Heart failure occurs when your heart doesn't pump blood around your body as efficiently as it should or normally does. This makes it extremely difficult for your body to get as much blood and oxygen as it needs to function properly and this then causes the symptoms of heart failure, such as experiencing severe shortness of breath.
It is a disorder in which the heart pumps blood inadequately, leading to reduced blood flow, back-up (congestion) of blood in the veins and lungs, and other changes that may further weaken the heart.
One of the greatest blessings of our Creator is the ability to consume and enjoy the blessing of food. However, we have become a culture of greed, embellishment and food obsession. We need to go on diets that focus on less calorie intake because diets of this nature are extremely beneficial for our hormones.
This is particularly applicable to eating less fried and cholesterol-laden foods that tend to impact the sexual and reproductive hormones. Many of these hormones are responsible for providing us with our vigour and vitality, thus enhancing our youthful appearance.
With fewer energy resources directed towards digesting food and removing toxins, the cells have more time to carry-out essential repair work. This means the skin can be protected against aging caused by free radicals. This also works towards faster regeneration of new, tighter tissues and a slower aging precess. Thus, by eating less, you have a greater chance of looking younger for a longer period of time.
There are very few diets that actually work. Eating less food is the most effective method for weight loss, but it's obviously one of the most challenging since not only do we enjoy food but we experience strong cravings for it, which overrides our better sense.
People tend to eat what's in front of them, and studies have found that people, not surprisingly, eat considerably more when they're given larger plates and cups. Researchers therefore suggest that methods like reducing the default plate and drink size, eliminating the largest package sizes of junk foods and soft drinks, and stopping the practice of discounting the largest sized items would go a long way to help people lose weight, or not gain it in the first place.
Studies have shown that eating from a smaller plate tricks your brain into thinking you have a bigger meal to consume.
A bigger plate will allow us to eat more; and we can easily underestimate the calories in our over-sized portions. So it makes sense to save your larger dinner plates for special occasions and serve your regular meals with a green salad.
Consuming lots of water and herbal tea will help keep you satisfied throughout the day. Staying hydrated will prevent you from eating when you are not actually hungry, since hunger is very easily confused with thirst.
Water is one of the few things you can indulge in as much as you want without any negative effect, so it's essential to always keep adequate water on hand. You will prevent dehydration, keep your energy levels up and keep your cravings to a minimum.
Heart failure is a common occurrence in T&T and can happen in people of any age, even in young children (especially those born with a heart defect). However, it is much more common among older people, because older people are more likely to have disorders that damage the heart muscle or the heart valves.
The disorder is likely to become more common because people are living longer and because, in this country, certain risk factors for heart disease (such as smoking, high blood pressure, and a high-fat diet) are affecting more people.
Heart failure does not mean that the heart has stopped. It means that the heart cannot keep up with the work required to pump adequate blood to all parts of the body. However, this definition is somewhat simplistic. Heart failure is complex, and no simple definition can encompass its many causes, aspects, forms, and consequences. One thing I do know is that this nation needs to alter its dietary habits and improve its health so that we can enjoy a better quality of life.
Read the original:
T&T, we need to change our dietary habits - Trinidad & Tobago Express