Many people wonder what they can do immediately to manage their chronic health condition. The science can be confusing and complex, especially to those with Hashimotos hypothyroidism and other autoimmune diseases, because these disorders can lead to brain fog, fatigue, and loss of cognitive function that make it hard to figure out what to do next.
What people frequently fail to realize is that underlying all of these conditions is the most important foundation of all, and something you have the power to change right now your diet.
In this article, Ill give you the dietary basics for the autoimmune protocol (AIP). The autoimmune protocol is an effective diet and lifestyle protocol that helps autoimmune patients overcome the core underlying factors preventing recovery, including inflammation, leaky gut, hormone imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, micronutrient deficiencies, and immune system dysregulation.
The autoimmune protocol diet is an elimination and reintroduction protocol: For a time you eliminate foods that are known to drive inflammation and resulting symptoms, and then you reintroduce foods methodically to rule out reactivity.
The optimal end result is a diet and lifestyle that support your health while avoiding factors that undermine it.
The diet explained here is stricter than the one in my books. It became clear, based on the research and the experience of many people, that a more stringent approach is often necessary. The diet must be very basic and simple so as not to trigger inflammation in the intestines and further worsen leaky gut and autoimmune flare-ups.
The literature identifies nutritional and herbal compounds that can facilitate your gut-repair progress, which I will introduce in the second edition of the thyroid book, or which your practitioner can help you with. However, this diet is powerful therapy on its own.
In any autoimmune condition, there are several key problem areas that underlie symptoms. The autoimmune protocol seeks to address each of these, bringing the body back into balance so it can function properly.
These are always good basic guidelines with which to start whether you are waiting to work with a practitioner or are going it alone:
When considering this diet the fist thing people ask is what can they eat.In fact youll be eating the way people ate for most of human history theres plenty of food that doesnt come from a factory or an industrialized farm. Of course, if you have an intolerance to any of these foods, dont eat it just because its on this list.
Most organic vegetables:Include as much variety as possible, making sure to include the full color spectrum; anise, arrugula, artichoke, asparagus, beets and their greens, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chives, cucumbers, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, mustard greens, olives, onions, parsley, radishes, rhubarb, shallots, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes and yams (not true potatoes), water chestnuts, watercress, zucchini, etc. Vegetables from the brassica family (broccoli, kale, etc.) are no longer considered bad for thyroid function; please see this article for more information.
Quality meats:beef, chicken, bison, pork, lamb, turkey, and wild game. Select hormone-free and antibiotic-free chicken, turkey, and lamb. Chicken has high Omega 6 content; eat in moderation, and if you consume more, also eat a lot of Omega 3 oils to compensate (see bottom of this section for proper ratios). Select beef that is grass fed, hormone free, and antibiotic free. Best choice arelocally-raised grass-fed and pastured meats; second best is organic. Avoid factory-farmed meats that contain antibiotics and hormones.
Organ meats and offal: heart, liver, kidney, tongue, and bone broth. An important concentrated form of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and essential amino acids.
Glycine-rich foods: Include foods containing connective tissue, organ meat, joints, skin, or bone broth.
Fish and shellfish: Seek out ocean-caught cold water, low mercury fish with high fat content. Swordfish, most tuna, and king mackerel are very high in mercury.
Quality fats: pasture-raised, grass-fed animal fats, fatty cold water fish, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, low-mercury Omega 3 supplements.
Low glycemic organic fruits: apples, apricots, avocados, berries, cherries, grapefruit, lemons, peaches, pears, plums, etc. Keep sugar intake between 10 and 20g per day.
Edible mushrooms: Mushrooms are generally fine for most individuals. However, some people with autoimmune conditions may react to immune-stimulating fungi such as Maitake and mushroom-derived beta-glucan, so monitor your response.
Probiotic and fermented foods: sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled ginger, fermented cucumbers, coconut yogurt (guar-gum free), kombucha, water kefir, coconut milk kefir, supplements, etc. You may need to make your own or buy one of the few brands that are genuinely fermented and free of sugars or additives. Also, search for information about anaerobic fermented foods in air-tight containers; these ferments do not produce histamines that some people react to (including rashes, digestive upset, inflammation) commonly found in aerobic, or open, ferments typically using mason jars.
Coconut:coconut aminos, coconut milk (guar gum free), coconut water and coconut water vinegar, coconut cream (not concentrate), and coconut oil. Whole coconut products (coconut butter, coconut cream concentrate, coconut flakes and chips, unsweetened coconut yogurt, fresh coconut) have high inulin fiber and moderately high phytic acid, which causes some individuals digestive issues consume in moderation until you know your tolerance level.
Noodles:Shirataki yam noodles (sold in Asian grocery stores and some natural food stores) are fine, but avoid the noodles that contain tofu (soy).
Herbs and spices: basil, cilantro, cinnamon, coriander, clove, cumin, garlic, ginger, horseradish, lemongrass, mace, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, saffron, sea salt, thyme, turmeric (black pepper is considered a reintroduction item). Avoid iodized salt unless you are deficient in iodine.
Vinegars: apple cider, balsamic, champagne, coconut, red wine, sherry, ume plum, white wine. Avoid grain-based vinegars: rice and distilled white.
Teas: black, green white, yerba mate (avoid caffeine if you have adrenal fatigue).
Other: herbal teas, carob, rooibos tea, deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) (but not whole licorice root), vanilla extract (if cooked). In moderation: fructose (in fruit and starchy vegetables), pomegranate molasses. Very occasionally: maple syrup and maple sugar, honey, dried fruit, dates and date sugar, molasses, unrefined cane sugar (sucanat, evaporated cane juice, muscovado). Each person has unique tolerance to sugars monitor your response.
Grey areas depending on individual sensitivities: legumes with edible pods (green beans, snow peas). Whole bean coffee in moderation (caution: many instant coffees show gluten contamination). Sugars: Some people have strong reactions to even small amounts of sugars; monitor your response. Seaweeds (high in iodine): Some people with Hashimotos may not do well with additional iodine in the diet.
A note on fatty acids: Consuming a proper ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is key for minimizing inflammation in the body. Too much omega-6 is highly inflammatory, so its important to get enough omega-3 (anti-inflammatory) to compensate. The average American ratio is close to 25 parts omega-6 to 1 part omega-3, resulting in high levels of inflammation. Researchers recommend a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids that ranges from 1:1 to 4:1 for optimal health and prevention of disease.
The autoimmune protocol diet is an elimination and reintroduction protocol: For a time you eliminate foods that are known to drive inflammation and resulting symptoms, and then you reintroduce foods methodically to rule out reactivity.
Everyone asks how long the elimination phase might take, because nobody likes to make major changes in their habits. Timing on reintroductions depends on the individual. A good rule of thumb is to wait for reintroductions until you notice a marked improvement in your symptoms and quality of life; for some thats 30 days, for others its months or even a year.
It may take time to unwind the self-perpetuating inflammatory cycles that lie beneath your symptoms, and its important to not rush into reintroductions. If you begin reintroductions while you are still highly symptomatic you will not be able to gauge whether or not a reintroduced food is causing a reaction and youll need to start over again.
Your stress level, sleep quality, exercise level, nutrient intake, genetics, oral tolerance and underlying health issues will affect your reactions to foods. This affects when you can start reintroductions, and also means as your status with these factors improves over time, you may be able to reintroduce certain foods that previously tested as reactive.
Sometimes, one successfully reintroduces a food, then symptoms start to return. If this happens to you, it may mean you need to stay away from a food you thought was a good addition, until a later date or even permanently.
Symptoms can be represented by any change; digestive upset, mood changes, fatigue, pain, sleep issues, brain fog, skin rash, etc.
IMPORTANT: If you have a reaction to a food reintroduction, you must wait until those symptoms are completely gone before moving on to the next reintroduction.
For more details on how to manage reintroductions properly, please consult with your healthcare practitioner.
Some foods are more likely cause a reaction than others. Its best to reintroduce foods lowest on that list first, ending with the most-likely items. If you have had food sensitivity testing done, leave any foods you have a diagnosed sensitivity for until the end of reintroductions. A general order of reintroduction is:
Egg yolks first: Most people tolerate the yolks well; intolerance is more common to the whites. Research shows soy protein is transferred to eggs; soy is a common chicken feed, so if you are intolerant to soy, you may find soy-fed chicken eggs are reactive for you.
Seeds before nuts
Introduce one item at a time, not mixed: seed-based spices (no nightshades), oils, butters, flours; raw nuts (soaked); toasted (beware store-bought seeds roasted in non-compliant oils); cocoa; coffee (in moderation).
Grass-fed ghee then butter; raw goat yogurt/kefir, milk, cheese; raw cow dairy in the same order. Why raw, why this order? Raw dairy has live enzymes that make it easier to digest. Dairy has three components; butterfat, lactose and casein. Butterfat doesnt cause a problem for many people; intolerance is more common for lactose and casein. Therefore ghee and butter come first. Goat dairy is easier to digest than cow dairy.
These come last because they are the most common food intolerance for those with autoimmune conditions, and if you have an inflammatory reaction, it takes longer to calm down and continue with reintroductions. Be sure to reintroduce one vegetable at a time. You might react to all, or only to some.
Consider never consuming
TomatoesNSAIDS (they disrupt gut health)Grains/Gluten (most reactivity is related to molecular mimicry).Reintroduction of other foods depends on your individual health history and needs.
Grains and legumes are high in proteins called lectins. Lectins have been shown to degrade the intestinal barrier, adding to leaky gut. They can also be transported through the damaged intestinal wall into the bloodstream, where they may bind to insulin receptors and leptin receptors. Some believe lectins may also have the ability to desensitize these receptors, thus contributing to insulin resistance and leptin resistance.
When transported through the gut wall into the blood stream, leptins can also set off an immune reaction that further damages the intestinal wall and sets off systemic inflammation, further supporting the autoimmune reaction.
Grains, legumes and some other foods present problems for other reasons. Research has shown that many gluten-intolerant people cross-react with other foods. In other words, their body erroneously recognizes other foods as gluten and reacts with an immune response that destroys not only the food proteins, but bodily tissue.
Not surprisingly, most grains fall into the category of top 24 foods most often to cause cross-reactivity, including amaranth and quinoa.
Other common cross-reactive foods include dairy, chocolate, sesame,and instantcoffee. Fortunately it is now possible to test which foods might be provoking a cross-reaction to gluten, which you can read abouthere.
I tell all my gluten-free patients to avoid corn, even though this contradicts the advice on many gluten-free websites. The protein in corn is similar enough to that in wheat and wheat-like grains that it can provoke an immune response. Also, corn has been bred over the years to resist pests. Unfortunately this bred into corn a compound called fucosamine, which is carcinogenic.
Tree nuts are one of the top allergens and food sensitivities. Leaky gut is exceedingly common in autoimmune patients, and it increases the likelihood of developing food allergies and sensitivities. By removing seeds and nuts from the diet during elimination phase, one is better able to determine if a sensitivity exists.
In addition, the fiber in nuts and seeds can contribute to gut irritation.
Nighshades contain digestion-resistant and gut-irritating lectins, saponins, and capsaicin (a steroidal stimulant) that can contribute to leaky gut, as well as pass through the gut lining and contribute to systemic inflammation and immune reactivity.
For those battling a history of weight issues or an eating disorder, this diet can be filled with emotional triggers. In these cases I highly recommendsupport for underlying subconscious beliefs about food, eating, and your body. Ideas include hypnotherapy, emotional freedom technique (EFT) workshops or instruction, guided meditations and visualizations. You will find plenty of instruction online.
Subconscious beliefs aside, many are pleasantly surprised to find cravings and obsessions with food diminish or disappear once they remove immune reactive foods, stabilize blood sugar, and eat a nutrient-dense diet.
Many embarking on this diet are entering new territories of food. You may need to shop at different stores or order things online. I have supplied a list of popular sources on theresourcepage.
The autoimmune diet protocol can seem daunting at first, and planning is essential to success. Fortunately, ample support exists on the internet today for a diet such as this. There are online tribes for many variations of diet including paleo, primal, GAPS, SCD, and AIP.
You must have the right foods on hand at all times; its helpful to batch cook so you have meals at hand and are not tempted to fall off the wagon. Thankfully, there are now plenty of great websites that offer recipes compliant with the autoimmune diet, also called the Autoimmune Protocol or AIP.
This dietary and lifestyle protocol is powerful on its own, however to boost the repair and recovery effects, please work with a qualified healthcare practitioner who understands the connections between gut health and the brain, immune system, and endocrine system. He or she can provide you with proven nutritional compounds that have been shown to significantly aid the process of repair and recovery and unwind self-perpetuating inflammatory cycles in the gut and body.
To learn more about why these foods are so important to include or avoid, please see my Oral Tolerance and Save Your Brain courses.
I am working on a book dedicated to leaky gut, gluten, and autoimmunity. I also highly suggest my newest bookWhy Isnt My Brain Working?to learn about ways your brain plays a role in your gut and immune health.
More here:
Autoimmune gut-repair diet Autoimmune protocol | Dr. K. News