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One change makes it more likely you will stick to a diet or fitness plan – Wales Online

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 12:43 am

Brits are more likely to stick to a healthy lifestyle change if theyre doing it with someone else.

A study of 2,000 adults found two in five plan to try a different diet or fitness routine in 2020, with 58 per cent getting a buddy to do it with them.

As a result of getting fit and healthy with a friend, 62 per cent agree they are more likely to stick with a new plan.

And one in four believe they burn off more calories when working out with a friend than they do alone.

A third of those polled in the study, commissioned by WW - Weight Watchers Reimagined, even admitted they would give up sooner without the help of another person to keep them going.

Half put the success with a partner down to feeling more motivated, 44 per cent enjoy planning meals together and a quarter prefer having someone to exercise with.

But the average adult admitted to falling out of a gym routine after 10 weeks and slipping up around eight weeks into a diet.

Zoe Griffiths, global director of nutrition at WW: Its interesting to see how much of a positive influence a partner can have on Brits sticking to diet plans and fitness routines.

Whether its giving up something together such as chocolate, or hitting milestones together like five or 10k runs, it always helps having someone else going through the same emotions.

Youre more likely to stick to a wellness commitment or diet when you do it with someone else you can lean on for support and motivation.

It helps you to be more open and honest about your diet, makes activities like working out more enjoyable and softens the fear of failure.

The study also found two thirds are planning on getting healthy with their other half, while a fifth are taking the plunge with a friend.

An eighth are even attempting to make a lifestyle change with their colleague.

A third of those polled admitted they usually need to be motivated when sticking to a health plan, with their partner considered to be the best at giving them a boost when they need it.

More than a fifth (22 per cent) also said its easier to be active if it means spending time with a relative or buddy.

And one in four find following a plan with a fitness partner both confidence boosting and fun.

A further 22 per cent said if theyre following an exercise regime with a companion they wouldnt quit even if they wanted to - because they wouldnt want to be the one to let the team down.

Similarly, three in 10 admitted to cancelling on a gym buddy in the past, which left 48 per cent feeling guilty and more than a quarter feeling lazy.

When it comes to eating, one in four prefer meal-planning with someone else rather than going it alone and 15 per cent admitted its most difficult to stick to a healthy diet when eating out with friends.

A fifth of those polled struggle with their food plans when on holiday.

Zoe Griffiths added: With the pressure of new year, new you ever prevalent, we want people to feel as though they are set-up for the best possible chance of success when it comes to achieving their wellness goals.

A unique WW insight has shown than members who join together are likely to lose up to 14 per cent more weight than those who join alone, so the results from this study make total sense.

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One change makes it more likely you will stick to a diet or fitness plan - Wales Online

Guest Op-Ed: The New Years Noise Diet: Why You Should Cut the Empty Brain Calories in 2020 – Chelsea Record

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 12:43 am

By Joe McCormack

If youre like most of us,you overindulged a bit too much in 2019. No, not on calories (well, maybe thosetoo!), but on noise. Thats the name for the dizzying onslaught ofinformation from work emails, app notifications, the 24/7 news cycle, socialmedia updates, and other forms of screen time that leaves us unable to focus,listen, or do deep work.

A smidgen of noise now andagain is okay. (We all have our guilty pleasures!) But consuming it mindlessly,all day long, is as bad as keeping a bag of chips, a monster-size soda, and acan of frosting at our desk and reaching for them every few minutes.

Too many empty braincalories wont make you fat but they will make you mentally anemic. Noise keepsyou in a constant state of distraction. And like actual junk food, a high-noisedigital diet is addictive, yet it never satisfies or nourishes you.

The real problem with givinginto noise temptation isnt what youre doing; its what youre not doing.Youre tuning out what really matters. Youre skimming the surface. When yourescrolling Facebook, for instance, you arent learning a new language, refiningthat career-changing presentation, or engaging with your kids in a meaningfulway.

The new year is the perfecttime to put yourself on a noise diet. To help with your calorie count, letstake a look at what noise junk food looks like:

The irritatingyetaddictiveparade of social media stock characters in your newsfeed. This bandof noisemakers assaults your brain with their cries for attention. Forinstance:

The humble bragger. Yourcollege rival who subtly slips into her post that she just got anotherpromotion at her swanky company. #blessed #gag

The cryptic drama-stirrer.That self-righteous friend who calls out people anonymously for perceivedslights or makes vague poor me pity posts. (Cue the wave of very concernedcommenters.)

The over-sharer. We dontneed a play-by-play of your colonoscopy. Thanks.

The drop-of-a-hat ranter. Whose day would be complete without a furiousrecounting of how the barista screwed up your nonfat, dairy-free, double-shot,decaf, extra-hot mochaccino with extra foam? The nerve!

The overly zealous kidpromoter. Yes, yes, we know Junior is the smartest, cutest, cleverest totaroundyour other 15 posts this week made that perfectly clear.

The amateur politicalpundit. Do not engagejust dont.

[emailprotected]$$ shows on TV. Youdont need to waste your precious attention span watching Jerry Springer,B-list celebrity lip-synch contests, or those morning talk shows.Substance-free television combined with the lure of a cozy couch can quicklyturn into a lost day or evening.

The 24/7 newscarousel-of-darkness. Sadly, most news is bad news, and during a controversialelection year it can also be fodder for controversy, vitriol, and the loss ofcivility with friends, family, and neighbors. (Hint: You dont need to totallydisengage, but its good to be discerning about what you let inand about howoften you engage in debates with the people in your life.)

Yourwork email. Your boss just had to email you at 9:30 p.m.again. The momentyou jump out of the bath to write back is the moment work email becomes yetanother source of noise.

Are you feeling that noisehangover settle in? Dont worry, you can kick off the new year with a differentkind of dietone that cuts the empty brain calories of digital distractionand gives you what youre really craving: a more intentional life. Join myJust Say No to Noise Movement and tip the scales in the other direction. Afew suggestions:

Try going a week withoutsocial media. (We promise, youll survive.) A short detox from social media isa pretty painless way to unplug and reclaim a lot of lost time. When the weekis over, you can see if you even want to go back to occasional scrolling.

Reduce temptation byhiding distracting devices from yourself. Okay, you probably cant hide yourcomputer but you can shut the office door. As for cell phones and tablets,treat them like what they are: gateways to digital distraction (and it is avery slippery slope). Find an out-of-the-way place to charge and store yourdevices so youre not constantly reaching for them.

Break the idiot-boxbackground noise habit. Its easy to mindlessly turn on the TV when you gethome. Problem is, its broadcasting nonstop noise into your work-free hours.Instead, plan a time to watch your favorite shows. Daily exposure to thedepressing litany of pain and conflict we call news isnt making your lifebetter. Neither is watching the Fatty McButterpants episode of King of Queensfor the 50th time. (Okay, we admit that one is pretty funny.)

Set some work/lifeboundaries with the 7-to-7 rule. The company wont crash if you stop answeringemails around the clock. After 7 p.m., put away your devices for the night.Dont pick them up again until 7 a.m.the next day.

Insist on phone-free familydinners Yes, the kids might whine at first, but soon enough theyll get usedto conversing with the out-of-touch Boomers and Karens at the table.

andscreen-free family fun days. For instance, make video games and TV completelyoff-limits every Wednesday and Friday. Yes, even if the kids swear they have nohomework. Instead, do something fun or productive as a family. Play a boardgame. Go bowling or skating. Cook a great meal together. Volunteer at the localanimal shelter. Heckmaybe even read.

Learn to save yourappetite for the stuff that really matters Your appetite is really yourattention span, and its your most precious resource. Filling up on headlines,emails, and social media means theres little left over for doing the deep andmeaningful work that helps you reach big goals at work and in your personallife. Before you cozy into an hour of lurking on your exs Facebook page, closethe laptop and find something productive to do.

and choose somemeaningful goals to pursue. When you are able to sharpen and aim your focus,you can do some pretty impressive &%$#. Want to start a website? Get abetter job? Learn to code? These North Star goals are the best incentive torethink your relationship with noise and see how your life changes.

We dont realize that veryoften our addiction to information is the thing holding us back from getting ahuge promotion, becoming valedictorian, or training for a marathon, but thatsexactly what happens as time passes. Once you think of it this way, its somuch easier to put yourself on a noise diet. Make this the year you take backyour time and use it to do something that matters.

Joseph McCormack is theauthor of NOISE: Living and Leading When Nobody Can Focus. He is passionateabout helping people gain clarity when there is so much competing for ourattention. He is a successful marketer, entrepreneur, and author. His firstbook, BRIEF: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less (Wiley, 2014), sets thestandard for concise communication.

Joe is the founder andmanaging director of The BRIEF Lab, an organization dedicated to teachingprofessionals, military leaders, and entrepreneurs how to think and communicateclearly. His clients include Boeing, Harley-Davidson, Microsoft, Mastercard,DuPont, and select military units and government agencies. He publishes aweekly podcast called Just Saying that helps people master the elusive skillsof focus and brevity.

To learn more,

Read the rest here:
Guest Op-Ed: The New Years Noise Diet: Why You Should Cut the Empty Brain Calories in 2020 - Chelsea Record

Research shows how diet is connected to mental health: Here’s all you need to know – Times Now

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 12:43 am

Research shows how diet is connected to mental health  |  Photo Credit: Getty Images

Washington DC: Researchers who have conducted a review on the relationship between a healthy diet and its relation to mental health have confirmed how a poor diet can worsen one's mental health. The research published in the peer-reviewed journal European Neuropsychopharmacology cautions that the evidence for many diets is comparatively weak.

Lead author, Professor Suzanne Dickson said: "We have found that there is increasing evidence of a link between a poor diet and the worsening of mood disorders, including anxiety and depression. However, many common beliefs about the health effects of certain foods are not supported by solid evidence".

Some links between diet and mental health are firmly established by the researchers, such as the ability of high fat and low carbohydrate diet (a ketogenic diet) which could help children with epilepsy, and the effect of vitamin B12 deficiency on fatigue, poor memory, and depression.

Mediterranean diet, that is rich in vegetables and olive oil, has also been found as a piece of good evidence for better mental health, such as giving some protection against depression and anxiety. "With individual conditions, we often found very mixed evidence", said Suzanne Dickson.

"With ADHD for example, we can see an increase in the quantity of refined sugar in the diet seems to increase ADHD and hyperactivity, whereas eating more fresh fruit and vegetables seems to protect against these conditions. But there are comparatively few studies, and many of them don't last long enough to show long-term effects," she added.

Though the study confirmed that certain foods can be associated with mental health conditions, it is not completely aware of why the food causes this effect. It concludes that the need to link mental health effects with provable dietary causes needs to be the main focus of future research in nutritional psychiatry.

Professor Dickson continued: "There is a general belief that dietary advice for mental health is based on solid scientific evidence. In reality, it is very difficult to prove that specific diets or specific dietary components contribute to mental health."

The major confirmation given by the researchers on how some foods had readily provable links to mental health, is the nutrition in the womb and in early life can have significant effects on brain function in later life. Proving the effect of diet on mental health in the general population was more difficult.

Originally posted here:
Research shows how diet is connected to mental health: Here's all you need to know - Times Now

Start of year may be time to look at diet | News, Sports, Jobs – The Inter-Mountain

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 12:43 am

The end-of-year/New Year holidays seem to whiplash us from one extreme to the other: eat, drink and be merry vs. the customary New Years resolutions: reduce social media, reduce weight, and embrace a plant-based diet!

One third of consumers already report reducing their consumption of animal foods. Hundreds of school, college, hospital, and corporate cafeterias have embraced Meatless Monday. Even fast-food chains Chipotle, Dennys, Panera, Subway, Taco Bell, White Castle are rolling out plant-based options.

A dozen start-ups, led by Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, are creating healthy, eco-friendly, compassionate, convenient, delicious plant-based meat and dairy alternatives. Meat industry giants Tyson Foods, Cargill, and Canadas Maple Leaf Foods have invested heavily in plant-based meat development. So have a number of Microsoft, Google, Twitter, and PayPal pioneers.

According to Plant-Based Foods Association, plant-based food sales have grown by 20% in recent years, ten times the growth rate of all foods. Sales of plant-based cheeses, creamers, butter, yogurts, and ice creams are exploding at a 50% growth rate. Plant-based milks now account for 15% of the milk market.

The plant-based New Years resolution requires no sweat or deprivation just some fun exploration of your favorite supermarket, restaurants, and food websites.

Iakov Mondragon


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Start of year may be time to look at diet | News, Sports, Jobs - The Inter-Mountain

How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 108 Pounds –

Posted: January 3, 2020 at 7:48 pm

Losing weight and keeping it off is a lot easier when you have expert guidance from the leader in weight loss and its supportive community. WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) just rolled out its most customized program ever, and it's poised to continue to help millions of members around the world accomplish their weight-loss and wellness goals in 2020. With myWW, each new member takes a personal assessment which matches them with a customized program that can make losing weight easier.

While many members follow and succeed on the WW program using the WW app, those who would like a little extra expert guidance and consistent support swear by the weekly WW Workshops to keep them accountable and help them stay on track. WW Coaches host weekly 30-minute Workshops at over 800 studios nationwide.

Linda Lawrence is a WW Coach at WW Studio Largo, WW Studio Pinellas Park and WW Studio Palm Harbor. (WW Coaches are all previous members who have lost weight with WW and now share their knowledge and support with WW members at weekly Workshops.) Learn more about her weight-loss journey and get inspired!

Answers have been edited for clarity and length.

Linda: In 2001, I was miserable because of my weight. I didn't want my picture taken, I didn't want to be up in front of crowds, I didn't want to buy clothes, and I didn't want to go out of the house. But my job demanded I do all of those things. I remembered how good it felt, many years before, when I lost weight with WW, and I wanted to feel that confidence around people once again.

I knew I wanted to be remembered by my grandchildren for something other than having to be helped off the floor after playing board games, etc., so I decided to return to WW. It wasn't easy to walk through the door of my first Workshop back, but had a great experience that led me to rejoin. When I rejoined and finally got on the scales, I saw was 100 pounds over my goal weight. I wanted to run, hide and cry.

But as the weeks passed and the pounds dropped, I learned I was more than a number on the scale. I also learned I was not alone, and many members have felt the same way.

After losing 108 pounds and returning to my goal weight, I knew that I wanted to work for WW because it would help me keep the weight off and remind me about everything else I gained with WW. I also wanted the world to know that WW works!

Linda: I think the versatility of the customized plans, tailored to each member's lifestyle, is what makes myWW so exciting. You are not pushed into a mold that makes us do what everyone else is doing. We are all different.

Linda: The local WW Studio is a pleasant place where we can just be ourselves. We come to learn, to gain support, to be motivated and to relax. It helps us realize that many others have felt the same way that we have felt at different times throughout our journey. We also have a weigh-in area where the scale and weigh-in are private and confidential. The guides and Coaches love what they do and love people.

Linda: Some of the things we look at are foods, nutritional values, etc. We discuss being able to develop a positive mindset and learn how to handle difficult situations. We learn how important it is for our physical health and mental health to do some form of activity. We do not have to be weight lifters or marathon runners, either we can do the things that we are physically able to do and things we like.

Linda: Probably the best tip I can give is to relax. Know when your special food-centered events are happening and do some planning. Use those ZeroPoint food options, extra Points and think about visiting with those you enjoy and not about "all that food" they expect you to eat. (WW's proprietary SmartPoints system simplifies complex nutritional information into a simple number to easily guide your eating decisions to support weight loss. ZeroPoint foods form the foundation of a healthy eating pattern, and are foods you don't have to track! Depending on your customized plan, they can include foods like chicken breast, fat-free Greek yogurt, all vegetables and more.) Eat the things you want in moderation, and know that you are OK. Ask yourself, "Is this item worth it?"

Linda: Health is something we need on a daily not seasonal basis. Staying healthy when we are not facing major changes or stress helps us to handle each of those events when they occur.

Linda: When I see the members achieve healthier lifestyles, and I see their excitement in accomplishing things that are important to them, it's hugely motivating to me. I get paid, yes, but the true payment comes from seeing growth and accomplishments by the members. Also, I love to learn, and we are constantly being fed facts, research and new findings on food and lifestyles.

Linda: My WW family is just that a family. After returning home from one of the Workshops where I was a Coach, my husband met me at the door and shared that our daughter in Oklahoma had been killed in an automobile accident. The shock and pain was only bearable because of my faith and my WW co-workers, my territory manager (Jen McTigue) and the members in my meetings.

A year later, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The doctor shared that since I was in such good health otherwise, my prognosis was very good. I thought, "Thank you, WW you have taught me that a healthy lifestyle is so important."

While recuperating, I gained 10 pounds, but it didn't take long before I felt the weight coming off. It wasn't because of me but because I trusted the program. I had the support of my church, my physical family and my WW family. I know that I can stay healthy and active, and I know that I am "worth it." I want the world to feel the same way.

WW is a weight-loss program that takes a people-focused, science-backed approach to promoting weight loss and healthy living. Its new program, myWW, is fully customized to make losing weight easier for you.

When you join myWW, you'll start with a personal assessment that asks a range of questions about your unique food preferences, activity level, lifestyle and approach to weight loss. Based on your responses, WW will scientifically match you with a customized, proven weight-loss plan that can make losing weight easier.

Every person in the WW Studio is on your side! The friendly guides and expert Coaches will quickly become your greatest motivators and sources of support to make 2020 the year you reach your weight-loss goals!

Workshops held at WW Studio locations cover topics that are relevant to weight loss, health and wellness. You can participate as much or as little as you want. There are WW Workshops during the morning, afternoon and evening, seven days a week. This gives you flexibility to attend the Workshop time/day/location that works for during any particular week and ensure your accountability network is always accessible.

Based on years of research, the WW Workshop curriculum is always evolving to bring the best science-backed techniques to help you lose weight and build healthy habits for life.

People following the WW plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs/wk.

Continued here:
How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 108 Pounds -

Focus on Healthy Habits and Realistic Goals to Lose Weight in the New Year – PGH City Paper

Posted: January 3, 2020 at 7:48 pm

Slim down. Drop a few pounds. Make my scale happy. Reverse my clothes shrinkage.

However it's worded, weight loss is one of the most common New Years Resolutions. Not surprisingly, a lot of these resolutions fail: Unrealistic goals and trendy weight programs lead to frustration and burnout with a return to original behaviors (and the same resolution the next year). Instead, the focus when trying to lose weight should be creating permanent healthy habits through realistic weight loss goals fueled by minor tweaks to everyday routines. Not only is this strategy easier to stick to but it also adds up over time and helps prevent setbacks from derailing your end goal.

What is a reasonable goal and how do you set one? Simplified, weight loss occurs when you burn more energy (calories) through activity and normal body functions than you consume through eating. A healthy weight loss goal is between 0.5 to 2 pounds per week this amounts to a calorie deficit of 1750 to 7000 calories per week or 250 to 1000 calories per day. This deficit can be achieved by either eating less (reduction of calories in), becoming more active (increase in calories out), or a combination of the two. To set a goal, first determine what you want the end result to be (lose 10 pounds), how you want to get there (diet and/or exercise), and what your weekly goal is based on how likely you are to stick to a new plan (be honest, if cutting 1000 calories per day is impossible for you, start smaller and work your way up).

To enact your new weight loss plan, focus on small changes to your daily habits to reach your daily goals. Try not to focus on your weight as it may fluctuate by 5 pounds per day based on what and when you eat and drink, if and when you exercised, and your stress levels and sleep quality. If you choose a daily weight check, do it at the same time every day, such as first thing in the morning. Adding an activity to your routine would help you quickly reach your daily deficit.

To burn 250 calories (these are estimates):

Or decrease your caloric intake by 250 calories by making some easy food choices:

So what tools can you use to help keep you on track with your weight loss plan? Health and fitness apps and other wearables can be very helpful as they can track activities and calculate energy burned; other apps log your food intake and calculate the calories you have eaten. HealthMetric is an all-in-one health and fitness app that personalizes your weight loss journey. With HealthMetrics weight loss program, you set your goal and select a strategy to meet your goal: diet, exercise, or a combination. The app provides daily feedback on your progress, shows how others with similar goals are doing, and predicts how you'll do tomorrow to keep you motivated. In addition, you can use voice commands to search and record food, drinks, and exercises from our large, curated nutritional and activity databases.

With HealthMetric, you control how to become: Healthier. Strong. Better. You.

Go here to read the rest:
Focus on Healthy Habits and Realistic Goals to Lose Weight in the New Year - PGH City Paper

Blown your resolutions already? Tips for getting what you really want. – Seattle Times

Posted: January 3, 2020 at 7:48 pm

The holiday decorations have been stowed away (right?), and now its time to look ahead to 2020. Entering the new year is an excellent opportunity to start with a clean slate and adjust some of our behaviors.

The most common New Years resolutions are wellness-related, like getting more exercise, losing weight and giving up that nightly glass of wine.

The problem with these broad resolutions is that they can feel overwhelming, and its easy to get discouraged and give up entirely when we dont see immediate results. If, instead, we opt for more specific, attainable New Years resolutions, were more likely to stick with them throughout 2020 and beyond.

We asked local experts for their tips on how to replace the common, overwhelming resolutions with more realistic ones that set us up for success. Heres what they had to say about diet, exercise and dipping into our vices in moderation.

One of the most common New Years resolutions is to start a diet, and the goal is often weight loss. But rather than focusing on a number on the scale, Christy Goff, a registered dietitian at Pacific Medical Centers in Seattle, suggests eating for energy instead. After all, each calorie is a unit of energy and eating enough calories per day is crucial to maintaining the stamina we need to go about our daily lives and engage in the physical activities we enjoy.

To eat for energy, you want to choose nutrient-dense foods to make sure your body is well-nourished, says Goff. This means maintaining a diet that includes protein, fats and carbohydrates.

Eating regular meals and snacks will regulate your blood sugar and ensure that youre consuming enough calories. Goff also recommends choosing foods that are rich in B vitamins and magnesium, such as vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Try to incorporate these foods into each meal. [They] assist in the energy production process in our bodies, she says.

Make sure youre drinking plenty of liquids throughout the day because, as Goff notes, dehydration is a common cause of fatigue and sleepiness.

Lastly, she suggests avoiding added sugars, excess caffeine and alcohol, and pre-packaged foods. Not only do they zap your energy, but they can also interfere with your sleep.

Another reason to shift your focus away from the number on the scale is because weight simply isnt the best indicator of health. We know that with healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices, we can be healthy at many sizes, says Goff. Health can be gauged more by how we feel emotionally, as well as what our blood labs and energy levels are telling us.

Furthermore, people who are not looking for a specific weight outcome tend to stick to their healthy diet habits for longer.

Getting in shape and striving for a rigid exercise regimen is another common New Years resolution. Rather than thinking of exercise as a way to lose weight or get killer abs, Cedric X. Bryant, the Redmond-based president and chief science officer at the American Council on Exercise, suggests thinking of exercise as a way to feel better mentally and emotionally especially because we kick off our resolutions during the dark and gloomy winter months.

A major benefit of exercising to boost your mood is that you feel the results almost immediately. Bryant says that youll quickly notice that youre better equipped to handle stress, youre sleeping better and your mood has improved. Getting that reinforcement so early in the process means youll be more likely to keep up your fitness regimen. In contrast, if you exercise with the goal of losing weight, it takes at least several weeks before you see any results and its easy to get discouraged and throw in the towel.

Whether its a glass (or three) of wine or eating a few cannabis edibles, its common to have a vice that we turn to after a rough day. If you feel guilty about your intake, it may seem like resolving to give up all your sinning is the perfect New Years resolution. But a more realistic resolution is to be mindful about your intake rather than attempting to give up everything forever.

Carolyn Watson, a Seattle-based mindfulness expert and certified pilates instructor at Balanced Body, explains that our vices typically trigger dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that gives us pleasure and makes us feel good. The reason most vices are labeled as such is because many of them have potentially negative side effects if theyre frequently used.

Mindfulness is easier to maintain when people understand how much power they have to choose how they get their dopamine release, says Watson. Especially when the days are short and our region is engulfed in a perpetual blanket of gray, it can be challenging to feel good without actively seeking some type of stimulating activity.

Watson notes that in the winter months, many of her clients have an increased consumption of caffeine and alcohol, drinking coffee all morning and then switching to alcoholic beverages after dark. But she recommends diversifying the ways you get your dopamine fix. Exercise, food, water and kind touch all cause the release of dopamine, says Watson.

This is where mindfulness comes in rather than consuming three cups of coffee and two glasses of wine, and eating a cheese plate for dinner, make the conscious decision to engage in a healthier activity that also releases dopamine. For example, Watson suggests taking a 30-minute walk, cuddling with a pet or having a few ounces of chocolate. Eliminating all the vices can make many people feel depressed and quite unwell, says Watson. A better strategy would be to aim for diverse and moderate dopamine triggers.

See the rest here:
Blown your resolutions already? Tips for getting what you really want. - Seattle Times

How To Stop Being Skinny Fat and Put On Lean Muscle –

Posted: January 3, 2020 at 7:48 pm

Lets face it being skinny fat sucks!

Its bad enough that both extremes are unaesthetic so just imagine combining the two in one body (ok, its not all that bad).

Well, many do walk around looking skinny, smooth and theres nothing about their physique that would indicate that they even lift (and there doesnt necessarily have to be unless this goes against your efforts and intentions). And although a lot of people couldnt be bothered to care, we here at FitnessVolt know how much you despise it and are willing to do whatever it takes to fix it.

Lets talk about skinny fat and how you can reverse it to look lean and muscular

Note: The following information pertains to both men and women who are skinny fat.

Being skinny-fat literally means youre at least somewhat in the normal body weight range with very little muscle mass and a good amount of fat covering up this little bit of muscle.

You probably know many people like this, in fact.

But if we had to lean toward either side as being more of an issue with this look itd be the lack of muscle.

So, if one were to have a decent amount under the fat, then this would undoubtedly improve the appearance of an individual who even had a little extra body fat.

For example, if you compare someone who has a decent amount of muscle to another person who has very little muscle (with all else being equal including body fat percentage), then the individual with more muscle is always going to look more impressive because he/she has the better overall body composition.

But if you have a very high amount of body fat (like more than 20%), then youre definitely going to want to burn this fat off while maintaining your muscle so that you dont add more body fat, making things worse.

Well, the good news is that you just need a little commitment to make big improvements.

There are a few different and very obvious reasons that can be the main culprit which include genetics, doing lots of cardio only/no serious weight training, excessively reducing your calories, and even dealing with chronic stress/health issues.

We do get a lot of our looks, body shape, and even body composition from our parents. Although, the last one can be changed hence the reason why were going to talk about how you can correct this.

Doing lots of cardio will definitely keep the weight off and itll strip muscle while also halting progress after a certain point. And if youre not weight training to gain or even maintain muscle mass, then fat will take its place, in the case of most healthy adults.

Then you have the evil symptoms of chronic stress which can increase cortisol (stress hormone) beyond healthy levels, therefore interfering with your bodys ability to build muscle while increasing body fat. But too much stress is just bad in general.

It can cause diseases of all sorts in the body and will wreak havoc on your health in general.

Now, as far as excessive caloric restriction in an effort to keep losing weight goes, well its just a bad idea.

By dramatically reducing the amount of calories that your body needs to run efficiently, youll mess with the normal function of your metabolism, making fat gain accumulation a natural side effect, not to mention you wont be feeding your body enough protein to maintain and build muscle.

Plus, youll be depriving your body of essential nutrients which is one of the most detrimental things you can do for your health.

And, your body will do what is needed to preserve energy, therefore, trying to lose all that weight by simply dropping most of your calories will work against you.

Most people think that when they hit a weight loss plateau, that the obvious solution would be to eat even fewer calories

But ok, by this logic, where do you go when youve lowered your caloric intake so much to where youre barely eating anything and you still havent reached your goals?

The big takeaway never think that eating like a bird is going to do anything beneficial for your body.

After all, calories are a unit of energy required for all bodily processes try driving your car with no gas (it aint going nowhere).

Since we know that skinny fat is a lack of muscle with a layer of fat over the top, the answer to this is quite simple and were going to explain exactly what is needed.

Theres no way around this one. You need to be hitting the weights or doing any form of resistance training a minimum of 3-4 days per week for at least 40-60 minutes at a time.

But you also need to be utilizing compound, multi-joint exercises to train all muscle groups efficiently. Compound movements are superior for increasing overall strength and oxygen consumption (which burns more calories) while improving general fitness. (1)

Examples of very effective compound exercises include the deadlift, squat (front or back), bench press, bent-over row, etc.

Also, for better performance and functionality we recommend focusing largely on closed-chain exercises which allow the body to move as one, in a more functional fashion and while the distal end of the extremity being worked is fixed to a solid surface. The squat, pushup, and pullup are great examples of closed-chain exercises since there are no body parts moving freely.

This allows for more muscle recruitment, better joint stability, and better neuromuscular coordination. (2)

And as a result, youre promoting muscle growth, increasing strength, improving all aspects of physical activity, and burning more calories; which is very efficient.

But you do want to include some open-chain exercises as well since you can still work multiple muscles at once and sometimes its the only option.

For instance, the bench press is considered an open-chain exercises since the distal end of where the movement originates is not fixed to a surface.

But its the creme of the crop for maximally stimulating the chest, and we havent found anything better. So, closed-chain exercises are needed and other great examples are the barbell curl, tricep extension, and dumbbell lateral raise (what would we do without these extremely beneficial movements)?

Open-chain exercises are also great for isolating a muscle for growth, strength, and developing a better mind/muscle connection, while also bringing up a weakness, and for better function of a joint (e.g. rehab purposes).

Now, we cant ignore the fact that progressive overload needs to be a weekly thing if you plan to keep building muscle. This means that you either must increase the poundages or increase the repetitions.

And well let you in on a little secret if you didnt know this before but you need to do both.

In fact, one recent study of 18 well-trained men found that both heavy/low-rep and lighter/high-rep training elicit very similar gains in muscle hypertrophy, while, of course, the heavy loads with low reps are better for strength. (3)

This study had participants train 3 times per week for 8 weeks with all variables being equal among them. And so, here we can see that an adequate stimulus for muscle growth can be achieved with muscular overload from both light/moderate and heavy resistance loads.

But even though there are many studies out there, you need to be able to listen to your body and know when to utilize either form of training.

Always going heavy is not recommended for your joints, physical structure, and nervous system. So, dont go all with maximum poundages every session. But include enough heavy training (at least once every week or two) to make consistent strength gains which is also important for growth.

For lighter load/higher rep days, try to keep the range around 20-25 and take your sets to failure for effective growth and strength improvements. And avoid doing more than 3-4 exercises per muscle group to ensure youre not overtaxing your system while also making sure youre training with a high enough intensity.

For moderate resistance training days, reps should be around 10-12.

And then for heavy days, 5-10 reps should be sufficient.

Keep your sets to about 3-4 per exercise and focus on contracting the target muscle/s rather than just moving weight.

If youre a natural lifter, train more frequently and keep the volume down to make sure youre re-stimulating each muscle to signal a growth response more often.

For example, rather than doing five exercises for chest once a week, spread your chest training sessions out over a minimum of two workouts, with three or more being the upper limit. Same with all other muscle groups.

And what this allows you to do is train with a little more volume (e.g. sets/reps) per workout than if you were to train a muscle once per week. But why is this a good thing? Doesnt overtraining exist?

It does. But multiple studies have found there to be a dose-response relationship between volume and progression, more specifically where hypertrophy is concerned. However, there is a point at which you can go too far and this isnt established yet, but a high dose of volume is better suited for the more advanced lifters. (4)

If just starting out, less is more since intensity needs to be the primary focus. So, if a beginner to training, do 5 sets per muscle group a couple times per week rather than doing 20 sets per muscle group every week.

And again, it helps to know your body and recognize the symptoms of overtraining.

Pure cardio is great for a lot of people looking to burn fat and improve endurance, and it even burns more calories than your typical weight training session.

In fact, a session of cardio can burn 100 or more calories than a weight training session of equal effort.

But, weight training has its benefits to balance this out. Muscle burns additional calories by increasing your resting metabolism (calories burned at rest) although not dramatically.

Also, weight training has been shown to burn more calories for hours following a session than cardio does due to the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), especially when doing high-intensity interval training or HIIT, which involves short bursts of activity alternated with equally long recovery periods.

Well, fast-paced weight training (HIIT) at a very high level of effort can be extremely effective for building muscle and burning calories.

One study had several overweight and obese individuals do HIIT and moderate-intensity cardio to see which was more effective for making improvements in body composition. (5)

Well, it turns out that both resulted in similar improvements and it was concluded that HIIT is an effective, time-efficient method for weight loss.

10 minutes of HIIT is plenty and 20 min a day of regular cardio is sufficient for most people.

But choose either cardio or HIIT each day and dont do both.

Now, another huge benefit of weight training as a skinny fat person is because having too little muscle mass means you can experience a recomposition.

Whats this? Well, it basically means youll be able to put on muscle and lose fat at the same time. And if youre an adult with very little muscle right now, then this can indicate a few different things

So, to remedy this, you have to implement a rather challenging resistance training program and fix your diet which leads us to the next thing

Weve already established that the last thing you want to do when skinny fat is to dramatically reduce your calories because youre not extremely overweight youre skinny fat.

But when reversing this skinny fat syndrome, you dont want to increase your calories so much at first to where youre putting on additional fat.

So, you want to make sure to increase your calories little by little each week while making noticeable improvements and then you can gauge what may need to be adjusted from there.

Its also a good idea to keep track of your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) so that youre not habitually falling back into excessive caloric restriction.

Then youll have a good base to work from.

And when you finally get to the point where your body is not recomping as much as it did before, then youll have to change up your strategy a little bit.

So, youll have to determine your maintenance calories (how many calories your body needs to maintain your current body weight), then adjust from there.

Heres our calorie calculator to make adjusting your numbers more effective for reaching your goals.

Now as far as the actual foods, sufficient protein intake from meat, dairy, and.or plant-based sources is a must for building and preserving muscle mass regardless of your goal/s.

Protein is the macronutrient that contains muscle-building amino acids and consuming plenty throughout the day is the only way to ensure youre remaining in a positive nitrogen balance; which is crucial for hypertrophy.

Check out our protein calculator to see how much you need based on your goals.

You can even be in a caloric deficit and build muscle with enough protein but itll take a bit longer to do. However, youll burn fat and look a lot more aesthetic, even if not building muscle, since youll be focusing more on preservation.

Then for carbs and fats, well, you need both but it depends on your activity levels. For instance, high-intensity training will require more carbs to ensure its being used as the main energy source and not muscle (unless you do keto of which fat will be used primarily to fuel your activities).

Eat more complex carb sources (e.g. sweet potatoes, oatmeal, rice, etc) to sustain your activities for a prolonged duration and limit the simple sugars (fast-digesting) which are best consumed right after intense activity to replenish your glycogen stores quickly for energy-burning and to spare muscle tissue.

But you dont want to consume too many carbs as this will just cause an excess of storage leading to fat gain.

Fats are also an important source of energy not to mention its vital for optimal health function, so you want to consume plenty of the healthy kind (e.g. avocados, nuts, healthy oils, etc).

Oh, and dont forget to include your veggies (mostly leafy greens) to get plenty of the important micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) for good health!

To have a better idea of your recommended macronutrient ratios, heres our macro calculator which will make keeping track so much easier.

If you remember, we mentioned how excessive stress is a destroyer and its often the result of lifestyle factors which include financial struggles, relationship issues, and just being in a difficult situation overall.

But certain medications and medical treatments can play a role as well.

Too much stress will make gaining muscle a nightmare and the undesirable fat gain is inevitable.

So, stress management is crucial for attaining your ideal physique. When cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones) are constantly elevated, your normal bodily processes get thrown out of whack and disease eventually ensues. (6)

So, even if it werent for you wanting to get rid of the skinny fat physique, you cannot afford to live in constant stress for the sake of your overall health.

According to the American Institute of Stress, too much-prolonged stress increases your chances of developing many health issues which include

The list can go on

Here are 4 tips to lower your stress levels.

You dont have to be a skinny fat person regardless of what you may have previously thought. All it takes is making a few lifestyle adjustments and you can lean out while actually looking like you train.

But, itll definitely take some time and commitment to transform your physique (theres no way around it).

We hope learned plenty from this information and now its time for you to go from skinny fat to lean and jacked.

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How To Stop Being Skinny Fat and Put On Lean Muscle -

Five ways to improve your health in 2020 –

Posted: January 3, 2020 at 7:48 pm

Lets be honest: most of us make at least one New Years resolution, and then usually fairly quickly break it. We have a good idea of what we want to change, but then try to change everything all at once which never works. Instead, we should look to alter a number of small things which, by themselves, are relatively easy to achieve but when taken as a whole can alter your life for the better in a huge way. My own Top 5 health recommendations for you in 2020 are:

This is a key resolution and you dont need to join a gym this month to do it. Exercise not only assists weight loss but is also good for your mental health as well as keeping muscles strong, stimulating blood flow, and improving heart and lung fitness. Exercise for at least 3 times a week for about 30 minutes. Try walking during your lunch break, or take the stairs instead of the lift. If you are travelling a short distance cycle or walk instead of using your car and consider parking further away from your office than normal to get some walking time.

Stopping smoking is the single biggest thing you can do to improve your overall long-term health and it is never too late to quit however old you are or how long you have been smoking. Smoking 20 cigarettes a day for a week takes one day off your life expectancy. The most effective way of quitting is by using a combination of medication and psychological support and there has never been a better time to stop smoking as new treatments are available to help you quit. These are available from your GP or local stop-smoking service, and your pharmacist can also give you advice and help on over-the-counter products to help you quit.

Losing weight is one of the most popular New Years resolutions but most people give up the battle by the end of January. Being overweight significantly increases your risk of developing heart disease and conditions such as diabetes and arthritis, as well as certain cancers. Set a reasonable goal and aim to lose around 2-3 kg a month. Remember the old adage; Breakfast like a king, lunch like a lord, supper like a pauper. Make breakfast the main meal of the day, avoid snacking, keep sugary and highly processed foods to a minimum and beware of the empty calories found in alcohol and fizzy drinks. Increase your consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, raw nuts and whole grains and reduce your intake of salt, refined grains, refined sugar and fatty foods.

Most of us do not drink enough fluid and so are at risk of dehydration. Our bodies are comprised of over 60 per cent water, which is critical for healthy cell functioning and staying hydrated also helps to regulate body temperature, lubricates the joints, boosts energy, and helps prevent constipation. (Feeling thirsty may not always be the first sign of significant dehydration earlier symptoms can include headache, fatigue and poor concentration.) Try to drink water regularly throughout the day along with other fluids such as milk, juice and moderate amounts of tea and coffee.

Most of us enjoy a social drink especially at the end of a hard day but alcohol related health problems are on the increase so make sure you stick to sensible limits long-term. The good news is that moderate alcohol intake appears to be slightly beneficial for your health but there is a very fine line between just enough and too much so always try to stick to a weekly intake of 14 units, with a rough guide being that one unit is equal to half a pint of beer, a 125ml glass of wine or a single measure of spirits. Always try to have 2 to 3 alcohol-free days a week and use a measure if pouring drinks at home many people pour a triple believing it to be a single. Try drinking spritzers or having a soft drink between alcoholic drinks if socializing.

I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2020!

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Five ways to improve your health in 2020 -

How to Get Fit If You Only Have One, Two Or Three Days a Week to Do It – VICE UK

Posted: January 3, 2020 at 7:48 pm

It's January, meaning you're ready to get fit. Subscribing to Joe Wicks' YouTube channel ready. Joining an actual, full-on gym ready. But, like most people, you also have long working days, a social life or merely a date with the upcoming series of Winter Love Island. So how do you maximise results in the minimum amount of time?

I spoke to three expert trainers about how to squeeze the most out of the sweat box, whether you manage to make it one, two or three days a week.

Weston West is a former footballer, mixed martial artist and personal trainer who specialises in bodybuilding, fat loss and sports performance. If your goal is tighter, faster, stronger, he's your guy.


"If the aim is to develop muscle and burn fat, and you're going once a week and only have under an hour, I would suggest a mixture of resistance training and high intensity (HIIT) training.

"Start with the resistance training [training using external 'resistance' weights, like dumbbells or body weight, to strengthen muscles, i.e. lifting weights or doing press-ups] and do a full body session with a focus on compound movements. These are moves that work more than one muscle at once, like squats, deadlifts and shoulder presses.

"Follow the resistance training with high intensity cardio circuits e.g. a minute of jumping lunges or sprints, and throw some bodyweight exercises, like push-ups, into that. You could also mix it up by doing resistance exercises back-to-back, with a small HIIT interval in between."


"With two days of 30 to 45-minute sessions, still stick to resistance training and HIIT hybrids. But two opportunities to train means you can either do two full body sessions or one upper body session and one lower body session.

"If you're an absolute beginner, stick to full body to start with. Recovery rate is also important if it takes you a while to recover after a full body session on Tuesday, then repeating that on Thursday or Friday isn't ideal. But if you do an upper body on Tuesday, then your legs will be fine for a lower body session later in the week."


"I'm a massive fan of the push/pull/legs programme, with a high intensity element. This basically means one day you do resistance push exercises things like press-ups, bench presses, shoulder presses. The second day you focus on pull exercises seated rows, lat pulldowns, bicep curls, deadlifts. And on the final day focus on your legs in general. But you add in the HIIT at the end so you spend 30 minutes doing resistance exercises and the last 15 minutes doing HIIT circuits to get the fat burning element in there."


"The basis of any plan to get fitter or to develop muscle has to have an adequate and appropriate nutritional plan in place. If your goal is to lose fat, you have to maintain a calorie deficit, AKA eating fewer calories than you normally would.

"I also always recommend extra stretching just ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening is hugely beneficial and helps the muscles recover. Put a yoga for beginners video on YouTube, and stretch."

Photo by Charlie Kwai

Hannah Lewin is a personal trainer working exclusively with women, with a non-aesthetic focus. She and her clients hone in on strength, improving form and stamina. If your goal is to get stronger, without worrying about fat loss, she's for you.


"With one session a week in the gym, you need to be looking at a full body approach. Work top to bottom, with big compound moves the chest press, the deadlift, etc. Also make sure you have different movement patterns in the form of push, pull and hinge movement [e.g. deadlift] exercises.

"When increasing strength, you've also got to look at progressive overload. So roughly every six weeks, you want to look at overloading to make sure you're not plateauing. It can come in different forms: it could be increasing the amount of weight you're lifting or increasing the repetitions of an exercise you do, or just decreasing rest time between sets."


"I still think total body approach is best for two days a week, although you can split this into an upper body and lower body-focused approach. But stick to total body, with perhaps a variation in volume between day one and day two."


"With three days a week you can split into a push/pull/full body schedule. Push exercises, pull exercises and then a full body day, with variations on volume. Maybe day one is more moderate in volume and sets a baseline for the week and you build it up, until day three is your highest volume workout. Then that gives you several days to recover. If the gym's really busy, just get a couple of dumbbells theres nothing on a machine you cant replicate with free weights and a mat."


"The key is resting. Walking will also aid recovery, keeping your joints moving and not being too sedentary. If you can, also get a sports massage that will release muscle pressure."

Photo: Charlie Kwai

Chris Eastwood is a Group Exercise Instructor at Virgin Active, Nuffield Health and David Lloyd Harbour Club in central London. He teaches a range of classes, including Body Attack (sports cardio), Body Pump, Spinning, a bar bell workout and Body Balance (a holistic workout mixing elements of Tai Chi, yoga and pilates).


"Go to either a 30-minute HIIT class or a VIIT class (Variable Intensity Interval Training). It means you'll be switching between weightlifting and cardiovascular work, like mixing bodyweight movements and short circuits, but also bringing in things like yoga and pilates. There's a class called Grit I would recommend."


"I'd recommend doing two different classes: one gains class, like Body Pump, and then a cardio-based HIIT class like spinning, so you're using different muscle fibres. You could also stick with one well-rounded VIIT class, which gets in a strength element, a cardio element and a mobility element. Then, depending on how you're feeling that week, vary the second session."


"I'd do one weights session, one really good cardio/HIIT class and one yoga or pilates class. So youre getting a really rounded sense of fitness and all the foundation blocks for a healthy body."


"Incorporate stretching into your workout. Dont just see it as an optional extra; its a vital part of your routine. Spend 10 to 15 minutes using a foam roller after each workout, otherwise the problems that occur will very quickly start to outweigh any benefits you see from exercise."


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How to Get Fit If You Only Have One, Two Or Three Days a Week to Do It - VICE UK

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