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Resolve to Make Real Nutrition a Priority – Genesee Sun

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:45 pm

A new year signals a chance to renew your commitment to healthier eating, but many of the most popular diets, like the keto diet and paleo diet, eliminate entire food groups, which can cause you to fall short on nutrients you need.

For example, a study in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology suggests low-carb diets may not have meaningful long-term benefits for weight or heart health compared to other diets and could actually restrict foods that are good for your heart.

This new year, instead of jumping on restrictive diet bandwagons, focus instead on consuming real, wholesome foods you can still enjoy, like dairy milk, that deliver benefits backed by decades of research.

Consider these tips for incorporating nutrient-rich foods into a few trending diets to make them work for you.

Intermittent Fasting: Skipping meals could do more harm than good if youre not getting the nutrients you need to be your best. A better bet: balanced, flavorful meals that incorporate multiple food groups. If you really want to try intermittent fasting, consider not eating past a certain time in the evening so you can fast throughout the night, and make sure to eat a nourishing breakfast in the morning, like oatmeal made with real milk, topped with fruit and a handful of nuts.

Plant-Packed Plates: If youre considering a vegetarian or plant-based diet in the new year, its important to pack the right nutrients into your meatless meals, particularly protein, calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12. Make sure youre getting enough by enjoying a variety of plant-based foods like beans, nuts, fruits and vegetables along with some other thoughtfully chosen options. Real dairy milk is a good choice in a vegetarian diet, providing as much as eight times more protein than many non-dairy milk alternatives. Each 8-ounce glass is also a source of vitamin D, and an excellent source of calcium and vitamin B12.

Focus On Fats: If youre keeping closer tabs on your fat intake, its important to choose the right ones and know that a growing body of evidence suggests not all saturated fats are the same. For example, whole milk, which has more dairy fat than skim or low-fat varieties, may actually help raise good cholesterol and could be considered part of a diet thats also good for your heart, according to research in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Calorie Conscious: Monitoring the calories you consume versus the calories you burn through exercise and everyday activity can help manage the fuel your body needs. When you consistently burn more calories than you eat, you are more likely to effectively lose weight. However, that doesnt mean you have to forgo all your favorite foods. For example, when it comes to dairy, swapping full-fat options for skim or low-fat alternatives is one way to receive the same nutrient package with less fat and calories.

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Resolve to Make Real Nutrition a Priority - Genesee Sun

What’s the difference between keto and Atkins – and which one is more flexible? – Health24

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Although eliminating bread is the hardest goodbye of all, low-carb diets have been the rage for quite some time now. There are a few different plans you can follow. Keto is a major one thats yielding quick, drastic weight-loss results for tons of people, and Paleo is another trendy plan. And then there are the tried-and-true low-carb classics, like the Atkins diet (this might be the first time youve heard that one in a while).

Both keto and Atkins are actually pretty similar when it comes to the amount of macronutrients (fat, carbs, protein) you should be consuming day to day, but what are the actual differences between the two and which would be a better fit, nutritionally?

Of course you could just make your choice based on how much pasta youre able to eat, but nutrition experts do believe that one is a little bit better than the other for a few reasons. Two dietitians Natalie Rizzo and Susan Piergeorge give the lowdown on these high-fat, high-protein, low-carb eating styles. Their verdict, ahead.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-protein and low-carbohydrate diet that was originally developed to treat epilepsy, explains Piergeorge. Thats right, historically, it wasnt prescribed for extreme weight loss but to reduce blood sugar you can hardly have any sugar on the diet which during the 1920s was thought to lower the risk of seizures. Now, the diet is a huge trend for weight loss as well as treating type 2 diabetes, Piergeorge adds.

Heres the basic formula: Fat accounts for 70 to 95 percent of the keto diet, while protein makes up 5 to 20 percent, and carbohydrates just 5 to 10 percent of what youre eating. It tends to bring on dramatic weight loss because youre consuming less than 50 grams of carbs a day on keto, ideally.

At this ratio, the body starts to burn fat. Once the bodys glucose stores become depleted, ketone bodies are produced (these are products of fatty acid oxidation in the liver) and provide an alternate source of energy, Piergeorge explains. Basically, fat, instead of sugar from carbs, becomes your bodys main energy source and when youre burning fat, you lose weight.

READ MORE: Low-Carb Vs. Keto: Whats The Diff And Which Is Better?

Once you read this, you may be tempted to devour an entire charcuterie platter. But the focus really is on healthy fats and lean meats, and supplementing those with fruits and vegetables in moderate amounts, since those are technically considered carbs.

There are some potential health benefits you could experience by going keto. At the same time, the diet can have side effects, as explained below.

Well, if youre trying to lose weight and have tried many other avenues to do so, eating keto may be effective. If youre diabetic or pre-diabetic, it may also help lower your blood sugar since youre cutting out all that sugar.

And, Rizzo adds, it could be a fit for some athletes, too. Certain elements of the keto diet, like the emphasis on healthy fats and protein, is a good recommendation for active individuals who put a lot of wear and tear on their muscles and need more calories, Rizzo says. You have to make sure the fats you choose are healthy, omega-3-rich fats instead of saturated fats, and that youre choosing lean sources of protein.

Remember that before making a major lifestyle change, though, its best to check it out with your medical professional first. You dont want to end up feeling worse after making this dietary switch instead of better.

READ MORE: Do You Really Need To Give Up Carbs To Lose Weight?

Though the Atkins diet basically peaked in the late 90s (didnt we all?), it was actually developed much earlier by Robert C. Atkins, a doctor who published his first book, Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution, in 1972, and then his most popular bestseller, Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution, in 1995. Dr. Atkins intended on it being a way to cut carbs, of course, and reduce high blood pressure.

Basically, with Atkins, you generally have two paths you can choose from: Atkins 20 and Atkins 40, based on the grams of carbs you should be eating per day. Its also low in carbs, higher in fat and higher in protein, which ideally should prompt the body to burn fat.

If youre trying to shave off more than 20 kilograms, youd eat about 60 to 70 percent fat, 20 to 30 percent protein, and 5 to 10 percent carbs on Atkins 20 (youre allowed 20 grams of carbs a day), Rizzo explains.

If you would like to lose less than 20 kilograms, go with Atkins 40. It consists of 55 to 65 percent fat, 20 to 30 percent protein, and 10 to 15 percent carbs. Youre allowed 40 grams of carbs per day, which is a bit easier when youre tallying up macros. Theres also Atkins 100, which is a slightly simpler plan that allows for 100 grams of carbs per day.

Like keto, Atkins focuses on lean protein, as well as healthy fats. Depending on the plan individuals follow, the plan emphasizes consuming protein at least three times per day in 120 to 170-gram portions including meat, seafood, poultry and eggs, Piergeorge explains. Fats are encouraged, you want at least 3 tablespoons per day in the form of butter, mayonnaise, or olive or other vegetable oils, she adds.

Just like keto, there are potential health benefits of the Atkins diet, as well as side effect you should be aware of before you try it.

Like keto, it may help an individual drop some serious kilos if its done the right way. And it can help lower your blood sugar if you have type 2 diabetes or are pre-diabetic.

Also, counting macros can be a good way to really boost awareness of what youre putting in your body, especially if you are an athlete and want to make sure youre fuelling properly for training. But, Piergeorge argues, a highly restrictive diet doesnt work for everyone, and you should consult a doctor or nutritionist before beginning this strict regimen.

READ MORE: 12 Fasting Tips Thatll Help You Actually Lose Weight (And Not Go Crazy)

Keto and Atkins may seem like the same thing when it comes to eating more fat and protein and less carbs and sugar, but there are some nuances you should keep in mind.

Both keto and Atkins are highly restrictive diets, the experts point out, so it may be difficult to sustain these major lifestyle changes and cut out carbs for a long period of time.

Keto becomes tricky because it can be an unhealthy diet if you dont do it correctly, and consume too many unhealthy fats (were talking cured meats instead of avocado). I wouldnt necessarily recommend the keto diet because it has such a high percentage of fat and a low percentage of carbs. Its unsustainable in the long run, and there is too much of a tendency to eat a lot more saturated fat than you need, Rizzo says.

If she had to choose between these two highly restrictive eating regimens, shed choose Atkins because it allows for more carbs (in the form of fruits, veggies and whole grains) and ultimately more leeway in your eating and more balance in your diet.

Atkins also gives you more wiggle room because you can choose the 20, 40 or 100 option for allotment of grams of carbs per day. That way, you can introduce a little more pasta into the mix if thats how you want to roll.

But its ultimately your decision youll be making the dietary changes so they have to fit with your lifestyle and make you feel happy and healthy. Changing your diet (and especially eliminating the majority of carbs from your diet) is not easy, and may take some trial and error, so its important to thoroughly research all of your options.

This article was originally published on

Image credit: iStock

Mara Santilli

See more here:
What's the difference between keto and Atkins - and which one is more flexible? - Health24

I Want To Think Less About Food | Opinion – Harvard Crimson

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Heres the moment I began to hate my body: I am twelve years old, standing next to one of my friends in front of the mirror in the locker room after track practice. She, like the other girls in our school who were routinely called beautiful, was stick-thin. Comparing the size of our thighs, I realized that I was not. Suddenly, I became convinced that my physical form was inferior to hers; my legs began to seem like a personal failing. From there, I undertook the project of correcting what I saw as wrong with my body; mainly, that I wasnt medically underweight.

Food, instead of something to enjoy, became a collection of macronutrients. In some ways, this line of thinking had already been drilled into me by my mother, a registered dietician. However, her well-meaning advice about eating a balanced diet had been twisted by my own self-loathing into something much more sinister; a bowl of chocolate ice cream was now reduced to 30 grams of sugar, 14 grams of fat, and more calories than I wanted to think about. And if I ate that bowl of ice cream, it would mean almost overwhelming guilt; I had poisoned my body, and there would be consequences.

By the time I had entered high school, this way of viewing food had been reinforced by years of exposure to online dieting culture. My Instagram feed was filled with references to clean eating, my YouTube recommendations were filled with videos titled what I eat in a day, and how I lost 20 pounds in 6 months. I was obsessed with eating a diet free from any unclean foods, convinced that if I were just a little skinnier, I would finally be worthy.

For the most part, my efforts were applauded. After all, theres nothing visibly wrong with someone who regularly eats salad, so it took me too long to realize the truth: I had an unhealthy relationship with food.

At the time, unhealthy was probably the last word people would have used to describe me; I was known for eating healthily. This image was heavily reinforced by the presence of my mother, who frequently gave nutrition talks at my high school. Outwardly, I was a role-model. Internally, I felt awful, all the time. When I was particularly stressed, I starved myself.

Eating disorders are a disease; to be afflicted with one is to have caught a contagion, and the virus is everywhere. Current media messaging tells us eating a balanced diet is the way to nirvana; our supermarket checkout aisles are stocked with magazines filled with tips for eating better (read: losing weight) from beautiful (read: skinny) celebrities.

I see the symptoms of the illness in my friends all the time: passing out after eating only half a salad the entire day, or taking punishingly long runs in order to lose an invisible amount of weight. Ironically, if divorced from context, a lot of the things these girls do would be viewed positively, perhaps even as self-care. This only underscores that our ideas of what being healthy looks like can obscure what is actually self-harm.

These narratives pretend to promote a healthy lifestyle, but are almost always actually about weighing less. Behaviors that are clearly harmful (drug addiction, intermittent fasting that borders on starvation, bizarre cleanses) are tolerated, so long as the person doing them fits a physical mold. Case in point: The periods when I was most unkind to my body and when, as a result, I was the thinnest were also the times when I received the most compliments. My physical and mental health were always secondary to how I looked.

I wish I could tell you that I educated myself on the body-positivity movement, or went to see a therapist, or did some other kind of personal work, and thats how I got better. But that wouldnt be true. I no longer skip meals, and for the most part, Im much happier with my body. Still, I think there might always be a part of me ready to punish myself.

We are often encouraged to think about the food we eat. Americans, after all, have a junk food problem, and maybe a little more mindful eating would improve our health outcomes. But I would like to think about what I eat a little less, and I encourage others to do the same.

Rebecca E. J. Cadenhead 23 lives in Canaday Hall. Her column appears on alternate Tuesdays.

Continued here:
I Want To Think Less About Food | Opinion - Harvard Crimson

Keto diet craze may lead to reduced bone health: research – The Sydney Morning Herald

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Three-and-a-half weeks later the groups were tested for bone markers after fasting, eating, exercising and again after a carbohydrate restoration feed.

The athletes on the keto diet displayed an increase in the markers of bone breakdown and a reduction in the markers of bone formation.

This is strong circumstantial evidence that the ketogenic diet could have adverse effects on bone health in elite athletes.

The researchers, whose work was published inFrontiers in Endocrinology, believe this may be the result of an inflammation response.

Louise Burke, the head of sports nutrition at AIS, said when there was low carb availability during exericse, there were "increases in the inflammatory response to exercise and theres a number of ... activities that are the result of that, one of them being the bone-change".

You would predict that if this was the daily environment in which they were getting more bone breakdown then, over time, that would lead to bone loss or loss of bone mineral density, she said.


Professor Amanda Salis, from the University of Western Australias School of Human Sciences, says the study (which she was not involved with) showed that "elite athletes who underwent the ketogenic diet were breaking down more bone and rebuilding less bone than the elite athletes who underwent the non-ketogenic diet".

This is strong circumstantial evidence that the ketogenic diet could have adverse effects on bone health in elite athletes. It is not clear if these same results would also apply to people who are not elite athletes.

While the ketogenic diet may remain popular in certain circles, it is no longer popular among the elite athletes Burke works with at the AIS.

Their research has found that for athletes needing to work at a high intensity (80-85 per cent of VO2 max) it is not beneficial.

This is because fat requires more oxygen to burn than carbohydrates, Burke explains. So when an athlete needs to find another gear so they can sprint to the finish line, or power up a hill or break away from the pack, they have to use more oxygen or slow down.

In our studies, we found it might be an OK thing to do in very moderate ultra-endurance exercise but when were dealing with higher intensity elite athletes, its actually a disadvantage, she said.

For this reason, when Burke now tries to recruit athletes to try the keto diet so they can further explore the bone angle, they decline.

Burke insists no nutrition study is black and white. Theres always context, she said, advising people to weigh up the evidence and see where it points.

For long-term bone health and high-performance sport however, the evidence does not point to the ketogenic diet.

Sarah Berry is a lifestyle and health writer at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Excerpt from:
Keto diet craze may lead to reduced bone health: research - The Sydney Morning Herald

The 4 Essentials for Foundational Wellness – Thrive Global

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:45 pm

There is so much information out there around what and how to eat it can be overwhelming. The truth is, there is no one way to eat or magic pill to take. There are a few basic foundational pieces essential to consider when thinking about your diet and how to eat for optimal well-being and vibrancy.

Ensuring that the bowels are functioning properly, and food is absorbed properly is key. Fiber, fermented and enzyme rich foods provide the necessary materials to keep this system running smoothly. Symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and reflux are signs that something is awry and perhaps the foods you are eating may be negatively impacting your health.

Some of my favorite digestion friendly foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, mung dahl, root vegetables, warm leafy greens, berries, ancient grains.

Now, Im not talking about a drastic diet here. Im talking about supporting the bodys natural detox organs like the liver, kidneys, skin, and lymphatic system along with the digestive system to work effectively. When these organs are healthy, there is less inflammation, chronic fatigue, auto-immune disorders, and food sensitivities. Supporting the bodys inherent and intelligent detox mechanism with real food is the best for most generally healthy individuals. Ideally, eating these foods daily will keep your body humming.

Foods to include: Cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens, lemon, beetroot, avocado, garlic, turmeric, ginger, cilantro, parsley, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy, broccoli

Often overlooked, sleep is the sleeper when it comes to health. When we sleep, the body cleanses all the organ systems essentially cleansing the palate for the next day. If sleep is disturbed, it can be one of the underlying causes of health issues like hormone imbalances, weight gain and skin issues. Sleep can be hard to come by for many reasons. Stress can be a factor as well as lifestyle and schedule. It is important to create a daily routine where 7 hours of undisturbed sleep can be had.

Foods to include for better sleep include: Almond milk with saffron, barley grass powder, valerian root, holy-basil, passionfruit tea and cherry juice

Eating for energy is one of the biggest requests I receive in my coaching practice. Fatigue, exhaustion, general malaise and lack of interest in day to day activities is becoming more and more common. The nature of our society encourages constantly doing and consuming more which activates our systems in ways previous generations did not.

Social media and the internet have created anenvironment where our brains are constantly receiving new information thatactivates the nervous system. When this happens, our bodies assume we mustact and begin to utilize materials that may not be necessary. When thishappens chronically, immunity decreases, and energy becomes diminished as thebody tries to repair. Eating foods for energy are important as is creatinghealthy lifestyle boundaries.

A food that is good for energy provides steadynutrition ensuring there are no spikes and crashes throughout the day. It isalso important to keep blood sugar steady by eating small frequent meals every3 hours.

Foods to include: Edamame, Quinoa, Goji Berries, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, eggs, brown rice, beans

Balanced health and wellness is derived from understanding how and what to eat in combination with supportive lifestyle habits. To be healthy is a creative art that requires constant interest, refinement and reflection.

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The 4 Essentials for Foundational Wellness - Thrive Global

56% of UAE residents feel they need to improve their diet – Gulf News

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Most UAE residents are concerned about their diet. Image Credit: Getty

Dubai: Almost half (45 per cent) of the people employedin the United Arab Emirates (UAE) revealed they are worried about their long-term health, according to a new study.

They admitted they have not had a health check in the last year and a significant number said they have no idea about the simple metrics of health such as cholesterol levels, according to new research from Aetna International, a global health benefits provider. Inflexible and long working hours are compounding the problemas employees feel unable to take time off to manage their health, says the report.

The findings are revealed in the Business of health 2020 report, how organisations can overcome employee health inertia, which explores the attitudes to health of 4,000 office workers in the UAE, USA, UK and Singapore, focusing on the health fears of todays workers and probing the gaps in their own health knowledge.

Despite the fact that 94 per centof UAE respondents say that they think about their health at least some of the time, 40 per cent admitted that they would not go to the doctor for a general health check-up unless they felt ill, and just over a quarter (27 per cent) say they are too scared to get a health check-up.

In addition, few know of basic indicators of their own health only 35 per cent of UAE respondents know their cholesterol level and just 31 per cent their body fat percentage. However, when compared to respondents from the other countries surveyed, overall employees in the UAE and Singapore have a better knowledge of health measurements like blood pressure, cholesterol and body mass index (BMI) than those in the US or UK.

Most UAE workers acknowledge they could do more to improve their health, with over half (56 per cent) admitting their diet needs improvement and three quarters (75 per cent) saying they need to exercise more. When people do feel ill, however, 39 per cent say they tend to look up symptoms online and self-medicate rather than seeking out a doctor.

Catherine Darroue, Senior Director of Customer Proposition, EMEA, Aetna International, said: While the majority of workers are aware they need to do more to improve their health, fear and worry are causing a huge number to avoid the situation. More should be done to empower people to manage their own health, with a focus on changing company cultures to promote prevention and early intervention. It is not only the responsibility of the employee but also that of the employer to ensure people are equipped to lead healthy lives.

Increasing pressure in the workplace is having a significant impact on how people prioritise their health. Half (50 per cent) of UAE employees surveyed admit that they often feel stressed because of work but dont see a healthcare professional about the issue. Long and inflexible working hours may be to blame, as nearly a third (32 per cent) say they dont have time to be ill at work and a quarter (25 per cent) cite lack of time off from work as the reason behind their health inertia.

Results also indicate that employers could play a bigger role in encouraging people to look after their health, with over a quarter (28 per cent) of office workers admitting they would go to the doctor if their boss told them to. Nearly half (48 per cent) also said the ability to take time off work to go to the doctor would encourage them to make an appointment.

Additionally, better access to online health consultations would encourage just over a third (34 per cent) to get regular check-ups, and an almost equal number (35 per cent) would like the use of an app or online service.

Expanding access to healthcare is imperative to ensure todays time poor workers prioritise their health. Technology can undoubtedly play a role here, but businesses also need to ensure they create a culture where people can talk about and take time for their health needs, concluded Catherine.

Over a third (39 per cent) say they tend to look up symptoms online and self-medicate rather than seeking out a doctor

Half (50 per cent) of those surveyed admit that they often feel stressed because of work but dont see a health care professional about the issue

Nearly a third (32 per cent) say they dont have time to be ill at work

A quarter (25 per cent) cite lack of time off from work as the reason behind their health inertia

Better access to online health consultations would encourage nearly a third (34 per cent) to get regular check-ups, while over a third (35 per cent) would like the use of an app or online service

See the rest here:
56% of UAE residents feel they need to improve their diet - Gulf News

Top small daily diet and exercise tips to help cut the fat and avoid diabetes – Mirror Online

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Britain is in the grip of a Type 2 diabetes epidemic.

Yet the disease is regarded by many experts as entirely preventable.

With the right diet and lifestyle choices, millions could avoid a deadly condition that raises their risk of heart disease, blindness and amputations.

Crucially, those choices can often be tiny tweaks rather than wholesale changes that involve turning your daily routine upside down.

Its all about setting realistic goals that fit into your current lifestyle, says Natasha Marsland, senior clinical adviser with the charity Diabetes UK.

Even little things can make a significant difference.

So what are the small adjustments you can make that could help to protect you against the scourge of diabetes?

Fighting off diabetes doesnt necessarily mean doing an Adele-like slimathon and shedding huge amounts of weight.

In fact, studies show losing just five to 10% of your total body weight can have a dramatic impact on your risk, slashing it by up to 60%.

To put that in context, somebody weighing 15st (95kg) would need to ditch just 10-11lb (4-4.5kg) to significantly reduce their chances of developing the condition.

A recent study, involving more than 7,000 adults at the University of Texas at Houston, US, found small amounts of weight loss helped, although the more patients shed, the greater the benefits.

Researchers said: If youre overweight or obese, even losing just a little is better than nothing.

But the rewards appear to be greater for those who manage to lose more.

Going for a 10-minute brisk walk after breakfast, lunch and dinner could be one of the best ways to control blood sugar and potentially slash your risk of diabetes.

A 2016 study at the University of Otago in New Zealand found it was better at keeping glucose readings down than a single daily 30-minute walk.

Scientists tracked 41 adults and found shorter, more frequent strolls after large meals cut blood sugar readings by 12% more than a half-hour walk.

Its thought getting up and moving straight after food may be better at controlling the spike which usually occurs in blood sugar scores directly after eating.

Other studies show walking up and down stairs for just three minutes after a meal has the same effect.

A healthy diet is crucial for preventing the onset of Type 2 diabetes.

But certain foods may have a more potent effect than others.

One study in the British Medical Journal found eating just one apple a day can keep the condition at bay but only if you eat it whole rather than juiced.

Scientists at Harvard School of Public Health, US, looked at the effects of various fruits.

Apples, grapes and blueberries seemed to have the most benefit.

Volunteers eating at least two servings a week were 23% less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those eating them just once a month or less.

But the same study found that drinking fruit juice every day actually increased the diabetes risk by 21%, due to the high natural sugar content.

Slumping in front of the TV for hours on end is known to be bad for health. But how much telly a day is too much?

According to scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health the answer is anything more than about two hours.

After that, the risks for diabetes and heart disease begin to increase sharply.

They tracked thousands of volunteers and found after two hours, the risk of Type 2 diabetes went up by about 20%.

If they sat in front of the TV for four to six hours, it went up even further. Researchers said in a report on their findings: The message is simple. Cutting back on TV watching significantly reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and premature death.

It might sound like unconventional health advice but enjoying an alcoholic drink each day might actually reduce your risk of Type 2.

Heavy drinking, in excess of government guidelines, is known to be bad for health generally by increasing your calorie intake and the amount of fat you are carrying, making it more likely you could end up with Type 2 diabetes, heart disease or cancer.

But in moderation one drink a day research shows alcohol can actually improve insulin sensitivity. This makes it easier for insulin to open the lock on muscle and tissue cells, so that blood sugar can get in and be burned up as fuel.

Insulin needs to work properly to stop diabetes setting in and tests suggest small amounts of alcohol on a regular basis may help it do so providing its in combination with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Numerous studies have linked regular coffee consumption with a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes.

But the latest science suggests the benefits are more likely to be seen with decaffeinated products.

Thats because coffee contains plant chemicals called polyphenols, which are thought to dampen down inflammation inside blood vessels that can lead to complications in Type 2 diabetes.

The beverage also contains minerals like magnesium and chromium both of which have been linked with lower rates of the disease. Caffeine, on the other hand, has been found to damage the way insulin works in the body making it less efficient at getting rid of excess glucose and making it more likely that diabetes could set in.

Sleep deprivation is becoming recognised as one of the major risk factors for Type 2 diabetes.

Studies show people regularly getting six hours or less a night are at a higher risk than those who enjoy seven or eight hours.

The reason is that sleep loss interferes with the release of insulin the hormone that keeps diabetes in check and stimulates the production of stress hormones, like cortisol, which make it even harder for insulin to do its job.

On top of this, insufficient rest increases your appetite and makes you crave carbohydrates and sugary foods.

Scoffing too many of these over a long period of time wreaks havoc with blood sugar levels, making diabetes more likely to develop.

Theyre the breakfast choice of hipsters but avocados could potentially be much more than a tasty treat, according to scientists.

Experts at the University of Guelph in Canada recently discovered making them a regular part of your diet could prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes.

Thats because the fruit contains a compound which, experts believe, can inhibit the cellular processes that lead to the condition.

Tests revealed that avocatin B a fat molecule found only in avocados improves the bodys response to insulin, which makes it better able to burn up the glucose circulating in the bloodstream, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes setting in.

Enjoy them in moderation, however, as avocados are high in fat. And while it is healthy unsaturated fat (rather than unhealthy saturated fat seen in animal products), it is still high in calories and too many could bump up your waistline.

Physical activity is obviously good for warding off diabetes, but could weight training in particular be the key?

One study at Iowa State University , US, found adults on the verge of getting Type 2 diabetes were able to keep it at bay by doing strength-training exercises.

The regime did not mean having to bulk up like an Olympic weightlifter or signing up to an expensive gym. Instead, regular exercises with moderate weights at home could reap the same benefits.

The study found weight training reduced their risk of the illness by 32%, partly because building muscle helps to improve the bodys response to insulin produced by the pancreas.

It also burns up blood sugar, easing the strain on insulin from the pancreas to do the job entirely on its own.

British shoppers spend an estimated 400million a year on rice and the vast majority of this goes on the white variety.

But simply switching to brown rice could work wonders for your health.

White rice is classed as a refined carbohydrate with a high glycaemic index. This means it can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels which, over time, increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

Brown rice, on the other hand, has a low glycaemic index which means it is digested more slowly and triggers a smaller and more gentle increase in blood sugar levels.

Research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry last year found brown rice triggers a reaction which makes the body more effective at using insulin to control glucose levels.

Excerpt from:
Top small daily diet and exercise tips to help cut the fat and avoid diabetes - Mirror Online

How to lose weight and keep it off in a healthy, effective way – Insider – INSIDER

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:44 pm

For 71.6% of American adults who are overweight or obese, weight loss is a healthy goal to strive for, but it is often difficult to maintain. And researchers have found that most people who lose weight regain some, or most, of that weight in two to five years. So, what is the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off?

Insider spoke with registered dietitian Brian St. Pierre, Precision Nutrition's Director of Performance Nutrition, about how to lose weight and keep it off through diet and patience.

Of course, the amount of weight you lose and how quickly you lose it largely depends on your starting weight.

"Fat loss is often faster when first starting out and when you have more body fat to lose," St. Pierre says. Adding that "in general, research shows that making some strong initial progress out of the gate leads to increased motivation and then continued loss. However, it's not all-or-nothing. Slow and steady can win the race too."

Whether you're interested in the slow-and-steady method or you're looking to lose weight more quickly, there's a point when it becomes too much, too fast. That point is when you're losing more than 1.5% of your body weight per week, says St. Pierre.

Therefore, a comfortable, slow-and-steady, pace would be if you lost about 0.5% of your body weight per week. Whereas a more rigorous, but still reasonable, pace would be to lose 1% of your body weight.

To put that into perspective, for a 180-pound person trying to lose 40 pounds, this means if they lost:

In reality, it's unlikely that a person can lose weight so consistently, so it may take longer. That's because "the leaner one becomes, the slower the rate of loss becomes, with more frequent plateaus," says St. Pierre.

Moreover, the hormones that control your hunger, like leptin and ghrelin, will become unbalanced as you continue to lose weight, which can make you feel hungry more often.

That's why "it's also important to realize that fat loss is seldom linear. It fluctuates from day to day and week to week. The goal is to see an overall trend downward over time."

Since weight loss is not linear, tracking your progress may be tricky. Of course, one of the simplest ways to track your weight is to hop on the scale each morning.

A small 2015 study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that participants who weighed themselves daily for 6 months lost more weight than people who weighed themselves about every 5 days.

"However, if weighing yourself makes you feel anxious, or you attach your 'goodness' or 'badness' to your weight then it may be more beneficial to weigh yourself less frequently, and use other outcomes measures such as your fitness, strength, energy, how clothes fit, etc.," says St. Pierre.

Focusing on your behaviors rather than the outcomes is likely to be more effective and potentially less stressful.

St. Pierre recommends focusing on basic nutrition principles rather than a specific diet plan such as keto, Mediterranean, Paleo, vegetarian, or otherwise.

Instead, follow the basics of a healthy diet. This requires that you take a look at your diet and see what you should, and are willing, to change. Let's say, for example, your daily diet looks like this:

St. Pierre says it's important that, in order to lose weight, you should eat mostly minimally-process foods. For example, limit processed meat like bacon and eat more veggies. Or replace refined grains, like instant oatmeal, for whole grains like old fashioned oats.

A 2019 study in Cell Metabolism related to the consumption of processed foods shows that even when calories and macronutrients are presented, eating processed foods resulted in overeating and weight gain.

St. Pierre also says to incorporate more vegetables than you're probably including right now. So an updated daily diet for you may start out looking like:

You could start achieving this by identifying swaps for certain meals, like replacing a breakfast biscuit with an apple and some peanut butter, or having a side salad for lunch instead of fries.

St. Pierre says that it's important for you to eat your meals slowly until you're satisfied. He's not the first person to offer this advice.

A 2015 review, in the journal Physiology & Behavior, of 22 studies found that people who eat their meals more slowly tend to consume less calories compared to people who eat more quickly.

Another small 2008 study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, found that the 30 female participants consumed less and drank more water during a meal when they were instructed to eat more slowly.

Hunger is an issue when losing weight and can derail your progress if not well managed. "There will often be some level of hunger when losing weight, yes. But you should not be ravenous or constantly hungry," says St. Pierre.

When it comes to dealing with hunger, everyone is different. Finding the balance that works for you is best. And discovering new ways to cook and eat can help you manage hunger more effectively.

"Ultimately, it's about following whichever approach you enjoy and can follow most consistently," says St. Pierre.

No matter what method you choose, remember that there will be good days and bad days.

"It's not about perfection, it's about doing the best you can, wherever you are, with whatever you have," St. Pierre says "Sometimes you can crank that dial to 10, and sometimes it can only be at a 2 or 3. That's ok, any step along that dial can create meaningful change and progress. The key is to always keep it above 0!"

The rest is here:
How to lose weight and keep it off in a healthy, effective way - Insider - INSIDER

How I used my Android phone to lose weight – Android Authority

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:44 pm

Growing up as a stereotypical geeky kid who cared more about computers than sports, Ive always struggled with weight issues. For lack of motivation and proper guidance, I found it extremely hard to get into a routine that would work for me.

As it turns out, Im far from alone in struggling with better health in this ever-connected world. However, it is those same tools that can be exactly what you need to guide you and, more importantly, help you stay on the path towards better fitness.

I used the power of my Android phone to drop 55lbs (~25kgs), get into better shape and start running trails and marathons. If I can do it, so can you!

Now, your goals might vary. Be it a few extra pounds gained over the holidays or the choice to lead a healthier lifestyle, losing weight is not easy even on a good day. In fact, it is extremely common to get disheartened with the lack of progress or direction. Additionally, what worked for me might not for you, and it is always a good idea to seek professional advice. Remember, everyones bodies are different!

The guide below should serve well as baseline suggestions for how you can create a structured regime to lose weight and achieve better health using your Android phone.

Whether youre into hiking, biking, photography, or drone piloting getting started and making the right equipment decisions can be a serious investment. But sometimes its hard to know where to get started, especially if

As a foodie, I quickly came to realize just how many calories my favorite treats have. No matter how much exercise you put in, diet is far and away the biggest factor in a weight loss journey. Called a calorie-deficit diet, your daily caloric intake needs to be lower than what you burn. Sounds simple? Youll be surprised by just how quickly those calories add up.

Calorie counting is fine, but apps that give you a nutrient breakdown can be much more helpful.

Keeping a tab on your daily dietary intake has multiple benefits. Of course, you can see how many calories you are taking in, and with the integrations with fitness trackers and apps, you can readily see if you are burning off enough. More than that though, it is the nutrient breakdown that comes across as more handy.

While there are many apps that claim to assist with calorie counting, a few might be better for your part of the world. I found MyFitnessPal to be among the best. The app has been around forever and doesnt quite have the best interface, but it does the job and has a robust food database. I also tried outHealthifyMe which is another option but the constant reminders to upgrade to premium plans and the lack of integration with complementary services was off-putting.

MyFitnessPal is pretty self-explanatory as far as apps go. During the onboarding process, you will need to enter your age, height, and weight. You can then set yourself a weight goal, as well as how much weight you are aiming to lose every week.

It is easy to get too optimistic, but I would highly recommend sticking to a goal that you can realistically meet. You dont want to get disheartened do you? Keeping a track of your food intake can show you exactly how many calories you are consuming, as well as an overview of the nutrients so that you can optimize your dietary habits.

MyFitnessPal not cutting it for you? From apps that just track your daily intake to others that can recommend customized diets, check out our list of the 10 best diet and nutrition apps for Android to find one that might be your jam.

In addition to eating healthier, hydration is another aspect that most of us forget or give up on. The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recommends a daily water intake of 3.7 liters for an adult male.

Im not proud of the fact that Im particularly bad at keeping myself hydrated. If it werent for the constant reminders, I would likely go days without grabbing a sip of water. No, coffee is not a substitute.

Listen, I get it. It is easy to get caught up in work and activities to the point where you drink water only when you are thirsty. However, water not only helps keep you full but also helps your metabolism and assists in dropping weight faster.

Ive found myself using the Hydro app to keep a log of my daily water intake. It also provides handy reminders if I go too long without drinking a tall glass of water. The apps interface is a bit basic, and if you want something that can track your coffee and tea intake as well, Water Time might be another alternative. You can check out our list of the best water reminder apps for Android to take a look at more options.

Also read: How to get into shape with your fitness tracker in just 7 minutes a day

Of course, a diet can take you only that far. It is imperative that you put in the effort to burn more calories than you consume. Workouts come in many shapes and forms, be it outdoor running or hitting the weights at the gym. I needed help in coming up with a scientific plan for running better, and so it was time to turn to apps on my phone to help me plan a defined fitness routine.

Now, Ive never been much of an athlete and achieving my goal of running a 10K was not going to be easy. Referring to our list of the best weight loss apps, I stumbled upon the Couch to 5K app.

The app presents you with an expertly designed plan for interval training and structured schedules to help you achieve your goals. Not only did the app work for me, but it also helped me get on track to run and complete marathons and trail runs. Hows that for an endorsement!

The first few days were certainly not easy. Finding the motivation to get up and go out for a run can be particularly hard. However, I observed that notifications from the app and the gamification aspect of earning ticks for completed workouts were a good incentive for me to step out every day.

If you are using a fitness tracker, it is probably best to use the accompanying app to keep a track of your outdoor runs. As a Fitbit Ionic user, Ive been using the accompanying app to send over my data to Strava for more granular analysis of my workout data. If you dont have a fitness tracker, you can strap in your phone in an armband and track your workouts using a range of fitness apps just as well.

Over time, I discovered that the Strava app provided a bit more granular data about my heart rate and pacing for my runs. Fitbit integrates reasonably well with Strava to upload data to the service.

If you are coming over from another fitness tracker that doesnt, the SyncMyTracks app is a great resource to bring over all your data from some of the most popular fitness services. In my case, I had a lot of historical data from Google Fit and a range of other trackers Id tried out.

In case you are in the market for a new fitness tracker, weve got an up-to-date list of the best fitness trackers to consider. Also check out our list of the best GPS running watches if youre more into running.

But what if you need help with planning a workout?

Cardio fitness is excellent and plays a big role in dropping weight (if that is your goal), but I also wanted to work on strength training. The Play Store is chock full of apps that claim to be great workout companions. In fact, weve already weeded out the chaff and curated a list of the best workout apps on Android.

Which app works out best for you will ultimately depend on what you are hoping to achieve. For example, the 8Fit app would be best suited for someone who is just starting out with working out and needs a bit of hand-holding with guided workouts.

On the other hand, if you already know your way around the gym and need an app to keep logs, or to help you optimize your workout, Ive found JEFIT to be an excellent option to plan out your workout schedule. It can help you find fresh exercises, as well as guide you on the correct technique to use with gym equipment for a more effective workout.

I ended up using a combination of both to help me find my groove at the gym. Eventually, though, I ended up crafting my own routine based on my learnings from the app.

Theres no magic pill to make you lose weight or get healthier. No matter how much weight you wish to lose, this is a journey that takes anywhere from weeks to months and still does not really end. If you have a natural tendency to gain a few pounds, you will know that keeping the weight off is just as hard as losing it the first time around.

In my case, between my fitness tracker and the various apps that I was using, I found MyFitnessPal to be the best place to integrate all that data. The best part? The app pulls in workout data and calorie burn from connected apps and gives you a clearer picture of how your diet and exercise is affecting your fitness goals.

Update: July 12, 2019 at 9:10 a.m. ET: As of version 2.16.22, Google Fit now has a dark mode. Details below! Google Fit is the fitness app for the rest of us. It's not the app

Another option that is built into Android phones is the Google Fit app. Im not a fan of the interface and it doesnt offer too much data, but the app integrates with most popular fitness trackers and services to give you a quick glance of your daily fitness statistics. The interface centers around activity rings and provides a gist of your daily activities and sleep cycles. Compared to more full-featured apps, I found Google Fit to be unintuitive and light on information. However, if you are just looking for the essentials, the app is free and likely pre-loaded on your phone. Certainly doesnt hurt to give it a try.

Your phone is a powerful tool to help you lose weight

Getting healthier is hard work, but it doesnt have to be a pain. Between the granular data and guided workout patterns that your Android phone, accompanying apps provide, it is possible to take out a lot of the effort and guesswork needed to devise an effective strategy for weight loss.

Unlike a gym, you dont need to lock yourself into an expensive trainer either. In fact, almost all the apps mentioned here include free trials that will let you try and settle on what works best for you.

It took me six months of concerted effort to drop weight, but the journey certainly didnt stop there.

Ive since kept up a regimen of running three to four miles most days of the week. Between a job that doesnt require me to walk around much and my general proclivity towards unhealthy eating, Ive also kept up with logging my food intake on MyFitnessPal as well as keeping track of my fitness levels using the Fitbit and Strava apps.

A bigger realization for me, though, was the fact that used in a proper manner, your phone can be an indispensable tool in your fitness journey. Using a combination of apps, I was able to design, track and stick to a fitness plan that was perfectly suited to me.

It took out the hassle of working with trainers or getting disheartened with not getting results. The data was right there in my hands to see, and it motivated me to stick at it.

Your fitness is in your hands and it is incredible to see just how powerful a tool your phone can be to help you along the way. Got any favorite fitness apps? Let us know in the comments section!

View original post here:
How I used my Android phone to lose weight - Android Authority

Celeb Nutritionist Shares Easy Breakfast Recipes That May Help Shed Kilos – NDTV Food

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 12:44 pm


Since childhood we have heard our parents saying, "Eat breakfastlike a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper." A healthy breakfast is a must; it not only helps kick start our day, but also helps keep up a healthy lifestyle. When we talk about healthy lifestyle, one of the first things we mean is weight management. Losing weight and keeping it under control has several health benefits, including better regulation of blood pressure and blood sugar levels, increased stamina, and better heart health et al.

One of the biggest issues a person faces in the morning is time constraint. Amidst the hustle-bustle of life, people tend to skip their breakfast or eat greasy foods and drink sugary beverages for breakfast or consume highly caffeinated drinks. These common mistakes are extremely destructive when it comes to weight loss. Hence we bring you a solution to this problem.

Health Practitioner and Nutritionist Shilpa Arora ND shares three recipes which contain ingredients that supply energy to the body and promote weight loss.


Steamed peas- 1 cup

Paneer- 500gm

Garlic- 2/3 cloves

Besan- 1 tablespoon

Olive Oil/Ghee- 1 tablespoon

Salt- as per taste


Mash the matar, paneer and garlic.

Add besan and salt to bind.

Make small patties and fry.

These patties are loaded with essential nutrients and packed with proteins, which give a healthy and tasty start to your day.


Place 2 tablespoon of sproutsin the bottom of a bowl, followed by 2 tablespoon of pomegranate.

Place finely chopped cucumberon the next layer, followed by yellow bell pepper.

Put another layer of pomegranate.

Finally, garnish with walnuts and peanuts;

Add lemon and salt when you eat.

Enjoy this super bowl for super healthy heart and skin.


Hung Curd/Greek Yogurt- 1 cup

Pomegranate- 2 tablespoon

Pumpkin seeds- 1 tablespoon

Apple- Half (chopped)

Walnut- 3 halves


Add curd in a bowl.

Sprinkle pomegranate and apple.

Garnish with nuts and seeds.

So, instead of skipping the first meal of the day, now on prepare your breakfast quickly and have it on the way to your work.

Go here to read the rest:
Celeb Nutritionist Shares Easy Breakfast Recipes That May Help Shed Kilos - NDTV Food

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