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How to lose weight & get fit in 2020 like this guy who lost 22 kgs by making these 6 changes in his routine – GQ India

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:42 am

If youve vowed to lose weight and get fit in the New Year then were here to applaud your decision and also help you get started on this path by bringing you 39-year-old Rohit Singhs inspiring weight loss journey from 106 kgs to 84 kgs.

Says Rohit, Two things convinced me to commence my weight loss journey. 1: I couldn't outrun my 7-year-old son in a race. 2: Being told by my doctor that my blood tests suggest I have high lipid profile, obesity, vitamin D deficiency, low immunity, high inflammation, high blood sugar and insulin resistance. I weighed 107 kgs at this point and wasnt ready to start relying on life-long medications for my problems. I decided to whip myself in shape and rid my body of whatever I could naturally."

Consequently, I started focussing on myself and took the below simple and sustainable baby steps to lose weight. And with time, my body also started to heal itself. This inspired me so much that I went on to become a certified international integrative nutrition health coach and also a functional medicine for coaching.





Deep breathing: I invested 15-20 minutes deep breathing to ensure my cellular metabolism is high and more ATP is generated.


Ensure motions are clear: I introduced chia seeds and triphala in my diet.


QUICK READ: 20 easy weight loss tips, diet hacks and workout routines to help you get started

In line with the last step, Rohit elaborates that every individual is unique and requires a diet plan thats best suited with their goals. However, to help you start eating healthy, he expedites his diet plan below.

Id start my day with an apple, after following a 12-hour intermittent fast. In the next 12 hours, Id eat fruits, raw salads and green juice made from wheat grass.

My lunch would comprise brown rice (small portion) with legumes or lentils and salad. Dinner comprised a variety of water-rich vegetables with some protein. After following this diet pattern for a while, I moved on to a whole-foods plant based diet and also included lemon water in my diet and 2 cups of green tea.Apart from eating healthy, Rohit also followed the below weight loss exercise regime.

I started walking daily. After my vitamin D levels improved, I started jogging. Slowly, I added stretching and weight training to this daily routine as well.

"I follow these 6 principles: finger, fork, feet, sleep, stress and love. I think that they are great tips to keep in mind for anyone whos trying to lose weight."

Finger: No smoking

Fork: Watch what you eat

Feet: Movement, walk, run or swim

Sleep: At least 6-7 hours

Stress: Accept and let go of things that are not in your hand

Love: Spend time with family vs staying glued to the TV or mobile

Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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How to lose weight & get fit in 2020 like this guy who lost 22 kgs by making these 6 changes in his routine - GQ India

Bounce back from this loss – The Tribune

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:42 am

Dr Karnika Tiwari

Pregnancy loss can be a traumatic experience for any woman. It can leave many physical and emotional consequences in its wake. Suffering such a loss, no matter what stage of pregnancy it was in, is hard and a return to normal life after a miscarriage can cause be stressful. However, it is possible to restore your bodys physical and emotional strength and resume a regular life by paying attention to your diet and workout routine.

After a miscarriage or MTP, you need to give your body time to recuperate from the shock it has experienced.

The miscarriage may still cause your body to experience fatigue, nausea and related hormonal symptoms.

Routine checkups with your doctor and physical examinations aside, need to make some lifestyle changes to return to a healthy body and perhaps even consider conceiving again.

Eat right

Taking care of your diet and nutrition is extremely crucial to help you recover emotionally and physically. A balanced diet with all essential nutrients can help you chart a path to physical recovery easily. Iron-rich foods such as spinach, brinjal, lentils, sesame seeds, beans, red meat and fish are a must in your diet to prevent iron deficiency. If you have suffered extreme blood loss, get yourself tested for anaemia. If necessary your physician will prescribe iron supplements.

If the pregnancy loss was at an advanced stage, you will need to supplement calcium in your diet as during pregnancy the bodys calcium reserves are used for the foetus growth.

Hence, include calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables and dry fruits such as figs in your daily diet

Protein-rich foods are a must to enhance cell repair in the body after a pregnancy loss. Consume lean protein foods such as fish, rajma, moong sprouts, arhar dal, nuts, egg whites, etc. which will help your body heal.

To restore your bodys vigour and conceive again, folate-rich foods must also be part of your diet. Spinach, peas, broccoli, bhindi or okra, chickpeas, and even citrus fruits are rich in folic acid and can be consumed safely to restore the levels of folic acid in the body.

Avoid foods high in carbohydrates and low in fibre after a pregnancy loss as they may hamper your recovery. Also restrict the consumption of meat and dairy products with high fat content as these cause inflammation in the body and can increase pain after a miscarriage.

Exercise for energy

Some women may experience few postpartum symptoms, depending on the pregnancy stage when the miscarriage happened. Exercise can be a good solution to beat these blues and restore physical and mental strength but do not over exhaust yourself. You may also resume exercise/gym a few days after your pregnancy loss only if you have the go-ahead from your physician. Exercise can be beneficial in helping you regain your energy and in reducing the symptoms of anxiety and stress often reported by women who faced a pregnancy loss. However, do remember the key is in taking things slow and not pushing too hard as your body is still recuperating from the painful physical and emotional changes.

Walking is the safest exercise to take up after a pregnancy loss. Begin with as much distance as you are comfortable with in the initial days and then increase the distance gradually. Walking strengthens entire body and is good for rebuilding muscle and bone strength after a miscarriage.

You can also include pelvic floor strengthening exercises and a routine to strengthen the stomach, especially lower abdomen, lower back and leg exercises in your workout routine. These exercises will help in strengthening your inner muscles and allow the tissues around the vagina to heal. Practicing pelvic floor exercises will also prepare your body for a new pregnancy and prevent another miscarriage.

Resuming to exercises can be good if you have a go-ahead from your doctor. If you are not experiencing any bleeding or cramping, you can continue with your regular workout routine.

If you are still bleeding after your pregnancy loss or are feeling bloated, you can practice yoga as part of your exercise and wellness routine. Yoga can help you find emotional and physical harmony, enabling you to relax and also strengthen your body. These are a few asanas that can be practised after a pregnancy loss. These will strengthen pelvic floor, abdomen, back and legs etc. Gently practise supta baddha konasana (reclining bound angle pose), vajrasana (thunderbolt pose), bidalasana/marjaryasana (cat/cow pose), parsvakonasana (side angle pose), utkata konasana (goddess pose), utkatasana (chair pose ), setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge pose), supta baddha konasana (reclined cobblers pose) and last but not the least shavasana.

A pregnancy loss is a time of emotional and physical upheaval but you can recover from it with a little determination and the support of your loved ones. Time is a healing factor, so hold yourself together and take time to move to new beginnings, with a healthy mind and body.

The writer is an obstetrician and gynaecologist, Motherland Hospital, Noida

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Bounce back from this loss - The Tribune

How to lose visceral fat: Best oil to cook with if you want to reduce harmful belly fat – Express

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:41 am

Carrying excess visceral fat that sticks around important organs, such as the liver, pancreas and intestines increases the risk of long-term, life-threatening medical conditions. These include:

Another experiment focused on obese men who took coconut oil daily for 12 weeks.

Results showed that the men lost an average of 1.1 inches (2.86 cm) from their waists without intentionally changing their diets or exercise routines.

It must be noted that although visceral fat is found within the body, there is still a correlation between the harmful belly fat on the inside and the circumference of a person's waist.

One four-week study observed 20 obese adults who took two tablespoons (30ml) of coconut oil every day and found that the waist circumference in males were significantly reduced.

The NHS stresses that regardless of your height or body mass index (BMI), its important to measure the waist to check if youre

carrying too much body fat around your stomach.

The Heart Foundation adds that your waist measurement is an indicator of the level of internal fat deposits which coat the heart, kidneys, liver, digestive organs and pancreas.

How to measure your waist:

Your health is at risk if your waist size is:

For anybody measuring up as high risk, its advisable to visit your GP to discuss your health and possible lifestyle changes.

Although coconut oil has been proven to help reduce waist circumference and visceral fat, its important for your health to perform a moderate amount of exercise.

To be specific, regular aerobic exercise is the best way to combat harmful belly fat and comes with a host of other healthy benefits too.

Aerobic exercise can include: swimming, brisk walking, running and cycling.

The NHS states that regular exercise can lower your risk of early death by up to 30 percent.

Thats because one life-enhancing benefit of moving the body is that it slashes the chances of developing major illnesses.

How to lose visceral fat: Best oil to cook with if you want to reduce harmful belly fat - Express

I chased lemurs around Madagascar to help stave off their extinction – Massive Science

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:41 am

In 2019, Massive Science covered some ground. We wrote about climate change killing off biodiversity, galaxies eating one another, parakeet mate selection, and on and on. We polled the Massive staff for their favorite stories of the year, both in what we worked on and in the outside world. But first, our top five most popular articles of the year:


After another devastating intergovernmental report on wildlife loss, Cassie Freund wrote this urgent call for action. It's the very real end of the world, why isn't anyone acting?


Neuroscience is Massive's bread-and-butter, so Claudia Lopez-Lloreda's story on fish giving up and the brain cells responsible checked a lot of boxes. Next time you quit on something, you'll know who's at fault.


"Unexpected science" is another angle our writers have gotten serious mileage out of, and Darcy Shapiro's article on gorilla teeth, snacks, and how that changes human history is a classic of the genre.


Definitely another "unexpected science" entry, Molly Sargen's story combined math, bridge building, and breakfast food. Now we know our audience likes that and more breakfast food science will be coming in 2020.


It's got it all: space and a vague sex angle. What more could you want? You might say that Mackenzie Thornbury's article went viral. We won't though.

Sometimes though, what we think is cool and what you all think is cool doesn't match up. We're not mad about though, we know disagreement is natural. Not mad at all. Here are our personal faves that we think you should give a second shot. No pressure though!

Or, as it was more affectionately known in the Slack channel:

Another Cassie Freund work on the actual human effort to get around conservation efforts that other humans are employing to save the planet.

"Connecting brains" is a sub-genre of our normal neuroscience work and Jordan Harrod wrote one of the best ones we've ever seen.

Yeah, the science is cool, the writing is great, but you know what really spiced up Luyi Cheng's debut article? The gifs.

We love all Our Science Heroes equally, but there's something about du Chtelet. If a man had had her adventurous, influential life that included standing on Newton's shoulders and having Voltaire as a kept man, there'd be movies made about that man's life. This is our pitch for a du Chtelet biopic. Hollywood, please call us.

Excerpt from:
I chased lemurs around Madagascar to help stave off their extinction - Massive Science

Executive SpotlightJohn Halamka on his move to Mayo Clinic and what excites him about the future of health IT – FierceHealthcare

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:41 am

John Halamka, M.D. has got to bethebusiest person in healthcare.

He's a recognized health IT executive, a practicing emergency room physician, a public policy expert, Harvard professor, speaker, and advocate for the industry.

He leads technology initiatives at some of the most respected healthcare organizations in the countryat Beth Israel Lahey Health for 20 years and now at Mayo Clinic.

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On Jan. 1, Halamka took on the job ofpresident of Mayo Clinic Platform in Rochester, Minnesota to lead the hospital'sdigital healthand artificial intelligence projects.

He also runs a farm, like a real working farm. Along with a cidery and a winery.

Halamka and his wife, Kathy Halamka, founded the Massachusetts animal rescue organizationUnity Farm Sanctuaryin 2016. It'shome to 250 animals as well as a working farm with 30 acres of agricultural production.

And Halamka says he is as passionate about his alpacas, miniature horses, cows, and pigs as he is about health IT. Each rescue has a special story. That includes Dudley,a ScottishHighland Bull who has become a big attraction and now has 6,000 followers on Facebook.

FierceHealthcare was able to catchwith Halamka back in December to chatabout his move to Mayo Clinic, what most excites him about the future of healthcare technology,and what will happen to his beloved farm.

FierceHealthcare: What is the Mayo Clinic Platform?

John Halamka:The idea is this: if you look at the next fiveyears, there's going to be more use of machine learning and big data, especially as we embrace more personalized medicine and precision medicine, and there's going to be more Internet of Things, connected devices and more mobile apps. All of this done in the context of bullet-proof privacy and security and every healthcare system is asking, 'How are you going to do that?'

Healthcareis in the middle of a transformation, with business models, reimbursement and workflow. Gianrico Farrugia, the CEO of Mayo Clinic, developed a2030 strategic plan for Mayo and he said, 'We need platforms.' The idea is this: What if thisplatform of technology, policies, and people were able to radically shorten the time to evaluate emerging companies and create an "innovation factory"forcollaboration? The platform will havecomponents that can be reused for many kinds of innovations.

My role is running the digital health care businesses for Mayo with the goal of ensuring thatwe have regularized and high-quality components so we can embrace innovation and business model changes quickly and safely.

FH: What kind of initiatives will you be working on?

JH: Let's look at the experience of arranginghome hospital care for an aging parent. I did it for my father and the healthcare system was notquite ready for it. What would a home healthcare platform look like? Itwould have things likethe capacity to deliver medications in the home, a monitor in the home, blood pressure or glucometers, and services delivered to the home such as supplies.Some of those resources will be supplied by third parties. So how do we ensure that all third parties can plug into a common set of technological resources?

That's where platform components come into play, with policies and privacy and security built in to determine who can see what data and how you can use it. We can build a clinical data platform for home healthcare and help toinform the care of patients in the future.

FH: What most excites you about the potential for technology to improve healthcare?

JH:My father-in-law, my daughter,and my wife. We had to set up home hospital care for my father-in-law who had pancreatic cancer, and it was very difficult to set that up.In my work at Mayo, if we can create quality and safe care at home, that will be,in effect,my tribute to my father-in-law and his experience.

My daughter is 26 and when she's hungry she can use the Grubhub app on her phone to order food, but she told meher doctor wants herto fax her medical records. If I can enable a platform so that my daughter's healthcareexperience from her phone or IoT device or wearableisnear that from any other industry, that's atribute to my daughter.

My wife was diagnosed withstage 3 breast cancer in 2011. Back then, I had to mine the data to figure out the best treatmentwith the least side effects. Every cancer patient should have the benefit of that kind of personalized medicine. To be ableto inform the future care of cancer patients, that's a tribute to my wife to work on that.

FH: With your move to Mayo, what will happen to Unity Farm?

JH: I'll be inRochester four days aweekand will fly back on weekends. Thefarm and 250 animals willstay in Massachusetts.

FH: How do you find the time to do all this?

JH:I've been vegan for 25 years. It works for me and gives me20 hours aday ofenergy where you dont have the high highs or low lows and don't have that feeling of being sleepy after a meal. Thevegan diet and lifestyle help. I dont drink a lot of alcohol or a lot of caffeine.

And there's nothing like a farm, where you have to get up a 4 a.m and shovel manure. That will getyou fit. And itkeeps you humble.

Continue reading here:
Executive SpotlightJohn Halamka on his move to Mayo Clinic and what excites him about the future of health IT - FierceHealthcare

Actor Ethan Suplee reveals weight loss in ‘American Glutton’ podcast – TODAY

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:41 am

Ethan Suplee kicked off the new year by revealing his weight loss transformation on social media, leaving fans stunned at the change.

The 43-year-old actor is opening up about his weight loss journey in a new podcast, in which he talks to guests and experts on various health and fitness topics.

In the debut episode of his podcast, American Glutton, Suplee goes into detail about his personal weight gain and weight loss over the past 20 years and how he has made it to where he is now.

The My Name is Earl actor revealed that his unhealthy relationship with food started around the time he was 5 years old, when his grandparents began to limit the food they gave him.

By the time he was 10, Suplee weighed more than 200 pounds, prompting his father to put him on a diet. Eventually, Suplee's mother pulled him off the diet but this sparked more years of weight gain. Suplee says on the podcast that he estimates that he's gained and lost nearly 1,000 pounds and "done all the diets."

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I had this idea now that food was something that people didnt want me to have, he recalled, after his grandparents expressed concerns about his weight. So if I wanted to have more, I needed to do it privately, and it became something that I was withholding from people.

Suplees binge eating habit followed him into his adolescent years.

I kind of didnt think about weight loss again until I was 20, he revealed. It just wasnt something I thought about.

By the time he was in his twenties, Suplee says, "I was numbing myself out with food, alcohol and drugs."

The Boys Meets World actor revealed his weight gain posed challenges, particularly when it came to flying in airplanes. "I remember once I got a seat belt extension and even with the seat belt extension, I couldn't get it closed. I'd always buy two seats."

After being set up with a Beverly Hills doctor by a friend, Suplee said he started a new diet, eating small cans of tuna with a single cracker and only drinking water.

I guess I enjoyed having lost weight, but it wasnt my decision, so it was just something I was doing, he revealed.

Suplee got sober in 2002 but his weight continued to fluctuate. At his heaviest, Suplee says he was 530 pounds and at his lowest, he was 220 pounds.

Despite his dramatic weight loss and dropping hundreds of pounds, Suplee says he it hasn't been easy to book more acting jobs after "My Name Is Earl" was cancelled in 2009.

At some point I was like, Well f---, Im just gonna get fat again because maybe itll be better for work,' he revealed. And honestly, it was.

But this year, Suplee isn't interested in gaining all of his weight back. Now, his goal is to reexamine his perspective on food and get a six-pack. "I have my vain goal. I'm going after that. I want to dead lift twice my weight."

Fans can follow along as he chronicles his journey on the "American Glutton" podcast and discusses trends with health and wellness experts.

View original post here:
Actor Ethan Suplee reveals weight loss in 'American Glutton' podcast - TODAY

A kinder New Year’s weight loss resolution | Columns – Weatherford Democrat

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:41 am

It is OK everyone breathe. It is here again the beginning of a New Year and countless resolutions or goals to lose weight. Remember that our weight loss journeys are honorable pursuits and a great way to care for our health and ourselves. Here are some things to keep in mind if you are planning to take off pounds this year.

How much do I need to lose? We know that even as little as 5% of body weight loss is shown to reduce risks of chronic disease like Type II diabetes and heart disease. For someone that is 200 pounds thats 10 pounds of weight loss. That amount is realistic, attainable and very likely to improve your health. More importantly, you show yourself that you are capable of weight loss, that those changes you made to your lifestyle, like avoiding high calorie beverages and upping your fruits and veggies, can make a difference.

Resolve to be specific. Everyone is different, but we know that extra calories will cause anyone to gain weight. Therefore, finding a way to reduce your calorie intake should be specific to your habits and taste preferences. Replacing high calorie drinks with water, cutting restaurant portions in half and avoiding sides like fries or chips are specific and can help if these are part of your everyday routine, but they might not apply to everyone. In that case, take a good and honest look at your food habits and make some substitutions or reductions. If skipping fries is a non-starter then you can reduce the portion size or plan to balance them out throughout the day.

Be patient This isnt quick and can be a long effort. Half a pound of weight loss in a week is fantastic progress, especially for those that are small in stature or older. Half a pound a week might not seem like a lot, but that amounts to 2 pounds of weight loss each month. In five months, that will turn into 10 pounds of body weight loss. Think about that. If someone had told you at the beginning of August that you could lose 10 pounds by the beginning of the year, you would be thrilled.

That slow, realistic and consistent change is the reason that Step Up Scale Down lasts 12 weeks. Step Up Scale Down is a New Year weight loss program provided by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. It covers the basics of a balanced and portioned plan of eating that encourages fruits and vegetables and personal physical activity goals. The program also provides encouragement and accountability in a group setting for the community or worksites. Also available is an online version starting at the beginning of the year to use at your own pace. Visit for more information. If you are interested in participating in a Step Up Scale Down class in Parker County, contact the Parker County Extension Office at 817-598-6168.

Kathy Smith is a Texas A&M AgriLife extension agent.

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A kinder New Year's weight loss resolution | Columns - Weatherford Democrat

Intermittent Fasting Offers Benefits Beyond Weight Loss, Article Suggests – Everyday Health

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:41 am

Each new year brings fresh proclamations about the best ways to lose weight and get healthier. Theres a lot of hype around extreme diets that have little research to support them, but an article published in December 2019 in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that one popular approach intermittent fasting (IF) may be worth considering.

Research findings suggest that there are many changes that occur in the body and brain in response to IF that can improve health and protect against chronic diseases, says study coauthor Mark Mattson, PhD, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.

[Benefits] include improved glucose regulation, reduced blood pressure and resting heart rate, reduced inflammation, and improved muscle health, Dr. Mattson says.

In the article, researchers examined results from studies in animals and humans that focused on how IF may impact health markers such as metabolism and how IF may slow or reverse aging and disease.

RELATED: 6 Types of Intermittent Fasting: Which Is Right for You?

IF is an eating pattern [that] includes extended time periods during which no or very little food and caloric beverages are consumed, Mattson says.

There are many types of IF, but Mattson sees these practiced most frequently:

Several animal studies and some preliminary research in humans have shown that alternating between times of fasting and eating may support cellular health, probably by triggering an age-old adaptation to periods of food scarcity called metabolic switching, according to studies cited in the new article.

This switch happens when cells use up their stores of readily accessible glucose, or sugars, and begin converting fat into energy in a slower metabolic process. It normally takes about 16 hours without food for metabolic switching to occur, Mattson says.

During fasting, the liver converts fatty acids into ketones, a type of fuel released into the bloodstream when stores of glucose run out. Ketones also regulate the activity of many proteins and molecules that are known to influence health and aging.

As part of this process, IF triggers a stress response that increases the bodys antioxidant defenses against free radicals that damage cells and tissues, boosts DNA repair, removes damaged proteins, and curbs inflammation, animal studies have found. These processes can slow aging and are suppressed in people who overeat, researchers note in the article.

Time-restricted feeding (a form of intermittent fasting) has been shown to reprogram age-related pathways in our genes and may have an out with the old, in with the new effect on our cells and cell machinery, says Felicia Steger, PhD, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Steger was not involved with the current article.

Fasting gives our cells and tissues a break from processing and storing calories, and allows time to repair and regenerate, Steger says.

RELATED: Intermittent Fasting Puts Type 2 Diabetes in Remission in 3 Men

Decades of animal studies have linked calorie restriction and IF directly to an increased life span in mice and rats, but results in animals have been mixed, and there arent long-term studies in humans.

Both animals and humans have experienced improved physical function with IF that might also contribute to longevity, according to the article.

For example, mice with similar weight in one referenced study published in December 2014 in Cell Metabolism had more running endurance with IF than with unlimited access to food. And in another study published in October 2016 in the Journal of Translational Medicine, young men who fasted 16 hours a day lost fat while maintaining muscle mass during two months of resistance training.

If may also help slow aging processes in the brain, some research in animals and people suggests.

Studies in animals show that IF improves cognition, with gains in things like spatial memory, which is needed for navigation and recalling where things are located; associative memory, which is needed to understand the relationships between unrelated things; and working memory, which is needed for reasoning. IF also appears to reverse the negative effects of obesity, diabetes, and inflammation on spatial learning and memory in animals.

In a clinical trial published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, older adults improved verbal memory with IF. In another study of older adults with mild cognitive impairment, published in March 2016 in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, IF was associated with improvements in verbal memory, executive function, and global cognition after 12 months. And a separate clinical trial published online in April 2019 in CNS Spectrums found that two years of daily calorie restriction led to better working memory.

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, the article suggests IF may modify risk factors associated with obesity and diabetes, says Mattson.

Six short-term studies of overweight and obese adults have found that IF works as well as standard diets for weight loss specifically.

Two studies found that IF is associated with a reversal of insulin resistance, the bodys failure to respond normally to the hormone insulin, which is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes.

RELATED: 12 Possible Intermittent Fasting Benefits

While many human studies in the article have had encouraging results, much of the research cited is from studies that are too small and too brief to draw broad conclusions about long-term outcomes, the article authors caution.

We dont have long-term studies looking at adherence, which we know is absolutely key to successful lifestyle change, says Steger.

We also dont have nuanced results to individualize recommendations or clinical care, Steger adds. For instance, we dont know if healthy individuals gain any benefit to restricting the eating window in terms of preventing disease.

Its also important to keep in mind that IF does not give you permission to binge on pizza, doughnuts, cheeseburgers, and hot fudge sundaes.

While intermittent fasting can lead to modest weight loss, changing when you eat is probably not as effective as changing what you eat because losing weight ultimately depends on eating fewer calories than your body needs, Steger says. Intermittent fasting can lead to modest weight loss alone but will be more effective when combined with traditional weight management recommendations to reduce calories and increase exercise.

Fasting may also work best when paired with healthy eating habits, like a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish, and unsaturated fats. Meanwhile, other people may combine IF with the popular ketogenic diet in the hope of supercharging their weight loss, though many experts caution that research on this combined approach is lacking.

IF is not distinct necessarily from a Mediterranean diet or other eating plans, says Susan Roberts, PhD, a professor of nutrition at Tufts University in Massachusetts, and founder of the iDiet weight loss program. You can do them both together.

Its possible that IF may offer benefits even when people dont have good eating habits, but those benefits wont necessarily be significant, says Dr. Roberts, who wasalso not involved in the article.

RELATED: Intermittent Fasting May Improve Metabolic Health, Small Study Finds

Some people shouldnt try IF, including pregnant or nursing women, children, the elderly, and individuals with any history of eating disorders, says Krista Varady, PhD, a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois in Chicago. People with diabetes and some other chronic health problems should consult with a doctor before doing IF, Dr. Varady adds. (She also was not involved in the current article.)

Getting started with IF may mean tolerating side effects like headaches, nausea, constipation, and irritability, Varaday says. Most of these problems come from failing to drink enough water.

People dont realize theres so much water in foods that theyre not getting when they start fasting, and they get hangry and irritable, Varady says. If you just do eight glasses of water a day, youll probably be fine.

While no serious side effects have been seen with short-term IF regimens, little is known about the long-term outcomes.

The big question is whether it is healthy for the long term and manageable for more than a tiny percent of the population, says Roberts. There may be side effects with implications for long-term health that are not apparent for months, or even years.

For now, there are only about 25 to 30 studies of IF in humans, Varady says. Much more research is needed that follows people beyond 12 months.

Steger agrees that more long-term research is needed. The intermittent fasting field is still young, and we dont have long-term data on sustainability, nor do we have feasibility for different groups of people, Steger says. While IF may benefit many (or most) people, it may not work for everyone.

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Intermittent Fasting Offers Benefits Beyond Weight Loss, Article Suggests - Everyday Health

Allurion nets $34M to market its swallowable weight-loss balloon – FierceBiotech

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:41 am

Gastric weight-loss balloon manufacturer Allurion Technologies has raised $34 million in new funding to boost its commercialization efforts and entry into the U.S. market, pending FDA approval.

Through a securities financing and a growth capital term loan, the round was led by Novalis LifeSciences and Romulus Capital, with additional backing from IDO Investments and former Covidien CEO Jose Almeida. The loan was provided by Bridge Bank.

The former Fierce 15 winner also plans to use the proceeds to fuel its international growth as it pursues its U.S. regulatory blessing. Allurion previously completed enrolling participants in a pivotal trial of its Elipse Balloon and outpatient procedure and plans to submit its premarket application to the FDA in the next 12 months.

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We have experienced exponential growth over the past three years and with 2 billion people around the world who are overweight, we expect our rapid ascent to continue, Allurion co-founder and CEO Shantanu Gaur said in a statement.

RELATED:Allurion bumps up series C to $27M as it revs up for U.S. trial

The companys gastric balloon system is designed to be placed without surgery or anesthesia. It is swallowed as a capsule linked to a detachable catheter and is filled with liquid once it reaches the stomach. After about four months, the thin polymer balloon deflates and is passed from the body normally.

It has previously been launched in at least 25 countries in Europe, South America and the Middle East, with about 20,000 devices shippedincluding about half within the past year, according to the company.

RELATED: FierceMedTechs 2017 Fierce 15 | Allurion Technologies

Allurions cutting-edge approach to one of the worlds largest unmet medical needs has the company poised for long-term success, said Marijn Dekkers, founder and chairman of Novalis LifeSciences and former CEO of Bayer and Thermo Fisher Scientific. I believe that the companys rapid growth is further evidence that its weight loss program has an attractive value proposition for both consumers and physicians.

See more here:
Allurion nets $34M to market its swallowable weight-loss balloon - FierceBiotech

Rebel Wilson shows off weight loss: ‘ 2020 is year of health’ –

Posted: January 12, 2020 at 3:41 am

Rebels fans were impressed (Picture: Mega/PA/Instagram)

Rebel Wilson has continued to show off her weight loss and the hard work of her exercise regime and it seems her fans are pretty impressed.

The 39-year-old took to Instagram with a snap of herself donning a red top paired with shades, while her hair was styled in a half-up, half-down hairstyle.

And fans couldnt help but compliment the actress on her look, after she declared 2020 her year of health.

How did you lose weight? You look amazing, one wrote as another added: You look awesome, youve done amazingly in such a short space of time.

And others agreed, adding: You look gorgeous! Please help me get motivated! I would love to get healthy this year.

You getting slimmer and slimmer. Whats your secret? one fan questioned.

Rebel has been working hard to keep healthy after she enlisted the help of personal trainer Gunnar Peterson last year, and she recently revealed how she aims to cut down on junk food over the next 12 months.

Sharing a series of photos of herself posing on the beach, she told her Instagram followers: Okay so for me, 2020 is going to be called The Year Of Health.

So I put on the athleisure and went out for a walk, deliberately hydrating on the couch right now and trying to avoid the sugar and junk food which is going to be hard after the holidays Ive just had but Im going to do it!

Reaching out to her fans, Rebel added: Whos with me in making some positive changes this year?

The Cats star previously revealed that when she first moved to the US in 2010, she was living on tortilla chips and guacamole as she only had $60 (46) to spend per week.

Speaking on 2Day FMs Grant, Ed and Ash, Rebel explained: When I first moved to the States, I had to sell everything that I owned: my car, my computer, my apartment, everything. And I came with one suitcase, a doona [duvet] and a pillow.

And I actually lived on well I pad for a furnished apartment so I had somewhere to stay, but I lived on $60 a week, which is not much.

Id go to this supermarket called Trader Joes and get corn chips and stuff and I was surviving on corn chips and guacamole.

Tasty, but not exactly healthy.

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Rebel Wilson shows off weight loss: ' 2020 is year of health' -

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