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Weight loss: 5 morning habits to help you blitz belly fat WITHOUT dieting – The Sun

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:47 pm

IF you're trying to shed the pounds, the decisions you make throughout the day are key.

But there are a few morning rituals that can really set you up for success - and maximise your weight loss.


Leading dietitian Susie Burrell says things like having a protein-filled breakfast and adding a little caffeine to your diet first thing can really make a difference.

Here, she shares five morning habits that will help blast that pesky belly fat.

One of the best ways to lose water weight is to actually drink more water.

Susie writes in her blog: "The simple act of starting each day with 300-500ml of water is one of the easiest daily rituals you can adopt.

"Not only to rehydrate after the night's rest but to help get the digestive system moving.

"Ice cold water, in particular, has been shown to increase metabolic rate slightly after consumption.

"Herbal tea is another great option as it offers antioxidants and a small amount of caffeine which will also contribute to a slight metabolic boost."


Having a protein-filled breakfast will help you feel fuller for longer and, as a result, help to boost your metabolic rate.

Susie says: "Consuming 20-30g of high quality protein via foods such as eggs, Greek yogurt, protein based smoothies and higher protein bread is the easiest way to set the platform for a day of healthy eating.

"Not only will a high protein breakfast help to regulate blood glucose levels throughout the morning and keep you full for several hours, but protein rich foods actually require more calories to digest than carbohydrate rich foods thus helping to boost metabolic rate.

"Good options include scrambled eggs with vegetables; smoked salmon and avocado or nut spread on high protein bread, a smoothie with protein powder or Greek yogurt with a little fruit."

Fibre is a powerful appetite suppressant, so Susie recommends starting you day with foods such as wholegrain bread and seeds.

She says: "One of the biggest issues with high protein diets is that they forget about the numerous benefits associated with consuming 20-30g of fibre each day.

A high protein breakfast help to regulate blood glucose levels throughout the morning and keep you full for several hours

"Not only will your digestive system be a lot happier, but adding fibre-rich foods in at breakfast will help to keep you full and satisfied throughout the morning.

"Good options at breakfast time include vegetables or sliced fruit served with your eggs; high protein, lower carb breads that are generally made with fibre rich wholegrains and seeds and a serve of bran, oats or fresh fruit which you can add to smoothies or Greek yogurt."

Your morning coffee may have the power to get you out of bed, but it might also help you to lose weight.

Susie says: "One of the easiest ways to boost metabolism is to include a daily dose of caffeine and there is no better time to do this than first thing in the morning.

"Caffeine as a stimulant has been shown to increase fat metabolism, albeit in relatively small amounts but every little bit counts.

"The average shot of coffee contains 100mg of caffeine compared to just 40-60g for tea or instant coffee so including a piccolo or macchiato in your morning routine is an easy way to get a daily metabolic boost.

"Just keep in mind that an upper daily limit of 300-400mg of caffeine each day is recommended for an average adult."

Susie emphasises the need to "start as you mean to go on" when it comes to your daily food intake.

She says: "The more sweet food we consume, especially early in the day, the more we are likely to want, which explains why a day that starts with banana bread and a caramel latte only seems to go downhill food wise.


WHO DARES WINS Ditch the gym AND fad diets - Ant Middleton's easy tips to get in shape

PERI GOOD How you can eat Nandos and STILL shed the pounds - with top picks under 500kcals

WEIGHT A SEC Adele blacklisted anyone who criticised her size before '3 stone' weight loss

NEW WOMAN Adele shows off 'three-stone' weight loss at Drake's birthday party

SLIGHT XMAS Lose weight in time for Christmas in 5 steps - by eating MORE earlier on

LOVE CONQUERS ALL Bride lost 9st to wear dream dress - after 30-a-day takeaway addiction

WEIGH TO GO I was called 'Gemma Collins' in the street so lost 8 stone & shrunk to a 10

TRANSFORMATION Mum sheds 9st after cutting out energy drinks - and looks like a new person

BREAK-FAST Jennifer Aniston reveals intermittent fasting is key to her amazing figure at 50

"This pattern occurs as processed carbohydrates including white bread and foods with loads of added sugar including fruit yogurt, banana bread, smoothies and sweet coffee result in relatively high amounts of the hormone insulin being secreted.

"Insulin drives our appetite for more sweet food, and is also involved in fat storage.

"As such, the less processed carbohydrate and sweet food we consume through the morning, the better it will be for weight control overall."

Read this article:
Weight loss: 5 morning habits to help you blitz belly fat WITHOUT dieting - The Sun

22 Things People Who Cant Lose Weight Due to Illness Want You to Know – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:47 pm

Losing weight is never simple. This is especially true when you live with a chronic illness. Judgments and assumptions about your weight are often hurtful, but they can feel even more disheartening when your weight gain is due to a condition.

Perhaps a medication youre on makes it difficult to lose weight or makes you more susceptible to gaining weight. Maybe your illness makes you fatigued, making it near impossible to exercise. There are even some conditions where exercising or exerting yourself isnt recommended at all. Whatever your story might be, know that you are great at any size. While you shouldnt feel the need to change, its OK to not feel comfortable in your body, especially when your body changes because of chronic illness.

Unfortunately, thanks to weight stigma and the fact that many people still think its OK to body shame others, some people might make comments about your weight. They might suggest you eat healthier, exercise more or whatever else they think might work. No matter how good-intentioned these comments are, they can still be hurtful especially if the person making those comments is someone close to you.

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Sometimes comments about weight even border on dangerous. Despite the fact that body mass index or BMI is not a reliable indicator of health, medical professionals may fixate on your weight when you have a higher BMI. There are countless stories of people being misdiagnosed or prescribed weight losswhen weight wasnt the primary issue.

Its already hard to care for yourself when you live with chronic illness and these encounters can make it even tougher.To help educate others,we asked our community what they wish other people knew about weight and chronic illness.

Heres what our chronic illness community shared with us:

I wish doctors would be a little less critical and more compassionate when it comes to this. Marlena F.

Before I was sick, I was incredibly active. I was hyper. I wish people, especially doctors, would stop telling me exercise will help me, as if Ive been couch potato my entire life. [The illness] stopped me. Its too painful and if youre going to take away my pain medication, theres no way Im going to make myself suffer from unbearable pain just to make you happy. I dont enjoy being 60 pounds heavier than before I got sick. Angel H.

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[I wish people understood] that Im not lazy. My body doesnt respond well to many physical activities and causes much more pain than I already have. And if I do participate in a physical activity, I will pay for it for days or possibly weeks with additional pain and/or exhaustion. So, when I say I cant, I really cant. Nicole K.

I am not lazy. I beat myself up about it enough. I dont need you to make me feel like I only take up space. I try hard every day to be more active, but between the meds and the pain, I cannot seem to lose the weight. Rachael B.

Its not as simple as just getting more (or any) exercise when even the simple task of washing dishes leaves you in pain. My left hip and left lower back become pinched like theyre in a vice after about 10 minutes of standing. Megan F.

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I have PCOS. My insulin is really screwed up. I also have RA and fibromyalgia, so I see a pain management doctor every month. During every single appointment, without fail, he brings up my weight. Despite explaining my PCOS and insulin trouble multiple times, he still doesnt seem to get it. I know hes a pain management doctor, but I wish like hell he would do his research and actually understand whats going on with me. In fact, I wish all doctors were better informed about PCOS and its symptoms. If they were better informed, it wouldnt have taken 17 years for me to be properly diagnosed. Instead, doctors just constantly tear me down over my weight, not understanding that no matter how little I ate or how much I exercised, the weight never came off. I guess its easier to just fat-shame patients instead of actually helping them find the real problem. Its messed with my mental health and self-esteem for more than half of my lifetime. I also think its helped me develop medical PTSD. Im just so tired of being shamed for something I have zero control over. Chaylee B.

I dont spend my days eating fast food, chips, fancy coffee, Twinkies or any other stereotypically fat foods. In fact, I am likely far stricter with my intake than you are with yours. Vicki P.

I eat an incredibly healthy diet filled with low-fat food and exercise daily. However, with mood stabilizers, weight loss is nearly impossible. Megan S.

[I wish people knew] that their offhand comments and stares hurt. I know my weight isnt good. Im aware of my health more than the average person and I dont need negativity towards it as that doesnt solve anything. Shaming me will only mean Im not going to socialize with you and your group. Soon youll find yourself alone because no one was up to your standards. Weight is a symptom, like a lot of things, but society doesnt view it like that and it sucks. Erica W.

Moving beyond what is absolutely necessary is impossible. My calorie intake is extremely low. Im just fighting not to put on more weight after eight surgeries in six years. Four of them were major. I almost wish I looked as bad as I feel. Krista I.

Dont assume someones eating habits from their weight. I had problems with doctors doing this when I was at a point where I couldnt walk on my own for a few years. I was only eating 300-600 calories per day, 900 tops. They told me to cut my portions in half and to avoid water flavor packets and such due to the calories. My dad tried to tell them I ate the same portion size and meals as him, but what they would not listen to is that he was eating one meal per day and eating less than a third of what he was supposed to. They wouldnt listen to this because hes a bigger guy, [but he also has] chronic conditions. They did not even ask how often I ate or what I ate, just immediately told me to cut my portions in half and eat healthier foods. This has led to me having a very unhealthy relationship to food, but still unable to lose weight. Ellie S.

Before I was sick, my weight was so important to me. I taught spin classes, ate healthily and loved to shop till I dropped. Now, my body doesnt allow me to exercise, nor does it allow me to move around that much in general. I just want to feel good. When life hits you with a ton of bricks, your priorities change. Before you judge know my story, take the time to get to know me. Count your blessings and step outside yourself to lend a hand or hug. It would change my day, maybe my week! Leigh-Ann S.

I wish people would understand how much medication affects your weight. I eat less than anyone that I know and yet I still put on weight. I cant exercise because of my health problems, but people dont see that. They just see fat. I wish friends wouldnt talk about diets and weight loss around me. It makes me feel inadequate and completely obsessive about how I look. I avoid all photos and wont look in mirrors anymore. I hate the way I look. I wish I could wear a paper bag over my head. I feel hugely embarrassed about the way I look and theres not a thing I can do. Stephanie G.

Ive genuinely considered not taking a pill because it made me gain weight. Being pretty should not outweigh being healthy. Stephanie S.

Im on three medications that make me gain weight. Those medications stop my seizures, so Id rather be fat and seizure-free. Molly M.

My BMI is obese, but Im healthier now than I ever was when I was thin and not on medication. These medicines have saved my life. Tash B.

Because of fibromyalgia and thyroid imbalances, I will never be what they think is healthy. But that doesnt mean Im not the healthiest I can be under my circumstances. I probably know more about calorie counting, cardio and strength-building exercises than they ever will. And Im pretty damn proud of what I can do in spite of my chronic pain and diseases. Amy B.

My mobility device did not cause or contribute to my weight gain. My mobility device and my weight are caused by the same disease pattern. Abigail W.

Just because I look healthy, doesnt mean that I am. Ive developed a pretty severe intolerance to exercise recently, so every hectic or good day is followed by one in bed. I used to be so fit and active that its driving me insane! I desperately want to be able to run [and exercise], or get back out to the mountains, but I cant and its driving me mad. Nobody wants to be this way! Laura R.

Do you know how much Ive struggled? How much I wish I could pray away the fat, the disease, the pain? It hurts to be judged, to be seen as less than a person. I wish, oh I wish, that people would see with their hearts, not their eyes, and understand how hard it is for me to even be in public, how much it takes. I wish people saw past the lipedema and saw me. I am more than my fat. I am more than my disease. Courtney G.

[I wish people understood] how hard it is to look after kids and doing many other things whilst in constant pain. I frequently need a bit of a sugar rush to make it through and, no, a banana or some almonds wont kick in fast enough. Gabbie J.

Dont tell me about your husband, brother, nephew [who lost weight]. It is usually easier for males to lose weight [in general]. Bert M.

Eating healthy is not as easy as some make it out to be. It requires the ability to stand up and actually cook food and theres a lot that goes into that. Theres also no point in buying lots of fresh food when most of it goes out of date by the time Im well enough to cook anything. The weight didnt cause chronic illness; the chronic illness caused the weight. I wish I was well enough to cook well and exercise. This isnt a life choice. Its something that has been forced upon me. Not that its anyone elses business anyway Robyn E.

Its not for lack of trying. Ive done the stupid diets. Ive taken your pills and used your oils. Ive tried cardio and strength and yoga and the magic powder you shake on top of your food. Ive not eaten for four days and gained weight. Im trying my best to accept and love my body for the way it is now, but the people around me need to as well. Kai N.

I wish that people would not look at me and think only about my size. No, I dont eat a lot. Yes, some of my choices are bad. I probably think more about my food than you give me credit for. I want to be a normal person. Well, close to it. I want to do normal things. Go for walks, be able to go out and not worry where I have to park or worry that I cant go see the pretty waterfall in the state reserve. I try. I have tried and will keep trying again. Weight is not the main issue, however, it is the damage I have in my back, the fibromyalgia, the chronic pain that keeps me shuffling with my walking stick. You do not see me when I have done so much. I cant anymore. I can hardly hold a conversation because I walked too far at the zoo and I cant stand at the checkout with my partner because I pretended to be normal for a bit. Jaki F.

I wish people understood that Im still me. Im still a human being and I still want to feel loved. I shouldnt disgust you or make you love me less because I cant control what my body does. Im still me in here. Im just trapped in a body I cant stand any more than you can. Diana C.

Its significantly more difficult to maintain a healthy weight when chronically ill, both keeping weight on and keeping weight off. Many times, medications make the problems that much more difficult, or our illnesses make it near impossible to do anything about it. We should be compassionate about what all people are experiencing and stop judging people based on appearance. Every person is beautiful regardless of what they look like on the outside. We all need to be kinder to one another. Stephanie P.

My weight is nobodys business except mine and my doctors. Ones weight does not determine ones value as a person. Amy K.

If you are struggling with the emotions that come with weight fluctuations, reach out to someone you trust and let them know how you are feeling. Share this with the people in your life to show them that losing weight with chronic illness can be a struggle and that their comments, no matter how well-intentioned, still hurt. If you need support, theres a community here on The Mighty here for you.

Check out these Mighty articles for more insight on weight fluctuations when living with chronic illness:

What Are the Best Mental Health Therapies for Coping With Chronic Pain?

To the Mother Who Was Forever Changed By Chronic Illness

9 Things to Consider When Applying for a Job With Chronic Illness

See the original post here:
22 Things People Who Cant Lose Weight Due to Illness Want You to Know - Yahoo Lifestyle

Longer Looks: No Silver Bullet For Weight Loss; White Privilege and Longevity; Video Game Addiction; And More – Kaiser Health News

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:47 pm

Each week, KHN finds interesting reads from around the Web.

The New York Times:Why Isnt There A Diet That Works For Everyone?In the United States and other Western countries, diet and nutrition researchers face an urgent imperative: Figure out how to solve the crisis of obesity. About 40 percent of the adults and 19 percent of the children and adolescents in the United States have obesity, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More and more of them face the increased risks of suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and countless other negative health effects. This situation looks like a single problem from a population standpoint one that simple guidelines for balancing calorie consumption and expenditure should be able to solve. Instead, a seeming infinitude of variables influence what each of us eats and how the body responds. (Tingley, 10/24)

The Atlantic:What Elijah Cummings's Death Reveals About White PrivilegeI had a 30-minute ride to the train station. I nestled into my seat, opened my phone, and saw that Representative Elijah Cummings had passed away. I gasped and covered my mouth. The driver peeked at me in his rear-view mirror. He saw me shaking my head and whispering what many Americans whispered last Thursday: He was only 68. My mind turned to my father, whom I had just left at a hotel in Princeton, New Jersey. Dread burned in my chest. (Kendi, 10/24)

The New York Times:Can You Really Be Addicted To Video Games?Charlie Bracke cant remember a time when he wasnt into video games. When he was 5, he loved playing Wolfenstein 3D, a crude, cartoonish computer game in which a player tries to escape a Nazi prison by navigating virtual labyrinths while mowing down enemies. In his teenage years, he became obsessed with more sophisticated shooters and a new generation of online games that allowed thousands of players to inhabit sprawling fantasy worlds. Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls he would spend as much as 12 hours a day in these imaginary realms, building cities and fortifications, fighting in epic battles and hunting for treasure. (Jabr, 10/22)

Wired:Big's Backyard Ultra And The Rise Of Women Endurance StarsOn Monday evening, Maggie Guterl and Will Hayward set out for the 60th time on a 4-mile loop through the hickory-covered hills of central Tennessee. It was dark and rainy on day three of the Bigs Backyard Ultra, a running race of fiendish design. There's no set distance, and no set total time, just endless laps around the 4-mile course, which participants must complete once an hour. To win, you basically just have to be the last competitor still moving your legs. For hours Guterl and Hayward had been the only two runners left. They could theoretically have gone on forever. (Scoles, 10/24)

Politico:The Great American Cannabis ExperimentThe Green Lady Dispensary on Nantucket island sells cannabis products, but thats not all it does. The shop also grows and processes its own marijuana flower, cooks or bakes all the weed-infused candy and other edibles sold on the shelves, and tests everything for safety and chemical content. In fact, everything the Green Lady sells is made completely in-house something very uncommon for a dispensary. Being single-origin might be a business model for other dispensaries in Massachusetts, but thats not why Green Lady owner Nicole Campbell does everything herself. She has no choice. (Fertig, 10/14)

Follow this link:
Longer Looks: No Silver Bullet For Weight Loss; White Privilege and Longevity; Video Game Addiction; And More - Kaiser Health News

Unintentional Weight Loss and Mortality in T2D – DocWire News

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:47 pm

Overweight and obese type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients are encouraged to lose weight to decrease their mortality risk. In the general population, unintentional weight loss is a risk factor for all-cause mortality. In this study, researchers examined whether this was also true for T2D patients. The study authors reported the findings of the ADVANCE trial, which stratified two-year weight change into five groups: >10% loss, 4% to 10% loss, stable (<4%), 45 to 10% gain, and >10% gain. Final analysis included 10,081 patients (average age, 66 years). At two-year follow-up, 4.3% had > 10% weight loss, 18.4% had 4% to 10% weight loss, and 5.3% had > 10% weight gain. Three years later, patients with >10% weight loss, compared to those with stable weight, had significantly greater risk for major cardiovascular events (HR=1.75; 95% CI, 1.26 to 1.44), cardiovascular mortality (HR=2.76; 95% CI, 1.87 to 4.09), and all-cause mortality (HR=2.79; 95% CI, 2.10 to 3.79), but not major microvascular events (HR=0.9; 95% CI, 0.61 to 1.36). Data did not support effect modification by baseline body mass index, age, or type of diabetes medication.

Excerpt from:
Unintentional Weight Loss and Mortality in T2D - DocWire News

Low-fat vs. low-carb: What is better for weight loss? – Times of India

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:47 pm

When trying to lose weight, it is easy to get tempted by different kinds of diets that promise quick weight loss. Right now, people are crazy about low-carb and low-fat diets. Both promise quick weight loss and a lot of people have succeeded in shedding kilos by following these diet trends. But the question is which one is better and what should you opt for when trying to shed some kilos?The right choice First of all weight loss is all about creating a calorie deficit that can be achieved either by consuming low-carbs or low-fat. You just have to keep a track of your calorie-in and calorie-out. You do not have to cut down any food group from your diet. So, whether you follow low-carb or low-fat, you are going to lose the same amount of weight. As per a study conducted by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine in California following any of the two will give you the same result. To conduct this study, the researchers tracked around 600 adults who were overweight and were following either a low-fat or low-carb supervised diet. After a year, it was found that the people on a low-carb and a low-fat diet lost almost the same amount of weight.The best way to lose weight Completely cutting down the intake of any food group can lead to micronutrient deficiency and you will get bored. Apart from this, not all carbs and fat are bad for health. You just have to make the right choice. If you are trying to make some healthy changes in your diet then reduce the intake of both carb and fat from your diet. Remember that moderation is key. If you are not consuming your food in moderation no matter what kind of diet you are following, you will never be able to shed kilos. The ideal way to lose weight is by cutting down your calorie intake. The bottom line If you are suffering from any eating disorders or have a history of the same, then consult your doctor before trying any of the two diets. As it can turn harmful to you. Diet is surely crucial when your mission is to lose weight, but other things that play a crucial role in determining your progress are the amount of exercise you perform, your quality of sleep and your stress level.

Low-fat vs. low-carb: What is better for weight loss? - Times of India

Weight loss Eat NANDOS and still shed pounds with top picks under 500 calories – The Sun

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:47 pm

IF you're trying to lose weight, you might think that heading for a cheeky Nando's is off the cards.

However, it turns out that you can still lose weight and munch on some delicious Peri Peri chicken - as many Nando's dishes are under 500 calories.


In particular, Instagram fitness star Graeme Tomlinson aks @thefitnesschef_ said eating at your favourite restaurants, like Nando's, can actually be the key to sustainable weight loss.

However, Graeme urged dieters to get to grips with the nutritional value of each of Nando's dishes, warning some contain a lot more calories than you may think.

For example, the mushroom and halloumi burger contains a surprising 681 calories.

He says: "Nandos is enjoyed by millions - this should never change.

"Awareness of total energy consumed can therefore allow one to facilitate multiple Nandos excursions into a successful diet.


"Once the hard nutritional facts of a Nandos meal are grasped, one can adjust prior and subsequent nutritional intakes to accommodate what will likely be a calorie dense meal in happiness and calm control.

"Such an eating episode can be free from guilt and enjoyed in serene knowledge that the fruits of the overall diet will yield progress."

Despite this, he advises slimmers to be wary - as you can easily consume more than 1,800 in one meal at Nando's.

Nandos is enjoyed by millions - this should never change

He adds: "In comparison to many express dine in establishments, consumption of chicken, coupled with assortments of nutrient dense foods, may lead one to believe that Nandos is the fat loss alternative.

"And this may well prove valid if it is enjoyed.

"But instances such as the accumulation of 1/2 a peri peri houmous starter, 10 wings, regular chips, macho peas and extra sauce = a caloric intake of 1845 nutrient inclusive calories.

"But nonetheless... 1845 calories before drinks are considered.

Top tips for eating out

The Hospital Group's Dietitian George Hamlyn-Williams has revealed his top tips for eating out.

"Energy balance over periods of time directly defines ones rate of fat loss, gain or maintenance. Nothing else."

Some of the dishes under 500 calories Graeme recommends include a 1/4 chicken leg, a butterfly chicken and a chicken burger.

However, he points out that ten chicken wings can total 806 calories and a whole chicken is 1156 calories.

With so much on offer, it can be peri hard to navigate the menu.

A quarter chicken breast is is only 278 calories, while lots of side dishes are also under 300 - meaning that you can easily build a high-protein, low-calorie meal.


In particular, Pippa Campbell, a Jersey-based nutritionist and weight loss specialist, suggests going for a plain Peri Peri Grilled Chicken burger which has just 387 calories.

She says: "Chicken is a good source of protein which balances blood sugars and provides essential amino acids.

"Add a side of broccoli at only 12 calories which adds fibre to the meal and vitamin C."


WHO DARES WINS Ditch the gym AND fad diets - Ant Middleton's easy tips to get in shape


ON THE CLOCK The five morning habits that help you blitz belly fat WITHOUT dieting

WEIGHT A SEC Adele blacklisted anyone who criticised her size before '3 stone' weight loss

NEW WOMAN Adele shows off 'three-stone' weight loss at Drake's birthday party

SLIGHT XMAS Lose weight in time for Christmas in 5 steps - by eating MORE earlier on

LOVE CONQUERS ALL Bride lost 9st to wear dream dress - after 30-a-day takeaway addiction

WEIGH TO GO I was called 'Gemma Collins' in the street so lost 8 stone & shrunk to a 10

TRANSFORMATION Mum sheds 9st after cutting out energy drinks - and looks like a new person

BREAK-FAST Jennifer Aniston reveals intermittent fasting is key to her amazing figure at 50

For vegetarians, Healthspan's Rob Hobson, a registered nutritionist based in London reckons the Grains 'n Greens salad is "a great healthy dish that contains high amounts of fibre and protein".

He adds: "It is light on calories so I would add the option of avocado (170 calories) which provides additional healthy fats to the dish."

In particular, it's important to pay attention to the sauce you're adding as Mango and Lime has the highest sugar content while its Extra Hot sauce has the most calories and saturated fat.

Go here to see the original:
Weight loss Eat NANDOS and still shed pounds with top picks under 500 calories - The Sun

Weight loss story: ‘I lost 50 kilos to make my mother happy on her birthday!’ – Times of India

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:47 pm

People often try to different things on their quest to lose weight. However, 25-year-old Akhand Pratap Singh decided to keep things simple during his weight loss journey. From shunning sugar completely to walking every single day for a year, his weight loss is an inspiration that you do not need fad diets and a gym membership to lose weight.Read on to know how he lost a massive 50 kilos!Name: Akhand Pratap Singh

Occupation: StudentAge: 25 years

Height: 5 feet 11 inches

City: Banda (U.P)Highest weight recorded: 140 kgs

Weight lost: 50 kgs

Duration it took me to lose weight: 12 months

The turning point: I had always been a fitness enthusiast and maintained an envious physique right till the twelfth standard. However, once I got poor grades in class 12th, I decided to put everything aside and focus on my studies. It is important to note that even though I had a good physique, it required constant workout as I would gain weight very easily. So, once I let myself loose and only focussed on my studies, I rapidly put on weight.

As a result, even though I topped my college and got a gold medal, I had also put on a massive 25 kilos. In the next two years, my weight touched a whopping 140 kilos. I had reached a point where I could not even walk for 10 metres and it had become really hard to shop for clothes as my clothing size had touched XXXL. From not even able to stand for ten minutes without a shooting back pain to not moving out of my house because I was too afraid of people's comments, I have seen it all.

That was the point I realised that I needed to lose 50 kilos and get back in my original shape. I decided to lose all the extra weight and gift my 'new self' as a gift to my mother in 2019. Since I wanted to take her to the great wall of China on her birthday, I did not invest in any supplements or fad diets. I saved all the money to go on vacation with my mother on her Birthday.

My breakfast: I decided to switch it up between a bowl of mixed fruits, 3 tablespoon of oats or a glass of buttermilk and Dalia. I also made it a point to keep my portions in control.My lunch: A bowl of moong dal or Arhar dal, 1 chapati, a cup of brown rice, 1 bowl of curd and a lot of salad.

My dinner: It is same as my breakfast. If I have had fruits at breakfast, I would eat oats for dinner.Pre-workout meal: I did not eat anything before my workout. I just drank lukewarm water.

Post-workout meal: A glass of lukewarm water.

I indulge in: I did not cheat for 365 days because all the while I was imagining the moment I would finally get to eat on my mothers birthday.

My workout: I did not opt for any fad diets or supplements to lose weight. I made it a point to walk every day for a year for two hours strictly.Low-calorie recipes I swear by: A portion of brown rice, a bowl of moong dal and some curd or buttermilk.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: I used to think that your diet does not have a major role to play in your quest to lose weight. However, after this one year, I have realised that diet is everything as you are what you eat.

How do I stay motivated? My biggest motivation was to lose 50 kilos to gift my new self as a birthday gift to my other. I also wanted to wear all my old clothes from the year 2012.

How do you ensure you dont lose focus? I used to weigh myself every Tuesday to track my progress.

Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? From not being able to do day-to-day activities with ease to feeling really lonely and depressed, your life becomes really difficult when you are overweight.

Read more from the original source:
Weight loss story: 'I lost 50 kilos to make my mother happy on her birthday!' - Times of India

LETTER: Hold that burger | Regional-Perspectives | Opinion – The Guardian

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:46 pm

Re: Red meat, science and buffets (Oct. 5 column by Sylvain Charlebois).

Charlebois makes much of the Annals of Internal Medicine study which claims to have evidence that red and processed meats arent as unhealthy as most doctors are now saying.

There are, however, cogent criticisms of that study:

From a Sep. 30 Washington Post article, by Laura Reiley: Another critic of the study, Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said the Annals of Internal Medicine study also ignored solid science in the arena.

. Willett says the panels conclusions and recommendations do not reflect the studys findings. Their meta-analyses of large cohorts showed that dietary patterns with a moderate reduction in red and processed meat consumption were associated with lower total mortality by 13 per cent. If a drug brought down the number of deaths to that degree, he says, it would be heralded as a success.

.... Bonnie Liebman, director of nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, says one of the studys chief flaws is its reliance on the Womens Health Initiative study, a huge analysis of 48,000 women that had half the participants eating their regular diet and half eating a low-fat diet, which in many cases led to a half-an-ounce difference in meat consumption per day in the two groups, about a fifth of a hamburger. No surprise, there wasnt much difference in outcomes. Because of its size, the womens study may have skewed the overall results of the Annals of Internal Medicine report.

In other words, the study to which Mr. Charlebois refers did in fact show a 13 per cent reduction in mortality from a moderate reduction (note:not elimination) of red and processed meat in the regular diet. But the study doesnt support the conclusion that even those eating, say, 15 servings a week of red meat (the U.S. average), or more, can safely carry on.

Neil Bell, Baddeck

More here:
LETTER: Hold that burger | Regional-Perspectives | Opinion - The Guardian

Why Isnt There a Diet That Works for Everyone? – The New York Times

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:45 pm

On the ultraprocessed diet, the subjects on average consumed 500 more calories a day and gained two pounds. A possible reason: The participants levels of PYY, a hormone that suppresses appetite, were lower on it, while the levels of ghrelin, a hunger-stimulating hormone, were higher. Because the nutrients were constant, the researchers theorize, the processing itself may somehow trigger the hormonal changes. In a paper published in Cell Metabolism in May, they write that limiting consumption of ultraprocessed food may be an effective strategy for obesity prevention and treatment.

The results seemed to reinforce a general, even obvious consensus among nutrition researchers and yet they generated criticism anyway, much of which highlights fundamental challenges in designing dietary experiments. One charge leveled against Halls study, for example: It was too short to observe metabolic and behavioral changes that often take place more than two weeks after a new diet is started. But as Hall points out, it would have been hard to recruit people to live longer under such strict conditions. Whats more, outside the lab, subjects often fail to stick to a diet precisely, and their habits are so variable that it can be tricky to tell for sure whether the meal plan in question is having an effect. Yet its impossible to say whether a diet that works in the lab will succeed unless you can study it in real life. I do think there are ways to get accurate data in free-living people, Dr. Lydia Bazzano, an epidemiologist at the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, says. If you cant, were all sunk.

At stake is the question of how government agencies and other institutions should deploy limited resources to address a catastrophic national health problem. How should dietary research be conducted in order to ultimately produce results that will be most useful to the public? For instance, most clinical trials are set up, as Halls was, to answer an either-or question say, Does this diet cause weight loss? traditionally by comparing an experimental group with a control. But in nutrition, the answer is often it depends. To try to understand how multiple factors might influence a diets success, Mayer-Davis and others are working on sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trials (SMARTs), whose subjects, in her words, move from one treatment to another one to another one over time, depending on how theyre doing. In a continuing 10-month N.I.H.-funded pilot study, one of the first to use this method to assess dietary strategies, she and colleagues randomly assigned volunteers between 19 and 30 with Type 1 diabetes who are overweight to one of three diets: a low-fat plan or a low-carbohydrate plan, both of which were low in calories, or a Mediterranean-style plan. At three and six months, if they dont like the diet, havent lost 2 percent body weight from their last check-in or are having trouble maintaining their blood-sugar levels, they will move to a different plan. Afterward, statistical analyses will determine what characteristics, including those related to lifestyle, were associated with success, or a lack thereof, for each treatment. Eventually, researchers hope, that sort of information will allow clinicians or even a smartphone app to create a personalized diet.

Of course, even personalized diets would still need to be adhered to, and this raises another quandary. Fundamentally, especially in the Western world, our diet is fairly unhealthy, Corby Martin of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, at Louisiana State University, says. With really broad strokes we could improve our health by making modifications to our diet that everyone could make. So why havent we? And what are we more likely to follow: a diet that is more personalized than past ones have been or, as in Halls formulation, more general?

See the rest here:
Why Isnt There a Diet That Works for Everyone? - The New York Times

Adele Swears By This Diet and Exercise Regimen – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 5:45 pm

Singer Adele has been looking great recently, losing 14 pounds since her split from her husband, Simon Konecki, earlier this year. The singer has always had a curvy figure and a firm attitude of body positivity.

Ive never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines, she told People in 2012. I represent the majority of women and Im very proud of that.

They say looking good is the greatest form of revenge. If that is true, Adeles vengeance is complete.

An insider at the time of the couples separation told E! News, Their marriage was clearly working for a very long time. Whenever she was out at big openings and special events, he was usually with her, and they looked really just happy together and in love. They were into the marriage pretty much until they decided this just isnt working anymore.

Adele had already made her health a priority before the birth of her son, Angelo, in 2012, and lost weight at that time as well. The multiple-Grammy winner has always looked beautiful, but her current additional weight loss has given her a healthful glow.

I was trying to get some stamina for my tour, so I lost a bit of weight. She told Vogue magazine in 2016: Now I fit into normal, off-the-shelf clothes which is a really big problem for me!

Adele has never been one to enjoy dieting and exercise but got serious about her health with the birth of her son Angelo, now 6 years old.

Recently, she has been following a diet that works for her and that has given her results. Its called the Sirtfood Diet and while it includes whole, lower-calorie food, proteins, fruits, and green juices, its pretty strict. Followers of the diet are only allowed 1000 calories in the first few days of the diets first phase. The final days of the first phase allow followers to have up to 1500 calories.

Clearly, its not for the faint of heart, but judging by Adeles results, it works.

Its taken Adele time to get used to the idea of exercising regularly. She opened up to Rolling Stone in 2015 about her exercise routine at the time.

I mainly moan. Im not, like,skippingto the f***ing gym. I dont enjoy it. I do like doing weights {and] dont like looking in the mirror. Blood vessels burst on my face really easily, so Im so conscious when Im lifting weights not to let them burst in my face. And if I dont tour, youll catch me back down at the Chinese.

A source told Us Weekly in Julythat the Rolling in the Deep singer started a fitness regimen after hiring a personal trainer in L.A. She does 60-minute sessions that include cardio, circuit training, and Pilates. Shes found a routine thats working for her and is enjoying it more.

Read more: 15 Celebrities Who Went on Extreme Diets for a Movie Role

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Adele Swears By This Diet and Exercise Regimen - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

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