiled, or steamed, potatoes are one of the most popular foods in the human diet.

Theyre rich in potassium and B vitamins, and the skin is a great source of fiber.

However, if you have diabetes, you may have heard that you should limit or avoid potatoes.

In fact, there are many misconceptions about what people with diabetes should and shouldnt eat. Many people assume that because potatoes are high in carbs, theyre off-limits if you have diabetes.

The truth is, people with diabetes can eat potatoes in many forms, but its important to understand the effect they have on blood sugar levels and the portion size thats appropriate.

This article tells you everything you need to know about potatoes and diabetes.

Like any other carb-containing food, potatoes increase blood sugar levels.

When you eat them, your body breaks down the carbs into simple sugars that move into your bloodstream. This is whats often called a spike in blood sugar levels (1).

The hormone insulin is then released into your blood to help transport the sugars into your cells so that they can be used for energy (1).

In people with diabetes, this process is not as effective. Instead of sugar moving out of the blood and into your cells, it remains in circulation, keeping blood sugar levels higher for longer.

Therefore, eating high-carb foods and/or large portions can be detrimental to people with diabetes.

In fact, poorly managed diabetes is linked to heart failure, stroke, kidney disease, nerve damage, amputation, and vision loss (2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Therefore, its usually recommended that people with diabetes limit their digestible carb intake. This can range from a very low carb intake of 2050 grams per day to a moderate restriction of 100150 grams per day (7, 8, 9).

The exact amount varies depending on your dietary preferences and medical goals (9, 10).

Potatoes spike blood sugar levels as carbs are broken down into sugars and move into your bloodstream. In people with diabetes, the sugar isnt cleared properly, leading to higher blood sugar levels and potential health complications.

Potatoes are a high carb food. However, the carb content can vary depending on the cooking method.

Here is the carb count of 1/2 cup (7580 grams) of potatoes prepared in different ways (11):

Keep in mind that an average small potato (weighing 170 grams) contains about 30 grams of carbs and a large potato (weighing 369 grams) approximately 65 grams. Thus, you may eat more than double the number of carbs listed above in a single meal (12).

In comparison, a single piece of white bread contains about 14 grams of carbs, 1 small apple (weighing 149 grams) 20.6 grams, 1 cup (weighing 158 grams) of cooked rice 28 grams, and a 12-ounce (350-ml) can of cola 38.5 grams (13, 14, 15, 16).

The carb content of potatoes varies from 11.8 grams in 1/2 cup (75 grams) of diced raw potato to 36.5 grams in a similar serving size of french fries. However, the actual serving size of this popular root vegetable is often much larger than this.

A low GI diet can be an effective way for people with diabetes to manage blood sugar levels (17, 18, 19).

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how much a food raises blood sugar compared with a control, such as 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of white bread (1, 11).

Foods that have a GI greater than 70 are considered high GI, which means they raise blood sugar more quickly. On the other hand, foods with a GI of less than 55 are classed low (1, 11).

In general, potatoes have a medium to high GI (20).

However, the GI alone isnt the best representation of a foods effect on blood sugar levels, as it doesnt take into account portion size or cooking method. Instead, you can use the glycemic load (GL).

This is the GI multiplied by the actual number of carbs in a portion, divided by 100. A GL of less than 10 is low, while a GL greater than 20 is considered high. Generally, a low GI diet aims to keep the daily GL under 100 (11).

Both the GI and GL can vary by potato variety and cooking method.

For example, a 1 cup (150 gram) serving of potato may be high, medium, or low GL depending on the variety (11, 20):

If you have diabetes, choosing varieties like Carisma and Nicola is a better option to slow the rise of blood sugar levels after eating potatoes.

You can check the GI and GL of different types of potatoes through this website.

The way a potato is prepared also affects the GI and GL. This is because cooking changes the structure of the starches and thus how fast theyre absorbed into your bloodstream.

In general, the longer a potato is cooked the higher the GI. Therefore, boiling or baking for long periods tends to increase the GI.

Yet, cooling potatoes after cooking can increases the amount of resistant starch, which is a less digestible form of carbs. This helps lower the GI by 2528% (21, 22).

This means that a side of potato salad may be slightly better than french fries or hot baked potatoes if you have diabetes. French fries also pack more calories and fat due to their cooking method.

Additionally, you can lower the GI and GL of a meal by leaving the skins on for extra fiber, adding lemon juice or vinegar, or eating mixed meals with protein and fats as this helps slow the digestion of carbs and the rise in blood sugar levels (23).

For example, adding 4.2 ounces (120 grams) of cheese to a 10.2 ounce (290 gram) baked potato lowers the GL from 93 to 39 (24).

Keep in mind that this much cheese also contains 42 grams of fat and will add nearly 400 calories to the meal.

As such, its still necessary to consider the overall number of carbs and the quality of the diet, not just the GI or GL. If controlling weight is one of your goals, your total calorie intake is also important.

A low GI and GL diet can be beneficial for people with diabetes. Potatoes tend to have a medium to high GI and GL, but cooled cooked potatoes, as well as varieties like Carisma and Nicola, are lower and make a better choice for people with diabetes.

Although its safe for most people with diabetes to eat potatoes, its important to consider the amount and types you consume.

Eating potatoes both increases your risk of type 2 diabetes and may have negative effects on people with existing diabetes.

One study in 70,773 people found that for every 3 servings per week of boiled, mashed, or baked potatoes, there was a 4% increase in the risk of type 2 diabetes and for french fries, the risk increased to 19% (25).

Additionally, fried potatoes and potato chips contain high amounts of unhealthy fats that may increase blood pressure, lower HDL (good) cholesterol, and lead to weight gain and obesity all of which are associated with heart disease (26, 27, 28, 29).

This is particularly dangerous for people with diabetes, who often already have an increased risk of heart disease (30).

Fried potatoes are also higher in calories, which can contribute to unwanted weight gain (27, 29, 31).

People with type 2 diabetes are often encouraged to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight to help manage blood sugar and reduce the risk of complications (32).

Therefore, french fries, potato chips, and other potato dishes that use large amounts of fats are best avoided.

If youre having trouble managing your blood sugar levels and diet, speak with a healthcare provider, dietitian, or diabetes educator.

Eating unhealthy potato foods, such as chips and french fries, increases your risk of type 2 diabetes and complications, such as heart disease and obesity.

Although you can eat potatoes if you have diabetes, you may still want to limit them or replace them with healthier options.

Look for high fiber, lower carb, and low GI and GL foods like the following (33):

Another good way to avoid large portions of high carb foods is to fill at least half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, such as broccoli, leafy greens, cauliflower, peppers, green beans, tomatoes, asparagus, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and lettuce.

Lower carb replacements for potato include carrots, pumpkin, squash, parsnip, and taro. High carb but lower GI and GL options include sweet potato, legumes, and lentils.

Potatoes are a versatile and delicious vegetable that can be enjoyed by everyone, including people with diabetes.

However, because of their high carb content, you should limit portion sizes, always eat the skin, and choose low GI varieties, such as Carisma and Nicola.

In addition, its best to stick with boiling, baking, or steaming and avoid fried potatoes or potato chips, which are high in calories and unhealthy fats.

If youre struggling to make healthy choices to manage your diabetes, consult your healthcare provider, dietitian, or diabetes educator.

Continued here:
Potatoes and Diabetes: Safety, Risks, and Alternatives - Healthline

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is on Course to Grow at a CAGR of XX% Over the Forecast Period 2016 2024 – Jewish Life News

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:43 am

Testosterone Replacement Therapy market research study in brief

The business intelligence study for the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market provides an extensive synopsis of essential aspects involving the product classification, important definitions, and other industry-specific parameters. The report also covers the key factors associated with the current events such as alliances, mergers & acquisitions, and new product launches.

Additionally, the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market study puts forth a rigid basis for collecting a cluster of insights that potential customers can use to enhance their revenues and reduce costs. The illustration of data on Testosterone Replacement Therapy market segmentation by type, application, and geography offers a critical viewpoint of, what manufacturers are eyeing for the stipulated timeframe, 2019 2026.

This article will help the Testosterone Replacement Therapy vendors understand the volume expansion outlook with impacting trends.

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All of the segments covered in the research study are examined on the basis of BPS, market share, revenue, and other crucial factors. Our business study presents how various segments are adding to the growth of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. It also offers information on key trends with regards to the segments studied in the report. This supports market players to focus on promising regions of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. The research study also delivers independent analysis on the segments as per absolute dollar opportunity.

segmentation includes current and forecast demand for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. The report also covers demand for individual products and applications in all regions.

The report provides the estimated market size of chlorinated paraffins for 2015 and forecast for the next eight years. The global market size of chlorinated paraffins is provided in terms of both volume and revenue. Market volume has been defined in kilo tons, while market revenue is in US$ Mn. Market numbers are estimated based on key products and applications of chlorinated paraffins. Market size and forecast for products and applications have been provided in terms of global and regional markets.

In order to compile the research report, we conducted in-depth interviews and discussions with a number of key industry participants and opinion leaders. Primary research represents the bulk of research efforts, supplemented by extensive secondary research. We reviewed key players product literature, annual reports, press releases, and relevant documents for competitive analysis and market understanding. Secondary research includes a search of recent trade, technical writing, Internet sources, and statistical data from government websites, trade associations, and agencies. This has proven to be the most reliable, effective, and successful approach for obtaining precise market data, capturing industry participants insights, and recognizing business opportunities.

Secondary research sources that are typically referred to include, but are not limited to company websites, annual reports, financial reports, broker reports, investor presentations, SEC filings, Plastemart magazine, TPE magazine, internal and external proprietary databases, and relevant patent and regulatory databases such as ICIS, Hoovers, oneSOURCE, Factiva and Bloomberg, national government documents, statistical databases, trade journals, market reports, news articles, press releases, and webcasts specific to companies operating in the market.

Primary research involves e-mail interactions, telephonic interviews, and face-to-face interviews for each market, category, segment, and sub-segment across geographies. We conduct primary interviews on an ongoing basis with industry participants and commentators to validate data and analysis. Primary interviews provide firsthand information on market size, market trends, growth trends, competitive landscape, outlook, etc. These help validate and strengthen secondary research findings. These also help develop the analysis teams expertise and market understanding.

The report comprises profiles of major companies operating in the global chlorinated paraffins market. Key players profiled in the report include INOVYN, Ajinomoto Fine-Techno Co., Inc., Altair Chimica SpA, NCP Chlorchem, Dover Chemical Corporation, Leuna Tenside GmbH, Qumica del Cinca, Caffaro Industrie S.p.A., JSC Kaustik, KLJ Group, Qualice, LLC, United Group, Makwell Group, and Aditya Birla Chemicals. Market players have been profiled in terms of attributes such as company overview, financial overview, business strategies, and recent developments.

The report segments the global chlorinated paraffins market as follows:

Chlorinated Paraffins Market Product Analysis

Chlorinated Paraffins Market Application Analysis

Chlorinated Paraffins Market Regional Analysis

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is on Course to Grow at a CAGR of XX% Over the Forecast Period 2016 2024 - Jewish Life News

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