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How to get rid of visceral fat: This diet has been proven to help shed the dangerous fat – Express

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:45 am

Visceral fat, belly fat, muffin top, spare tyre, blubber, or beer belly - whatever it may be referred to, fat stored in the stomach is known as active fat and could be extremely dangerous. The main problem with this kind of fat, apart from looking unsightly in most outfits, is that it could be a major health warning sign. Belly fat that is stored around the midriff and if there is more than an inch to pinch, it could put a person at a higher risk of dangerous health complications. What is the best diet to remove visceral fat?

Carrying a high amount of visceral fat is known to be associated with insulin resistance, which can lead to glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes.

It is important to define the difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.

Subcutaneous fat is the fat that is stored just under the skin. Visceral fat is the fat that is hidden and found near vital organs.

Having a growing belly can be the result of both types of fat.

What diet is the best one to follow to help lose visceral fat, according to health experts?

The ketogenic diet involves eating foods high in fat, low in carbs and with a moderate amount of protein.

Keto-friendly foods include meats, fish, nuts, avocados and eggs, and a general rule is to try and avoid eating foods that grow under the ground.

Try sticking to products with a 5g or less carb content per 100g of product.

Foods that should be reduced or eliminated on the diet include sugary foods like sodas, cakes, ice cream and candy, grains or starches like rice and pasta, all fruit except some small portions of berries, beans or legumes, low-fat foods, condiments and sauces, unhealthy fats and alcohol.

Foods that can be eaten on the diet include meat, fatty fish, eggs, butter and cream, nuts and seeds, healthy oils, avocados, and most vegetables.

The diet shares similarities with the Atkins diet and could help with banishing visceral fat.

The main foods to avoid on the diet include no sugary foods, grains or starches, beans or legumes, alcohol, and sugar-free diet foods.

A relatively good indicator of how much visceral fat one is holding is to take a waistline measurement, said Harvard University.

The university noted that around 10 per cent of our total fat is likely to be stored as visceral fat, therefore if you are carrying higher amounts of body fat than is recommended, it is, therefore, more likely that you are also storing more visceral fat than is healthy.

The ketogenic has been proven to help a person to lose a significant more amount of weight than a low-fat diet.

It has also been proven to help with diabetes, reduce heart disease, certain cancers, Alzheimers disease and to banish dangerous visceral fat.

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How to get rid of visceral fat: This diet has been proven to help shed the dangerous fat - Express

Why Thailand is putting its Buddhist monks on a diet – CNN

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:44 am

Behind the gates of Wat Yannawa temple, barefoot monks emerge, their saffron robes a pop of color in the early morning light. From the youngest to the oldest, they do this same routine every day: collect alms, or offerings, from the Buddhist faithful.

In metal pails that sway near their hips as they walk, they collect food, drinks and the occasional cash donation for the temple. They pray with the person who offers it, and then return home to prepare the meal with what they've been given.

More than 90% of Thailand's population follows Buddhism and the monks here are held in high regard, but there is growing concern about their health: Thailand's monks are gaining too much weight.

Thailand's National Health Commission Office says there are nearly 349,000 monks in Thailand, and almost half are considered overweight or obese.

There are several factors, but it largely centers around the morning routine -- and the changing nature of the offerings placed into the monk's pails.

The monks aren't able to control their own diet -- it's at the mercy of the offerings they receive each morning. Traditionally, those alms are calorie-rich foods, either processed or homemade -- with the Buddhist faithful wanting to offer something of high value and taste.

The monks are also forbidden from eating anything after 12 p.m., having only one or two meals a day between the hours of 6 a.m. and noon.

This means it's hard for monks to change their diet.

Professor Jongjit Angkatavanich, a pharmacist, dietician, and nutritionist who has been studying the health of Thailand's monks for the past eight years, describes the situation as a "ticking time bomb."

"When we look at the obesity rate, it's kind of like the first landmark that we used as an indicator," Jongjit said.

The monks are experiencing conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, eye issues and osteoarthritis in knees, but they know very little about them.

For example, one of the most shocking things Jongjit has seen is monks with amputated toes and feet because of diabetes, but the monks had no knowledge of the condition -- many had never even heard of diabetes.

A taste for soda

Obesity rates among Thailand's monks are higher than the wider population -- 48% of them are obese compared to 39% of the Thai male population, according to Jongjit's research. While people might think the monks are simply eating more, Jongjit said that isn't the case. The monks consume 150 less calories than Thai men.

So what's happening to Thailand's monks?

"After midday, they have to rely on a drink or beverage," Jongjit explained. "It has changed over time, from the ancient time -- right now, it is a soda, a soft drink, a sweetened beverage."

What's more, she said, is the monks often consume the sugary drinks on an empty stomach. "The sugar in the liquid is absorbed faster," she said. "It means the effect or consequence of the added sugar is even worse for a monk."

To complicate matters even further, the monks aren't supposed to exercise -- it's considered vain. Navigating those restrictions is an important part of the long-term solution.

Somdet Phra Mahathirajarn is the Abbot of Yannawa temple -- its highest-ranking monk. He's been leading the charge in implementing changes suggested by Jongjit and her team, including finding a way around the exercise restrictions and healthier menu options for the novice monks' midday meal, as the novices get one meal prepared by the temple before noon in addition to the morning alms.

"We consider their intention" when it comes to exercise, he said, allowing exceptions for health reasons. "My department has to coordinate with the government to dispatch mobile medical units to educate the monks, so they can learn about proper exercise, proper rest and proper living."

Keeping track

One of the mobile medical units arrived later that day. A fleet of health workers armed with scales and blood pressure cuffs descended on Yannawa temple, measuring and tracking the health of the youngest novice monks. From blood sugar levels to weight and body mass index, the numbers are recorded and entered into a database -- no small task, considering the sheer number of temples and monks in Bangkok alone.

"We started this health check-up for the monks in temples all over Thailand, and especially in Bangkok," said Dr. Somchai Teetipsatit, director of the Health Promotion Division for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. "We have 454 temples in Bangkok, with about 16,000 monks."

To cover everyone, both public and private healthcare clinics are involved, spurred on by a unique health charter implemented by the government and the National Health Commission Office in 2017. The goal is to teach not only the monks, but the public, about proper nutrition, so they can take care of each other.

Phupha Srichalerm is a 17-year-old novice monk from a province in southern Thailand. He's been studying at Yannawa temple for nearly five years, and now his Buddhist education also includes nutrition.

"It's good because it makes me aware about diet," he said. "I've changed my dietary habits." For starters, he's begun swapping out the sugary afternoon drinks in favor of water. Otherwise, he now understands that the risks of obesity and the diseases that come with it are serious.

In the eight years since Jongjit first started this work, she has seen some progress.

"We started small," she said. "But we have to spread [the message]. Now we call it 'one temple, one hospital.' And with this national health strategy, we will distribute our [educational] media to at least 11,000 hospitals in Thailand -- from the main hospitals in the provinces to the primary care district hospitals, the roots of our community" -- going to the root of the community, to help the heart of the community.

Read more here:
Why Thailand is putting its Buddhist monks on a diet - CNN

Weight loss diet: Having this drink can help you burn fat fast – expert issues warning – Express

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:44 am

Slimmers may want to lose weight for a number of different reasons, whether to lose fat or improve health. When doing this, changing diet habits and exercising more can be the best way to get results. Apple cider vinegar is a drink which is thought to speed up fat loss and help slimmers get into shape. How does it work? An expert issued an important warning.

READ MORE:Shayne Ward used this diet trick to shed an incredible 3st 7lb

When adding apple cider vinegar into the diet plan, studies have shown even a small amount can speed up the fat burning process.

One study of 175 obese people showed having the condiment daily lead to reduced belly fat and weight loss.

Those who had just one tablespoon lost an extra 2.6 pounds during the three month test and those who had two tablespoons lost 3.7 pounds.

Research has shown having the drink helped slimmers feel fuller which meant they were less likely to overeat later in the day.

When having the drink, dieters can choose to take the tablespoon neat or soften the taste by mixing it with water and lemon.

Speaking to, personal trainer and nutritionalist, Harry Smith, explained the possible benefits of the drink.

He said: There is a line of thought that apple cider vinegar can improve health by reducing insulin response after meals, reducing body fat and improving blood triglyceride profiles.

However, he issued an important warning to those hoping to have the tipple and explained it may not be all it seems.

None of these claims are backed by any substantial scientific evidence, there is some weak evidence at best, he explained.

It has a largely insignificant effect on health like a single raindrop in the sea. It just isnt noticeable.

Original post:
Weight loss diet: Having this drink can help you burn fat fast - expert issues warning - Express

‘Some people eat to bring them pleasure and some eat to avoid distress’ – National Post

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:44 am

Some time ago, a large food company approached psychiatrist Valerie Taylor, whose work focuses on the intersection between body weight and the mind, for insight into what drives humans to eat. She didnt bite on their offer. But it speaks to the fact that people selling us this food understand its not just about hunger, she says. Psychological influences are also critical to understanding why one in four adults in Canada are now obese.The National Post spoke to Taylor, the chief of psychiatry at the University of Calgary.

Q: We often hear that no one chooses to be obese. It was the opening line in a recent report by the British Psychological Society, whose authors also stressed that obesity doesnt simply come down to a lack of will power. So, what is making us overeat, or eat when we arent hungry?

A: Sometimes people get more joy from food than other areas of life. It is a consistent, reliable pleasure, and certainly we see it sometimes in individuals whom have experienced certain types of childhood trauma. The people in their lives couldnt consistently be depended on to be positive, and food was the only thing that always made them feel better. Food was a comfort, a consistent source of happiness. And it becomes difficult to break that pattern when they become adults. Any time of discomfort or stress, food is going to be the go-to mechanism.

It can be like substance use. Some people eat to bring them pleasure, and some eat to avoid distress. Hunger can be associated with increased stress hormones. You start to get hungry, your glucose level drops. Your brain uses glucose for fuel, it mobilizes your body to get food, and the cravings start. Stress hormones like cortisol get released. People get hungry, they get angry, they get irritable, and they want to eat. Some people really dislike that feeling and will eat to prevent it.

Q: Why do most diets fail miserably in the long run? Arizona State University scientists recently estimated that Americans alone have collectively tried to lose weight more than two billion times over the past 40 years, yet obesity rates tripled over the same period.

The problem is with the whole diet concept. Its the forbidden fruit analogy: You cant eat chocolates, you cant eat doughnuts, you cant eat anything thats on the off list so you start to obsess more about (those) foods. Your body psychologically starts to crave them. I often tell people that nothing should be forbidden. You should not eat 12 doughnuts. But you can certainly eat one. Its important to move away from the bad food idea.

For every diet there is often an equal and opposite binge that occurs afterwards. Diets arent sustainable. As soon as the diet stops, people often revert back to their previous eating patterns. Especially if youve been on a very restrictive diet, your body starts to worry when you lose weight. Your brain slows your metabolism down. If suddenly you revert back to that pattern of eating that was problematic for your weight in the first place, youre going to gain more weight.

A diet should be whatever type of eating pattern you can adhere to that can make you physically and psychologically happy and is sustainable over time.

The other problem is that maintenance isnt psychologically rewarding. People get a buzz when they step on the scale and every day its gone down by 0.2 pounds, and then they reach a plateau and the numbers dont change. Theyre no longer getting that reward, and so they quit. But nobody can lose weight indefinitely we cant go to nothing. At some point the weight loss is going to stop, or at least stall while the body resets itself. Its important that people recognize that.

Q: How much does stress affect our sensitivity to food cues and cravings?

A: With stress, we often make impulsive choices. When the stress hormones are ramped up, it drives the urge for certain foods that are going to up your glucose quicker. Its not going to be broccoli.

Some people also drink alcohol to cope with stress. But alcohol reduces self-control, it increases impulsivity and it sometimes makes food appear tastier. It can also disrupt our bodys ability to self-regulate, so the normal satiety signals dont get fed back if youve been drinking and you start to eat.

Many people can identify their go-to foods in times of stress. But for some people, they need it for everystress. Theyre unable to stop. They anticipate bad things happening youre worried this exam is going to be hard, so you eat. Youre worried youre going to have a conflict with your partner, you eat. They use it almost as a drug. But you just go up and down. Youll eat, there will be an increase in glucose, there will be an increase in positive emotions, but then the food starts to move through your system and your mood starts to crash. And, so, you take the drug again. Or you just keep eating constantly to avoid ever experiencing that low emotion.

Q: How are we being manipulated by food manufacturers?

A: Look at family-sized portion bags. It seems like a good deal, except people open it up and eat all of it as a single serving. Avoid family-sized anything. The companies making them dont assume that this is going to be eaten by the family. Food companies also pay to have certain foods placed on shelves at eye level. Theyre not placed randomly. Bright, colourful boxes also appeal to the brain when someone is hungry.

Ultra-processed foods are also problematic. We didnt evolve to eat ultra-processed, convenient foods. Your body doesnt know what to do with it and your brain doesnt know how to react to it. (A study published in May in the journal Cell Metabolism found that, even when two diets are matched for the same amount of carbs, fat, sugar, salt and calories, people eat more food and gain more weight on ultra-processed diets.) If people want to do low-carb, high-carb or keto or vegan or Paleo all of those things are fine, if thats important to them. It is important to recognize the one thing all of those eating plans have in common is that they make people avoid significant amounts of highly processed foods. Eat in a way that makes you happy, is sustainable and involves as much food as it can that you prepare yourself. These are the keys.

Q: Some experts have said that what we really need to focus on is the primary biological drive of overeating what psychologists call wanting and help people self-regulate against that wanting, that its something that can be taught.

A: Cognitive restraint is a little bit like willpower. Its learning to understand your triggers and think, I dont need to eat right now. Im not hungry. Its about being less vulnerable to external cues and internal stressors. You can slowly increase your capacity for restraint over time, with teaching and with learning. But its also depleteable. If youre restricting avoiding those forbidden foods your willpower runs out after a while. You snap. You go from eating 900 calories a day to 3,500 calories a day.

Q: What other coping strategies can we use?

A: I think because of busy lifestyles, we eat fast. Slow down, be mindful, and really try to focus on what youre eating. Make a grocery list and dont buy anything thats not on the list, nothing thats an impulsive buy. Food diaries can feel like a pain, but they make people pause. I try to get people to do it in the moment, not the end of the day, because it stops this mindless eating. Dont eat in front of the television, or while youre on the computer, because you lose focus on your eating and you fail to recognize the cues that your brain is giving you. Set a reasonable goal for yourself and dont weigh yourself every day. There should be no food that is forbidden, there should be no place that you dont go to eat. We need to understand that food does bring us joy, and should bring us joy.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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'Some people eat to bring them pleasure and some eat to avoid distress' - National Post

Limited mealtimes ‘could increase motivation for exercise’, study with mice suggests – inews

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:44 am

NewsHealthResearchers want to test if their findings among mice also apply to people

Saturday, 19th October 2019, 12:01 am

Restricting how much food is eaten at mealtimes could have the potential to increase the motivation to exercise, a study has suggested.

Researchers in Japan believe this could be the result of a surge in the hormone ghrelin after they observed mice began to exercise voluntarily following a period of fasting.

They said their findings indicated that better diet control, such as limiting food intake or intermittent fasting, could help overweight people maintain a more effective exercise routine and lose weight.

Ghrelin, often referred to as the hunger hormone, stimulates appetite by increasing the motivation to eat.

The hormone has also been reported to be essential for endurance exercise by increasing metabolism to meet the energy demands of prolonged exercise.

Food and diet

The team, from Kurume University School of Medicine, said that while previous studies have suggested a relationship between ghrelin and exercise, it was not known if the hormones levels had a direct effect on motivation.

They decided to investigate the relationship between ghrelin levels and exercise in mice by comparing food intake and activity between those with free access to food and those fed only twice a day for a limited time.

The researchers found that although both groups ate a similar amount of food, the mice on a restricted diet ran significantly more.

Meanwhile, mice genetically altered to have no ghrelin and on the restricted feeding diet ran less than the mice given free access. However, this could be reversed by administering ghrelin.

The team found that mice given free access to food and also given ghrelin ran significantly more.

More work needed

Our findings suggest that hunger, which promotes ghrelin production, may also be involved in increasing motivation for voluntary exercise, when feeding is limited, said researcher Dr Yuji Tajiri.

Therefore, maintaining a healthy eating routine, with regular mealtimes or fasting, could also encourage motivation for exercise in overweight people.

However, Dr Tajiri warned that their findings, which have been published in the Journal of Endocrinology, were based on animal studies.

Much more work is needed to confirm that this ghrelin response is also present in people, he said.

If it can be established in clinical practice, it not only opens up new cost-effective diet and exercise strategies but may also indicate a new therapeutic application for ghrelin-mimicking drugs.

The team now plan to carry out more experiments to confirm their findings in humans.

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Limited mealtimes 'could increase motivation for exercise', study with mice suggests - inews

A woman ‘starved to death’ 10 years after weight-loss surgery, losing 75% of her body weight – INSIDER

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:44 am

A 44-year-old woman died of malnutrition 10 years after undergoing bariatric surgery for weight loss, according to a new reportfrom a local coroner.

Bariatric surgeries and eating disorders have a complicated relationship, with the procedures both attracting people with disordered eating patterns and leading to eating disorder symptoms.

Eating disorders and other life-threatening complications of gastric bypass surgery are rare. Most patients do well with extensive preparation and follow-up, including from dietitians and psychologists.

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A 44-year-old mother of three in the UK died after a decade of malnutrition and severe weight loss following a gastric bypass operation, according to the Manchester Evening News, which reported she 'starved to death.'

The woman, named Kimberly Wall, originally underwent the surgery, despite concerns from her family, after trying many other weight-loss strategies, according to the Evening News. She was pleased with the initial weight loss but later said she regretted it, becoming more depressed and anxious over time, the woman's mother told the news outlet.

Over the course of the 10 years, Wall who also may have had an eating disorder, according to a hospital that treated her had such difficulty eating she lost 75% of her body weight, dropping to just 70 pounds. She was unable to walk and had to be hospitalized, which she had been before.

Wall died a week after her last hospitalization from heart failure as a result of malnutrition, ruled by the coroner to be related to the bariatric surgery. "Kimberly's problem with nutrition is a rare but recognized complication of the gastric bypass surgery," the coroner said.

Bariatric surgeries include several procedures designed to help patients lose weight through various methods by reducing the size of the stomach or re-routing the digestive system.

Its risks are similar to those of other common surgical procedures such as a hip replacement or a gallbladder removal according to Melissa Majumdar, a bariatric dietitian who works with patients on proper diet and nutrition before and after weight-loss surgery.

Read more: The 'human Ken doll' has spent more than $750,000 on 72 cosmetic surgeries, and doctors warn that his addiction has gotten dangerous

"There might be cases of death, but there are cases of death with any type of surgery," Majumdar told Insider. Less than 1% of bariatric surgery patients die from the procedure or related complications, she said.

While there can be digestive complications of surgery such as nausea, vomiting, and trouble eating, those usually clear up after the first week post-surgery, Majumdar said.

After surgery, patients undergo extensive follow-ups with their medical team to help mitigate any complications, including nutritional deficiencies, digestive problems, or psychological issues. Typically, check-ins occur within a few weeks, six months, and a year after surgery but continue well into the long-term.

"What's unique about bariatric surgeries is that patients should follow up with their care team for life," Majumdar said.

Despite the relative safety of the procedures, bariatric surgery and eating disorders have a complicated relationship.

"People can go into bariatric surgery with disordered eating," Majumdar said. "In a culture of dieting and restriction, that's very common." On the other end, around 8% of eating disorder patients have had a bariatric surgery, according to the psychiatric department at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Which came first the disorder or the procedure is difficult to asses. Either way, eating disorders can be life-threatening, since malnutrition can cause dangerous amounts of weight loss, heart problems, and eventually cardiac arrest.

But serious eating disorders related to bariatric surgeries are rare, Majumdar added, in part because patients should be going through a thorough preparation ahead of time. For example, many care providers, including insurance companies and surgeons, require patients to consult with a bariatric psychologist before the procedure, at least in the U.S.

Bariatric surgery is far more than a single operation, Majumdar emphasized, but a long-term process. For it to work, patients need a variety of resources, including dietitians to monitor nutritional intake. Many bariatric programs also offer support groups to patients both before and after surgery.

"When you embrace the whole program, it's not just surgery," Majumdar said. "It's an entire process that involves a lot of education, preparation, consultation, and follow-up."

Read more:

Patients more likely to seek psychiatric help after weight-loss surgery

Instagram will restrict weight-loss and detox posts, but nutritionists say it's only one step in protecting teens from body image issues

Joaquin Phoenix said his 52-pound weight loss for 'Joker' made him 'go mad' and may have given him a disorder

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A woman 'starved to death' 10 years after weight-loss surgery, losing 75% of her body weight - INSIDER

Food pyramid: Big problem people have with healthy eating diagram –

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:44 am

If you grew up in Australia, chances are youre pretty familiar with the healthy eating food pyramid.

Coupled with a trip to Healthy Harolds van (if you were lucky), most of us can trace our first lessons in nutrition and what not to eat down to a pyramid poster.

But surprisingly, the healthy eating food pyramid has not been without controversy. Past versions encouraged people to eat bread and cereal in equally large portions to fruit and vegetables advice that now goes against todays nutritional guidelines.

This criticism has been loudest in the US, where its model (which is different to Australias) has been accused of being unduly influenced by food companies that make cereal.

Aloysa Hourigan, an accredited dietitian working with Nutrition Australia, the independent body responsible for formulating the pyramid here since its 1982 inception, told that while pressure from food companies over diet guidelines was very strong in the US, Australias pyramid wasnt actively lobbied.

Whatever advocacy or lobbying is going on there (in the US) might get reflected in their guidelines and then transferred across, she said.

We dont actively have people lobbying us (in Australia) to make certain changes, so weve really just used the evidence that the dietary guidelines are based on.

Ms Hourigan said while groups like the soft drinks lobby applied pressure on US dietary guidelines, it was minor by comparison in Australia.

There is some lobbying that goes on through the Australian Food and Grocery Council and other food manufacturers, but again its very much evidence-based, she said.


Like other countries around the world, the healthy eating food pyramid was introduced to Australia in the early 1980s.

Based on a Swedish eat more and eat less model invented in the 1970s, the pyramid model has been a popular teaching method in Australia since it was introduced here, Ms Hourigan said.

It was really developed as a tool, a food selection guide just to guide people in the proportions of food that would help you receive adequate nutrition, she said.

Currently in its sixth iteration since 1982, the pyramid changes in accordance with Australian dietary guidelines.

Ms Hourigan stressed that while the food pyramid shouldnt be viewed as an exact guide to what you should be putting on your plate, it conveyed an important message about the food we consume.

I think its important to recognise its not there to give people exact amounts its there just to guide people in general proportions of what would make up your diet, she said.

So, the fact that the plant-based foods need to provide about 70 per cent of the energy in your diet, thats an important message.


In 2015, the Australian food pyramid underwent its biggest transformation in more than three decades introducing a fourth tier on the pyramid and moving grains to an eat-less category above fruit and vegetables.

Herbs and spices were also added to the model they add flavour and contain antioxidants while heavily processed foods containing things like refined sugar were removed.

A significant thing thats changed in recent times is weve taken added sugars off the pyramid, she said.

We wanted to focus more on what people need to eat rather than saying well include some of these as well when theyre discretionary foods, like the things that are high in sugar and salt and saturated fat.

So weve changed it in this last revision so its much more reflective of messages of what to eat rather than what not to eat.


While the pyramid continues to be used by medical professionals and educators, its use in schools has lessened because of a new model the Australian Guide To Healthy Eatings plate, which breaks down daily intake into a pie chart.

(The pyramid) still is in some states but theres also the Australian Guide To Healthy Eating. Some governments dont like the confusion between the two models, as while theyre aligned, they prefer to just stick with the plate model, Ms Hourigan said.

But it doesnt mean that the pyramid is wrong, its just a different concept We actually believe that for some groups and communities its probably a bit of an easier concept, as pie charts are a bit difficult for people to understand.

While Ms Hourigan doesnt predict there will be any changes to the current pyramid anytime soon, she thinks the next model may incorporate aspects of the Mediterranean diet.

Nutrition is a changing science so it is possible there could be more shifts, but it will depend on what the science says when the dietary guidelines are revised, she said.

I think there is a lot of support around for things like the Mediterranean-style diet, and the pyramid is not at odds with that probably the proportions are slightly different with some things. I think its not out of sync with (the pyramid), but maybe things like the grains might in the Mediterranean diet, theyre probably there a little less.

Excerpt from:
Food pyramid: Big problem people have with healthy eating diagram -

Scientists Discover ‘Stormquakes,’ Small Earthquakes Triggered by Hurricanes and Other Major Storms – EcoWatch

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:44 am

2.Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps enhance the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from your gut (17Trusted Source).

This vitamin also influences many other bodily processes, including immune function, mood, memory, and muscle recovery (18, 19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source).

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin D for children and adults is 600 IU (15 mcg) per day. The elderly, as well as pregnant or lactating women, should aim for 800 IU (20 mcg) per day (22).

That said, some evidence suggests that your daily requirements are far greater than the current RDA (23Trusted Source).

Unfortunately, very few foods naturally contain vitamin D, and foods fortified with vitamin D are often considered insufficient to satisfy the daily requirements.

This could partly explain the worldwide reports of vitamin D deficiency among vegans and omnivores alike (19Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).

Aside from the small amount you get from your diet, vitamin D can be made from sun exposure. Most people likely make enough vitamin D by spending 15 minutes in the midday sun when the sun is strong as long as they don't use any sunscreen and expose most of their skin.

However, the elderly, people with darker skin, those who live in northern latitudes or colder climates, and those who spend little time outdoors may be unable to produce enough (25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source).

Furthermore, because of the known negative effects of excess UV radiation, many dermatologists warn against using sun exposure to boost vitamin D levels (28Trusted Source).

The best way vegans can ensure they're getting enough vitamin D is to have their blood levels tested. Those unable to get enough from fortified foods and sunshine should consider taking a daily vitamin D2 or vegan vitamin D3 supplement.

Although vitamin D2 is probably adequate for most people, some studies suggest that vitamin D3 is more effective at raising blood levels of vitamin D (29Trusted Source, 30Trusted Source).


Vitamin D deficiency is a problem among vegans and omnivores alike. Vegans unable to maintain normal blood levels through fortified foods and sun exposure should consider taking a supplement.

3. Long-Chain Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids can be split into two categories:

  • Essential omega-3 fatty acids: Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the only essential omega-3 fatty acid, meaning you can only get it from your diet.
  • Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids: This category includes eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They are not considered essential because your body can make them from ALA.

Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids play a structural role in your brain and eyes. Adequate dietary levels also seem important for brain development and reducing the risk of inflammation, depression, breast cancer, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source, 33Trusted Source, 34Trusted Source, 35Trusted Source, 36Trusted Source).

Plants with a high ALA content include flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, and soybeans. EPA and DHA are mostly found in animal products like fatty fish and fish oil.

Getting enough ALA should theoretically maintain adequate EPA and DHA levels. However, studies estimate that the conversion of ALA to EPA may be as low as 510%, while its conversion to DHA may be near 25% (37Trusted Source, 38Trusted Source).

Additionally, research consistently shows that vegetarians and vegans have up to 50% lower blood and tissue concentrations of EPA and DHA than omnivores (39Trusted Source).

Most health professionals agree that 200300 mg per day should be sufficient (39Trusted Source).

Vegans can reach this recommended intake by supplementing with algae oil.

What's more, minimizing your intake of omega-6 fatty acids from oils, including corn, safflower, sunflower, and sesame oils, as well as making sure to eat enough ALA-rich foods, may further help maximize EPA and DHA levels (40Trusted Source).


Vegans tend to have lower blood and tissue levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, they may benefit from supplementing with EPA and DHA.

4. Iodine

Getting enough iodine is crucial for healthy thyroid function, which controls your metabolism.

An iodine deficiency during pregnancy and early infancy can result in irreversible intellectual disability (41Trusted Source).

In adults, insufficient iodine intake can lead to hypothyroidism.

This can cause various symptoms, such as low energy levels, dry skin, tingling in your hands and feet, forgetfulness, depression, and weight gain (41Trusted Source).

Vegans are considered at risk of iodine deficiency, and studies report that vegans have up to 50% lower blood iodine levels than vegetarians (42Trusted Source, 43Trusted Source).

The RDA for adults is 150 mcg of iodine per day. Pregnant women should aim for 220 mcg per day, while those who are breastfeeding are recommended to further increase their daily intake to 290 mcg per day (44).

Iodine levels in plant foods depend on the iodine content of the soil in which they were grown. For instance, food grown close to the ocean tends to be higher in iodine.

The only foods considered to have consistently high iodine levels are iodized salt, seafood, seaweed, and dairy products, which pick up iodine from solutions used to clean cows and farm equipment.

Half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of iodized salt is sufficient to meet your daily needs.

Vegans who do not want to consume iodized salt or eat seaweed several times per week should consider taking an iodine supplement.


Iodine plays an important role in your thyroid function and metabolism. Vegans not getting enough iodine from seaweed or iodized salt should consider taking an iodine supplement.

5. Iron

Iron is a nutrient used to make new DNA and red blood cells, as well as carry oxygen in the blood. It's also needed for energy metabolism (45Trusted Source).

Too little iron can lead to anemia and symptoms like fatigue and decreased immune function.

The RDA is 8 mg for adult men and post-menopausal women. It increases to 18 mg per day for adult women, and pregnant women should aim for 27 mg per day (46).

Iron can be found in two forms: heme and non-heme. Heme iron is only available from animal products, whereas non-heme iron is found in plants (45Trusted Source).

Because heme iron is more easily absorbed from your diet than non-heme iron, vegans are often recommended to aim for 1.8 times the normal RDA. That said, more studies are needed to establish whether such high intakes are needed (47Trusted Source).

Vegans with a low iron intake should aim to eat more iron-rich foods, such as cruciferous vegetables, beans, peas, dried fruit, nuts, and seeds. Iron-fortified foods, such as cereals, enriched breads, and some plant milks, can further help (24Trusted Source, 48Trusted Source).

Also, using cast-iron pots and pans to cook, avoiding tea or coffee with meals, and combining iron-rich foods with a source of vitamin C can help boost iron absorption.

The best way to determine whether supplements are necessary is to get your hemoglobin and ferritin levels checked by your health practitioner.

Unnecessary intake of supplements like iron can do more harm than good by damaging cells or blocking the absorption of other minerals (49Trusted Source).

Extremely high levels can even cause convulsions, lead to organ failure or coma, and be fatal in some cases. Thus, it's best not to supplement unless it's truly necessary (50Trusted Source).


Vegans not getting enough iron from their diets should consider fortified foods or a supplement. However, overly high levels can be harmful, and iron supplements are not recommended for everyone.

6. Calcium

Calcium is a mineral that's necessary for good bone and teeth health. It also plays a role in muscle function, nerve signaling, and heart health.

The RDA for calcium is set at 1,000 mg per day for most adults and increases to 1,200 mg per day for adults over the age of 50 (51).

Plant sources of calcium include bok choy, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, watercress, broccoli, chickpeas, calcium-set tofu, and fortified plant milks or juices.

However, studies tend to agree that most vegans don't get enough calcium (52Trusted Source, 53Trusted Source).

An often-heard remark among the vegan community is that vegans have lower calcium needs than omnivores because they do not use this mineral to neutralize the acidity produced by a meat-rich diet.

More research is needed to evaluate how meatless diets affect daily calcium requirements. However, evidence suggests that vegans consuming less than 525 mg of calcium tend to have an increased risk of bone fractures (53Trusted Source).

For this reason, all vegans are encouraged to aim for the RDA, making sure they consume at least 525 mg of calcium per day. Supplements should be used if this can't be achieved through diet or fortified foods alone.


Vegans consuming too little dietary calcium should consider taking a daily supplement. This is especially important for those getting less than 525 mg per day.

7. Zinc

Zinc is a mineral that's crucial for metabolism, immune function, and the repair of body cells.

An insufficient intake of zinc can lead to developmental problems, hair loss, diarrhea, and delayed wound healing.

The RDA for zinc is currently set at 811 mg per day for adults. It increases to 1112 mg for pregnant women and 1213 mg for lactating women (54).

Few plant foods contain high amounts of zinc. Moreover, zinc absorption from some plant foods is limited due to their phytate content. Thus, vegetarians are encouraged to aim for 1.5 times the RDA (54).

While not all vegans have low blood levels of zinc, a recent review of 26 studies showed that vegetarians and especially vegans have lower zinc intakes and slightly lower blood levels of zinc than omnivores (55Trusted Source).

To maximize your intake, eat a variety of zinc-rich foods throughout the day. These include whole grains, wheat germ, tofu, sprouted breads, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Soaking nuts, seeds, and legumes overnight, eating enough protein, and consuming fermented foods, such as tempeh and miso, also seems to boost absorption (56Trusted Source).

Vegans concerned about their zinc intake or those with symptoms of a deficiency may consider taking a daily zinc gluconate or zinc citrate supplement that provides 50100% of the RDA.


Vegans unable to reach the zinc RDA should first focus on adding zinc-rich foods to their diets. Those with low blood levels of zinc should consider taking a daily supplement.

The bottom line

Well-planned vegan diets can fulfill your nutritional needs.

That said, certain nutrient requirements may be difficult to achieve through diet and fortified foods alone.

This is especially true for vitamin B12, vitamin D, and long-chain omega-3s.

All vegans who are unable to meet their dietary recommendations through diet alone should consider taking supplements. Still, it's best to speak with your healthcare provider before beginning a new supplement regime.

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Romney speculates Turkey called Trump’s bluff: ‘Are we so weak and inept?’ – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:44 am

In an impassioned speech on the Senate floor Thursday, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, blasted President Trumps decision to pull troops from defensive positions in Syria, and brought up the possibility that Turkey may have called Americas bluff in an exchange between Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Are we so weak and inept diplomatically that Turkey forced the hand of the United States of America? Turkey? Romney said. I believe that its imperative that public hearings are held to answer these questions, and I hope the Senate is able to conduct those hearings next week.

The transcript of the Oct. 6 phone call between Trump and Erdogan has not been made public. Shortly afterward, Trump, without notifying his national security staff or State Department, unilaterally ordered the small American contingent in northern Syria to abandon their positions, and Turkey began its assault three days later.

Romney said redeploying the troops that protected Kurdish allies from the Turkish military left a bloodstain on American history.

We know the truth about our Kurd allies. They lost 11,000 combatants in our joint effort to defeat ISIS. We dropped bombs from the air and provided intelligence and logistics behind the lines. The Kurds lost thousands of lives. Eighty-six brave Americans also lost their lives so tragically, Romney said. Its argued that the Kurds were fighting for themselves. Of course they were. Thats the nature of an alliance. We fight together, each pursuing our own vital interest.

A day earlier, Trump fought off criticism of his decision to clear the way for Turkish forces to enter northern Syria and battle Kurdish forces stationed there, calling the move strategically brilliant.

Im not going to get involved in a war between Turkey and Syria, especially when, if you look at the Kurds, and again I say this with great respect, theyre no angels, Trump told reporters at the White House on Wednesday as his own vice president and secretary of state headed to Turkey to try to persuade Erdogan to halt his military offensive.

Perhaps the most outspoken Republican critic of the president, Romney saw Trumps erratic foreign policy moves as antithetical to American values and a boon to U.S. foes.

This is a matter of American honor and promise. So too is the principle that we stand by our allies, that we do not abandon our friends. The decision to abandon the Kurds violates one of our most sacred duties. It strikes at American honor. What we have done to the Kurds will stand as a bloodstain in the annals of American history, Romney said. There are broad strategic implications of our decision as well. Iranian and Russian interests in the Middle East have been advanced as well. At a time when we are applying maximum pressure on Iran, by giving them a stronger hand in Syria, we have actually weakened that pressure. Russias objective to play a greater role in the Middle East has also been greatly enhanced. The Kurds, out of desperation, have aligned with Assad. So America is diminished; Russia, Iran and Assad are strengthened.

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Earlier in the day, Vice President Mike Pence announced that Erdogan had agreed to a five-day ceasefire with the Kurds on terms favorable to Turkey, and Trump celebrated that news as he departed for a campaign rally in Dallas.

This is an amazing outcome. This is an outcome, regardless of how the press would like to damp it down, this was something that theyve been trying to get for 10 years, Trump said. You would have lost millions and millions of lives. They couldnt get it without a little rough love, as I called it.

Before Pence announced the short-term ceasefire that would spare Turkey from further U.S. sanctions, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.,introduced a bill that would increase sanctions on Erdogans government well beyond those the Trump administration put in place this week.

Mr. President, as much as I like you and want to work with you, I am going to be consistent and I will hold you accountable," Graham said.

On Wednesday, two-thirds of Republican House members voted in favor of a resolution that rebuked Trump over his handling of the Kurdish situation. But on Thursday, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., blocked a vote on the same nonbinding resolution in the Senate.


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Romney speculates Turkey called Trump's bluff: 'Are we so weak and inept?' - Yahoo Lifestyle

FAA to test whether packed planes affect evacuation time – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:44 am

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) The size of your seat and how much legroom you'll get on a future flight could be decided by 720 Oklahomans taking part in a first-of-its-kind test to determine if jam-packed planes slow emergency evacuations.

Frequent flyers on U.S. airlines are all too aware that cramped economy cabins are detrimental to comfort. But federal officials who write airline safety rules have never tested whether smaller seats or tightly packed rows have any effect on evacuation time.

"It is a big pet peeve of flyers, but that doesn't necessarily mean that there is a safety issue," said Stacey Zinke-McKee, a medical-research official at the Federal Aviation Administration facility in Oklahoma City where the tests are being conducted.

Beginning next month, FAA researchers will recruit people from churches, universities and online to come up with a test group similar to the overall U.S. population. Sixty at a time, they will be seated in a simulator laid out like a Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320, planes commonly used on domestic flights.

Flight attendants will tell them to get out of the simulator money will be paid to the first ones off to mimic the sense of panic that occurs in an emergency. Then the seats and rows will be reconfigured, and they will run the tests again four times with each group of 60 volunteers.

The researchers will compare tests to see if smaller seats or tighter rows make any difference. A dramatic difference would presumably be reason for FAA to set more generous minimum standards for the airlines to follow. An FAA rulemaking panel will use that data to help set seating standards for airlines, with a decision possible by late next year.

The average American adult is about 10 pounds (4 1/2 kilograms) heavier than just two decades ago, according to government figures, and airlines are squeezing more passengers into the economy cabin to make more room for high-paying customers in business class. That means tighter rows in the back of the plane.

Congress last year ordered the FAA to set minimums for seat sizes and the distance between rows.

Airlines "are cramming in more and more and more seats, closer and closer together. People are getting bigger," House Transportation Committee Chairman Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., told the FAA's deputy administrator at a hearing last month. "I don't believe we can meet the standard anymore" for rapid evacuations.

The distance from any point on a seat say, the front of the armrest and the same spot on the seat in the next row is called pitch, and pitch has been shrinking. A few years ago, the standard was around 34 inches (86 centimeters). Today in the economy cabin of U.S. airlines it is more often around 30 or 31 inches (76 to 79 centimeters), and even tighter on some, including Spirit Airlines.

Planes are also more crowded. The average flight now is about 85% full it was 88% on Delta over the summer and during peak hours every seat is taken.

Consider also that more passengers carry bags on board, and hundreds of thousands of them bring an emotional-support animal too, and it stands to reason that it will take longer to get everybody out during an emergency.

Until last year, the FAA resisted calls to set minimum seat and row standards, saying those are matters of passenger comfort, not safety, and it's a safety regulator.

The FAA's Deputy Administrator Daniel Elwell agreed at last month's congressional hearing that Americans are getting bigger, but he noted that in two recent accidents that destroyed planes a 2014 Asiana crash in San Francisco that killed three passengers, and a 2018 Aeromexico crash in Durango, Mexico, with no deaths other passengers were able to evacuate safely.

"Survivability today is much, much better," he said.

Since the 1980s, the FAA has taken steps to make evacuations faster. It shortened the distance between emergency exits, it improved access to smaller exits like those over the wings under pressure from Congress and it required airlines to judge whether people sitting in exit rows can physically operate the door and help others get out.

By this time next year, we might know whether minimum seat sizes and legroom will be added to that list.

See more here:
FAA to test whether packed planes affect evacuation time - Yahoo Lifestyle

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