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Winning the War Against Snack Attacks – Triathlon Magazine Canada

Posted: January 14, 2020 at 4:50 am

Athletes need to eat every three to four hours which is why making snacks an integral part of your diet is critical.

by Nancy Clark

I wish I didnt have snack attacks. I eat way too much chocolate

I eat only healthy foods during the day. My snacking problem starts the minute I get home from work. Chips are my downfall

I try hard to not snack after dinner, but I have a bad habit of getting into the ice cream

Day after day, I hear athletes complain about their (seemingly) uncontrollable snacking habits. Some believe they are hopelessly, and helplessly, addicted to chocolate. Others believe eating between meals is sinful and fattening; snacking is just plain wrong. Some equate snacking to doing drugs. They bemoan they are addicted to sugar and cant eat just one cookie. Snacking is all or nothing.

Despite the popular belief that snacking is bad, the truth is that snacking can be helpful for runners. Athletes get hungry and need to eat at least every three to four hours. That means if you have breakfast at 7:00, youll be ready for food by 10:00 or 11:00, particularly if you run in the morning. By 3:00 p.m., you will again want more food. For students and others who train mid- to late-afternoon, a pre-run snack is very important to provide the fuel needed to have an effective workout.

The trick is to make snacks a part of your sports dietpreferably with an early lunch at 11:00 that replaces the morning snack. (Why wait to eat at noon when you are hungry now?) and a second lunch instead of afternoon sweets, to energize the end of your work or school day. A planned wholesome meal is far better than succumbing to sugary snacks or stimulant drinks.

Snacking problems commonly occur when runners and triathletes under-eat meals, only to over-indulge in snacks. Inadequate breakfasts and lunches can easily explain why snacks can contribute 20 to 50 percent of total calories for the day. Fingers crossed those snacks are nutrient-rich!

To easily and painlessly resolve nutrient-poor snack attacks, eat before you get too hungry. Hungry triathletes (and all people, for that matter) tend to crave sweets (and fats) and can easily eat too many donuts, chocolate chip cookies, candy barsfoods with sugar (for quick energy) and fat (for concentrated calories).That honking big muffin can easily win out over a piece of fruit, hands down!

Athletes who report they eat well during the day but get into trouble with snacks at night need to understand the problem is not the evening snacks, but having eaten too little during the active part of their day. Snacking is the symptom; getting too hungry is commonly the problem. One way to eliminate a mid-morning snack attack is to have a protein-rich, satiating breakfast (such as 3 eggs + avocado toast + a latte for 500-600 calories) as opposed to just a packet of oatmeal (only 100-150 calories). Enjoy soup + sandwich for lunch (500-700 calories), not just a salad with grilled chicken (only 300 calories).

Identifying hunger

Do you spend too much time thinking about food all day? If so, your brain is telling you it wants some fuel. Thinking about food nudges you to eat. If you were to never think about food, youd waste away to nothing.

Other hunger signals include feeling droopy, moody, cold, bored (Im eating this popcorn just because Im bored), unable to focus, and easily irritated. If you fail to honor these hunger signals, they will escalate into a growling stomach (too hungry) and an all-out snack attack. Prevent hunger; eat enough during the active part of your day.

Please remember that hunger does not mean Oh no, Im going to eat and get fat. Hunger is simply a request for fuel. Just as a light on the dashboard of your car signals when your car needs gas, your brain sends you hunger signals when your body is low on fuel. To not eat when you are hungry is abusive to your body (and mind) and puts your body into muscle-breakdown mode, which is counter-productive for athletes.

Losing weight without daytime hunger

Even if you want to lose undesired body fat, you should eat enough to feel satiated during the active part of your day. You can lose weight (diet) at night when you are sleeping. This is opposite to how most runners eat: They diet by day, then attack the snacks at night. They eat the whole pint of ice cream, too many chocolates, and/or non-stop chips. Winning the war against hunger requires white knuckles. Not sustainable and not fun. The better bet is to fuel by day and diet at night by eliminating high-calorie evening snacks.

Dieting runners commonly report the most concerns about snack attacks. As one marathoner complained, Im hungry all the time. If that sounds like you, and you feel hungry within the hour after you eat a meal, experiment with eating heartier meals. For help figuring out a food plan that works for you, I encourage you to meet with a registered dietitian (RD) who specializes in sports nutrition. The referral network at can help you find a local sports nutrition professional.

Winning the war against snack attacks

I encourage my clients to convert snacktime into mealtime. Instead of reaching for cookies, candy, caffeine, and other typical snack foods, they opt for a peanut butter & banana sandwich for an early lunch at 10:00 or 11:00ish. (As long as they have a flexible eating schedule, no need to eat a donut just to bridge the gap to the more traditional eating time of noon.) They then can enjoy a later second lunch at 2:00 to 3:00ish, which gives them energy to be productive throughout the last hours of the workday.

By enjoying two lunches instead of snack foods + one lunch, they generally end up eating more quality calories and fewer sweets. If their meal schedule is inflexible, I nudge them to at least snack on mini-meals instead of sweets:

The benefits of being well fed are fewer snack attacks, more energy, and easier weight management. Give it a try?

Sports Nutritionist Nancy Clark, MS, RD counsels both casual and competitive athletes in the Boston-area (Newton; 617-795-1875). The new 6th edition of her best-selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook offers additional information on how to manage snack attacks. Visit For her online workshop, visit

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Winning the War Against Snack Attacks - Triathlon Magazine Canada

Madonna Has a Go-To Cheat Meal That Will Leave Your Mouth Watering – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: January 14, 2020 at 4:50 am

Madonna is a legendary singer in the music industry. Since the 1980s, she has been releasing numerous hit singles, touring all over the world, and achieving things that most artists can only dream of.

Although Madonna is 61 years old today, it does not seem like she will slow down anytime soon. Fans are no doubt aware that, in order to have Madonnas youthful energy, the singers lifestyle focuses a lot on fitness and healthy eating.

However, Madonna is human like everyone else, and she definitely has cheat days where she can relax and indulge a bit. Read on below to find out which mouth-watering food is her go-to cheat meal.

Anyone who has seen Madonna perform will understand just how much choreography is involved in her shows. Because of this, she has to work out six days a week to stay in shape. Her workouts are also quite intense.

She does a combination of circuit training, interval training and resistance training, her personal trainer, Craig Smith, told the Daily Mail. We focus on elongating the muscles and maintaining a svelte, lean dancers physique.

Since Madonna is a dancer, Smith incorporates some dance elements into her workouts. However, Madonna often varies her routines to also include things like yoga, push-ups, planking, and weight-lifting. Smith revealed that she works with weights that are 2.5 and 5 pounds.

Her workout sessions are known to be difficult for an average person. Madonna even once joked that when she has her friends try them, her friends end up going to the bathroom and puking.

However, Smith shared that Madonna is usually able to do these workouts because she eats a healthy diet every day.

Madonnas former private chef isMayumi Nishimura, who specializes in macrobiotic cooking, which has a lot of influence from the food that is traditionally eaten in East Asian cultures. Madonnas macrobiotic diet, for example, focuses a lot on eating whole grains, vegetables, legumes, fermented soy sauce, and fish. Additionally, she often cuts out eggs, meat, dairy, and wheat from her everyday life.

In one interview, Nishimura revealed that Madonna was first introduced to the macrobiotic lifestyle by her former husband Guy Ritchie.

Guy Ritchie was the one who wanted to have the macrobiotic food in first place, Nishimura said. But during his film production he deserved meat. Madonna and the kids sometimes have some, too.

Nishimura also shared what some of Madonnas favorite food is, saying: She has a soup as a starter and as a main vegetables. Thats all. Her favourite dish is the inside-out avocado roll and she loves Quinoa.

Additionally, Madonna eats fruits, but she is not a fan of tropical fruits. Instead, she prefers to things that can be found seasonally and locally.

Another part of Madonnas unique diet consists of eating six small meals throughout the day instead of three big ones like most people. According to her trainer, Smith, this habit actually is good for her intense workouts because it boost her metabolism and maintain her energy throughout the day.

When Madonna wants to take a break from her strict diet, she can be found cheating with some fatty comfort food.

In an interview with Us Weekly, she said: My most fattening indulgence is either pizza or french fries. Or potato chips, actually. Love them all.

However, she did say in another instance that she does not eat as much pizza as everybody else, so its safe to say that she does not give in to her cravings all that often.

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Madonna Has a Go-To Cheat Meal That Will Leave Your Mouth Watering - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Juice cleansing: Weighing the pros and cons of this detox diet | Dished – Daily Hive

Posted: January 14, 2020 at 4:50 am

Its the beginning of 2020 and many of us are pursuing our New Years resolutions, and for some, those goals include starting a healthy routine.

Getting back on a healthy track can include resetting the body with a detox, and juice cleanses are often a popular way of doing just that.

Its no secret that this popular diet can hit your wallet, so are juice cleanses really worth forking out the big bucks for?

Peggy Kotsopoulos, Holistic Nutritionist and author of Kitchen Cures: Revolutionize Your Health With Foods That Healtold Daily Hive in a phone interview that you can do a juice cleanse from home but be prepared that it can be a process between juicing and cleaning the juicer when youre done.

If you can do it from home, its so much more worth it,Kotsopoulos said, it is more cost-effective, and you can choose your own ingredients.

Kotsopoulos said when youre juicing from home, you can better control the contents and quality of the foods going into the juices compared to when youre buying.

You want to make sure its organic, and that gets really expensive if you get it through a service or through a store, she said.


[The juices] can be really sweet if you get them through a service or a package. They have these red beet juices, which are so high in sugar,Kotsopoulos said about packaged juice cleanses.

For example, sometimes store-bought juice cleanses can have six juices in a day. There might only be two green juices in there, there might be an orange juice, which has carrot and might have turmeric, Kotsopoulos said, but its very sweet.

When youre juicing from home,Kotsopoulos recommends sticking to green juices and using organic cucumber and celery as a base because you get a lot of water and output in terms of juice.

To customize the juices,Kotsopoulos said you can add herbs that have detoxifying effects to help cleanse your liver and the body of heavy metals, and to sweeten the juices, apples and pears are your best options.

When youre shopping for a juice cleanse, you can find some packages ranging from one to seven days. I personally dont recommend juice cleansing for more than three days,Kotsopoulos said.

While juice cleansing gives your digestive system a break, clears up your skin a little, and eliminates toxins,Kotsopoulos says the most important thing when it comes to eating well and cleansing and detoxifying is where are the toxins going you have to eliminate them from your system, explaining that you need fibre for the toxins to bind to in order to be flushed out.

Youre not getting any fibre in a juice cleanse, at all. Youre just getting the juice it can be high inchlorophyll and vitamins and minerals and all that goodness,Kotsopoulos said. If you were going to do a smoothie for example, that has the fibre in it, youre still getting all that nutrients in it, or eating a green salad but the fibre is the most important thing to bind on to the toxins to help eliminate it from your body.

Plus, your energy levels really decline after a while,Kotsopoulos said, because youre not getting enough calories.

Youre doing calorie restriction for three days, lets say, and thats taxing on your body in a whole other way: your metabolism tends to slow down, you feel sluggish, you might not feel great and thats all normal, but thats because youre also not getting all the nutrients and all the calories and the energy and the protein that you need, she said.

So thats why the shorter the duration, the better [when youre juice cleansing], Kotsopoulos said.

I would just do it if you kind of want to reset your system a little bit, like one day is fine, three days max,Kotsopoulos said.


Going into a juice cleanse, its best to prepare ahead of time by at least a week by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet, as well as lean protein and fats,Kotsopoulos said. Thatll ease the burden on your system.

When you are on a juice cleanse,Kotsopoulos said its important to listen to your body; for example, if youre not feeling well on the first day, dont push yourself. You can add a salad or nuts to snack on if youre feeling low on energy. The point of [juice cleansing] is to make you feel better at the end of it.

Kotsopoulos said another great way to reset your system on a daily basis, is having a glass of room-temperature water with a squeeze of lemon and cayenne pepper each morning about a half hour before you have breakfast, supplements, or anything to drink, adding when youre sleeping at night is when your body is actually working the hardest to heal or repair and eliminate toxins, and the lemon juice helps to cleanse the liver.

Kotsopoulos said drinking green juice doesnt have to be just when youre cleansing; its great to include into your daily lifestyle routine as a snack during the day.

For recipe ideas, including juicing and smoothies, you can followKotsopoulos online on Twitter and Instagram.

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Juice cleansing: Weighing the pros and cons of this detox diet | Dished - Daily Hive

North America Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Expected to Generate a Value of US $4.7 Billion by 2024 – – Yahoo Finance

Posted: January 14, 2020 at 4:48 am

The "North America Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2019-2024" report has been added to's offering.

The publisher expects the market to reach a value of US$ 4.7 Billion by 2024, registering a CAGR of 5.35% during 2019-2024.

The North America hormone replacement therapy market reached a value of US$ 3.5 Billion in 2018. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used for replenishing hormones that are present in low levels in the human body. This treatment is particularly favorable for patients who are experiencing growth hormone deficiency, women nearing menopause and older people suffering from hypogonadism. HRT is available in several forms such as gels, injections, implants, and skin and mouth patches (transdermal). However, it may not be suitable for patients that have a record of blood clots, liver disease and untreated high blood pressure.

North America hormone replacement therapy market is currently being driven by several factors. A surge in the incidences of hormone imbalance disorders, especially in the geriatric and neonatal populations, is spurring the demand for HRT in North America. In line with this, the rising need for new treatment options with better safety results is further catalyzing the market growth in the region. Apart from this, increasing R&D activities for hormone replacement products is enhancing their quality and efficiency. Additionally, the increasing consumer awareness, coupled with the rising technological innovations, such as new gel-based formulations, have also spurred the demand for hormone replacement products in the region.

Key Questions Answered in This Report:

Report Coverage:

Key Topics Covered:

1 Preface

2 Scope and Methodology

2.1 Objectives of the Study

2.2 Stakeholders

2.3 Data Sources

2.3.1 Primary Sources

2.3.2 Secondary Sources

2.4 Market Estimation

2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach

2.4.2 Top-Down Approach

2.5 Forecasting Methodology

3 Executive Summary

4 Introduction

4.1 Overview

4.2 Key Industry Trends

5 Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market

5.1 Market Performance

5.2 Market Breakup by Product

5.3 Market Breakup by Route of Administration

5.4 Market Breakup by Type of Disease

5.5 Market Breakup by Region

5.6 Market Forecast

6 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy Market

6.1 Market Performance

6.2 Market Forecast

7 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Breakup by Product

7.1 Estrogen Replacement Therapy

7.2 Human Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy

7.3 Thyroid Replacement Therapy

7.4 Testosterone Replacement Therapy

7.5 Others

8 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Breakup by Route of Administration

8.1 Oral

8.2 Parenteral

8.3 Transdermal

9 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Breakup by Type of Disease

9.1 Menopause

9.2 Hypothyroidism

9.3 Male Hypogonadism

9.4 Growth Hormone Deficiency

9.5 Others

10 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Breakup by Country

10.1 United States

10.1.1 Historical market Trends

10.1.2 Market Breakup by Product

10.1.3 Market Breakup by Route of Administration

10.1.4 Market Breakup by Type of Disease

10.1.5 Market Forecast

10.2 Canada

10.3 Mexico

11 SWOT Analysis

11.1 Overview

11.2 Strengths

11.3 Weaknesses

11.4 Opportunities

11.5 Threats

12 Value Chain Analysis

12.1 Overview

12.2 Research and Development

12.3 Raw Material Procurement

12.4 Manufacturing

12.5 Marketing

12.6 Distribution

12.7 End-Use

13 Porter's Five Forces Analysis

13.1 Overview

13.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers

13.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

13.4 Degree of Rivalry

13.5 Threat of New Entrants

13.6 Threat of Substitutes

14 Competitive Landscape

14.1 Market Structure

14.2 Key Players

14.3 Profiles of Key Players

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North America Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Expected to Generate a Value of US $4.7 Billion by 2024 - - Yahoo Finance

7 Intermittent Fasting Benefits That Aren’t Weight Loss – Men’s Health

Posted: January 14, 2020 at 4:47 am

Most people try fasting with one goal in mind: losing weight.

But science has also discovered health benefits linked to whole-day, alternate-day, and time-restricted fasting, says Carolyn Williams, Ph.D., the registered dietitian that helped develop the new book The Mens Health Guide to Intermittent Fasting.

Scientists speculate that the benefits of short-term fasts may come from the structured break they provide to around-the-clock eating.

Even if you dont change the content of your diet, by controlling the time period in which your calories are consumed, you give your body a pause from a constant onslaught food, says Williams.

Maybe youre skeptical. But Williams says that, at first, she was too.

The Men's Health Guide to Intermittent Fasting

She studied the research. She looked at the data. She even tried a time-restricted fast herself. I expected the fast to affect my blood sugar because Im prone to low blood sugar and I know how I get without eating, Williams says.

But Williams says she was surprised to find that she had no trouble going 16 hours without eating. Her method: She stopped eating after dinner and fasted from 7 p.m. to 11 a.m., following the popular 16:8 intermittent fasting pattern, which leaves an 8-hour-long window for eating.

I find Im really not hungry; in fact, sometimes I have to remind myself to eat lunch, Williams says.

While more research is needed to determine if fasting is effective for long-term dieting, theres no debate that it works in the short-term.

By refraining from eating for at least 12 hours (ideally 16), your body starts burning through glucose and can begin tapping fat for fuel, explains Williams. Studies show that you can expect to lose between 3 and 8 percent of your bodyweight in as few as three weeks.

Atit Phetmuangtong / EyeEm

Compared to calorie-restriction diets, intermittent fasting tends to trigger more belly fat loss, the research suggests. Anecdotally, Williams says she senses greater energy and improved clarity of thought.

Here are some other potential upsides of intermittent fasting, each supported by research.

Whenever you restrict calories and lose weight, some of that weight comes from a reduction in muscle mass. That goes for intermittent fasts as well as traditional calorie-restriction diets.

However, at least one study conducted by the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition at the University of Illinois suggests that intermittent fasting may be more effective for retaining muscle mass.

The study compared overweight and obese adults who followed a calorie restriction diet with similar-weight subjects who restricted calories through intermittent fasting. After 12 weeks, the researchers found both diets to be equally effective in trimming body weight and fat mass, but less muscle was lost by the group that fasted.

Overweight people who could choose any 10-hour timeframe to eat as long as they refrained from eating the other 14 hours of the day saw a reduction in waist circumference and visceral abdominal fat after 12 weeks, according to a report in the journal Cell Metabolism.

The study in Cell Metabolism referenced above also demonstrated the potential of intermittent fasting to reduce risk of metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

All the participants in the study were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, a cluster of health conditionsincluding high blood sugar, excess abdominal fat, high blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol or triglycerides levelsthat occurring together boost the risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

After 12 weeks, every participant experienced improvement in all of the common markers of metabolic syndrome.

A similar study in the journal Translational Research found that alternate-day fasting, in which participants restricted calories by 75 percent on a fast day, followed by a feed day without calorie restriction, resulted in clinically significant reductions in blood sugar and insulin resistance.

A study published in Nutrition and Healthy Aging demonstrated that participants who practiced 16:8 intermittent fasting without calorie counting significantly reduced their systolic blood pressure compared to a control group after 12 weeks.

Inflammation is your bodys natural way of fighting off infection, illness, and injury. But theres another type of inflammation, a chronic inflammation that can silently trigger heart disease and diabetes.

Smoking, mental stress, and a regular diet of fatty, fried, or sugary foods are common causes. Several studies have shown that intermittent fasting may induce an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces risk of those metabolic diseasesand even improve pulmonary function in people with asthma.

Whats more, a reduction in inflammation due to short-term fasting appears to protect the brain from memory disorders and depression, according to a study in Obesity.

Even when you dont lose weight while on an intermittent fasting routine, your cells may benefit from extra protection, according to a study in Cell Metabolism.

The study assigned men with prediabetes to either a 6-hour early eating period, where they could eat only from 8 a.m. until dinner before 2 p.m., fasting the rest of the day, or a 12-hour feeding period.

At the end of five weeks, the researchers found that the men on the early time- restricted fast improved blood pressure and insulin sensitivity (as expected), but also improved resistance to oxidative stress, where unstable molecules called free radicals can damage proteins and DNA.

Rodent studies suggest that intermittent fasting, which is much easier to maintain than extreme calorie cutting, may boost lifespan, too. In one study comparing rats who were given unrestricted access to food to rats who were fed every other day, the rats who fasted lived 83 percent longer than those who gorged themselves.

For a quick primer on how to start a health-boosting fast yourself, plus dozens of delicious recipes for brunch, dinner, and even Keto-diet-friendly meals, check out The Mens Health Guide to Intermittent Fasting here.

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7 Intermittent Fasting Benefits That Aren't Weight Loss - Men's Health

Five weird weight-loss tricks that actually work – MENAFN.COM

Posted: January 14, 2020 at 4:47 am

(MENAFN - NewsBytes) Tired of hearing the same old-school suggestions for losing weight? We feel you.

As more people are turning health-conscious nowadays, diet experts around the world are breaking the monotony and coming up with unusual and bizarre tricks to help us get slimmer.

Here is a collection of weight loss tips and tricks that might seem a bit weird, but they actually work.

Turns out, food photography is not another useless obsession of our generation.

Believe it or not, snapping your food can actually help you in shedding some extra kilos.

Well, if you are wondering how, here's the catch- by taking pictures of every meal you are going to consume, you might think twice before indulging or overeating, thereby keeping your intake in check.

Traditionally, less noise and soft lighting have been associated with better sleep quality, but a certain report by Today stated that reducing the noise and dimming lights can help in losing weight as well.

The trick behind it is to help diners focus mainly on their food. This will help you enjoy your meal better, and you may end up eating mindfully.

Yes, you read it right, sniffing can result in weight loss.

According to research, sniffing tends to make people feel less hungry, thereby making them eat less and eventually aiding in weight loss.

But how? Basically it's all mind game. By sniffing food items, you can trick your brain into thinking that you are actually eating them.

Interesting, right? Don't forget to try it.

This is quite a weird regime that some weight-conscious women in France follow.

They take a ribbon and tie it around their waist area, underneath their clothes, usually before going out for dinners/parties.

This helps them stay conscious of their food intake. The tightening ribbon acts as an indication that perhaps it is time to stop munching.

Russians tend to grow their own vegetables and fruits, which automatically makes their food consumption healthier than those who depend mainly on junk/fast food.

Not only do they grow their eatables, they also preserve them for keeping their food healthy for as long as possible.

Also, it is more pocket-friendly and way better than buying foods loaded with chemicals/fertilizers.

Stay healthy!


See original here:
Five weird weight-loss tricks that actually work - MENAFN.COM

Alexandra Cane’s jaw-dropping weight loss down to quick workouts and positive thinking –

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 9:49 pm

Former Love Island star Alexandra Cane recently wowed fans with her dramatic two stone weight loss.

Revealing a trim, toned body that has left her feeling motivated and full of energy, Alexandra, 28, leapt into the new year with the launch of her new fitness app in the hope of encouraging others to feel good about their bodies.

Now a tiny size six, Alexandra achieved her stunning new physique in just a matter of months, and she is confident that others can do the same.

The reality-star-turned-health-guru is constantly smiling and showing off her beach-ready body, yet also shining with an inner confidence that is more than just skin deep.

Alexandra has since revealed there are a number of features that contribute to her overall transformation.

The Mirror has taken a look at the different steps that Alexandra has been taking to achieve her ultimate "happy body".

Even though Alexandra was on her weight loss programme during the Christmas period, the brunette bombshell was able to enjoy food during the festive season and still achieve her fabulously toned abs.

The answer, according to the Love Islander, is through calorie counting.

Writing in a blog post for OK! Magazine , Alexandra admitted that Christmas wasnt all a strict regime.

I spent Christmas with my family and I did indulge in a few festive treats. I actually planned to do that because its all about the balance and on my eating plan you can be really flexible with it because its based on calorie counting.

The diet plan was created by nutritionist Amanda Ursell and features in the new Happy Body app.

Having the freedom to choose what you eat as part of the life-changing diet regime, appears to have certainly contributed to her happiness.

"If people are wanting to lose weight there's no restrictions they can still have their cheats and treats like sweets and alcohol, it's all about understanding the calories so everything is in moderation and portion control Alexandra told The Mirror in a recent interview.

"It's all about understanding what you're consuming and not focusing too much on the scales. It's about calories in and calories out, it's really simple and you can still enjoy all the foods you like and there are some beautiful recipes on there,"

In her new fitness app, The Happy Body, users have access to ten minute daily fitness videos which will help users get their bodies into shape, and fast.

Although the workouts are a mere ten minutes long, budding users shouldnt be deceived by their length.

The High Intensity Interval Training will work all parts of your body and will leave you aching.

Alexandra recently explained in her blog on OK! Magazine, that this type of HIIT training has the same benefits as an hour of cardio.

Enough of the self indulgent bikini shots.... she admitted alongside a stressful-looking selfie.

This is really what I look like after doing my Happy Body plan HIIT workouts. SCHWEATINGGGGG! You get what you work for - not what you wish for! Have a fabulous Saturday gang!!

When Alexandra began her fitness journey, she explained that her motivation came from wanting to feel better.

I set out on this journey to feel better; I suffered with anxiety, I was unfit, I craved that discipline that Id had all throughout my childhood from dancing, I was reactive to things and people unnecessarily, she shared on social media.

So I decided to make changes (which is all in my plan) and start healing from within, which in turn has got me the results both physically and mentally.'

Although a changing mindset comes alongside a tough workout routine, she explained to followers that the mental growth was completely life changing even though her body was changing too.

One tip she shares with fans is using numbers instead of words of encouragement, is to use numbers. For Alexandra, it was a simple 3, 2, 1 countdown whenever she was getting frustrated or tired.

When I had to pause, I would literally stop and count myself down and reset and then go!

Speaking to The Mirror, Alexandra explained how she hopes to spread her mindset among other people.

"I've got so much more energy now that I can motivate myself and I feel confident to inspire others now and want to share this amazing feeling with someone else.

The whole point of the app is being able to feel comfortable in your own home where you don't feel overwhelmed and Aaron is there to get you in the right mindset, it's supposed to be really fun and encouraging and to get people to the best versions of themselves.

No surgery. No Lipo. No quick fads. No detox teas. Just effort, consistency, knowledge and application, Alexandra recently wrote.

There is no quick fix to achieving Alexandras stunning transformation but she is proof that the benefits outweigh the hard work, especially when it comes to achieving happiness and body confidence all in one.

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Alexandra Cane's jaw-dropping weight loss down to quick workouts and positive thinking -

Best breakfast for easy weight loss – eat this protein-fuelled food to lose weight fast – Express

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 9:48 pm

The best weight loss breakfast food is the might egg. Eaten boiled, poached, scrambled or fried, eggs offer endless variety and are filling and nutritious, making them an excellent choice for dieters.

One large egg is only about 78 calories, making it a lower calorie option, even with veggies and cooking oil added.

An omelette, for example, would use three large eggs, making 240 calories.

Add in even a large portion of vegetables, and slimmers are looking at 300 calories.

Sensible use of oil or butter - say one teaspoon - adds about 50 calories to the meal.

READ MORE: Weight loss: Replace belly fat with lean abs with these top tips from celebrity PT

It is not just the low calorie profile of eggs that makes them a great choice for starting the day.

They are also very filling, meaning those who eat them are less likely to reach for a sugary snack mid-morning.

Eggs are filling thanks to their high protein content. Protein is known to reduce appetite and increase fullness - the holy grail for dieters.

The Satiety Index also shows eggs rank highly. The index shows how successful foods are at keeping people full and reduce calories later on.

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Eating eggs is thought to boost metabolism, which is incredibly helpful for those attempting to lose weight.

This quality is thought to work in eggs because they contain all of the essential amino acids in the right ratios, allowing the body to easily use the protein in them.

A high protein diet has been proven to boose metabolism by up to 100 calories a day, thanks to a process called the thermic effect of food.

This is the energy required by the body to metabolise food, and is higher for protein then fat or carbs, meaning high protein foods such as eggs help burn more calories.

There have been numerous studies showing the positive effects of eating eggs versus other popular breakfast food.

One study followed overweight women eating eggs or bagels. The results showed that eating eggs instead of carb-heavy bagels increased their fullness and saw them consume fewer calories over the next 36 hours.

Similarly, a study following men eating eggs or bagels showed a reduction in calorie intake over the next 24 hours.

The study also showed the egg choice caused a more stable blood glucose and insulin response, and also supressed ghrelin, the hunger hormone.

Eggs can be prepared as a frittata, an omlette, a tortilla, baked, scrambled, fried, poached or boiled.

While eggs are one of the best sources of protein, there are others slimmer can try at breakfast.

Smoked salmon is popular, as are other fishes such as mackerel. Meat eaters may also like baked ham in the morning.

Those wanting to go down the simple route could try a protein shake.

Follow this link:
Best breakfast for easy weight loss - eat this protein-fuelled food to lose weight fast - Express

RUMOUR HAS IT: The secret to Adele’s astonishing weight loss – Euro Weekly News

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 9:48 pm

The secret to Adeles astonishing weight loss appears to be a recipe of healthy eating, magic crystals,physical exercise, and banning sugar from her diet altogether.

The 31-year-old chart topping starhas left fans desperate to know her weight loss tips after dropping an incredible seven stone over the past couple of years.

However, it would seem a healthy diet and exercise are not the only ingredients to success here as hypnotherapy and the magic power of crystals are also said to have contributed to the stars glowing new figure.

Last weekend, fans were left doing a double take as a slimline Adele wasspotted splashing around on the beaches of Antiguaas she enjoyed a winter break with fellow British stars Harry Styles and James Corden.

Adeles images on the beach are being widely commented on social networks, where they have quickly gone viral. In some of them we can see her in the company of Harry Styles and James Corden , two Britons doing well in the United States, with whom he has established a good friendship with.

She also took to her Spanish twitter account to share pictures of her on a beach in the carribean, a recent holiday she took accompanied fellow Brits Harry Styles andJames Corden.

But without a doubt, the striking thing about the photos is how thin Adele looks.The English mediasay that her physical transformation is due 90% to a change in dietwhere she has completely eliminated sugar from her diet (admitting she has a sweet tooth) and pastries, among many other foods.

Fans love the new look, this new fitter figure of Adele, but there are those who believe that it has been a very rapid metamorphosis and that it could be dangerous for her health.At the moment, she is delighted with her weight loss and her life as a separate woman.

Go here to see the original:
RUMOUR HAS IT: The secret to Adele's astonishing weight loss - Euro Weekly News

Slimming World star lost 7 stone – and five years on he still looks great – Cornwall Live

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 9:48 pm

An inspirational slimmer has shared some words of advice after he lost a staggering seven stone with Slimming World.

When he was younger, Haydn Knight lacked confidence and his weight held him back from doing the things he wanted to do. Now he is a different person.

Haydn joined his local Slimming World group in St Austell and through diet and exercise he met his target weight and went on to join the Royal Navy.

Five years on and Haydn still looks incredible. He has kept off six stone and lives a much healthier and happier lifestyle.

He now lives in Truro with his girlfriend and after serving four years in the Navy has a new job with Network Rail.

Haydn credits the support he received at Slimming World for his amazing transformation.

Passing on some words of encouragement to help others hoping to shed a few pounds after Christmas, he said: "My advice would be to enjoy it, dont go seeking a quick fix or rush it. The weight loss journey is the easy bit looking back its the maintaining thats hard.

"At Slimming World there is a strong group of people looking to help you out and to encourage you to reach your targets, for me having the support in class encouraged me to do well.

"You share stories and recipes and its a really good atmosphere.

"First joining at 21 stone I was very shy and nervous but all the consultants are great and put you at ease.

"There are foods that you will like, there are so many tasty healthier alternatives to use so a lot of your favourite meals can be made and enjoyed."

This is Haydn's story that he shared with Slimming World when he was 22.

When I left school aged 16, I weighed around 20st. My weight problem had started when I was 12 and moved to Cornwall after my parents separated. Perhaps part of it was living in a house full of boys: Id always pile my plate up quickly before my brothers could wolf down all the food. Neither they, nor my mum or stepdad, had issues with their weight, though. I was also obsessed with playing on my games console and would sit for hours snacking and gaming.

After leaving school I enrolled on a sports course at college, but I soon dropped out because I didnt feel confident. I joined another course at a catering college, then quit that one for the same reason. I didnt know what I wanted to do with my life and always felt that my weight was holding me back.

People would tease me about my size in what they thought was a friendly way. The truth was that I was touchy about my body and would cry about it in private. The more people told me to lose weight, the more I gave up even trying.Working at a fast-food restaurant really didnt help.

Ive always cared about my appearance Id have loved to wear designer clothes like my friends. However much effort I made to look good, I had no confidence at all.And, although I socialised with friends, I wouldnt chat a girl up in a bar. I was single until I met my now ex-girlfriend at work.

It was she who introduced me to Slimming World. She mentioned that she was going and asked me if Id like to join her. Ill admit I thought it was a womans thing I hadnt heard of men going to slimming clubs.

I was pretty scared that first night when I opened the door I saw about 30 women there and only one or two blokes. I couldnt have been made to feel more welcome, though. When my consultant told me how much I weighed, I was shocked. She was very reassuring and told me not to worry, and just to stick to the plan for a week, get to know it and focus on all the things I could eat. I was amazed to hear that I could still have burgers as long as I made them with lean mince and I could even have chips!

I went home that first night 100% determined to have a great week. I made Slimming World roast gammon and chips, and a big roast dinner, and introduced foods that we didnt usually buy, things like courgettes and asparagus.

Three months later I went on holiday to Greece, and forgot all about Food Optimising! I drank beer and ate lots of bread and when I got back Id put on 8lbs. I wasnt disheartened I got straight back on plan and the next week Id lost those 8lbs.

From then on, I lost a steady 2-3lbs every week. Id started my weight-loss journey with a 44ins waist and by the end of it I was wearing size 32ins. My boss got fed up with me asking for new uniforms...

See more picture's of Haydn's transformation by scrolling through the gallery below

Just before Christmas that year my girlfriend broke up with me. I was heartbroken, and realised that I could go one of two ways: I could comfort eat and pile all the weight back on, or I could stay focused and get on with my life. I chose the latter, and now I honestly think the break-up was the best thing that could have happened. I vowed that Id do three things: get to my target weight, pass my driving test and apply for a job in the Royal Navy.

I knew Id have to do a mile-and-a-half run for my Navy fitness test.Id always played rugby, even at my biggest, though Id barely last a whole game and certainly never did any sprinting. So I decided it was time I began running as well. When I went to the Navy careers office to sign up, I just scraped in under their weight limit, so I knew Id have to get fitter and slimmer to pass the medical test six months later.

I spent those six months building up my fitness, and had my medical on 26 June, the same week as my 22nd birthday. I even sacrificed going out to celebrate because I wanted to feel my best on the day. Id applied to be a weapon engineer a very hands-on, physical job, so you have to be fit. When I found out Id passed, I was really excited.

Just over a month later, in August, I reached my target weight. Id been aiming for my 7st award, and it was a brilliant feeling to be told Id made it. The difference in the way I look is so noticeable that people dont recognise me. Even my dad, who lives in Birmingham and hadnt seen me for six months, walked straight past me in a hotel lobby!

Looking back, I still cant quite believe the way I used to eat, or how quickly I could change my life. Today, I have filling, nutritious food, Ive given my games console to my younger brother and I go to the gym pretty much every day to hit the weights. I keep my biggest jeans in my wardrobe, just to remind me why I never want to go back to my old habits.

My mum is so proud of what Ive achieved. She says my confidence has soared and that Ive become a different person. Shes right! Two years ago I thought Id hit a dead end; now my future is looking brighter than ever.

Slimming World star lost 7 stone - and five years on he still looks great - Cornwall Live

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