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Going for Short Walks Every Day Led to This Guy Losing 140 Pounds –

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:43 am

You cannot waste your life away because of food. There is more to life, Jake Sikora told himself. A 38-year-old commercial loan officer from Indianapolis, Indiana, hed been a chubby kid growing up, and after college, with too much fast food and almost no physical activity, he saw his weight climb.

He started avoiding the scale and refusing to look at himself in the mirror. Daily tasks were a challengethings like tying his shoelaces or climb a flight of stairs. He constantly felt tired, and he disliked how he looked. He shopped online for clothes because otherwise he couldnt find anything to fit him. Embarrassingly, he was told he was too large to ride a rollercoaster. And finally came the day when his doctor told him he had high blood pressure, diabetes, and sleep apnea. He was 35 and weighed 326 pounds.

That forced Sikora to confront himself and his relationship with food. Hed tried to lose weight before, with little success. He looked for help, and walked into his first WW (formerly Weight Watchers) workshop. There he learned how to focus on small, sustainable changes that would add up over time.

He started by walking around the neighborhood with his dog. It didnt feel like working out and it was something I enjoyed doing, he says. Hed never really thought of exercise as something he could enjoy. Once he got acclimated, he started going to the gym, doing 30 minutes of cardio three times a week. Today hes up to an hour in the gym, six days a week, doing a mix of cardio, weight training and core exercises.

Finding activities he could enjoy helped him stick with his regimen, but he also says, I have learned discipline is more important than motivation. I view exercise just as important as going to work, getting dressed in the morning, or brushing my teeth. Its simply a non-negotiable part of his routine now. I have realized that I am a priority in life, he says. Not only for myself but my loved onesI need to be healthy.

He started slimming down in February 2017, and reached his goal weight in July 2019. All told, hes lost nearly 140 pounds. I feel the best Ive ever felt, he says. I have new leg on life. The changes havent been just physical; he says, The best transformation has been internally. I have more confidence and self-love than I ever have before. He has a newly positive outlook on life.

Now, even though he never considered himself an athlete before, hes become an avid runner. Hes run 28 races since 2017, including 5 and 10ks, and half marathons. He plans to complete a mini triathlon soon, building on his success so far.

Looking back, Sikora wants to remind people it all begin with baby steps. He wanted to be healthier but didnt know where to begin, so he started small. Start with small changes and build up from there, he says. You will be surprised by how small changes will create big changes.

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Going for Short Walks Every Day Led to This Guy Losing 140 Pounds -

Do You Actually Need That Protein Shake After Gym? Here’s The Science – ScienceAlert

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:43 am

Once only used by bodybuilders, more and more people are using sports supplements as a regular part of their health and fitness regime and the industry is booming worldwide. Protein shakes, powders, bars, and pills are being marketed to the average gym-goer as an essential part of getting fit.

A recent study even found that over half of gym goers regularly consumed protein supplements as part of their training. But while protein is an essential nutrient that we can't live without, these supplements might not be as necessary as we're led to believe.

Protein is an essential nutrient that we can't live without. Every cell in our body contains protein. We use it to build and repair tissues, as source of energy, and to make hormones and enzymes.

But people might also use protein often in the form of supplements to help with gaining muscle, losing weight, and to optimise their workouts by improving performance and recovery.

Consuming extra protein has even been shown to increase muscle development and strength when consumed as part of an exercise programme.

How much protein to eat, when to eat it and whether we should supplement with it (by drinking protein shakes, for example) has been debated by scientists for years. The current consensus points towards a slightly greater need than normal for people who take part in intense training, depending on their goals.

But not everyone needs to consume a high-protein diet. For a person weighing around 70 kilograms (154 pounds), they'd need around 56 grams (around 2 ounces) of protein (around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram) a day.

But for people looking to improve fitness and health, build muscle and recover more quickly after training, experts recommend consuming between 1.4 and 2 grams of protein per kilogram a day. This is roughly around 98 to 140 grams (3.4 to 5 ounces) of protein for a 70 kilogram person. This helps repair tissues damaged during training and improve recovery.

Lifting weights and consuming protein stimulates a process known as "muscle protein synthesis". This is a naturally occurring process where new muscle is produced to repair those damaged during training.

The effects of muscle protein synthesis are thought to be enhanced if protein is consumed before or after training. These days, drinking protein shakes after exercise has become commonplace, but is consuming them really necessary?

How much protein we should actually consume in one serving is a subject of debate by scientists. Most believe that around 20 to 25 grams (0.7 ounces) of protein (the equivalent of one scoop of most protein powders, or found in 100 grams or 3.5 ounces of lean chicken breast) is the optimal amount for maximising muscle protein synthesis.

Anything greater than this is thought to be used for energy or excreted in our urine.

The point at which maximum muscle protein synthesis has been achieved in our muscles has been termed the "muscle full effect". The idea is that muscle protein synthesis is only elevated for around 90-120 minutes after ingesting protein, before it returns to normal.

This is even despite amino acids continuing to be available in the blood stream, stimulating muscle protein synthesis further.

This has led some people to suggest that there is a finite amount of protein that the muscle can use in one sitting, and that we should let blood amino acid levels return to baseline levels before the next meal.

This observation came from research investigating whey protein. Whey protein is unique in that its amino acid levels appear and peak within the bloodstream rapidly and for only a short time following ingestion. Whey is considered a "fast-acting" protein.

But research has also shown that milk protein (which contains fast and slow-acting proteins) causes a sustained muscle protein synthesis due to a slower release of amino acids. This throws the short-term muscle full hypothesis into question.

This might mean that the muscle full effect discussed in previous research might only be a characteristic of whey protein perhaps because of its ability to be rapidly absorbed. And, while amino acid oxidation (the breaking down of amino acids for energy) increases with amounts of protein greater than 20 grams per meal, this isn't the case for all types of protein.

So, eating more than 20 grams of protein in one sitting might not be a waste after all specifically if you eat whole food sources and don't just drink whey protein shakes all day.

Experts therefore recommend that consuming 0.25 grams of protein per kilogram or 20 to 40 grams per meal is optimal for most people, which is a bit more than the amount needed to stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

But muscle building isn't the only reason for consuming protein. Protein supplements have also been shown to improve weight loss when consumed as part of a calorie-controlled diet.

Whey protein enhances the release of hormones that reduce appetite and increase satiety, making you feel fuller and less likely to snack. Supplementing with whey also helps to preserve muscle during weight loss too, which helps to maintain the metabolism.

However studies have also shown that high protein diets that don't involve the use of protein supplements were equally effective as those that did meaning the benefits of protein supplements might just be that they're convenient and easy to consume.

In fact, high protein diets might just be better for weight loss in general. And perhaps surprisingly, many of the recommendations for gaining muscle also seem to be prudent for weight loss too 1.2 to 1.6 grams per kilogram a day, and 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal are recommendations supported by science, regardless of whether the protein comes from whole food or supplement.

So, do we really need protein supplements to get fit and look food? Well, probably not, as experts recommend we consume whole-food sources wherever possible. But if the protein supplement allows you to meet your daily protein needs, then it probably won't hurt.

David Rogerson, Senior Lecturer in Sports Nutrition and Strength and Conditioning, Sheffield Hallam University.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

The rest is here:
Do You Actually Need That Protein Shake After Gym? Here's The Science - ScienceAlert

We Asked A Nutritionist To Debunk These 9 Celebrity Diets – The Handbook

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:43 am

Atkins, Keto, Dukan, the Vogue White Wine Diet we could go on. When it comes to staying trim, the A-list dont mess about with their diet regimes. But do they really work and are they actually good for you? We asked clinical nutritionist Suzie Sawyer to debunk eight of the most popular celebrity diets. Heres what she had to say

Fast becoming one of the celeb go-to diets of modern times, intermittent fasting is to the 2020s what Atkins was to the 1990s. The idea is that you fast for a strict given period; e.g. either from 8pm-12noon or restrict your calorie intake significantly two days per week and eat relatively normally the other five. The usual routine is to skip breakfast and eat one meal around 1pm and another around 8pm. This means the body is then fasting for 16 hours straight, allowing it to burn fat when its in the post-absorptive phase of digestion.

What does it look like? Eggs, smoked salmon and avocado for the first meal and chicken, broccoli and quinoa for dinner.

Who does it? Kourtney Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez.Verdict: There are many health benefits to this diet especially relating to heart disease and inflammatory issues. However, it may be low in antioxidants, which can affect the immune system because theres less opportunity for food intake overall. This one needs to be strictly followed to stand any chance of the body getting what it needs.

The crux of this one is super-low carbs with high fat, pushing the body into ketosis; when the body is forced into breaking down fat for fuel. Whilst theres certainly merit in keeping a diet low in carbs overall, which reduces the release of the fat-storing hormone insulin, following the Keto for a prolonged period can lead to acidosis (when the body contains too much acid) or at the very least mood swings, constipation and energy lows.

However, its certainly very effective for weight loss and you can choose the rate at which you want to lose weight by closely monitoring the total number of calories youre eating on a daily basis. For example, if you want to lose a kilo per week (a sensible approach), an average-sized woman would need to eat around 1,500 calories daily. Around 65% of those calories would come from fat.

What does it look like? Eggs and bacon for breakfast, chicken and salad for lunch and steamed fish with mixed vegetables for dinner.

Who does it? Halle Berry and Adriana Lima.

Verdict: Weight loss can be achieved quickly, and with around 30% of calories coming from protein, the body wont lose muscle mass, which frequently happens on weight loss plans. However, youll likely to have quite a few nutrient deficiencies, especially calcium, as the diet contains no dairy or other calcium-rich foods such as soya milk.

The vegan diet contains no foods from animal sources at all, therefore it will naturally contain lots of nutrient-rich fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes. Another positive of the diet is that since our food chain is far from perfect with tonnes of animal products being pumped full of chemicals and antibiotics, youll be escaping their onslaught.

What does it look like? Homemade beans on wholegrain toast for breakfast, chunky vegetable soup with barley and tofu for lunch and vegetarian goulash with whole grain brown rice for dinner.

Who does it? Venus Williams and Ariana Grande.

Verdict: The vegan diet is generally nutrient-dense with good levels of lots of key trace minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium. However, vegans can sometimes miss out on some vitamins, especially vitamin B12. Interestingly, tempeh is taking over from tofu in terms of popularity as a vegan protein source. Tempeh contains probiotics, which naturally encourage the bodys production of vitamin B12, so this could help to plug some of the gaps. However, taking a daily multivitamin can also do the job.

This one has been around for many years and is still very popular with celebs. Its based on being In the Zone where your body better manages the insulin response and has more control of inflammatory issues. The diet requires a balance of 1/3 protein and 2/3 carbohydrates with just a small amount of monounsaturated fats from avocado, olive oil and nut butter. The great news about this diet is that it includes plenty of colourful foods every day and is much more likely to give the body the nutrients it needs; richly coloured fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals.

However, its lacking in essential polyunsaturated omega-3 fats found in oily fish, nut and seeds. These fats are needed for hormone balance, glowing skin, healthy eyes, heart and brain.

What does it look like? Egg white omelette with spinach and mushrooms for breakfast, chicken salad with avocado for lunch and roasted cod with veggies for dinner.

Who does it? Jennifer Aniston.

Verdict: The diet will naturally contain loads of antioxidants because theres plenty of fruits and vegetables included, although starchy veg and highly sugary fruits such as bananas should be avoided. Its low in essential omegas, plus its difficult to get the ratios exactly right which may deflect from its effectiveness.

Quite possibly the most ridiculous diet weve ever heard off, the original plan was published in the 1977Vogue Beauty & Body Book and provided very little variety other than eggs, wine and steak.

What does it look like? Just that one hard-boiled egg for breakfast, a glass of white wine (dry and preferably Chablis) and a black coffee. The same again for lunch but bumped up to two eggs and two wines and dinner serves up a 5oz steak with black pepper and lemon juice, plus the remainder of the white wine (youre allowed one bottle per day).

Who does it? Hopefully no one has done this since 1977.

Verdict: Whilst initially, consuming a bottle of white wine a day might put a smile on your face, it will quickly turn to tears and tantrums on this diet. Youll lose weight because there are so few calories, but it will seriously affect your emotional wellbeing, not to mention digestion. Avoid at all costs.

One of the most famous fad diets out there, first devised by Robert Atkins, it became a dedicated eating plan of many celebrities over the years. The idea is that by subscribing to a low carbohydrate intake, it could lead to weight loss.

What does it look like? Meat and full fat dairy. Beef, pork, lamb and chicken are encouraged, as are fatty fish like salmon and sardines. Low-carb veggies such as kale, spinach, broccoli and asparagus (think the greener the better) are welcomed, as are butter, cheese and cream.

Who does it? Kim Kardashian

Verdict: The Atkins diet contains high protein and fat, both of which will keep you feeling satiated. Whilst it lacks antioxidants and some nutrients, its fine for a relatively short period and will certainly help stop Type 2 diabetes in its tracks, if thats where youre heading.

A bit like Atkins, the Dukan Diet was created by Dr Pierre Dukan, a French practitioner who specialised in weight management. Its all about high-protein, low-carbs.

What does it look like? Alternating days of lean meats and vegetables beef, pork, poultry and eggs one day, followed by a day of veggies the next.

Who does it? Kate Middleton

Verdict: This diet is very balanced as it contains 100 different foods, its high in low-fat protein and theres some really tasty meal options. However, the lack of carbs might affect mood after a while.

This diet is basically a throw-back to caveman times based on meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Out go dairy, sugar, grains, legumes and beans.

The good news is that since its based on healthy eating principles, with foods that are not processed or pumped full of hormones, its certainly not in fad territory, unlike some other celebrity diets.What does it look like? Spinach, mushroom and tomato omelette to start the day (look for omega-3 enriched eggs), wild salmon salad for lunch and organic roasted chicken with mashed sweet potatoes, broccoli and peas for dinner. Its not going to be cheap.

Who does it? Miley Cyrus and Matthew McConaughey.

Verdict: Your diet will be very clean with no refined foods allowed. It naturally follows that youll be getting a great range of nutrients. However, the Paleo Diet could lead to deficiencies in the mineral iodine, since dairy is one of the main sources. We know that 17% of women of child-bearing age are iodine-deficient and iodine is key for growth and brain development during pregnancy.

The alkaline diet is based on the idea that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline foods can improve your health and is thought by some to fight off serious diseases such as cancer.

What does it look like? Raw fruit and vegetable, seeds and nuts, legumes and soy are all in but eggs, meat, alcohol and caffeine are all out.

Who does it? Victoria Beckham and Sam Smith are said to be fans.

Verdict: The body strictly maintains its slightly alkaline state as a normal part of its daily work. However, by eating plenty of green leafy and root vegetables and lemons which are all alkaline, youll notice joints will run smoother, hair and skin will shine and glow, and youll also lose some weight.

Any changes in eating regimes, including these diets or even if you are trying to cut down (or cut out) food groups such as dairy, red meat and carbohydrates will have an effect on your nutritional balance. Suzie says, I always recommend taking a good quality daily multivitamin to top up on all the essential vitamins and minerals like The Alive! Ultra Wholefood Plus range.

Suzie Sawyer is a Clinical Nutritionist for

We Asked A Nutritionist To Debunk These 9 Celebrity Diets - The Handbook

A 7-Step Plan to Lose 10 Pounds in Just One Week

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:42 am

If you want to lose 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in one week, then you need to follow an effective plan.

I've tested this plan on clients who were looking to lose weight fast before an event like a vacation or photo shoot, and it works wonders.

In fact, some of my clients who use this look like they've been on a three- or four-week diet after just one week.

Although it's not a long-term fix, this can kick-start your weight loss journey and motivate you for more sustainable long-term changes.

While it's certainly possible to lose 10 lbs in one week, it won't be pure body fat.

Due to the calorie deficit needed to burn each pound of fat, it's simply not possible to safely burn 10 pounds of pure body fat in just one week.

However, this isn't to say you can't lose that much weight and still look leaner.

While a lot of the weight loss will certainly come from body fat, you will also drop pounds by losing excess water weight (1).

This is partly because this plan lowers your insulin levels and makes your body get rid of stored carbs, which bind water.

Although your body can only store about 300500 grams of carbs in a form known as glycogen, stored glycogen does hold around three times that weight in water (1, 2).

Reduced insulin levels will also make your kidneys shed out excess sodium, leading to reduced water retention (3, 4).

Along with reduced body fat and water weight, you may also lose some weight due to less intestinal waste and undigested food and fiber in the digestive system.

Here are the 7 steps you should follow in order to lose 10 pounds in a week.

You can lose several pounds by following a low-carb diet for just a few days.

In fact, lots of research has shown a low-carb diet is a very effective way to lose weight and improve health (5, 6, 7).

A short-term decrease in carb intake can also reduce water weight and bloating.

This is why people who go low-carb often see a difference on the scale as early as the next morning after starting the diet.

Additionally, making sure you eat plenty of protein can help reduce your appetite even further while boosting your metabolism (8, 9).

Try eliminating or drastically reducing all starchy carbs and sugars for the week. Replace these with low-carb vegetables, while also increasing your intake of eggs, lean meats and fish.

Check out this article to learn more about how to set up a low-carb diet and which foods to include.

When you're trying to lose weight quickly then it can be helpful to eat a simple diet based on whole foods.

These foods tend to be very filling, and make it easier to eat fewer calories without getting too hungry.

During the week, you should make sure to eat mostly whole, single-ingredient foods. Avoid most foods that are highly processed.

Eating mostly lean proteins and low-carb veggies can be incredibly satisfying even if you're not getting that many calories.

Reducing your calorie intake may be the most important factor when it comes to weight loss.

If you aren't eating fewer calories than you expend, then you will not lose fat (10).

Here is a calculator that shows you how many calories you should eat to lose weight (opens in new tab).

Here are a few simple tips to reduce calorie intake:

Exercise is one of the best ways to burn fat and improve your appearance.

Resistance training, such as weight lifting, can lead to a similar amount of weight loss as regular aerobic training. It also helps you add or maintain muscle mass and strength (11, 12).

Full-body resistance training workouts are also a great method to lower your body's carb stores and water weight, which can lead to a sharp decline in weight (13, 14).

Lifting weights can also protect your metabolism and hormone levels, which often decline during dieting (15, 16).

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is another very effective training method.

Research suggests that 510 minutes of HIIT can lead to similar or greater benefits for health and weight loss as five times that amount of regular exercise (17, 18, 19).

Like weight lifting, it can quickly reduce muscle carb stores and also boost other important aspects of weight loss, such as your metabolism and fat-burning hormones (20, 21).

You can perform HIIT three to four times a week after a workout or as part of your normal training regimen. It is very important to do this with 100% effort or intensity. Most sprints should not last more than 30 seconds.

Here are a few protocols you can try. These can be done running in place or outside, or applied to a cardio machine like a bike, rower or treadmill:

In order to burn extra calories and lose more weight, you can also increase your daily activity.

In fact, how active you are throughout the day when you aren't exercising also plays a very important role in weight loss and obesity (22, 23).

For example, the difference between a desk job and a manual job can account for up to 1,000 calories per day. This is the same as 90 to 120 minutes of high-intensity exercise (24).

Simple lifestyle changes such as walking or biking to work, taking the stairs, going for walks outside, standing more or even cleaning the house can help you burn a lot of calories.

Intermittent fasting is another effective and proven tool for dropping fat (25, 26).

It forces you to reduce your calorie intake, since you are limiting your eating to a short window of time.

There are many different protocols, such as a 16-hour fast with an 8-hour feeding window, or a 20-hour fast with a 4-hour feeding window.

If you're combining fasting with exercise, it may be wise to do the fasting at a different time than your workout.

Several other methods can help you drop water weight and appear leaner and lighter. These include:

Here are 13 more ways to lose excess water weight.

By optimizing your diet and training regimen you can lose a large amount of weight in just one week.

Although this won't be pure fat loss, it may give you the kick-start and motivation you need to follow a more sustainable diet.

You do not need to follow all of these steps, but the more you apply, the more weight you will lose.

Keep in mind that people who go on "crash diets" often end up gaining all the weight back when they're done.

When the week is over, you should switch to a more sustainable plan so that you can continue to lose weight and keep it off.

Read the original:
A 7-Step Plan to Lose 10 Pounds in Just One Week

Oshkosh man hopes to inspire others through amazing weight loss – WBAY

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:42 am

OSHKOSH, Wis (WBAY) An Oshkosh man is hoping to inspire others who are trying to keep their New Year's resolution to lose weight on track.

Justin Sosnoski is a regular inside the Oshkosh YMCA, and it's been that way for years.

He's come a long way from a childhood filled with bad eating habits, inactivity and video games.

"I was always the fat kid from probably age 6 all the way through high school. My peak was 352 pounds when I was 18 years old," says Sosnoski.

After graduation, Justin decided it was time for change.

"I never had that vision where I was going to be obese as an adult. I wasn't going to live that life, so I always had that dream," recalls Sosnoski.

Justin started with just a few simple goals: eat healthier and become more active.

"Riding my bike around the neighborhood one time, that was a huge achievement, and then the next step was riding my bike across town to my parents' restaurant. And I just started walking around the neighborhood. I'd do one lap and then I'd push myself, well, let's do two laps. I got to the point where I was walking in the early going 15 miles a week, and at my peak I was walking 40-something miles a week," says Sosnoski.

A year-and-a-half after tipping the scale at 352 pounds, Justin weighed in at 170, a weight loss of 182 pounds.

He had surgery to remove the excess skin and started lifting weights to tone up.

Now 29, Justin has maintained his weight through basic exercise and healthy eating.

Through Instagram and Facebook, he's hoping to inspire others.

"Any kid that maybe was in my shoes, 18 years old, you're obese your whole life, doesn't have to be like that, but also if you're 50 years old, you don't have to see 60 at the same weight; it's never too late to change. Number one thing with fitness is, you never have the body. It's always your rent is due every day, so you can get in crazy shape and in three months that could be a past memory, so every day rent is due," says Sosnoski with a smile.

See the article here:
Oshkosh man hopes to inspire others through amazing weight loss - WBAY

Rebel Wilson Shows Off Incredible Weight Loss Transformation on Instagram –

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:42 am

With February approaching, many people may have already fallen off the healthy routines they commenced at the start of the new yearbut not Rebel Wilson, who just showed off her stunning weight loss transformation on Instagram.

The Cats star is hitting the gym six to seven days a week, according to her trainer Jono Castano Acero. On Friday, Acero shared a video of the actress working hard in the gym with a set of ropes. Friday vibes but @rebelwilson has been putting in the yards 7 days a week! Proud of you girl Acero captioned the post.

In the clip, Wilson grabs the ropes and repeatedly slams them down, to tone up her arms while getting some cardio in. At the end, she celebrates completing her set. Fans couldnt help but cheer her on. She looks INCREDIBLE! one of Aceros followers commented to the post, while another fan wrote, Great work

Wilsons weight loss transformation began long before the new year, while she was shooting Cats in 2019. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight in December, the 39-year-old actress said that she lost eight pounds in four days while filming.

One, because theres a lot of physicality... but also, they heated up the set very high, to almost 100 Fahrenheit, so that we could never cool down, Wilson explained to the outlet. These people are like, the best dancers in the whole world, so they cant cool their muscles down or they could get an injury and theyd be out of the film... So theyd heat up the set like a sauna so we would never cool down, but made it pretty uncomfortable.

When the new year came around, Wilson wanted to continue her weight loss journey into 2020, declaring the upcoming months The Year of Health. In an Instagram post on January 2, the actress shared three photos from a walk at the beach, and let her fans know the lifestyle changes she was planning to make, like loading up on more water while avoiding sugar and junk food. Whos with me in making some positive changes this year? she added.

Her Instagram followers were quick to point out that the star already looked amazing. Im so proud of you!! you look fantastic," one fan wrote, while another commented, Although youre gorgeous the inside health is what is most important in life. Get after it Rebel!

It seems that Wilson has been sticking to her goals. In a recent interview with Hollywood Life, Acero said she has been committed to her workout routine, which involves daily cardio, whether its running or walking. I encourage all my clients to do an extra bit of cardio during the day to keep moving, Acero told the outlet. A little tip is get a watch or use your phone to count steps and aim for 10,000 steps a day. If youre on 9,000 steps at 10 p.m. you have to get it done.

And when she hits the gym, her routine is centered around conditioning, building strength, improving balance and coordination, and toning the core.

Wilsons trainer told Hollywood Life that a typical circuit Wilson does in the gym involves the assault bike, battle rope slams, and TRX squats. I use the TRX as it focuses on using body weight and gravity as resistance to build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, core and joint stability, Acero said.

The Pitch Perfect star also works on her core with a standing bandit trunk rotation and dead bugs with a medicine ball, which Acero says are effective, safe, and a great way to strengthen and stabilize your core, spine, and back muscles.

In addition to announcing her Year of Health, Wilson also took the time to reflect on the last decade. Exactly this time last decade I was taking a huge risk and moved to Hollywood with just one suitcase, she wrote to Instagram in December. I couldnt be prouder of all the films, TV shows and live performances Ive done since then and all the wonderful people Ive met along the journey who have helped and supported me. I appreciate you all so much Cant wait to see what this next decade brings!

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Original post:
Rebel Wilson Shows Off Incredible Weight Loss Transformation on Instagram -

New Study from JumpstartMD Finds the Most Effective Commercial Weight Loss Programs Are Medically Supervised with Real Science and Real Food – Yahoo…

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:42 am

Study is the most comprehensive review of commercial weight loss offerings ever published in the medical literature

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --JumpstartMD, a medical weight loss company focused on using real science and real food for personalized long-term weight loss success, today announced new study results that were published in The Journal of Obesity. The study, Effect of JumpstartMD, a Commercial Low-Calorie Low-Carbohydrate Physician-Supervised Weight Loss Program, looked at commercial weight loss programs across the country and found JumpstartMD produced the most significant weight loss outcomes out of all nationally-available real food offerings through a 1:1 medically supervised program that emphasizes real, low-carb foods alongside an individualized clinical assessment. The most comprehensive review of commercial weight loss offerings ever published in the medical literature, this study's findings draw compelling conclusions about ways for individuals to reach their wellness goals.

The study examines outcomes from 22,407 JumpstartMD members, seen over the course of a decade from 2007 - 2017. Bay Area-based JumpstartMD's results were far superior to any other real food based commercial weight loss programs, and in just one month on the JumpstartMD program, members lost nearly 10 lbs, or five percent weight loss, whereas The Institute of Medicine defines clinically significant weight loss over the course of one year as five percent. Further, JumpstartMD clients who attended 75 percent or more of their weekly in-person appointments lost two times the amount of weight after six months relative to those who attended 50 percent or less of their visits. Weight loss is an intimately personal journey, but, despite the digital age, there is something special and effective about in-person, consistent accountability and support.

"Obesity continues to be a growing epidemic in the United States, and we know that Americans are looking for help in their sustainable weight loss journey," said Dr. Sean Bourke, founder and CEO, JumpstartMD. "After seeing over 70,000 patients at JumpstartMD, we've created a successful roadmap for patients seeking long-term weight loss. Each client starts our program with a robust clinical assessment (biometric tests, body composition analysis and more) and from there, we create an individualized plan focused on fresh, low carbohydrate foods. We hope the study offers actionable advice and tools for people looking to accomplish clinically significant, long-term weight loss."

By focusing on a low-carbohydrate, personalized diet plan informed by serial body composition analyses and laboratory studies, JumpstartMD success rates confirm that:

Founded in 2007, JumpstartMD has 12 offices in the Bay Area including: Marin, Piedmont, Walnut Creek, San Francisco, Redwood City, Burlingame and more, with four new Bay Area centers coming soon.

About JumpstartMDJumpstartMD is a medical practice dedicated to preemptive medicine through lifestyle changes and healthy, sustainable, clinically significant weight loss. Informed by cutting edge research, quantified biometrics and medical supervision, JumpstartMD tailors weight loss plans to help members through a low-carbohydrate, real food based, personalized wellness approach. Founded by Stanford trained physicians and board-certified Diplomates of the American Board of Obesity Medicine. PPO, HSA and FSA reimbursement support provided to patients. More at or (855) JUMPSTART.

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New Study from JumpstartMD Finds the Most Effective Commercial Weight Loss Programs Are Medically Supervised with Real Science and Real Food - Yahoo...

Nature’s Temptations Hosts Lose Weight with MindBody Mastery the 21 Day Plan – HamletHub

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:42 am

Mind, Body, Soul Makeover = WEIGHT LOSS tomorrow at Nature's Temptations

Jeff Konchalski, owner of Nature's Temptations and Nicole Fevrier-Davis, owner of MindBody Mastery have partnered together to create a space for people to learn and understand how to adopt healthy habits to sustain a balanced lifestyle that will naturally align you with your perfect weight.

Nature's Temptations will be hosting Lose Weight with MindBody Mastery the 21 Day Plan that will meet on Wednesday evenings for three consecutive weeks.

PROGRAM BENEFITS Get More Energy Supercharge Your Metabolism Master Your Mood and Body Crave Good Food Look Fantastic Empower Your Soul

Once a week youll meet at Nature's Temptations and Nicole will walk you through the 3-week program which includes:

Menus Transformative visualization Metabolism boosting exercises Fun mind-body lessons

All designed to help speed you to your perfect body!

CLASSES#1 (start date) WEDNESDAY, January 22nd 6:30-8:00 PM#2 WEDNESDAY, January 29th 6:30-8:00 PM#3 WEDNESDAY, February 5th 6:30-8:00 PM

LOCATION: Natures Temptations Juice BarCOST: $20/per class

Space is still available for tomorrow night's class. Simply email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or drop-ins are welcome too.

More here:
Nature's Temptations Hosts Lose Weight with MindBody Mastery the 21 Day Plan - HamletHub

Diet Demand Utilizes Carb Cycling & Low-Carb Dieting Combination to Help Patients Achieve Fast Weight Loss – Yahoo Finance

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:42 am

Charleston, WV, Jan. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Its no secret that carbohydrates are a major factor when it comes to weight loss. Most diets will place an emphasis on proteins and vegetables while minimizing carb intake in order to reduce blood sugar spikes as well as eliminate excess sugars from the body. Despite how it seems, carbohydrates arent inherently bad. Carbs are units of energy that are needed for physical activity, but weight issues occur when energy output isnt enough to burn off extra carbs. At that point, they become stored in the body as glycogen in the liver and muscle, ultimately converting to body fat. While many diets such as keto and diabetic dieting recommend reducing carb intake to very low amounts, carb cycling is a great option for people who routinely utilize carbs for energy to fuel physical activity.

Telemedicine weight loss provider - Diet Demand utilizes a low carb diet followed by carb cycling for many patients who need quick weight loss results for health reasons. Diet Demands Medical Director Dr. Tom Burns states, When you go on lowcarbdiets, your glycogen tank will empty after a few days so you can enter ketosis. Maintaining a lowcarbintake can be helpful in these earlier stages to keep blood sugar and insulin better regulated which can aid in fat loss. However, Dr. Burns notes that over time the decrease incarbscan cause changes in hormone levels and it can be difficult to make gains in lean body mass when glycogen stores andcarbintake is low.

This is wherecarbcyclingcan come into play, he states. This approach is originally targeted at athletes trying to become leaner but still wish to maintain and build muscle mass which is a very difficult balance to strike. On training days, the athlete will increasecarbintake to create an anabolic environment and provide glucose and glycogen to the muscle tissue. Then during non-training days dietarycarbswill be decreased, and the glycogen tank will start to empty again creating the environment of low glucose and glycogen which can help with fat loss. For non-athletes, longer intervals between filling the glycogen tank can be helpful for initial fat loss with the occasional glycogen re-fill orcarbcycling. Diet Demand uses this method with obese patients to allow them to continue losing weight over longer periods of time without plateaus, muscle loss or excessive hormone changes.Muscle preservation is particularly important in overall health and weight maintenance as it burns fat and increases dexterity, balance and youthfulness in general.

Get a FREE Diet Demand consultation to assess your need for safe and quick low-carb diet results by visiting https: to complete an initial comprehensive, yet simple, health questionnaire and schedule an immediate personal, no-cost consultation. DietDemands physicians all received specialized training in nutritional science and fast weight loss. DietDemand reviews each patients health history to create a personalized diet plan geared for fast weight loss, or that addresses life-long issues causing weight loss to slow down or stop. Nutritionists work personally with each patient and use their own algorithm to craft meal and snack plans that are compatible with each patients age, gender, activity level, food preferences, nutritional needs and medical conditions. They combine these state of the art diet plans with pure, prescription diet products that enable their patients to resist the temptation to reach for sugary snacks, eliminate fatigue and curb the appetite. Over 97% of DietDemand patients report incredible weight loss results with the majority losing 20 or more pounds per month.

At DietDemand, all patients gain unlimited access to the best minds in the business. Their staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches are available six days per week to answer questions, offer suggestions, address concerns and lend their professional guidance and support. Because of this, more and more people are turning to DietDemand for their weight management needs. Diet plans are tailored to be specific to the needs of those of any age, gender, shape or size and for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. Call today to request a private, confidential, no-cost online consultation.

Story continues

About the Company:

DietDemand is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, DietDemand has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long-term weight loss.

DietDemand Contact Information:

Providing care across the USA


Escondido, CA

(888) 786-9568


Read more:
Diet Demand Utilizes Carb Cycling & Low-Carb Dieting Combination to Help Patients Achieve Fast Weight Loss - Yahoo Finance

Volume Eating for Weight Loss and Examples of High-Volume Foods – LIVESTRONG.COM

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 2:42 am

Losing weight by eating more is like winning the weight-loss lottery it sounds almost too good to be true. But when you take a look at the calorie density of the foods you're eating, chances are you can totally cut calories but add more volume to your meals. After all, who doesn't want more bang for their buck?

Eating low-calorie, high-volume foods can help you feel full as you lose weight.

Credit: Bogdan Kurylo/iStock/GettyImages

Swapping some of the high-calorie foods in your diet for options that are lower in calories but higher in nutrients can help you maintain a calorie deficit while warding off hunger (because no one likes a grumbling stomach). Here's what to know to get started.

To understand how eating more can actually help you lose weight, you need to ditch the "more food equals more calories" mentality and start thinking about the quality of the food you're eating. Once you've got that down, volume eating is pretty simple: Replace high-calorie foods with lower-calorie, nutrient-dense foods and eat more of the latter, Shena Jaramillo, RD, registered dietitian and founder of Peace & Nutrition, tells

Volume eating isn't really a diet plan or regimen but rather a technique. Simply put, this hack involves strategically packing your meals with large amounts of low-calorie foods. As a result, you feel full while cutting calories.

Fill your plate with high-volume foods like leafy greens and salmon to get the most out of your calories.

Credit: barol16/iStock/GettyImages

The easiest way to eat more food for less calories is by filling your meals with plenty of vegetables. Leafy greens have a higher water and fiber ratio to total calories, so you can eat several cups each day while barely adding any calories to your diet. For instance, a cup of arugula is less than 20 total calories, according to the USDA, but can add substantial volume to your plate, helping you feel full. Other leafy greens to include are:

Swapping refined grains (like white bread) for healthier, whole grains can also increase the volume of your meal, Jaramillo says. Whole grains are not only higher in fiber, but they also offer more nutrients, like fiber, iron and magnesium. Some whole grain options to consider include:

Leaner protein options are also typically lower in calories than higher-fat proteins and can be eaten in higher quantities. Swap red meat and full-fat dairy for some of these options:

Swapping low-volume foods for high-volume options usually means you'll be eating a more filling diet for less calories, which ultimately promotes weight loss. In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit (when you burn more calories than you consume), according to the Mayo Clinic.

Calorie-restricted diets can be difficult, though, because they can leave you feeling hungry. Eating more volume can keep you more satiated and make it easier to stick with your diet.

Volume eating can also increase the overall nutritional value of your meals, Jaramillo says. Foods that are high volume, like leafy greens and whole grains, are generally more nutritious than low-volume alternatives, like processed foods (think: granola bars, cookies, chips).

One key nutrient you gain with more voluminous foods is fiber, Jaramillo says. Fiber will not only increase satiety after a meal (aka help you feel full) but can also promote weight loss and dietary adherence, according to an October 2019 study published in the Journal of Nutrition. After observing the effects of different diets in 345 individuals, researchers found that fiber was the most surefire predictor of weight loss.

Sticking with volume eating may require you to plan and prep meals in advance.

Credit: Halfpoint/iStock/GettyImages

Considering volume eating isn't a step-by-step diet routine or regimen, you can use this hack whenever you'd like to add filling density to your meals. But if you frequently find yourself reaching for the snack cabinet, choosing higher-volume foods is a great way to keep your calories low and help support weight loss. As this eating routine stresses whole foods high in nutrients, just about anyone can benefit from focusing on volume and quality of food, Jaramillo says.

However, volume eating does take some planning and can be challenging for those with a hectic schedule or rigorous physical activity regimen, says Jaramillo. If you're a granola-bar-on-the-go kind of person, volume eating will require some more meal prep commitment than you may usually give your meals.

As you begin introducing a more voluminous diet, you may experience some initial GI distress, Jaramillo warns. Especially if you're not typically consuming much fiber, you'll want to introduce these fiber-heavy foods more gradually.

While it will take some more commitment where meal prep is concerned, eating more voluminous foods, like vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, can not only help you stay in a calorie deficit more easily but can provide your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Let your creative side run wild and experiment with adding more volume to your meals.

Continued here:
Volume Eating for Weight Loss and Examples of High-Volume Foods - LIVESTRONG.COM

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