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‘Proof’ that dieting is unhealthy and other ways to cancel your New Year’s resolutions – Idaho Mountain Express and Guide

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:46 pm

Were two weeks into 2020, and if youve managed to maintain your New Years resolutions, I have great news: You can quit now.

As I was browsing the internet, in clear violation of my resolution to stop spending so much time browsing the internet, I came across a story that changed my life and broadened my understanding of the foolish and doomed-to-fail resolutions so many of us make each year.

A post on the University of Michigans medical bloganother thing I resolved to stop spending so much time oncarried the headline, A replacement for exercise? To which I responded, YES, PLEASE!

Michigan Medicine researchersfound that a type of protein called Sestrincan mimic many of exercises effects in flies and mice. Thats good news, because, frankly, it wouldnt hurt America to have a few more flies and mice with clearly defined abs. It just makes us look tougher as a nation.

To get the flies to work out, researchers took advantage of flies normal instinct to climb up and out of a test tube. (To show my solidarity with flies, Id like to note that if I was put in a test tube, it would also be my instinct to climb up and out.)

Some flies were bred to not produce Sestrin, and the researcherswho I will call fly personal trainersfound the Sestrin-free flies didnt become more fit with exercise. However, when the fly personal trainers juiced some flies up with maximum Sestrin levels they found those flies had abilities above and beyond the trained flies, even without exercise.

Even without exercise are my three favorite words. And thisUniversity of Michigan blog postis just the nugget of science news I needed to hear.

Like 114 percent of Americans, one of my New Years resolutions was to exercise more. And since I can now deceive myself into believing that exercise will soon come in convenient Sestrin-rich pill or gummy form, I can cancel the gym membership and declare, Resolution accomplished! (This will work for anyone who did not top their resolutions list with: Stop misinterpreting medical research to justify your laziness.)

After reading the parts of the blog post that said what I wanted to hear and ignoring the parts that made clear I wont be getting an exercise pill anytime soon, I sat back on the couch and pondered New Years resolutions, careful not to exert myself.

If I can swiftly drop a New Years resolu-

tion because of something I came across on the internet, I thought, napping mid-consideration so as not to get winded, shouldnt I provide others with a similar opportunity?

The answer, of course, was yes. So Im putting these resolution-debunking things on the internet so others can give them a cursory read, not give much thought to their validity and use them to resume whatever bad behavior they were trying to improve.

Does dieting actually help you

In a lengthy body of research that I call My Life, Ive found conclusively that dieting does not promote weight loss, in large part because food is delicious and not eating it seems stupid. In fact, my research has shown that dieting promotes sadness, which Im sure other research shows is unhealthy.

Is binge-watching a television show as good for you as reading?

Absolutely. I gave up reading five years ago and have binge-watched nearly every television series available on Netflix and Amazon Prime and I can tell you I am not have become one single bort dummer. In florkt, I would say that between reeding credits and Googling word thingies that talk about televisions shows, Ive grately expunged my vocabulation.

We are to be right now living in the Golten Age of television and the best think you can does for your mind is tune in. Books are for loosers. Why r u even reeding this? Get too a TV kwik.

Should I really spend less time

According to a 2019 Pew Research Center Report, nearly 70 percent of U.S. adults use Facebook. Do you think 70 percent of U.S. adults are dumb? Because if so, thats pretty elitist of you and might be why you dont have more Facebook friends. You should get on Facebook right now and apologize immediately so people dont think youre a jerk.

Also, Phil, Tara and Dolores have birthdays today. If you miss those youre going to look like even more of a jerk.

How can I be more mindful?

Are you reading this? If so, youre mindful. Congratulations.

Are you not reading this and instead watching TV? Thats good too, because if so, youre being mindful while watching TV and fulfilling your resolution to get smerter by knot reading.

Mindfulness is anything you want it to be. Do you like sitting in silence and contemplating the positives in your life? SUPER! Go for it.

And make sure you tell your friends on Facebook about it. And get yourself a nice bowl of ice cream. You deserve it.

Rex Huppke is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune.

Read more:
'Proof' that dieting is unhealthy and other ways to cancel your New Year's resolutions - Idaho Mountain Express and Guide

Keto diet: the good, the bad and everything you need to know – The National

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:46 pm

The ketogenic diet, as it is officially known, is a medical success story. In the early 1900s, physicians in France and the US were experimenting with fasting and low-calorie diets to help reduce the frequency of seizures in epilepsy patients. As the theory became more refined, they found that they could trick the body into thinking it was fasting by limiting the intake of carbohydrates and sugars and upping the intake of fat. The result was that epileptics experienced a reduction in seizures of up to 90 per cent. In 1923, American diabetes expert Dr Russell Wilder designed an eating regime called ketogenic therapy for treating epilepsy and other health issues.

While still used today in the treatment of epilepsy, cancer, Alzheimers, some autoimmune diseases and a number of other conditions, the keto diet, as its now more commonly known, has become a household name due to our thriving diet culture, which is always hungry for a new way to cheat the scales. For people watching their diet, a weight loss plan that says you must eat more cheese and cream sounds like a dream. But, is it?

Matt Marney is a personal trainer, Pilates instructor and fitness educator and, having taught hundreds of fitness and nutrition courses, he knows a thing or two about the body and how it burns fat. He says: Back in our hunter-gatherer days, we had periods of starvation where our bodies had to adapt to the lack of food by breaking down our protein and fat stores into fuel sources. This is called ketosis. To achieve this, you have to limit your intake of our regular fuel sources, carbohydrates and sugars.

But, low-carb diets have been around for a while and there are lots of them, including the Atkins diet and even the paleo diet Losing weight is about achieving a caloric deficit, whereby there is less energy going in than there is going out. Whichever diet you go on, you can do this. The keto diet is just one way to lose weight.

There are health benefits, however, he says. For the first time in the history of homo sapiens, we live in an obesogenic environment, meaning we have an abundance of food. We are surrounded by high-energy, high-carb, highly processed foods all day, every day. If people eat sugar and carbs throughout the day, their bodies can get used to always having glucose the quickest and easiest fuel source available and forget how to use protein and fats for fuel. Then they have lost metabolic flexibility.

When this happens, says Marney, people can start to feel dizzy and shaky if they havent eaten due to low blood sugar levels. These people are known as sugar-burners. They can benefit from going keto to help their body remember how to use other fuel sources. Additionally, cancer thrives on sugar. If I got cancer tomorrow, I would go straight on the keto diet.

The classic keto approach recommends a 4:1 ratio of fats to protein and carbs, meaning 90 per cent of your calories come from fat, 6 per cent from protein and 4 per cent from carbohydrates. In real food terms, this means you would be eating approximately 10 to 15 grams of carbohydrates each day (a slice of bread or a third of a cup of cooked rice), with one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight (if you weigh 60 kilograms, this might be a 250-gram steak) and the rest of your diet would be fat, according to the American Fitness Professionals Association.

David Wilkins, a recruitment consultant and business owner who lives in Dubai, is also a fitness enthusiast and a spinning instructor in his spare time. He says his default eating mode involves an abnormal amount of sugar and processed carbs and that the keto diet helps him reduce that. I have been on the keto diet before and have just gone back on it. I am currently at about 98kg last time on keto I got down to 92kg and 12 per cent body fat.

I use an app to track my eating to make sure I get the right balance of macronutrients. I have a slice of toast at breakfast and thats my carb intake done for the day. For lunch, I have salads with nuts and olive oil and cheeses But I do get sick of all the fat and I really miss chips. I cheat once a week and have a day where I eat whatever I want. You arent meant to do this as it kicks you out of ketosis. But I find that eating keto six days a week helps me stay away from bread and doughnuts. Also, I instantly have more energy and mental clarity when I eat keto.

The keto diet is undoubtedly popular. Online searches for ketogenic has seen the largest growth among most-searched dietary requirements in the UAE over the past three years, with a 1,028.21 per cent rise, according to digital marketing suite SEMrush. Offline, an increasing number of keto-friendly restaurants and delivery companies are also opening in the country. For example, Emiliya Ninova and her husband, Antoine Soliman, launched Keto by Foxxy in January 2019, offering keto-friendly cakes, cookies and other treats. This month, they launched their second company, The Keto Fix, which fills the junk food gap.

In the last six months of 2019, Keto by Foxxy had more than 30,000 new clients, which shows how popular it is, says Ninova. My husband and I went keto and both lost 17kg. But we both have a sweet tooth, so I started baking keto treats for us the business grew from there.

Similarly, Ketology, a keto food delivery concept in Abu Dhabi, which launched in May last year, has received such positive feedback in the capital that, this month, they also started work on their Dubai kitchen. Natalie Latouf, business development manager at Crave Restaurant Management, the umbrella company, says they were surprised by the success. We create delivery restaurant concepts and saw a gap in the market for something offering a fully keto menu of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. Its been really interesting for us, as Ketology has been very successful in comparison with some of the other concepts we have launched.

For Marney, the most important thing is doing it right. People get locked into a dogma. They like to be able to say that they are on the keto diet, but they often arent doing it properly. If you have cut out carbs and sugar, but you havent increased your fat enough, you arent keto, you are just low-carb.

I havent done keto myself, as I like carbs too much, but as a personal trainer, I would never tell a client to go on the diet. Personal trainers are not nutritionists or endocrinologists we shouldnt be giving that advice. Some people get flu-like symptoms on the keto diet and other side effects. Its a serious business for your body. Yes, you may lose weight, but thats because you have cut out an entire macronutrient. There are lots of ways to lose weight and we are all different physiologically, so if you want to try the keto diet, do so, but see a qualified dietitian first.

Updated: January 18, 2020 12:02 PM

Read the original post:
Keto diet: the good, the bad and everything you need to know - The National

The Food Effect Diet Vegan: How To Banish Cravings And Avoid Overeating – Glamour UK

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:46 pm

From Dry January to Veganuary, January has long been considered the month of detox. After weeks of indulging throughout December, we attempt to re-assert self control (read: not eat cake for breakfast) and return to three meals a day, not seven. However, this is also the most difficult time to master healthy eating because our cravings are at an all-time high.

Tempted to reach for a pack of biscuits? Or that flaky, buttery croissant youve become so accustomed to on the commute to work? We hear you - the struggle is real.

Fortunately Dr Michelle Braud is here to give a helping hand. In her new book, The Food Effect Diet Vegan, the nutritionist reveals how you can banish cravings, avoid overeating and re-assert self-control - and its easier than it sounds.

These are different for each person. You might overeat socially, or perhaps only in private; you might do it during that mid-afternoon slump; or you might not be able to control late-night cravings even after youve had dinner. Whatever the case might be, the chances are that there is a specific time or situation when you are most likely to overeat. Once you identify which times are risky for you, its simple to develop strategies to manage these situations. Focus on implementing these strategies at thetimes you are most vulnerable. You might find that you need to have your mid-afternoon snack close to the time you are heading out to dinner so that you dont overeat when youre out at a restaurant, or have a cut-off time for stopping to eat in the evening if late-night snacking is your problem. Whatever your high-risk overeating time is, the key is to implement some management strategies for it then.

Many of us eat so much or so often (or both), that we cant even remember the last time we felt really, truly hungry. Im not suggesting that you should let yourself reach the point of feeling starving (in fact, it is a Food Effect rule that you do not do this), but if you cant recognise true hunger, its also difficult to gauge when you are actually full. For many of us, it might only be at the point at which we feel stuffed or uncomfortable. If this is the case, try paying closer attention to the point at which you start to feel full and satisfied.

Usually, its a mouthful or two before the actual full feeling, especially as it takes the stomach at least 1020 minutes to register true fullness, and even longer for the food you eat to reach the end of your intestine where more satiety hormones are released. Give it some time before deciding that you need seconds. Chew each mouthful slowly, and put your cutlery down between mouthfuls. This will help you to gauge how your body is feeling so that you wont eat like a machine on autopilot and, as I said earlier, eating slowly will also ensure that your brain actually registers when youve eaten enough food, before its too late.

Quite simply, if its not there, you wont eat it. If you keep a steady supply of tempting treats at home or at work, its quite natural that when youre feeling bored, tired, stressed or down, youll eat them. Keep away from the pile of sweets, crisps, biscuits or birthday cake that colleagues bring to work. Although, of course, its amazing that vegan food has become so much more widely available recently, it also means that many tempting treats(biscuits, cakes, doughnuts) are now vegan-friendly, so you need as much willpower and discipline as anyone else. If you tell yourself that those things are off-limits for you, you wont be caught in the overindulgence trap. Once you start with those foods, they just trigger cravings for more unhealthy, sugary or fatty foods, so its easier not to start eating them in the first place.

Although, ideally, none of us would ever overeat or overindulge from now on, thats highly unlikely and also unnecessary after all, whats life without some pizza or ice cream! One strategy for when you do overindulge is to compensate. By this I definitely dont mean starving yourself the next day or even skipping a meal, but, you might want to choose a salad or soup for a meal, rather than a vegan burger in a bun with sweet potato wedges or a large vegan pasta dish even though those things are allowed in the Lifestyle Phase once youre on to that, after the first four weeks. Learning to compensate healthily will help you to feel physically better when you have overeaten and help balance your overall intake so that the occasional indulgence doesnt hamper your weight-loss goals.

Here are a few simple strategies to banish those cravings and avoid unnecessary overeating or snacking.

1. Avoid your triggers. You crave what you eat, so change what youre eating to the right foods to weaken your cravings for the bad stuff.

2. If you dont want to eat it, dont keep it in the house.

3. Put leftovers away immediately.

4. Avoid buffet and all-you-can-eat restaurants, especially if you find this type of scenario tempting; this is just a sure-fire ticket to overeating unnecessarily.

5. Allow yourself to indulge within limits Practise portion control or a healthier indulgence in moderation (such as a few squares of good-quality dark chocolate, or a decadent vegan dessert made with healthy ingredients . . . yes, such things do exist).

6. Plan ahead If you know theres an upcoming situation where you are going to indulge, allocate calories and factor them into your eating plan that day (but dont go there hungry youll just set yourself up for disaster). My best advice would be: when you do go for a treat and allow yourself to indulge, make it pleasurable by choosing something you truly enjoy, and savour every bite.

7. Schedule snacking. If you find yourself constantly tempted to have that bag of crisps and eventually feel so hungry that you cant resist it, make sure that you never skip lunch or your mid-afternoon snack, and try to schedule it before the time you get ravenous. So if, say, by 4.30pm you feel ravenous every day, tell yourself that on any given day 3.30pm is your snack time. Buy a healthy snack ahead of time or have something with you (at work or in your bag) so that you dont get the urge to go out and buy that giant bag of crisps.

8. Focus on protein and fibre for a filling snack Theres nothing wrong with having a snack in between meals: in fact its encouraged. Our bodies typically need something to eat about every 34 hours. For the most satiating and energy-boosting snacks, choose options that contain both protein and fibre; for example, an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter or a handful of almonds, or hummus with carrot sticks. Adding more fibre and protein to your snacks slows digestion and ensures better blood-sugar regulation, making you less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks and junk food.

9. Go nuts (in moderation). If, despite having eaten enough, you still have a strong urge to snack, drink two glasses of water and eat a 30g serving of nuts (around 12 walnuts, 18 cashew nuts, 20 almonds, 28 peanuts or 49 pistachio nuts), then reassess how you feel. Nuts are my all-time favourite snack, which I recommend to clients, as they fulfil the criteria of the tip above (they contain protein and fibre) in one neat package. Nuts are packed with an amazing profile of healthy fats, fibre, protein and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), while satisfying hunger cravings. If youre out and about and suddenly feel ravenous between meals, bags of nuts are a staple in many food shops and make an extremely healthy choice. They are far better than crisps, sweets or sugar-laden chocolate. A single serving of nuts contains only about 130 calories, but beware of those jumbo-sized bags that can contain a whopping ten servings. One solution is to pack your own nuts as single servings in a small snack bag or sealable container. One serving of nuts is about 30g, but remember that the number of pieces varies by nut, as specified above. Pistachio nuts are a great choice because not only are they lower in calories than other nuts, but also cracking each one open takes time, allowing you to enjoy them for longer.

10. Sip something steamy. If youre craving something sweet, or if your stomach is rumbling mid-morning or afternoon and theres no healthy food in sight, try a hot almond milk or soya milk latte instead. Caffeine in moderation has health benefits (or you can go for decaffeinated), and youll be getting calcium, protein (if you use soya milk), vitamins and minerals from the milk (most plant-based milks used in coffee shops are fortified), while avoiding all the calories, sugar and unhealthy fats found in vegan sweets, biscuits and processed snacks. Herbal teas are another great option for any time of the day there are many delicious sweet flavours on the market that are perfect for a mid-morning or mid-afternoon pick-me-up, as well as in the late evening when the munchies strike.

11. Stay well hydrated. Youve heard this one before but it deserves reiteration. Drink, drink, drink. And by this I mean water. Often when we think were hungry, were actually just thirsty, so make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day, as well as 12 glasses before every meal or snack you have. Symptoms of dehydration can mimic the feelings of hunger, so before you reach for a 250-calorie vegan chocolate or granola bar, drink a bottle of zero-calorie water. Water aids weight loss by helping your kidneys to flush out excess toxins and chemicals, which might be slowing down your metabolism. If you have difficulty drinking enough plain water which should be around 2 litres a day herbal teas, green tea and lemon in hot water are all just as good.

12. If youre eating due to tiredness, take a power nap instead.

13. Brush your teeth and gargle with mouthwash if youre inclined to eat unnecessarily, especially late at night. Youll be less likely to go and eat more food with clean teeth and the taste of mint on your tongue.

14. Distract yourself and let stress go using other techniques. We all tend to snack when we are bored, so find other ways to stay busy. Keep occupied around the house, or even take up a new hobby. Taking your mind off food will help to reduce unnecessary mindless snacking. Read a book or file some papers to keep your hands and mind busy, or take a walk after dinner. Cravings usually last around ten minutes, so find a non-food-related activity to pass the time and take your mind off food. Bored? Call a friend, read a magazine or a good book, or do some tidying or organising. Angry? Try to do some exercise to get rid of the anger in a way that empowers rather than disempowers you. The burst of activity will also release endorphins (feel-good hormones) that make you feel happy and less stressed. If you can hold off from craving-induced eating for ten minutes, you might well overcome the urge altogether.

15. Dodge the comfort food trap. This is especially pertinent when winter comes around. Its tempting to curl up on the sofa and binge on stodgy carbs and sweet treats, but far from making you feel good, typical so-called comfort food can leave you feeling tired, lethargic and moody.

16. Get your soup on. When you crave comfort food, heat up a large bowl of soup made with lots of vegetables and beans. Its flavourful, hearty, high in satiating protein, fibre and nutrition, and low in fat and calories the perfect thing to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

Buy It Now

See more here:
The Food Effect Diet Vegan: How To Banish Cravings And Avoid Overeating - Glamour UK

Hormone replacement is helping patients stay healthy later in life. –

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:44 pm

NEW ORLEANS Growing older is part of life, but it doesn't mean you have to feel old.

Science is catching up to what we are lacking as we age.

And that's helping some middle-aged people feel like they are in their thirties. They changed their health and dropped weight because of hormone replacement therapy. They say taking the step was life-changing.

"I was extremely lethargic and depressed because I was tired all the time," said Alison Beebe, 50.

"I had no energy. I was overweight. I didn't think it would ever change. I battled this for years and years," said Michael Hebert, 59.

Alison and Michael never thought they would feel this good and be this healthy.

"And I went from not exercising and sitting at home on my couch and eating chips, to running half marathons and at the gym all the time. I've lost 30 pounds since that, and feel like I'm in my early 30s," said Beebe.

"I never believedthat I could sit here today and tell you that I'mat the same weight that I played at Arch Bishop Rummel in the mid-70s," said Hebert.

They turned to Dr. Pam Egan in Covington, who specializes in hormone replacement therapy, metabolism and nutrition. She says hormones and proper nutrition keep our cells young and healthy, without it, they die and disease sets in.

"When the body is nutritionally and hormonally sound it's like you give yourselves the proper tools for the body to heal itself," explained Dr. Pam Egan, a Doctor of Nursing Practice at Egan Wellness and Med Spa in Covington.

Men and Women lose hormones with age, or for women through a hysterectomy, even when you keep your ovaries. Studies show estrogen, progesterone and testosterone given in lower, correctly balanced doses, along with the right supplements, are safe.

"It has not been shown to increase breast cancer, blood clots, or heart disease," said Dr. Egan.

Alison says she now feels her best for her four children. Her body fat isdown from 50 to 15 percent. Michael says seeing his wife Kim at 60 feel so good from hormones, is what encouraged him to go to Dr. Egan. He's down 73 pounds and his blood work went from showingdangerous health signsto perfect.

"My dad died at 60 of a heart attack. If it helps one person, it's worth sitting here talking about it," Hebert said about sharing his health journey.

Dr. Egan says alcohol, pesticides on foods, heated plastic, and cleaning solvents, mimic the wrong forms of hormones in the body, leading to breast and other cancers. Click here for Dr. Egan's website.

Dr. Egan's book: "Managing Menopause with Bio-Identical Hormones"

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Hormone replacement is helping patients stay healthy later in life. -

This is what true love looks like when you’re both trans –

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:44 pm

Its not exactly ground-breaking to say that its useful having something in common with your partner and maybe this goes double when youre both trans.

Sometimes I dont even have to form a coherent sentence and my partner, Gwyn, knows exactly what I mean, and he can draw on his own experience to help me.

However, the assumption many people make is that because we are both transitioning, the destination of our journeys is exactly the same. There cant be that much variety, surely?

Except two peoples transgender journeys are never the same. In some ways, weve developed together but weve also had to adapt to each other whilst changing as individuals in the most drastic way.

Gwyn is a trans man, transitioning from female to male. Im the same though I also identify as non-binary, so I dont feel like I am either a man or a woman.

We have both made social and medical changes in order to feel comfortable with our bodies and our relationships to them. Not everyone has to go through hormone therapy and surgeries for their transition, but it has been essential for our well being to do so.

It means we have hit the same transitioning milestones but rarely at the same time. Gwyn started hormone replacement therapy before me, for instance, but I had top surgery before him.

Angel that he is, Gwyn was solely happy that I was taking the next step on my journey. He never expressed any bitterness that he had to wait longer than me, even when asked, and nursed me with dedication and support throughout my recovery.

In contrast, when he started testosterone something I wouldnt do for another few months I suffered major bouts of jealousy.

Seeing him so happy was wonderful, but being so far away from it myself heightened my own gender dysphoria and sense of unease.

I wanted to be a source of clear and concise support, to be selfless and put my partner first but there have been times when I simply couldnt. Outwardly I was congratulatory and overtly positive, while on the inside I was struggling to cope with the fact that I just wasnt there yet.

I put up a front like it didnt matter but by closing up I have, at times, made our relationship increasingly difficult to sustain.

In the early days, we were on and off again like a light switch, breaking up then getting back together and even dating people in the interim.

It has taken us a long time to master how to talk about our feelings in the depth needed to make us work. Slowly, we have both learned how to share our feelings, regardless of whether those feelings are positive or negative, and communicate so much more. Its made us a stronger and more loving unit.

New differences had the potential to push us apart but we stuck out the trials and difficulties and as a result, weve grown together. In fact my feelings towards Gwyn have changed for the better: I have fallen more deeply in love with him.

I have always seen him as a man that is what he is, regardless of his medical transition progress but facial hair definitely suits him more than a clean-shaven face.

Seeing the progression of his beard and finding Gwyn more attractive on a superficial level has been a change I wasnt necessarily expecting (and I know the feeling is mutual!).

We dont dwell on the fact that neither of us is the same person as when we first met I dont believe anyone, trans or otherwise, is the same person today as they were yesterday, and they will be different tomorrow, too.

Instead, we embrace the people we have both become. We werent happy in our skin before we transitioned; now we can see the real people that were hiding away and have welcomed them forward.

We are free to love and be loved unconditionally, as our authentic selves, without barriers, or fear of rejection that is so common in the trans community. Thats what true love is to me.

Watching the person you adore most in the world go through something you so strongly desire to go through yourself has been an incredible challenge, but I am so grateful to Gwyn for the journey we have shared together so far.

As we plan to get married in 2021 I am looking forward to many more years ahead, with their ups and downs, jealousy and support, and sharing even more steps forward.

Last week in Love, Or Something Thing Like It: Ive lost myself in my relationship and Ive never been happier

Love, Or Something Like It is a new series for, covering everything from mating and dating to lust and loss, to find out what love is and how to find it in the present day.

If you have a love story to share, email

MORE: As an asexual, the search for true love is a game I dont understand

MORE: Its hard to meet people who understand what it means to be demisexual

MORE: Ive had people un-match me for being bisexual

Go here to read the rest:
This is what true love looks like when you're both trans -

How to lose belly fat with 5 simple tips and reveal those abs – The Sun

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:43 pm

LOSING weight and achieving that chiselled torso is one of the most common New Year's resolutions out there this January.

However, many people believe this a practically impossible task that involves hours and hours in the gym and barely eating anything.


Despite this, getting that honed bod you've always wanted is more than achievable if you follow several easy steps.

Here, we take you through some simple ways you can shed those pesky pounds you've put on for Christmas and reveal that six pack...

To lose weight in any form the simplest thing to do is create a caloric deficit, which means burning more calories than you consume.

Dietitian Helen Bond suggests: "A sensible weight loss is 1-2lb a week.

"To lose 1lb (0.5kg) of fat, you need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories, and its easy to shift 1lb in a week simply by reducing your calorie intake by 500 calories a day."

Its easy to shift 1lb in a week simply by reducing your calorie intake

The free MyFitnessPal app is one of the best ways to record your calorie intake, but to track your calories burned, you'll need a dedicated fitness tracker.

If you already own a smartwatch, most will offer calorie tracking as standard, but for those yet to make the plunge, Garmin offers the best activity trackers on the market.

Intermittent fasting is one proven way you can shed body fat and reveal your abs.

Even Hugh Jackman used intermittent fasting to get lean for his role of Wolverine.

The most popular intermittent fasting plan is the 5:2 diet, where slimmerseat normally for five days of the week and severely restrict their calories for the other two.

On the fasting days, dieters are meant to eat 25 percent of their recommended calorie total - 500cals for women and 600cals for men.

However, for serious trainees, there's the 16:8 diet.

This diet allows you to eat for eight hours of the day, while fasting for the remaining 16 hours.

Doing squats does a lot more than just build you a Kim Kardashian-style booty.

They're the secret to strong abs as they give then that extra kick and improve core strength and definition.

This is because when performing a squat, your abs and core face constant tension - as this tension prevents you from falling over.

High-intensity training that significantly increases your heart rate is hugely effective when it comes to reducing belly fat - which can help make your abs more visible.

In fact, a recent study revealed that short spurts of intense exercise are better for weight loss and burns more fat than workouts that takes double the time

Researchers found that 23 minutes of high intensity interval training was more effective than 41 minutes of aconventional workout.

Tips to get into running

Olympic runner Jo Pavey, who is an ambassador forSimplyhealth, has shared her top tips for beginners wanting to get into running.

It led to 29 per cent more weight loss than traditional gym sessions.

Steven Ward, CEO of fitness industry body UK active, said: These figures show the positive impacts of interval training on reducing weight and, with Britain battling a grave obesity crisis, this research should be welcomed.

Typically, HIIT involves 30 seconds of intense effort, such as sprinting, cycling or doing burpees, followed by short recovery periods.

It may seem a bit contradictory, but one of thebest ways to lose water weight is to actually drink more water.

Thats because if youre constantly dehydrated, your body tends to retain more water in an attempt to prevent its water levels getting too low.

Water also boosts your metabolism, cleanses your body of waste and acts as an appetite suppressant, experts say.

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Guidelines suggest about two litres per day, but it can vary from person to person, so simply drink when youre thirsty and stop when you feel well hydrated.

You can usually use your urine colour as an indicator of hydration if its light yellow or fairly clear then youre well hydrated.

When its dark yellow or amber then you need to be drinking more water.

The rest is here:
How to lose belly fat with 5 simple tips and reveal those abs - The Sun

Are Weight Loss Pills Total BS? Heres the Skinny – Greatist

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:43 pm

Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more

Lets be real: If youre looking to lose some weight, it takes a lot of work. Naturally, pills that claim to lead to rapid weight loss seem like an easier option than the old-fashioned diet and exercise route (so archaic, right?).

The majority of these infomercial-ready pills work by suppressing your appetite, increasing fat burning, or reducing how you absorb calories. But just because they can help you drop weight doesnt mean its necessarily going to last or that its safe.

Most of these pills are considered dietary supplements, which do not have to be regulated by the FDA in any way, meaning they havent necessarily been tested or approved for safety and may not even work as advertised.

The FDA reports that many weight loss supplements are tainted with dangerous ingredients. Because of this, weight loss pills have an unfortunate connection to health problems and even death.

Dietary changes and exercise should always be your go-to before adding supplements or medication. But there is evidence that some weight loss pills can be used safely to help you hit your goals.

Well break down 13 popular types of weight loss pills to tell you what works, whats a total sham, and any harmful side effects you could experience.

Health-food lovers are all about apple cider vinegar (ACV). Its often touted as a solution for health-related issues, especially fat burning and weight loss. But is it legit?

ACV is essentially fermented apples that turn into vinegar. The acetic acid, B vitamins, and antioxidants in ACV all offer some health benefits. A small study published in 2004 found that vinegar may have a role in regulating blood sugar after meals.

In a 2018 study on rats with obesity, the antioxidant properties of ACV suppressed obesity-induced oxidative stress and reduced triglyceride levels, which can cause conditions such as heart disease. Rats arent humans, though.

A small 12-week study published in 2018 found that participants who supplemented a reduced-calorie diet with ACV lost more weight than those who only followed the diet.

The acidity of ACV can give you some gnarly acid reflux, but it most likely wont be as bad if youre taking ACV in pill form. ACV can also interact with other diuretics or insulin. You should avoid ACV supplements if you have type 1 diabetes.

Additionally, if you have chronic kidney disease, your kidneys could have trouble processing the extra acid in your body.

Most likely. There just arent enough human studies on ACV to say it helps you lose weight. The bottom line is that it can help your metabolism and blood sugar levels, which could help your overall health when paired with the right diet and exercise.

Keto was super popular in 2018 and 2019, so chances are youre aware of this diet in which you nix carbs for fat. Keto pills is an umbrella term for anything that claims it can help get your body into ketosis.

The Shark Tank favorite Rapid Tone is one of these products. Ketosis is your bodys process of using fat for energy (and thus producing ketones) instead of its usual carbs-for-energy route.

The result is that youll burn more fat (and you get to eat cheese bless!). So, if you want to get into ketosis ASAP, theres a pill for that.

Most keto pills use salts that are modified to burn fat (aka put your body into ketosis by raising your blood ketone levels). With these pills, you can supposedly get the benefits of ketosis without making drastic dietary changes.

Sounds like the perfect pill, right? Well, theres a catch (we just cant have nice things). Keto pills can wreak havoc on your metabolism.

Research has shown that people in a ketogenic state have increased satiety hormones and decreased hunger hormones, which helps suppress appetite.

But once they ditch the pills, those hormones suppressing appetite increase to way above where they were before, so the weight comes back.

Technically, no but in the long run, yes. The pills are effective at getting your body into a fat-burning state of ketosis. But even though youll lose weight fast, its very likely the weight will return when you stop taking the pills.

Think you can pee off the pounds? Water pills say they can help you do just that.

Over-the-counter and prescription water pills are diuretics, meaning they make the pee just flow out of you by triggering your kidneys to get rid of extra water and salt. This, in turn, helps you lose water weight and bloat.

Water pills are really intended to treat high blood pressure and can interact with other medications. Plus, they can overload your kidneys, leading to kidney failure (yikes!).

And then theres the cherry on top: dehydration. Frequent urination can increase your chances of getting dehydrated if youre not replenishing your fluids.

Yes. Youll probably only lose 3 to 4 pounds of water weight, not actual fat. A 2004 study found that water pills had basically no effect on weight loss. The pounds will return once you go back to your usual lifestyle.

Plus, a lot of over-the-counter water pills are just unregulated capsules of caffeine and herbs that are too weak to deliver any effects.

Caffeine is the sweetheart of stimulants for keeping us awake and focused throughout the day. (We love you, coffee!) Its also an ingredient in many weight loss supplements and frequently stars on its own in pill form.

Caffeine is said to boost metabolism and increase fat burning.

Too much caffeine can make your heart race and cause anxiety, vomiting, and jitters. Its safe to consume 400 to 500 milligrams of caffeine a day, but if youre drinking caffeinated beverages and taking these pills, its easy to go overboard.

Caffeine may aid in weight loss, but its not likely to work for very long, since your body builds up a tolerance to its effects.

A 2015 study comparing people who drank coffee and caffeinated beverages to those who did not found that the caffeinated peeps lost more weight.

Another miracle elixir from the health-food community is green tea, which also comes in a pill form as green tea extract with other fat-burning ingredients.

The general idea is that the caffeine and antioxidants in green tea supplements can aid in fat burning.

There have been reports of liver damage in people who took green tea extract.

According to a 2013 review of studies, some research has found that green tea extract can help with weight loss, but theres not enough evidence to say for sure. It definitely wont just melt away the pounds without diet changes and exercise.

Still on the caffeine train, green coffee beans (unroasted coffee beans) are another big weight loss supplement on the market.

The caffeine in green coffee beans is thought to help weight loss by burning and inhibiting fat. Chlorogenic acid in the extract slows down the breakdown of carbs in your digestive system.

The same side effects as caffeine plus, diarrhea is possible thanks to the chlorogenic acid. You can also be allergic to green coffee beans.

Maybe. An 8-week study found that subjects taking green coffee bean extract had more weight loss and reduced BMI and that the supplement could help suppress appetite for weight loss.

A 2011 review of three clinical trials also found the supplement helped with weight loss. But there havent been many promising studies that werent funded by supplement companies.

One of the most marketed and well-known weight loss pills, Hydroxycut is extremely controversial.

Over the years, the supplement has caused liver damage and heart-related deaths and has been recalled by the FDA numerous times for containing harmful ingredients like ephedra.

Since it went back on shelves in 2010, Hydroxycut has changed its ingredients, but most medical professionals will caution you against using it.

Todays Hydroxycut is a mix of caffeine, ladys mantle extract, wild olive extract, komijn extract, and wild mint extract.

There are few to no studies on the different types of Hydroxycut, but research has found that caffeine and some of the other herbs the supplement contains can help with weight loss.

Like too many cups of coffee, the caffeine in Hydroxycut can cause side effects such as anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, and jitters.

Most likely, but its hard to say for sure. There are no reputable studies on the supplement itself, and online reviews are extremely mixed.

Alli is the lower-dose, over-the-counter version of orlistat (its also sold as the prescription drug Xenical).

In 2010, the FDA published a safety review of orlistat when people reported serious liver damage. The FDA could not find evidence that orlistat was the cause, but Alli changed its formula anyway.

The orlistat in Alli helps your intestines absorb less dietary fat by inhibiting the digestive enzyme lipase that breaks down fat. When you take Alli with a meal, roughly 25 percent of the fat you eat wont be broken down itll simply go straight through your bowels.

Taking Alli can cause digestive issues like abdominal pain, gas, oily stools, and more bathroom visits. Headache, back pain, and upper respiratory infection are also possible.

This one looks legit if you eat right and exercise. Studies have shown that people who take orlistat with a calorie-restricted diet and exercise will lose more weight.

But you dont necessarily need it: A 2010 study actually found that eating a low carb diet was just as effective for weight loss as taking orlistat while eating a low fat diet.

Garcinia cambogia is a fruit that looks like a little green pumpkin. An extract from it is sold in pill form for weight loss.

Garcinia cambogia contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is thought to suppress appetite.

No serious side effects have been reported just some minor digestive issues.

Maybe. A 2011 study found that garcinia cambogia led to an average weight loss of about 2 pounds over several weeks. But more research is needed to clarify whether it works.

Glucomannan is an herbal supplement thats extracted from elephant yam as a water-soluble dietary fiber.

Glucomannan is kind of a science experiment in your gut. Once ingested, it absorbs water and turns into a gel. This helps you feel full.

Glucomannan can cause bloating, farting, and soft stools. It can also mess with some medications.

Its probably legit. Research shows that glucomannan works when paired with a healthy diet and can also improve blood pressure, glucose levels, and cholesterol. A 2005 study found that glucomannan helped participants lose weight.

Conjugated linoleic acid, aka CLA, is a natural fatty acid used as a supplement for weight loss.

CLA is thought to reduce appetite, break down fat, and boost metabolism.

CLA can cause digestive issues and some nasty side effects (including fatty liver, inflammation, and insulin resistance) if used long-term.

It works, but it can really mess you up if you keep taking it. A 2007 review of 18 studies found that participants taking CLA consistently lost weight for 6 months. However, the side effects are very serious and worth consideration.

Back to the hippy natural supplements! Forskolin is extracted from the roots of the Indian coleus plant, a cousin of mint. Not much is known about this plant or how it affects weight loss.

Forskolin is thought to help burn fat by raising your cells level of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a compound that helps break down stored fat.

This supplements effects on your body including side effects and safety are largely unknown.

As with pretty much everything else about forskolin, we dont really know. But its best to avoid this pill until more research has been done.

Theres simply not enough data and too much conflicting information to tell if its safe, let alone if it works.

Bitter orange has a variety of uses in traditional Chinese medicine, such as helping with heartburn and nasal congestion and aiding in weight loss.

The synephrine in bitter orange has very similar weight loss properties to ephedrine, the main component of ephedra (which was banned by the FDA for causing heart attacks and strokes).

While its similar to ephedrine, synephrine is less potent. It reduces appetite and helps you burn more fat.

Similar to its evil twin, the synephrine in bitter orange can cause heart, digestive, and circulation issues and is potentially addictive.

There havent been many studies on synephrine. The success of ephedrine shows that its probably legit, but it comes with a cost. The side effects can be major, and the NCAA lists it as a banned stimulant for its athletes.

OK, so technically there are more than 13 pills on this list. There are several prescription drugs that aid in weight loss and pretty much do the same thing.

The most popular prescription weight loss drugs are Contrave, Belviq, Phentermine, and Qsymia. Metformin, a diabetes medication, might also help with weight loss.

Prescription weight loss pills generally work by suppressing appetite. Most are designed to support long-term weight loss plans. Metformin is actually a diabetes medication used to regulate blood sugar levels.

Prescription weight loss pills can cause nausea, constipation, or diarrhea. Phentermine also stimulates the central nervous system, which increases your heart rate and blood pressure.

The bottom line

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Are Weight Loss Pills Total BS? Heres the Skinny - Greatist

7 Common Dieting Mistakes to Avoid, According to Nutritionists – LIVESTRONG.COM

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:43 pm

It's hard to distinguish the good nutrition advice from the bad, especially when there are so many conflicting arguments online and sometimes, even experts have different opinions. But if you're looking to change your diet to eat better, live healthier and feel happier, you want to make sure you're taking the right steps toward achieving your goals.

A common dieting mistake is eating too much of a good thing.

Credit: Morsa Images/DigitalVision/GettyImages

This can be a challenge, as there are some diet myths out there that people are still buying into, thinking that they're proven formulas to expedite weight loss and promote clean eating. But these approaches can backfire in fact, restrictive tendencies and bad eating patterns can lead to self-sabotage and stagnation.

To help you comb through all the clutter, we chatted with a few experts to figure out which pieces of nutrition advice should be rejected and what you should do instead. Here are the dieting mistakes you should avoid.

Fiber is super good for you, as it keeps you regular and helps you feel full, so you want to get enough of it in your diet through fiber-rich foods, like beans and legumes, leafy greens, whole grains and fresh fruit with the skin on. However, it's a myth that you should eat as much fiber as you can each day, as too much can backfire.

"'Eat more fiber' is common dietary advice because major studies show that the majority of people don't eat enough of this nutrient. And fiber is essential for gut, metabolic and cardiovascular health," says Sofia Norton, RD. However, too much of a good thing can lead to some side effects, which can make you super uncomfortable.

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"Too much fiber causes bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation and even bowel obstruction. Keep your intake to a maximum of 70 grams per day to avoid this," Norton says.

For the record, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend women aim for 25 to 28 grams of fiber per day, and men try to get 28 to 33, depending on age.

Healthy fats from foods like salmon and avocado are an important part of any weight-loss diet.

Credit: Shaiith/iStock/GettyImages

Fat is no longer the enemy. And while you might not need to hop on the keto diet (where fat makes up about 80 percent of your plate), it is beneficial to eat enough healthy fats, from unsaturated sources and omega 3s especially, as well as moderate amounts of saturated fat to actually lose weight and maintain healthy bodily function.

"For people on the standard American diet, reducing fat intake can help keep their calories in check, their cholesterol levels normal and their metabolic health top-notch," Norton says. "But going to extremes with low-fat eating can lead to overindulging on carbs and nutrient deficiencies according to some research." So, eat enough to feel satiated in the day and to keep your health in check.

Again, keto or low-carb dieting might be great for some people, but it's not a one-diet-fits-all sort of thing. That's why some experts want the "carbs are evil" myth to go out the window, as some carbs, when enjoyed in moderation, are packed with good nutrients to fuel you.

It comes down to what types of carbs you're eating and how much.

"You might want to think twice before giving all carbs a bad rap," says Bonnie Balk, RD, a dietitian for Maple Holistics. "Simple carbs (cookies, pastries, sodas, candy, etc.) are digested quickly and spike our blood sugar fast, making them a good group to avoid. But complex carbs (whole grains, starchy veggies, beans and peas) are loaded with fiber and nutrients and can aid in weight loss," she says. The bottom line: You can still live well by eating carbs!

If you're hungry late at night, you should eat. Just make sure you're choosing healthy options.

Credit: Inti St. Clair/DigitalVision/GettyImages

You don't need to stop eating at 6 p.m. to lose weight or live healthfully. It comes down to total calories; and while you might have less opportunity to burn calories at night and when sleeping than earlier in the day, you can surely have a snack before bed without it leading to weight gain.

"It is a myth that all food turns to fat after a certain hour of the day. If you're (truly) hungry, you should eat," says Dana Angelo White, RD, a dietitian and nutrition consultant. "Now, it can't be a high-calorie, junk food free-for-all, but a sensible snack can help more than hurt," she says.

Healthy options include yogurt, cottage cheese, nut butter on toast or some avocado and whole-grain crackers.

Hitting the weight room or taking strength-training classes helps build muscle and keep fat off, but you can't let your diet slide, as exercise alone can't make you healthy. And you don't necessarily even need to workout to lose weight or feel better, as long as your diet improves, too.

What you eat can protect your heart and help with weight management, or it can add excess calories and sugar to derail all your fitness gains.

"Diet quality always matters!" White says. "While you can certainly partake in the occasional splurge, you need to fuel your workouts with healthy foods. Stick to lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains, and keep added sugars low."

Limit added sugars, even when they come from "natural" sources like honey or agave.

Credit: KatarzynaBialasiewicz/iStock/GettyImages

For some reason, these more natural sources of sugar get a better reputation than refined table sugar, as many bloggers use them for "healthy" makeovers of baked goods. We hate to break it you, but sugar is sugar. Your body does not care if it comes from honey or soda.

"To be fair, you may pick up a few extra vitamins or minerals from unrefined sugar sources, but calorie for calorie, your waistline views them all the same way," says Lauren Harris-Pincus, RDN, author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club. "Instead, focus on minimizing all added sugars."

The American Heart Association recommends keeping the total to 24 grams per day for women (6 teaspoons) and 36 grams per day (9 teaspoons) for men.

If you don't like artificial sweeteners, there are naturally derived options like stevia, erythritol, allulose and monk fruit, Harris-Pincus says, which don't spike blood sugar and are healthier for weight loss.

Some people hear about 16:8 intermittent fasting for weight loss where you fast for 16 hours each day and eat your meals within the other eight-hour window and think, "That basically just means skipping breakfast." But nixing the first meal of the day is not a magic formula for weight loss.

"While there is emerging evidence that time-restricted eating during an eight- to 12-hour window can have some health benefits, intermittent fasting does not seem to result in any more weight loss than a traditional calorie-restricted diet," says Harris-Pincus. "The studies that show the most benefit have the eating window shifted earlier in the day, so if you like this approach, make sure to include breakfast within about two hours of waking up and aim for an eating window from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or at the latest 10 6 p.m.," she says.

The body doesn't process and metabolize food as well in the evening as it does in the morning, since it slows down to prepare for sleep, so avoiding extra calories at night might be better than skipping them early in the morning if you are following a fasting plan.

See the original post here:
7 Common Dieting Mistakes to Avoid, According to Nutritionists - LIVESTRONG.COM

Nutritionists reveal everything you need to know before you try intermittent fasting –

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:43 pm

A New Year often brings about a new diet and some a lot of people are turning to a method of eating called intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting involves only eating your food during a certain time frame.

One celebrity who has become well known for her love of intermittent fasting is Jennifer Aniston.

The actress recently admitted that she is a big fan of the 16:8 method of intermittent fasting and doesnt eat a morning meal.

While the most popular method involves eating within a certain window of time, a la Jen Aniston, nutritionist Niamh Forster told that there are many different methods of fasting.

Theres a lot of types of intermittent fasting, Niamh explained.

Fasting is just not eating anything all day. Theres modified fasting This would be something like the 5:2 diet where you eat a restricted amount of calories for five days and then however many calories you want for two days.

Time-restricted feeding, or intermittent fasting, involves eating within a certain window. It could involve starting eating at 8am and finishing at 3pm.

This may sound like just skipping breakfast or dinner, but you can still eat as many or as few meals as you like during this time.

While intermittent fasting isnt a new trend, it has drastically grown in popularity over the last number of years.

New data, provided to by dietitian Antonia Richards at the health and fitness brand Shoe Hero, revealed that the term intermittent fasting has received a 161.2% rise in worldwide Google searches within the last year alone.

The same term has seen a huge 1250% uplift in the last 5 years, Antonia revealed.

Such search increases showcase how great public interest is with regards to intermittent fasting and the desire to learn more about its concept.

Its said that intermittent fasting can help with weight loss but is this intermittent fasting just another passing craze?

Rebecca Jennings, a nutritionist at the Priory Group eating disorder facility Arthur House, told that she has experienced people who have developed eating disorders due to this way of eating.

For this reason, she said it is extremely important to do your research if you want to try it.

There is some evidence to suggest that exclusively eating food within a 10-12 hour period can be beneficial for lowering cholesterol, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, she explained.

Fasting has also been known to result in weight loss due to its effect on metabolic rate.

However, more research is needed as, in previous studies, similar weight loss has occurred as a result of a calorie deficit as opposed to a time restriction on when food is consumed. The weight loss could simply be due to the calorie deficit and not the act of fasting itself.

A calorie deficit means that youre eating fewer calories than youre expelling. By finding out how many calories you expel in a day, you can find out how many calories you should eat in order to lose weight.

Joey Harper has tried intermittent fasting a number of times and has credited his one-and-a-half stone weight loss to this way of dieting.

I cant remember how I came across it, but I started it to lose weight, he explained to

I did the daily fast where I would eat only between 12pm and 8pm, and, in that time, Id have three meals.

I felt great when I was doing it and had lots of energy. Once you get used to not being able to eat any time you like, it gets really easy.

I also found that I stopped snacking because I got used to feeling hungry and learned the difference between hungry/peckish, and wanting to eat out of boredom.

While Joey has credited his weight loss to intermittent fasting, nutritionist Niamh Forster explained that the weight loss is due to the fact that youre unintentionally restricting calories because you have less time to eat.

However, Antonia Richards of Shoe Hero said that intermittent fasting can be beneficial as it gives your body and, in particular, your gut a break.

Intermittent fasting can be great for gut health, she explained to

The gut contains trillions of bacteria that play an instrumental role in breaking down our food intake, boosting our immune system and even building essential vitamins. The health of our gut offers a great insight into our lifestyle choices and our general health.

Our gut rarely gets a break and we can treat it quite poorly with a regular intake of alcohol and fatty foods. Fasting presents the gut with the opportunity to have a break from intensive tasks such as digesting foods and absorbing nutrients.

However, Priory group nutritionist Rebecca Jennings said that intermittent fasting involves creating rules around certain foods and this isnt something that she would recommend for a healthy relationship with food.

Intermittent fasting involves creating rules around food and when you can and cant eat, she explained.

The regimented fasting can leave you feeling hungry, dehydrated, tired and irritable.

Putting these kinds of restrictions in place can set you up to feel guilty or ashamed if (and when), you break a rule.

The energy deficit that a person experiences during the fast can lead to episodes of binging or over-eating too.

It is also a commitment that can have a big impact on your lifestyle due to the strict rules that have to be adhered to.

So is intermittent fasting good for you? The verdict is still out on this one.

While studies have been carried out in the area, both Rebecca Jennings and Niamh Forster were keen to point out that most of these have on animals and there has been a lack of human-based studies.

However, Antonia Richards highlighted that it can have its benefits and multiple people shared their stories about how it helped them lose weight.

All of the nutritionists that spoke to advised that if you are trying out intermittent fasting, it should be done in moderation and you should listen to your body.

Excerpt from:
Nutritionists reveal everything you need to know before you try intermittent fasting -

How to get fit: 5 easy strategies that mean even lazy people can be fitter and healthier – T3

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 7:43 pm

We understand. You were ready to change things in 2020. You wanted to torch fat, build muscle and get fit for the new year. But three weeks in, you haven't lost two stones and now you've started losing motivation. But fear not: we have a few tricks up our sleeves that can get you fit even if you are feeling a bit lazy.

You might think that the only way to get fit is to hit the treadmill or exercise bike an hour a day, every day, or to start doing heavy resistance training and full body workouts. And although all these activities would help you lose fat and build lean muscle mass especially if your diet is correct they also take considerable amount of will power to start.

Many people fall into the trap of changing their lifestyle too quickly, setting themselves up for failure. Swapping eating pizza every night and doing no exercising to having leaf salad and loads of exercising will send your body into panic mode and you are more likely to abandon your new, healthier lifestyle.

Small, incremental changes might not melt fat off you in one week but they will help ease you into a healthier lifestyle. And, of course, they will help you get fitter and slimmer, too.

We collected five strategies to help you on the journey to get fit(ter), even if you are feeling lazy.

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The below tips are just the tip of the iceberg but they should still make you more fit and mobile, boost your metabolism and your cardiovascular system as well. By introducing these changes and strategies into your life you can make the first steps towards getting leaner and healthier.

Put things out of the way

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Want to get your body ready for rigorous exercising? The best way to start is to get more mobile. Our modern lifestyle makes us stationary, we tend to sit and stand a lot, arms hanging next to our bodies, head tilted forward as we stare at computer and phone screens.

You can feel fitter by applying a few mobility changes to your everyday life. Change things up at home and at work. We place items we use more often in the most convenient places in cupboards and wardrobes, and as much as it is convenient, it makes our bodies more rigid, too.

Try moving things out of the way. Make yourself reach higher up or deeper down for everyday items. Place all the snacks in the most obscure place in the kitchen. Put the shoes in the top compartment in the hallway cabinet. Move the side desk farther away from the sofa.

These small changes will help you mobilise your joints and even get you to do exercises in the process. Frying pan on the lowest shelf in the bottom cabinet? Better do a squat to get it.

Bulk Powders Protein Flapjack Bar, Box of 12 | Buy it for 19.99 directly from Bulk PowdersThe Bulk Powders Protein Flapjacks are not only delicious but also high in protein. Each bar contains 21 grams of muscle building protein as well as 9 grams of fibre for long lasting feeling of fullness.View Deal

(Image credit: Sundried)

Even if you aren't planning on moving more, drinking more can help boost your metabolism. And when we say drinking more, we don't mean teas or coffees, or even juices, but water.

Green tea and coffee is healthy to consume (not in industrial quantities, though) but they are also slightly diuretic so they will make you pee more. Water, on the other hand, will aid your guts to process food quicker and also help rid toxins from your body.

As for juices, they aren't completely unhealthy but you shouldn't drink more than a glass a day. Juices are high in sugar and regardless of the source of this sugar, since there are no fibres in them not even orange juice with bits is as fibery as an actual fruit they will spike blood insulin levels.

Water has also no calories and you can drink of it as much as you want. By drinking more water, you will also feel less hungry since your stomach will be more stretched.

In case you still feel hungry, you can try swapping your unhealthy snacks for some healthy protein bars and snacks. Protein takes longer to digest and many of the protein bars available on the market today are high in fibre and low on sugar, too, making them an ideal snacking option.

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You don't even have to do stunts like this to get fitter using an exercise ball

(Image credit: Trideer)

Exercise balls are amazing. They are a versatile piece of equipment, like resistance bands, and can be used for exercising as well as everyday activities. For example, sitting on an exercise ball when you watch TV or work on the computer requires you to use your core muscles, maybe not to the extent as when you use an ab roller but it is definitely a good start.

Sitting on an exercise ball will also naturally make you move around more. Not only do you roll forward and backwards a bit as you sit, making you use your ankle and knee joints more, but since you can't lean back, you are most likely to get up more often which in turn will help your metabolism and cardio system, too.

Trideer Exercise Ball | Buy it for 14.99 at AmazonThe Trideer Exercise Ball has a thickness of 2000 micrometers and can resist up to 2000 lbs of pressure one can safely sit and exercise on it without having to worry about it bursting in the process. It is also made of hypo-allergenic material, free of BPA and heavy metals too. for added piece of mind, the Trideer Exercise Ball comes with a 30-day no hassle returns and a 12 months warranty as well.View Deal

(Image credit: On Running)

High intensity cardio exercises like running or jumping on a rowing machine burn a lot of calories. But they also require considerable amount of effort and are not ideal for people who are overweight.

This is especially true for running. Carrying extra weight will put more pressure on your joints and although running can make your bones stronger, it takes time to build up the base stamina to be able to run more efficiently.

At the beginning, you're better off with brisk walking. Brisk walking is the next best thing to running as it requires less effort but also burns calories and helps metabolism and cardio health, too.

You don't need any special gear either, although good pair of walking shoes or running shoes can make walking significantly more comfortable. To track your steps, get a fitness tracker or a running watch, these devices can also measure heart rate and calories burned.

Also, research showed that people who listen to music with higher rpm will walk faster, so you might as well get a pair of sweat-proof running headphones too. This will also make the walking sessions more enjoyable.

Try to swap some of your car journeys to walking sessions instead and also add a bigger walking session to your weekend plans. Once you get used to brisk walking, start adding some jogging intervals to your walks.

Fitbit Charge 3 fitness tracker | Sale price 94.99 | Was 129.99 | Save 35 (27%) at AmazonWith a battery life of up to 7 days, the Fitbit Charge 3 can effectively keep tabs on many body metrics for elongated periods of time. Use the 24/7 heart rate feature to better track calorie burn and optimise workouts. As well as these, the Fitbit Charge 3 automatically recognises exercises like runs, swims, elliptical, sports and more and records them for you in the Fitbit app.View Deal

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(Image credit: Fitbit)

HIIT (high intensity interval training) is the perfect workout for the time poor (although maybe it would be a push to call it lazy). HIIT workouts use short bursts of high intensity exercises to bring the heart rate up, followed by short intervals of low intensity intervals.

HIIT can effectively burn fat, not only during the workout but up to 24 hours after the HIIT session. It can also be done using a variety of equipment: there are indoor exercise bike HIIT classes as well as kettlebell HIIT workouts, or you can just use a jump rope if you want.

HIIT is also good because it is easier for many people to maintain high intensity exercising for shorter periods than it is to maintain a moderate tempo for longer (a.k.a. running). A HIIT workout can be over and done with in 20-30 minutes, just take your protein powder mix plus a banana and you're sorted for the day.

SIXPAD Electric Muscle Stimulation Training Gear | Prices from 175 at AmazonSIXPAD training gear won't replace hard work but it can make it more effective. These cordless pads can effectively enhance muscle stimulation and can "help users achieve a 8% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 4 weeks alongside a balanced diet and exercise" or so does SIXPAD claim. The percentage goes up to 12% after 12 weeks and many SIXPAD products can be used in other areas than just your abs.View Deal

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How to get fit: 5 easy strategies that mean even lazy people can be fitter and healthier - T3

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