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Codexis Is Chasing a Blockbuster Opportunity. Can It Compete With Gene Therapies? – Motley Fool

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:46 am

Genetic medicines and cellular therapies have an enormous potential to treat, and possibly cure, currently untreatable diseases. Nonetheless, it's important for investors to remember that "simpler" treatment options won't become obsolete just because gene therapy, gene editing, and immunotherapy approaches are becoming feasible.

Investors are hoping that the 'simple is better' approach proves true for Codexis (NASDAQ:CDXS).The company's first drug candidate, the enzyme-based CDX-6114, is being developed to treat a rare disease called phenylketonuria (PKU). Can the simpler approach of Codexis compete with a growing list of gene therapies that are also targeting the disease?

Image source: Getty Images.

Codexis isn't a biopharmaceutical company. It has developed a platform for engineering enzymes, which are complex molecules that power virtually all biological processes in living cells. Enzymes can also be added to industrial processes, health diagnostics, and consumer products to reduce energy consumption, lower input requirements, improve functionality, and eliminate toxic wastes.

Today, the company generates most of its revenue from three sources: selling enzymes that improve drug manufacturing processes, selling enzymes that improve the manufacturing process for a zero-calorie sweetener ingredient from Tate & Lyle, and selling licenses to its enzyme engineering software platform. But Codexis is also eyeing a large opportunity in developing novel therapeutics.

In late 2017, Codexis and Nestle Health Science, owned by Nestle, entered into an agreement to develop rare-disease drug candidates. The goal is to engineer enzymes that can be administered orally, rather than injected or given intravenously, which would provide a significant advantage in cost and convenience relative to treatments for many rare diseases.

Designing medicines that can be taken orally may not sound very novel, but enzyme-based treatments are typically degraded as they journey through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. That requires enzymatic medicines to be administered subcutaneously, which can trigger severe allergic reactions and doesn't efficiently deliver them to the liver, where they're most effective. Therefore, Codexis must engineer enzymes that are stable enough to make it through the GI tract so they can be transported into the liver -- a capability uniquely accessible to Codexis.

The first asset to advance into clinical trials was the experimental PKU treatment called CDX-6114. Individuals born with PKU have a nonfunctioning copy of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) that metabolizes the amino acid phenylalanine (Phe). When Phe accumulates to dangerous levels, it can cause significant intellectual disabilities in newborns and mental impairments in adults. Individuals must follow a strict (and expensive) diet that limits daily protein intake to just five grams and avoids the artificial sweetener aspartame, which breaks down into Phe. CDX-6114 was designed to help individuals metabolize Phe and live a normal lifestyle.

In early 2019, Nestle Health Science, which sells many nutritional products for PKU patients, exercised an option granting it exclusive rights to develop and commercialize CDX-6114. Codexis is eligible to receive up to $85 million in remaining development and approval milestones, up to $250 million in revenue milestones, and royalties on sales.

For comparison, Codexis generated $44 million in the first nine months of 2019. While the industrial business is growing, achieving success with the therapeutic pipeline could provide a significant boost. Will gene therapies stand in the way?

Image source: Getty Images.

The hypothesis supporting the collaboration between Codexis and Nestle Health Science is pretty simple to understand: Many rare diseases are caused when individuals fail to make a specific functioning enzyme, so treatments that provide a working copy could prove valuable. Of course, that's the exact hypothesis supporting the industry's pursuit of genetic medicines.

Whereas Codexis wants to provide an enzyme substitute through an orally available drug, a gene therapy aims to provide direct replacement of an enzyme by potentially fixing the genetic error at the root of a disease.

It might be tempting to think that gene therapy is the ideal solution for PKU, but not every gene therapy will succeed in providing a cure. If a gene therapy only partially succeeds in replacing adequate levels of the gene responsible for producing the PAH enzyme, then individuals might still be dependent on strict diets and imperfect treatment options. Simply put, barring the successful development of a curative gene therapy, the enzyme-based approach of Codexis and Nestle Health Science could be a competitive option.

It's not much of a competition at the moment, as there's not much to compare. CDX-6114 is being studied in a phase 1b study, while early-stage results for gene therapies have been unimpressive or non-existent.


PKU Drug Candidate


Codexisand Nestle Health Science

CDX-6114 (enzymatic)

Phase 1a trial: well tolerated at all four dose levels in 32 healthy volunteers, but not tested in PKU patients

Homology Medicines (NASDAQ:FIXX)

HMI-102 (gene therapy)

Phase 1/2 trial (ongoing): two individuals with PKU receiving low-dose showed no reduction in Phe at three months, one individual receiving high-dose achieved a reduction in Phe


BMN 307 (gene therapy)

Expects to initiate phase 1/2 trial in the United Kingdom in early 2020

Data sources: Codexis, Homology Medicines, and BioMarin.

Despite the early-stage nature of the industry's pipeline, the opportunity is large and the bar is relatively low.

Individuals with PKU currently have two main drug options: Kuvan and Palynziq. The two drugs, both sold by BioMarin, generated combined revenue of $396 million in the first nine months of 2019. But they're only partial solutions.

Kuvan is a coenzyme that can help to break down Phe, but it only works for individuals with milder PKU and comes with a relatively long list of side effects. It still generated $341 million in revenue in the first nine months of 2019.

Palynziq is a newer therapy. It's a substitute to working PAH enzymes required to metabolize Phe, but the drug can take up to 12 months to begin working and triggers significant side effects in most people. It comes with a black-box warning for severe allergic reactions (observed in 9% of individuals in clinical trials), requires daily injections, and costs $192,000 per year. While doctors have been generally impressed with results for patients that stick with treatment, there's much room for improvement.

Codexis is hoping that CDX-6114 can provide a convenient and safe enzyme-based treatment option for individuals with PKU. If the asset demonstrates promising clinical results in an ongoing phase 1b trial, then it could begin to factor into the pharma stock's price and the company's market valuation. After all, analysts expect Palynziq to generate over $1 billion in peak annual sales despite the drug's inconveniences and safety issues, and Codexis is valued at just $1 billion today.

However, investors do need to keep track of genetic medicines in development at Homology Medicines, BioMarin, and any other companies that throw their hats into the ring (RNA interference seems uniquely suited for a PKU treatment, but no such drugs are in development yet). If genetic medicines demonstrate a consistent safety profile and provide a cure for most individuals with PKU in early clinical trials, then CDX-6114 might have its market potential severely reduced before it even leaves the clinic. If genetic medicines only provide partial solutions, then the details and nuance might determine which approach, if any, will dominate the market.

The next batch of results from each company is likely to be available before the end of 2020, which means investors will learn quite a bit about the shape of the competitive landscape soon.

Continued here:
Codexis Is Chasing a Blockbuster Opportunity. Can It Compete With Gene Therapies? - Motley Fool

City’s next downtown grant bid to expand its scope – Cleveland Daily Banner

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:46 am

Joe Fivas


Lessons learned.

On Monday, Cleveland City Manager Joe Fivas updated the members of the Cleveland City Council regarding the future of the citys planned streetscaping project for the Inman Street Corridor, which runs through downtown Cleveland.

Fivas remarks took place during the City Councils work session held at the Municipal Building.

Late last year, the city of Cleveland learned it was not to receive a $17 million U.S. Department of Transportation Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development Grant, which would have funded the citys revitalization of the Inman Street Corridor.

Instead, USDOT announced the city of Memphis was the only city in Tennessee to receive the grant.

Cleveland city officials vowed to reapply for the grant this year.

One of the things that we want to talk about is changing the scope of the Build Grant, and it's kind of a lessons learned-type scenario, Fivas said. Instead of focusing more on Inman street, which is an infrastructure grant, we want to use the grant to work on infrastructure around the Whirlpool property."

Despite the strategy change, revamping Inman Street will remain a big part of that effort.

The multi-million grant would have played a key role in the first phase of the citys implementation of its Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan, unveiled earlier last year.

The 1.2-mile Inman Street Corridor project, which involves the length of roadway from Keith Street to East Street, would have been the first step in the citys downtown revitalization initiative, dubbed a reimagining of the heart of downtown Cleveland."

A key element of the project includes reducing the number of lanes from four to three to slow traffic as it passes through downtown, where future implementation of the citys Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan will feature parks, green spaces, a proposed sports complex, hotels, apartments and townhouses.

The master plan also proposes a new tree-lined streetscape design for Inman Street, with sidewalks, medians and roundabouts to facilitate traffic flow.

According to the master plan, Inman Street would be placed on a "road diet."

Although Inman Street would be less one lane, it would gain designated turn lanes separated by medians. As a result, drivers of vehicles wanting to make turns will no longer cause traffic to back up as they await a green light to allow them to make a turn.

A traffic study conducted by engineering consulting firm Volkert in advance of the submittal of the BUILD grant application, found that the road diet would not adversely impact traffic flow downtown.

The analyses included in this report indicate that the impacts of a road diet along Inman Street from Keith Street to East Street in Cleveland will not significantly affect the signalized intersections, and will only improve the operations at the unsignalized intersections," the Volkert traffic study found. The volumes, as well as vehicular and pedestrian characteristics along Inman Street, make this corridor a good candidate for a road diet.

By shifting focus to include the area closer to the former site of Whirlpool Plants 1 and 2, Fivas said the city will have better chances of qualifying for the grant.

Were looking at options and ideas on what that will look like, Fivas said. We think it's probably a better story to tell ... we think it's a better narrative.

In addition, he said the city is seeking ways to reduce the project to a cost- neutral perspective from what was already submitted in last years grant application.

Fivas said USDOT will send out a notice in February soliciting grant applications.

Then we will be on the clock, and we would have the next iteration of that application available in July, he said.

Here is the original post:
City's next downtown grant bid to expand its scope - Cleveland Daily Banner

Intermittent fasting why not eating (for a bit) could work for weight loss and health –

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:46 am

Intermittent fasting may be more than just the latest weight loss trend. According to a recent review published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it could have health benefits that go beyond those usually associated withlosing weight.

"We think in the long run that an intermittent fasting eating pattern will likely decrease one's risk for stroke and possibly Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases," said Mark Mattson, one of the co-authors of the review. Mattsonisadjunctprofessor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University.

Intermittent fasting is less about what or how much you eat, and more about a change in eating patterns. Two popular regimes that were the subject of the research included in the journal review, are known as "5:2" and "16:8."

5:2, involves eating normally five days a week, then only eating 500 calories on the other two days. 16:8, involves only eating in an eight hour window, then fasting for 16 hours.

Mattson said the journal asked himto review the latest science because so many patients wereasking their doctors about fasting and it was important to inform doctors about the subject.

He said this was also a good time to summarize the evidence because research on humans about intermittent fasting has been accumulating recently. As a result "we can be pretty confident and saying that what we're finding in rats and mice applies pretty well to humans."

The review found that beyond weight loss, other benefits to intermittent fasting could includeincreased physical and mental energy, improved learning and memory, reducedanxiety levels and improvedmood. There was also evidence that fasting can suppressinflammation, improveblood sugar regulation and could even help extend life expectancy.

Anumber of studies have shown thatintermittent fasting is at least as effective as standard diets in losing weight in those who are overweight or obese. But Mattson said simply reducing overall caloric intake throughout the day, as is done in many diets, doesn't give the same health benefits as fasting.

He said when he compared the results from an intermittent fasting regime to a regular diet where the same number of calories were cut, he saw differences.

"Both groups of women, in our studies, lost the same amount of weight over a six month period. But the women on 5:2 intermittent fasting lost more belly fat and they had significantly greater improvement in insulin sensitivity that is,they had a stronger anti-diabetic effect," he said.

When people get used to intermittent fasting, they do tend to eat less,but Mattson said it doesn't appear to be the reason for the health benefits.

"We studied a strain on mice that when we put them on alternate day fasting, on the day they do have food, they eat pretty much twice as much food as they would normally eat," he said.

Over the long term, those mice weren't eating more calories, yet they lost more fat and showed metabolic and neurological improvements.

Toronto-based kidney specialist, Dr. Jason Fung author of The Obesity Code, said the logic behind intermittent fasting was clear.

"Most people who are trying to lose weight have hundreds of thousands of calories of body fat sitting on their body. So why won't your body use it? If you don't eat, your body will use it," said Fung.

Fungsays the key to fasting is in the insulin response. Insulin levels are increased by the body when we eat. He describes insulin as a train conductor that can switch tracks to redirect where thebody gets its energy.

When insulin levels are up, the track switches to burning fuel from the food we just ate. When insulin levels are down, it switches tracks and starts burning fuel from our liver and fat stores.

After this switch to burning fat happens, our cells can go into "repair and maintenance" mode, a process called autophagy, that starts recycling components ofcells that aren't functioning well.

Evidence is accumulating that fasting, sometimes for longer periods of time,can have significant benefits for people with a range of serious and chronic illnesses.

In 2018, Fung published a paper in the British Medical Journal Case Reports about three individuals he treated with intermittent fasting for Type 2 diabetes, which they had for 20-25 years.

"We started intermittent fasting and within a month, all three were off of their insulin," he said."Within six months, all of them were classified as non-diabetic." These patients fasted for 24 hour periods several times a week.

Dr. Andreas Michalsen, the director and head of Charity Medical University's Department for Integrative and Internal medicine in Berlin, studies extended fasting from five to 30 days, and treats up to 1500 people a year for chronic illnesses

He said the longer a person fasts, the more potent the improvements in mechanisms such as blood glucose regulation and autophagy seem to be.

"The signals are higher when you perform prolonged fasting," said Michalsen.

Fungcautions that longer fasts come with increased risk and requiremedical supervision.

Critics of intermittent fasting worry it can promote disordered eating, so researchers caution that anyone prone to eating disorders should avoid fasting.

Mattson added that those with a body mass index below 18, at the low end of the normal range, should also refrain from intermittent fasting, as well as children under 17 years old and women who are breastfeeding or who might be pregnant.

We asked the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism about treating Type 2 diabetes with intermittent fasting.This was their statement in response:

"Type 2 diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition which has many contributing factors, including family history, age, nutrition, exercise, certain medications and other factors. No single factor is entirely responsible for the development of diabetes. Consequently, the approach to management involves multifactorial intervention. Nutrition is a major factor in the management of diabetes. However, nutrition management should be individualized and no single diet is appropriate for every individual. A number of diets, including Mediterranean style diet, Nordic style diet, DASH diet or vegetarian style diet have all been shown to help manage diabetes and reduce cardiovascular risk factors. Intermittent fasting can improve glycemic control, but also can place individuals at risk for low blood sugars (hypoglycemia), particularly if they are taking insulin. The Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (CSEM) recommends that people with diabetes, especially if using insulin, check with their health care provider before considering any major change in their diet.

Continued here:
Intermittent fasting why not eating (for a bit) could work for weight loss and health -

Strict rules that K-Pop singers have to follow – Nicki Swift

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:46 am

K-Pop stars at the top of the game may be bringing in big bucks, but many others are just barely managing to scrape by due to high costs and low pay. Unfortunately, rules in the scene mean that those who need to make extra cash are simply out of luck. Granted, trainees and rising performers don't really have time for a second job, but even if they want to have another source of income, they're not allowed to because it's against the rules.

Koreaboo explains, "While this depends on which company you're with, most companies don't want you to have a part-time job even though you might not earn enough as a trainee or recently debuted artist." The BBC even states that "some of K-Pop's biggest success stories were built on the back of so-called slave contracts, which tied its trainee-stars into long exclusive deals."

However, some people in the industry are trying to fight this unfair situation. Dong Bang Shin Ki even brought forth a lawsuit over what the group felt was an unfair contract. The group "took its management company to court, on the grounds that their 13-year-contract was too long, too restrictive, and gave them almost none of the profits from their success," according to the BBC. Fortunately, the group won their case, which led "the Fair Trade Commission to issue a 'model contract' to try to improve the deal artists got from their management companies."

Continue reading here:
Strict rules that K-Pop singers have to follow - Nicki Swift

Op-Ed: What does the world you want to live in look like? – Kentucky Kernel

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:46 am

I want to live in a world where.

What if we started more statements like this when framing our thoughts, worries, discussions, and arguments(!) around the phenomenon variously called climate change, climate disruption, and climate crisis?

What if, instead of painting a picture of gloom and doom focused on tremendous loss of human life to flooding and increasingly violent storms and crop loss, mass species extinctions, and economic disruption that leaves us panicked and afraid, we instead focused on what we hope for?

What if we each took the time to picture the world that we could live in 20 years in the future if we came together now to slow the pace, and eventually stop, rising atmospheric greenhouse gasses, atmospheric temperature, and the attendant consequences of our current trajectory?

Climate change is real, we know its happening, and we know that the sooner we reduce greenhouse gas emissions the better it will be, for all of us. So what could it look like if each of us told ourselves the truth about this moment in history and acknowledged the truth about changing climatefinding ways to work together to build the world in which we all want to live? And even, how could doing this make us happier, less worried and more fulfilled members of our communities?

A recent op-ed in the New York Times, A New Years Climate Diet, calls upon readers to work on our own personal climate diet. Somewhat contradictorily, another Times article titled How to Stop Freaking out and Tackle Climate Change encourages us to instead realize that individual actions matter less than working together.

So, which is it? Do we need to change the way we move about the world, heat our homes, and shop? Or is it better to realize that we can have more significant impacts by working with a group that is influencing policy or electing candidates who will work to decarbonize our future, using our unique skill-sets in the service of a larger good?

I think it looks like both! Working on our own climate diet (maybe by eating less dairy and meat, or carpooling, or flying less and buying carbon offsets when we do fly) to reduce our contributions to greenhouse gasses educates us about the carbon costs of our choices. At the same time, this greater awareness can lead us to the groups that are helping to shift to more sustainable social, political, and economic systems.

I want to live in a world where. Cincinnati, Louisville and Lexington are connected by commuter trains, most homes have affordable solar panels on their roofs, and children are no longer anxious about climate change.

What does the world you want to live in look like?

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Op-Ed: What does the world you want to live in look like? - Kentucky Kernel

How to sleep: Avoid this food before bed to get a good nights sleep – Express

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:46 am

Sleep loss can be chalked up to a range of causes, such as taking work home and invasive technologies, both of which are symptoms of living in the modern age.

Up against these obstacles, it is easy to become despondent because it is hard to change the status quo.

Luckily, you can aid sleep loss without having to rally against the times because making modest changes to your lifestyle can have a positive effect too.

Tweaking your diet is a simple and effective way to aid sleep loss and it can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.

Certain dietary decisions have been shown to disrupt the sleep-cycle so shunning them before bed can help promote a good nights sleep.

According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), complex carbs are one of the worst culprits for sleep loss.

Skip the white bread, refined pasta, and sugary, baked goods, which may reduce serotonin levels and impair sleep, advises the NSF.

READ MORE:How to live longer: The sleeping pattern proven to increase your life expectancy

Conversely, women whose diet included higher amounts of vegetables, fibre, and whole fruit (not juice) were less likely to develop problems with insomnia.

To gather the findings, James Gangwisch, PhD, assistant professor at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and his team gathered data from more than 50,000 participants in the Women's Health Initiative who had completed food diaries.

The researchers looked at whether women with higher dietary glycemic index were more likely to develop insomnia.

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels.

Highly refined carbohydrates - such as added sugars, white bread, white rice, and soda - have a higher glycemic index, and cause a more rapid increase in blood sugar.

The researchers found that the higher the dietary glycemic index - particularly when fuelled by the consumption of added sugars and processed grains - the greater the risk of developing insomnia.

The researchers hypothesised that the rapid spikes and troughs in blood sugar after eating refined carbs may trigger insomnia.

"When blood sugar is raised quickly, your body reacts by releasing insulin, and the resulting drop in blood sugar can lead to the release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can interfere with sleep," Gangwisch said.

They also discovered that women who consumed more vegetables and whole fruits (not juices), which generally rank lower on the GI index, were less likely to develop insomnia.

As Gangwisch explained: Whole fruits contain sugar, but the fibre in them slow the rate of absorption to help prevent spikes in blood sugar.

He added: This suggests that the dietary culprit triggering the women's insomnia was the highly processed foods that contain larger amounts of refined sugars that aren't found naturally in food.

Since most people, not just postmenopausal women, experience a rapid rise in blood sugar after eating refined carbohydrates, the authors suspect that these findings would be consistent if tested in a broader population.

Read more from the original source:
How to sleep: Avoid this food before bed to get a good nights sleep - Express

This is how Yale researchers say to approach the Keto diet – Ladders

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:45 am

The Keto diet has managed to break out of its label as the latest trendy diet because of its proven rate of success with weight loss.

However, anew study conducted by a team of Yale researchers addresses the potential setbacks associated with adopting the Keto diet long-term with the help of mouse models.

The report, which was published in the January Issue of Nature Metabolism, posits that over limited periods of time a high-fat low-carb diet can greatly reduce a followers risk of developing diabetes and inflammation but after one week these positive effects begin to diminish as a result of the very mechanisms that fostered them.

The Keto diet works by forcing the body to use alternative sources for fuel via prolonged exercise and or starvation.More specifically, followers obtain 99% of their calories from fat and 1% from carbohydrates.

Once the body is tricked into thinking that its starving it will start burning fat instead of carbohydrates in order to preserve energy. Eventually, chemical byproducts called ketone bodies are produced.Ketone bodies serve as alternative energy sources for organisms during periods of glucose scarcity.

The immediate benefit of this process has to do with tissue-protective gamma delta T-cells. These begin to spread throughout the body as a direct result of ketosis.

This reduces diabetes risk and inflammation, and improves the bodys metabolism, explained Vishwa DeepDixit, the Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Comparative Medicine and of Immunobiology. After a week on the keto diet, mice show a reduction in blood sugar levels and inflammation.

The problem is fat break down and fat storage began to happen at once, which means the rodents consumed more fat than they could possibly burn. Eventually, those essential gamma delta T-Cells diminished and the likelihood of the subjects developing metabolic disorders surged dramatically.

This new metabolic consequence joins a slew of previously established ones.

Many experts believe that limiting your carb intake to 1% over a long period of time makes it extremely difficult to include important sources for vitamins and minerals found in foods like fruits, beans/legumes, and whole intact grains. In addition to energy preservation, carbohydrates promote tissue synthesis, provide us with our recommended value of macro-nutrients and prevent the development of several kinds of chronic illnesses.

For individuals that need to lose quickly for whatever reasons, tweaking your metabolism to augment fuel sources seems to be the trick. Experts just urge followers to consults a nutritionist to determine how long and how rigidly they ought to restrict carb intake.

Before such a diet can be prescribed, a large clinical trial in controlled conditions is necessary to understand the mechanism behind metabolic and immunological benefits or any potential harm to individuals who are overweight and pre-diabetic, Dixit said in a press statement.

Its important to note that more research needs to be done before a categorical threshold can be translated to human trialseven in consideration of the striking genetic similarities we share with mice. The most important citation motioned in the new study relates to the benefits and setbacks afforded by ketosisa counterbalance that is defined by dietary indecision.

The new data meets supporters and critics in the middle. The researchers maintain that the diet has its functions; both as a quick and effective measure for weight loss and a provisional means of decreasing ones risk for chronic illness.

However, very few fad diets warrant indefinite adherence.

Our findings highlight the interplay between metabolism and the immune system, and how it coordinates maintenance of healthy tissue function, said Emily Goldberg, the postdoctoral fellow in comparative medicine .

In other words adopting the Keto diet in short spurts instead of committing to it long term appears to be the more effective method.

The new paper, titled,Ketogenesis activates metabolically protective T cells in visceral adipose tissue was co-authored byEmily L. Goldberg,Irina Shchukina,Jennifer L. Asher,Sviatoslav Sidorov,Maxim N. ArtyomovandVishwa Deep Dixitand can be read in full in the journal Nature Metabolism.

Go here to read the rest:
This is how Yale researchers say to approach the Keto diet - Ladders

Japanese Water Therapy: Benefits, Risks, and Effectiveness – Healthline

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:45 am

Japanese water therapy involves drinking several glasses of room-temperature water every morning when you first wake up.

Online, its claimed that this practice can treat a host of problems, spanning from constipation and high blood pressure to type 2 diabetes and cancer.

However, many of these claims have been exaggerated or are not supported by science.

This article reviews the benefits, risks, and effectiveness of Japanese water therapy.

Supposedly, Japanese water therapy gets its name from being widely used in Japanese medicine and among the Japanese people.

It involves drinking room-temperature or warm water on an empty stomach after waking to cleanse the digestive system and regulate gut health, which according to proponents can heal a variety of conditions.

In addition, advocates of Japanese water therapy claim that cold water is harmful because it can cause the fats and oils in your food to harden in your digestive tract, thus slowing down digestion and causing disease.

The therapy includes the following steps that should be repeated daily:

According to practitioners, Japanese water therapy must be done for different periods to treat different conditions. Here are some examples:

Though drinking more water may help with constipation and blood pressure, there is no evidence that Japanese water therapy can treat or cure type 2 diabetes or cancer. However, drinking more water may bring along some other health benefits.

Japanese water therapy involves drinking several glasses of room temperature water when you wake up each morning. Adherents claim that this practice can treat a variety of conditions.

Though Japanese water therapy is not an effective treatment for many of the conditions its been claimed to improve, drinking more water can still result in some health benefits.

Additionally, following this therapy protocol may result in weight loss because it can cause you to restrict your calorie intake.

Using Japanese water therapy includes drinking several glasses of water per day, helping you stay adequately hydrated.

There are numerous benefits to adequate hydration, including optimal brain function, sustained energy levels, and body temperature and blood pressure regulation (1, 2, 3, 4).

In addition, drinking more water may help prevent constipation, headaches, and kidney stones (5, 6, 7).

Most people get enough fluid by simply drinking to satisfy their thirst. However, if youre very active, work outdoors, or live in a hot climate, you may need to drink more.

Practicing Japanese water therapy may help you lose weight via calorie restriction.

First, if you replace sugar-sweetened beverages like fruit juice or soda with water, your calorie intake is automatically decreased potentially by several hundred calories per day.

Additionally, sticking to regimented eating windows of only 15 minutes per meal, after which you cant eat again for 2 hours, may restrict your calorie intake.

Finally, drinking more water may help you feel fuller and make you eat fewer overall calories from food.

All this said, research on the effect of water intake on weight loss is mixed, with some studies finding positive results and others seeing no effects (8).

There are several health benefits of being adequately hydrated. In addition, drinking more water may help you lose weight through calorie restriction.

Japanese water therapy is associated with potential side effects and precautions.

Water intoxication, or overhydration, can occur when you drink an excessive amount of water in a short period of time. Its caused by hyponatremia or low salt levels in your blood due to salt being diluted by excessive fluid (9).

Its a serious condition that can result in death, but its rare in healthy people whose kidneys are able to quickly get rid of excess fluid. People at increased risk of hyponatremia include those with kidney problems, endurance athletes, and people who abuse stimulant drugs (9).

To be safe, dont drink more than about 4 cups (1 liter) of fluid per hour, as this is the maximum amount that a healthy persons kidneys can handle at once.

Another downside of Japanese water therapy is that it can be excessively restrictive due to its guidelines on the timing of meals and eating within a 15-minute window.

If youre trying to lose weight, excessive calorie restriction can lead to rebound weight gain after finishing the therapy. Restricting calories reduces the number of calories you burn at rest and causes spikes in the hormone ghrelin which increases feelings of hunger (10, 11).

Whats more, there is a risk of overeating or eating too quickly within the allotted 15-minute eating windows, especially if you feel more hungry than normal by the time youre able to eat. This can cause indigestion or lead to weight gain.

There is a risk of water intoxication, or hyponatremia, from Japanese water therapy. Additionally, excessively restricting calories while practicing the therapy may lead to rebound weight gain once you finish the practice.

Japanese water therapy is touted as a cure for a variety of conditions from constipation to cancer, but there is no evidence to support this.

The therapy supposedly cleanses your gut and helps regulate gut health, but no existing research confirms this. Water intake has a much smaller effect on the balance of gut bacteria than other factors like diet (12).

Furthermore, there appear to be only few upsides to avoiding cold water. Cold water does decrease your gastrointestinal temperature and may slightly increase blood pressure in some people, but it will not cause fats to solidify in your digestive tract (13, 14).

Before you consider using Japanese water therapy to treat a condition or disease, you should discuss it with your healthcare provider.

Its also important to note that Japanese water therapy should not be used as a replacement for medical care from a licensed healthcare professional.

Although there are some benefits to being adequately hydrated, Japanese water therapy has not been shown to treat or cure any disease. It should not be used as an alternative to medical care from a healthcare professional.

Japanese water therapy involves timing your meals and water intake, supposedly cleansing your gut and healing disease.

However, scientific evidence does not indicate that it works.

There are several benefits to adequate hydration, but Japanese water therapy cannot treat or cure any medical condition.

If youre dealing with a condition with which Japanese water therapy is claimed to help, you should consult your healthcare provider.

Japanese Water Therapy: Benefits, Risks, and Effectiveness - Healthline

How to switch resolutions to healthy lifestyles – Daily Aztec

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:45 am

Do any of your New Years Resolutions involve losing weight? Exercising more? Sneaking more self care into your day?

If any of these apply to you, there are healthy ways to achieve these resolutions and turn them into a way of life. Instead of dreading the ideas of losing weight and exercising more, think of it as learning how to eat cleaner and be more active. There isnt a clear answer to anyones goals, but here are some words of wisdom from people in the profession on how to crush your goals while being mindful of how you are achieving them.

There are countless ways to lose weight, but it is important to have the perspective that youre simply switching to a healthier lifestyle. Diet culture is based on people doing different diets to fit into the thin ideal. If you dont fit the mold, you are negatively stereotyped.

Before diving into healthy eating, registered dietician nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor Tyler Rolling said people should question why weight loss is a goal in 2020. She asks students why theyre trying to lose weight and if self worth or fitting in is the motive, because she said losing weight wont fix that.

When people have weight loss as their New Years resolution, I want to know what part of you doesnt feel good enough, Rolling said. Because thats what your resolution should be on, self love and compassion.

Rolling promotes intuitive eating as a healthy way to start the new year because for her, its about creating an authentic health model for an individual.

Intuitive eating is about discovering your body and relationship with food, a landscape that is always changing.

She begins by exploring a students ideas and beliefs about food. Then, she finds out which foods the student likes and have nutritional value. Rolling calls it dropping out of your mind and into your body. She advises students to become familiar with their own hunger and fullness cues as well as which foods satisfy them. If kale doesnt satisfy you, it wont motivate you to stay on your health kick.

Making sure you honor your hunger and respect your fullness, Rolling said. I emphasize getting in touch with hunger cues because too often people forget to eat or are restricting food which leads to overeating.

She tells students to eat every few hours to help with blood sugar and overeating. Starving during a busy day at school leads to overeating and cravings because our bodies crave fatty and sugary foods when we are starving as a survival mechanism. She advises bringing snacks to school, especially ones with high fiber and protein because that keeps you fuller longer. This could include trail mix, dried fruit or a protein bar.

Intuitive eating is a healthy approach to altering your lifestyle because its not a surface level, quick fix. It is personalized knowledge about yourself that can change your life. Eating foods you dont like and having personal obstacles in the way makes those habits unsustainable. The easier the lifestyle change is, the more likely you will succeed.

There is a learning curve and it can be challenging, Rolling said. Self discovery is empowering. If you can be that much of an expert about your body and enjoy eating, that is powerful.

If you want to learn more or to change your lifestyle, students can call Well-being & Health Promotion to book an appointment with Rolling or request group presentations by visiting their website. Rolling does free, one-on-one sessions with students.

Health is a giant puzzle with a ton of pieces. There is mental, emotional and physical health to be aware of and everything that can impact those such as stress, minimal sleep and eating habits. Rolling said a balanced diet leads to a healthy lifestyle which means being too lax or too rigid wont help.

Its all about balance and showing yourself compassion, Rolling said. Compassion is important because we wont always eat in line with our values, but instead of beating yourself up about it, by showing yourself compassion, you are more likely to engage in the preferred behavior next time.

Rolling mentioned how real change doesnt happen quickly, its a process. We forget about the journey, but that is where everything happens.

One of the biggest methods people talk about for losing weight is exercising. It is great for productivity, mood and health improvements, but that doesnt mean you need to get an expensive membership at a fancy gym to enjoy these benefits. Although that is an option, there are a million ways to work more exercise into your day.

Personal trainer and business owner Brian Tabor works at the Aztec Recreation Center. His business, Strong Made Simple, is based on helping people build strength, fitness and confidence.

He recommends people create a list of opportunistic exercises that they could incorporate into their everyday lives, such as parking on the opposite side of campus, jogging up ramps or taking the stairs. He also said if you are starting out at home, you could set a sticky note on your counter, and every time you pass it, do 10 counter push ups or 10 jumping jacks. Walking is also a great outlet because it burns calories without taxing your body too much. Tabor said it doesnt strain your mental energy and can be very restorative.

If walking is your choice, you could get an app that tracks your steps. Apple watches and Fitbits track your activity throughout the day, and iPhones have a built-in Health app that tracks steps, stairs and other movements throughout the day. Having a step count goal for the day might motivate you to make the walk to your furthest class. Some other daily health hacks include standing and maintaining good posture because this keeps your blood flowing and engages your core muscles.

Fitness accounts on Instagram are also a helpful outlet if you listen to the right ones. Many accounts can lead followers on or have complex workouts that seem impossible, but there are some truthful ones.

Instagram, and any social media, is one of those places where people only post their best selves, Tabor said. Its hard to find those people you can follow who are willing to be open and share their worst parts as well.

Tabor said to be aware that these kinds of accounts sometimes use surgery, filters and edits to look perfect. He encourages students and others to use the locator tool on Instagram. By searching the Aztec Recreation Center location, you can connect with people who are here and have similar goals as you. The gym is a social support network along with an exercise space. Using Instagram to connect with gym buddies can motivate you and make gym time a social, fun experience.

An example of an online inspiration who shares her journey is Kayla Itsines. She has her own fitness program called Bikini Body Guide, designed to show women that a bikini body is every type of body. She is also a trainer for the SWEAT app where she does workout challenges. She has sets of home workouts if you are looking to incorporate 5 to 20 minutes of home exercise.

If you have an Aztec Recreation Center membership, they offer classes you can incorporate into your week such as yoga, cycling, barre and pilates. There are also intramurals to join, or active clubs.

To achieve your exercising goals and to form healthy habits this new year, Tabor stresses self compassion and showing up. He said to not beat yourself up because that can create a shame spiral. To him, the most important thing is to show up because thats how to turn exercising into a habit. Consistency is key.

Its always great when people want to get started, but people tend to overdo it on goals, Tabor said. Set realistic goals. Have goals that are focused on actions instead of results.

Tabors final tip is to get good at one thing and then add another. Small steps are great for progress and confidence. When you have that confidence and feel strong, add another exercise to your day or routine. He also said to combine rewards and pain to continually motivate yourself. A reward could be watching a new Netflix series on a treadmill, and pain could be making a $20 bet with your buddy to go to the gym five days a week.

Overall health is a balance between mental, physical and emotional health. Mental health habits are just as important as exercise habits. Making space for yourself in your life is a necessity if you want a healthy balance.

Psychologist and Associate Director of the counseling center Dr. Martin Doucett stresses balancing sleep, exercise and nutrition. He said once you have that foundation you can build from there. Also, be constantly checking in on your psychological and emotional state to see if those are in a good place.

Physical health is absolutely connected to our mental and emotional health and well being, Doucett said. If anything is out of whack in those areas, it will affect your overall functioning.

Creating these self care goals for the new year is a great way to start somewhere, but continuing them past the first few weeks or month may prove to be challenging. Doucett said to take your goals and break them down as much as possible. This will make your goals more specific and achievable.

Then, you have to be mindful of your behavior because changing bad habits can be difficult. Doucetts tip is to keep your goals at the forefront of your mind by having reminders on your phone, writing down your goal-related achievements every week and checking in with a coach or friend.

He said routines, support and habits can all help with turning goals into a lifestyle. Consider motivating yourself by joining a group centered around your goals or getting a mediation app that reminds you to stop and breathe. Being aware and conscious of your goals and behaviors is a step for success. If you dont hold yourself accountable or have someone else keeping you accountable, it can be easy to forget and fall back into old habits.

Little self care routines can make all the difference in the world, Doucett said. When you are trying to start new wellness habits, you really have to make it a priority and schedule it. You have to find support for it. You have to enroll people in supporting you to maintain new behaviors.

Another important tip is to have realistic goals. Doucett said it is common for people to take on more than they can handle, and then they blame themselves for failing. When this happens, he said it is important to adjust your goals and accept those adjustments.

When students hit a bad place, they think they arent good enough, but its just how much they have on their plate. Dont beat yourself up for not being able to take 21 units and work two jobs, Doucett said. Pay attention to your body and it will tell you what it can and cannot do. You have to do what your body and mind can tolerate.

He said self care is always important, but the older you get, the more important it gets. People need to balance work, rest and recreation activities to engage in a healthy lifestyle. If you dont have that balance, adjustments become necessary.

The counseling center encourages students to call the centers main phone number on its website. The center does a phone screening to evaluate what services you would benefit the most from. They offer individual counseling, group therapy and connections to resources in the community.

The rest is here:
How to switch resolutions to healthy lifestyles - Daily Aztec

5 causes of bloating (and how to beat the bloat) – Evening Standard

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 2:45 am

The latest lifestyle, fashion and travel trends

Bloating is one of the most common digestive issues. Studies have shown that over 90 per centof patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) suffer with bloating. But, even people who dont have IBS can experience uncomfortable bloating.

Here, nutritionist and weight loss expert Kim Pearsonshares five potential causes of bloating, and what you can do to combat it.

Chew It

Its easy to forget, while we are speedily eating lunch at our desk, that the process of digestion actually starts with chewing. Chewing physically breaks down food and combines it with saliva which contains the digestive enzyme amylase. If youre not chewing your food thoroughly, your digestion can be compromised, which can lead to bloating. Eating too quickly increases your chances of swallowing air which also increases the chances of bloating.

Tackle it: Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing. This will support digestion and reduce your risk of gulping down air. Aim to chew each mouthful of food 30 times, or until it becomes soft with no lumps.

Eat to 80% full

Unsurprisingly, overeating is a common cause of bloating. It takes time for our brain to register that our stomach is full up, so eating too quickly means we can be full before we know it. There are also those times when we find ourselves feeling full but we carry on eating anyway! In these situations, getting up and walking away from the table can give us time to pause and reflect on whether we really want to carry on filling our faces.

Tackle it: As well as chewing your food thoroughly, try pausing and putting down your knife and fork between mouthfuls. Dont eat until you couldnt possibly eat another bite, but instead, aim for a feeling of 80 per centfull.

Slow eating: Chew your food around 30 times to prevent bloating (Photo by Simona Todorova on Unsplash)

Balance Your Bacteria

Probiotic beneficial bacteria line our gut wall and along with many other important functions, they aid in the digestion of food. A lack of these bacteria can compromise our digestive function and lead to bloating. Many things can cause low levels of these good bacteria in our gut, for example, taking a course of antibiotics, which can kill off good gut bacteria as well as the bad bacteria theyre designed to. In addition to this, pathogenic bad bacteria can sometimes reside in the gut, one symptom of which can be bloating.

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Tackle it: We can support our beneficial bacteria with fermented foods such as tempeh, miso, sauerkraut and kefir. If you experience bloating alongside other IBS symptoms, its worth getting a comprehensive gut health testrun to establish whether theres an underlying cause.


Fluctuations in hormones can be linked to bloating in women around the time of their period. Food cravings associated with this time of the month can also contribute to bloating if youre prone to overeating, or eating heavier foods that are more challenging to digest.

Tackle it: Make an effort to maintain a healthy diet around the time of your period, as tempting as it may be to gorge on pasta and chocolate. A couple of squares of dark chocolate can often combat chocolate cravings without making bloating worse.

Remove Blockages

Constipation can trigger bloating due to waste becoming backed up in the bowel. This can lead to gas building up behind the blockage, making the bloating worse.

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Tackle it: Ensure youre eating plenty of fibrous vegetables and drinking enough water. Exercising regularly can also help to get things moving. Avoid relying on laxatives like senna which can be irritating for the gut. If you suffer with chronic constipation, be sure to consult your GP.

Identify Food Sensitivities

For some of us, certain foods can be a trigger for bloating. Heavily processed foods and those containing wheat gluten are common culprits, but different foods can act as triggers for different people so its important to identify whats affecting you.

Tackle it: If you think a particular food is to blame, try keeping a food diary noting down what you eat and when you experience bloating to see if you can link a particular type of food to your bloating. Alternatively consider a food intolerance testwhich can help you pinpoint the food(s) that youre sensitive to.

While mild, infrequent bloating is common and unlikely to have an underlying cause of serious concern, certain conditions that cause bloating can be very serious. Its important to consult your doctor promptly if your symptoms persist or if your bloating is accompanied by pain, unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, change in bowel movements, blood in your stools or vomiting.

Kim Pearson is a qualified nutritionist and weight loss expert based on Londons Harley Street. She consults clients in London and internationally via her virtual consulting room. For more information about Kim and the services she offers, visit her website.

Originally posted here:
5 causes of bloating (and how to beat the bloat) - Evening Standard

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